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Fishin show or 30min infomercial? 2024

fishing user avatarBassinSoldier reply : 

 Is anybody else sick of how most of the shows on these days end up being 30minutes of some pro or another plugging a lure company for half an hour???  What happened to all the good shows that had useful information?  I was watching proteam journal with chad brauer and was counting how many times he and greg hackney said "red-eye shad".  I quit at 20 and wondered if these guys had trained with Roland Martin (the world's worst).  I just felt like venting guys, sorry for the rant. :P

fishing user avatarPapa_Tom reply : 

Just as frustrating for me is to be watching a show where they are whacking 'em and not let you know what they are using.  This doesn't happen as often anymore.  I guess they gotta pay the bills, but I agree.  Sometimes it seems like overkill.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

I understand your rant.  Thats why I quit watching these shows because of this constant advertising.  There are a few that I still like but I got better things to do.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Roland Martin's show was unwatchable for me.  Then one day I watched it and was pretty much laughing through the show.  Funniest show on TV!!!!  I love to see how he gets his plugs in there.  I can't wait to see how he gets the "Rocket Rod" in there ..... I can see it now ...... "Now this is the perfect time to use this" (as he reaches into his rod box and pulls out the rocket rod) ;D ;D

fishing user avatarBD reply : 

I enjoy watching the tx shows, the bass pros, linder's show, the fishin' hole (which is over after this year :(  ) bass champs, etc etc etc.

Roland does get those plugs in there though.

fishing user avatarBassBeat101 reply : 

I understand that protecting your skin is very important, but d**n Roland, if you have to apply that sunscreen you keep pushing that often, might I suggest nightfishing?  Actually, he would still probably apply it.

I'm a fish junkie that likes to see fish being caught, so I'll watch a half hour informercial on anything that's catching fish.  

Although Roland's is about the only one where I don't learn a thing.  Even Shaw Grigsby will throw something in that I didn't know.


fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 
I understand that protecting your skin is very important, but d**n Roland, if you have to apply that sunscreen you keep pushing that often, might I suggest nightfishing? Actually, he would still probably apply it.


Wouldnt he need Moonscreen for that.  That full moon can be harsh on the skin.  You ever had a moon burn. Wow its painful.

I'm going to market that and have him advertise it. I think I will ship free dvd rewinders with it.

BTW  The linders have the best show going IMO.

fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 

Though Roland is bad, the big guy from Fishing University is the worst.  The whole show is based on a product.  This past week the show was about lures made from real food that you can eat.  He caught a smallmouth, then he bite his lure and half and ate it (to demonstrate you can really eat the lure).  I want to see the next day where he was stuck on the toilet with disentary from the bacteria that was in the water and on the fish that rubbed off on the lure before he ate it.  Now that would be a show.

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

That's business though.  The bigger the industry gets, the more money the industry stands to make, as long as they pound it into your head that their product is the best for the job.  Or if they can get a deal with a BIG name in the industry to promote the products.  

I laugh through Martins show too.  I always look forward to his sun screen plug.  I loose it when he stops fishing, grabs the sun screen and explains where to put it and how.  And.... how he puts it on every few minutes.  Funny stuff!  ;D

The worst part is, I have no clue what kind of sun screen he plugs. :-/

fishing user avatarShad_Master reply : 

Maybe there needs to be a drinking game where you do a shot every time Roland makes a plug.

fishing user avatarRI_Bass_Guy reply : 

Reality is most of the fish "caught" were placed on the lures hook on the boat and put in the water,given line and then fought in. I have seen this first hand while fishing the Big O out of Rloand Martins marina.

fishing user avatarShadcranker reply : 

Roland and Charlie Ingram (Fishing U) are the worst!

I also quit watching Bill Dance b/c all he does is fish private strip pits in FL that no one else can fish. All he catches is 5lb fish, that heaven't seen a lure in 10 yrs.

the best shows IMO are:


2. The new BPS outdoors fishing show (KVD, Evers, Woo, Quinn, etc.).

3. Bass Edge

4. Ultimate Match Fishing w/ Joe Thomas (love it b/c they file on 2 of my favorite lakes- G'ville and Ky / Barkley).

fishing user avatardeadeye32. reply : 

"i'm just gonna grab my bogo grip" drives me nuts, and listening to Rolands wife all day would make me drive my boat straight over the dam.

