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do you ever loose the passion? 2024

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I don't know why, but for some reason I'm not as motivated as usual to go out and fish.  Can't explain it. Yeah it's hot, and I have some aches and pains, but theres nothing new about that.  It never discouraged me before.  Something is missing in the desire department.

Maybe I should take up golf for a while (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)

Seriously, I'm at a sort of impasse.

Ever happen to you?

If so, what made it pass.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey Avid Ive been there sometimes I think its God's way of helping us keep all the important things in our Lives in Balance

 Ill tell you the single best thing that got me out of a bad I DONT NEED NO SINKIN FISHIN fut. I got a girlfriend who kept wanting me to go shopping with her THAT WAS ENOUGH TO SCARE MY BUTT bsck into a fishing boat

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

That's the benefit of New England, nothing gets old except the people and the buildings.  We have 4 seasons, every one drastically different.  The cabin fever in the winter creates such a drive and passion each year that I do wonder if I would "tire" of it for periods if not for the layover.

The passion doesn't leave.  It will always be there,it's who you are but maybe the need to express it can come to be outweighed by the hassle some days of the aches and pains and troubles it takes to launch the boat,etc, etc.

My passion also mutates.  From freshwater to salt to fly fishing, all different aspects and angles.  Perhaps you could participate in somthing fishing related as opposed to direct time on the water.

Maybe start building rods or making tackle for a hobby. Now your outtings aren't just fishing trips but somthing new,...R & D trips.  You may find a new excitement.

Or perhaps you could go on a mission.  Start a CAST for kids event.


Just take someone new fishing with you.  This is my latest mutation.  Dirk can't fish as much anymore, family and all, so I have been taking all kinds of new people right down to the people I meet here.

Anyone wanna fish with Avid?  I know I would if I were more south.  Trust me, it wouldn't be the same as when you go alone,...I PROMISE!

Mix it up, who knows.....

Yersterday I took a UPS buddy who is shipping off to Iraq soon.  Much more rewarding day giving him a thank you gift before he goes than if I went alone.

Sgt  Scott Horridge


fishing user avatarMadhouse27 reply : 

Avid, I've been right where you are and it just passed on its own after a couple of days. In this 24/7 world that we live in, it's easy to get burned out on something. We fish after work and on the weekends, shop, post, chat and research fishing on the internet, watch the fishing shows we TIVO'd, work on our equiptment and's almost insanity. You almost need to take a break if nothing else to simply recharge your battery. I think take a step or two back. Do a project around the house thats going to take a few days. You'll be back as good as new in no time.

fishing user avatarBillyJack reply : 

Take a youngster out and focus on putting them on some good fish. Even if it's just pond hoping. It'll humble you and seeing their reaction to catching fish might remind you why you started fishing to begin with. Key is to take the work or reputition out of it.

I like the "Go Shopping" idea as well. Just the thought of having to makes me want to go hook up the boat!  ;D

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

I think it happens to almost everyone, especially the hardcore.  It's happens to me every couple of years... usually has lasted a few weeks to a few months.  

You don't really loose the passion, it more like you just need a little time to recharge.  Remember the old saying, everything in moderation?  Well most of us fish well beyond moderation!  It's you body and mind saying "time out, I need a rest."

I wouldn't worry about it, you'll be back into the swing of it as soon as you're ready.

Yersterday I took a UPS buddy who is shipping off to Iraq soon

LBH-  Very cool, you are the king of paying it forward!!  

fishing user avatarearthworm77 reply : 

Avid, this happened to me in the early 90's. Of course I was fishing about 250 days a year but things just got so passe I lacked any motivation. I solved it by switching gears and learning new methods to catch fish. I became totally engrossed in catching fish on light tackle. It actually started in the Ocala National Forest where I took a 13.9 on 6lb line. I took this light tackle fishing back to Long Island NY and reinvented myself. I've never looked back. When things ger dreary, I pick up a lighter stick and I get happy again.

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 

don't go for 2 the end of 2 weeks you'll be shaking for a fix!!!

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

Avid I have been going through the same here lately I have been switching it around some fishing for some catfish with my dad and yesterday I used a cane pole that a freind had and fished for some bluegill even though I had been catching bass I guess it was something different. Here lately I have gotten my wife interested in fishing for bass and have been teaching her how to use a baitcaster. That has helped alot to keep me going. The more I sit here and think about it The more I think the reason is I don't have a boat yet and when the wife gets out of school I will have one but for now I fish private waters from the bank and it gets old to me being in the same little area it's really no challenge anymore. I'm sure it will pass soon. This site has helped me alot in keeping the fire burinig some.   Thanks for posting on this issue avid I thought about doing it but thought people would think I'm nuts but is nice to know I'm not the only one going through it

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

An absolute way to loose the enjoyment of fishing is to spend too much time cocentrating on the catch and not enough on the fishing. Fishing is far more than that finned critter you are following. Granted, fishing is defined an attempt to catch fish, but is this endeavor truly what brought you to fishing. Perhaps it was the entire experience of enjoying the outdoors, the wildlife, and the serenity that attracted you far more than just the attempt to catch a fish.

I do know from a previous statement that you made, "you are obsessed with catching that 8-pound bass", that you just might have gotten so wrapped up in the chase that you are missing all the other facets that make this leisure activity as enjoyable as it is. Another possibility would be that you might need to spread your wings a bit to some other water.

Think back on why you started fishing!

Do you recall those days of riding the carousel and trying to grab the brass ring? One got so wrapped up in trying to