fishing user avatarRI_Bass_Guy reply : 

When is Roland gonna Bass fish florida with that stupid gun/fishing pole that he is help market?? ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarjdw174 reply : 

Try watching "Fishing University" with Charlie Ingram.  Each show is a half hour devoted to one of his sponsors product.  Bill Dance does Strike King quite a bit.  Roland is a joke.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Don 't know what 's worse, the guy pushing products or 3 casts and a danged series of commercial spots.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

I guess that's why I like Hank Parker's show.  Ya the plug is there, but it's not in your face like the others.  The real focus is about teaching/entertainment.  The product plugs seem to blend in better and are more seamless.

fishing user avatarCrazedL.IFisherman reply : 

My fishing buddy and i have gone over this often, i agree with all of your opinions on the topics that stink about fishing shows, one i have to add is most of the shows dont talk about the how to part, like the whole pattern used, entire retrieve of a lure basically all the ins and outs, they briefly say this is how you use it and thats it, the camera doesnt even zoom in and give you 5 good minutes of the how to, i mean we all have fished most lures the hosts have including myself, but id still like to see their actual technique, im always learning new stuff  :'(

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

The Bass Pros is a very good show.  Bill Dance still gives a lot of information.  I'm Ok with the Lindner's and In-Fisherman.  I used to be Ok with Roland Martin but it has been years since he has done a show that wasn't mostly about product.  I understand these guys have to make money, but Bill Dance gives a lot of info without being in your face.  Someone mentioned Roland using the sunscreen.  Look at how dark Roland's skin is.  Does he really think we believe that he applies any sunscreen on a regular basis?  Give me a break.  

fishing user avatarbocabasser reply : 

lucky craft guy you are right about fishing university. i saw the episode you spoke of, and man that guy is horrible. and to top it off he ate that bait.

fishing user avatarBassPonder72 reply : 

The Bass Pros on VS is the most informative show out there.  Whatever technique they choose to focus on each week gets explained in depth.  It is the one show I watch because I know I will learn from it.  The others I watch just because I can't stop.

fishing user avatardink reply : 

I recently watched an episode of Fishing U. where charlie said they were catching fish on lizards. Yet, the fish that were caught on tape clearly had baby brush hogs stuck to their faces. I thought, "Is he trying to keep creature baits a secret?" ;D ;D On the other hand, much respect to Hank. He is able to teach without the "look what I did" syndrome.

fishing user avatarVAbacklash reply : 

I haven't watched Roland in years. Does he still yell ;D SON!! ;D like he used to do whenever he ;) "hooked" a fish? My favorite was Orlando Wilson.

fishing user avatarVekol reply : 

I've gotten pretty addicted to a show called "Fun Fishing." The show is shot in Northern California, and has two hosts. One is a fairly knowledgeable fisherman by the name of Alan Fong. The other is kind of a fishing dunce by the name of Warren Trumbly. Alan gives Warren a constant stream of good natured abuse over Warren's various ineptitudes, like when he let a striper get away with a sponsor donated $500 rod and reel. Sometime during the show, Alan gives Warren--and the audience--a detailed explanation of the techniques and equipment he has been using during the show. This past weekend he explained rippin and jig fishing. Yes, the plugs are there, but at least there is detailed information given too. Everyone has to make a living. The show's only drawbacks, for some folks anyhow, is that it is multi-species, and you will need to recieve Fox Sports West or Northwest to view it.

fishing user avatarbassrogue reply : 

Roland has two products that he always gets in there. The sunscreen and his rain gear. He will come up with any reason to put on his rain gear.

75* and sunny, not a cloud in the sky. "Son, you don't need rain to put on this great jacket. It keeps your collar down when drivin"

I stopped watching Roland because of all his product plugging.

fishing user avatarBassChaser57 reply : 

What about Jimmy Houston. Normally you guys have a Jimmy rant. Did he get overlooked?? 8-)

fishing user avatarllPa1nll reply : 

I personally think Bill Dance is the worst offender seemed like every other commercial was him plugging away WalMart. The other funny thing about Bill Dance is he never fishes a public lake ever. Next time you see a show look around never a dock or a house nearby or another boat. All private lakes, anyone can haul freight when your fishing a private stocked lake that gets no pressure.

fishing user avatarhi_steel_basser reply : 

What time does that "bass pros" show come on vs ? I haven't turned my tv on since I got on the internet, except to watch football. I am fed up with all the fishing shows. The last time I watched fishing on TV, Bass Saturday had turned into whatever saturday. Don't these people realize they are throwing buckets of money and ratings away?! I'd love to find a show that concentrated on the technical side of bassin', not the infomercial side. Also, pain, comparing Bill Dance to Roland Martin is dirty. Bill Dance fishes water that is easy, Roland doesn't fish.

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

I am afraid the old days of tournament fishing are over. Bass tournaments are a industry like any other now, especially since ESPN took over the reins. I don't think you will see any other format other than advertising ever again. I miss those shows as well. I was a big fan of the " Fishin Hole " and  " The In Fisherman ". Ah, the good old days. :)

fishing user avatarBassPonder72 reply : 
What time does that "bass pros" show come on vs ?  

Check the VS website.  I'm not sure when the original airs.  I just look through my on screen guide and set my DVR to record it.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Below is a link for the schedule of "The Bass Pros."  It is sponsored by Bass Pro Shops.  The schedule is on their site.

fishing user avatarmferris reply : 

i like shaw grigsby but he also plugs his products..i always wait for the triton boat comments..last weeks show he had his guest start with the lead in about triton....i also feel the same as others about bill dance,i would like to fish the places he fishes...i bet most of us could have a very good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

fishing user avatarkrisjack69 reply : 

I watch alot of the outdoor channel and versus fishing shows.My fav tv shows would be jimmy houston, bill dance, hank parker bass fishing shows, alan warren when he's bass fishing and the bass pro fishing show but I change the channel if there talking about smallmouths since there aren't any around here.I don't care for other hunting or fishing shows.I just care about largemouth fishing shows.I don't watch bassmaster any more.They used to have a segment that teaches u something but I don't they do that anymore on espn.The used to have on tnn back in the day.Whatever happened to Orlando Wilson.I believe when spike tv took over tnn they canceled the show then all the shows move to oln.Orlando Wilson show was one of my favorite fishing shows and its been years since I seen his show.

fishing user avatardhuffnmu reply : 

I can't stand most fishing shows.  My biggest thing against bassmasters is how much they talk in studio and don't show guys fishing.  They go to them for a few seconds then go back to studion and talk and talk and talk then back to water for a few seconds.  ANNOYING.  Especially there classic coverage.  That is horrible.  Some of the best shows are Angling Edge they do promote gear and products but they explain what they are doing with underwater footage or nice graphs and charts and the such.  Vary informative.  Bill Dance, Roland Martin and some of those shows couldn't pay me to watch them let alone sit on a boat with them and listen to that crap all day long.  I want to see them go to places normal people have to fish and catch fish like that.  They would look funny.  Oh man no need for the boga grip today!  

fishing user avatarMinuteman reply : 
Roland has two products that he always gets in there. The sunscreen and his rain gear.

Since I'm on disability I get to watch all of them. Roland Martin actually pulled it off recently. Yes, He used sunscreen and rain gear on the same show. He had already plugged the sunscreen and as they were getting ready to leave later in the day there was some black clouds coming in the distance. He figured since they had a long run they better put their rain gear on for the ride back.

I had wondered if he could get both of them plugged on a show with a straight face for a while. Seeing it happen I was celebrating like I just scored a TD in the Super Bowl.

Charlie Ingram (Fishing U) is so good at it he doesn't miss a beat. They must edit that show heavily. I don't know how he can nail a monster SMouth and by the time he lands it he has somehow even mentioned the outboard motor company.

The sponsors must love Charlie.

fishing user avatarjonnylee82 reply : 

I haven't seen it on the air for a while, but The Scott Martin Fishing Challenge is a pretty cool show. Like every show, there's a plug for whatever his sponsors want him to show, but the rest of the show has him and a competitor in a mini tournament. They talk about the patterns they discover and on the water adjustments. It's one of the best for tournament information. I also like the BPS and the Lindners's Angling Edge tv show.

fishing user avatarboondocks reply : 

IMO In-Fisherman and Lindners Angling Edge are the two best.

I was a little shocked when I seen Roland Martin promoting the "Rocket Rod". Although I have to add that my 5 year old daughter wants one in the worst way. If thats what it takes to get her into fishing, I'll probably get one. I'll probably get two, one for myself also. I bet that would make for some good laughs at a local fishing tournament.


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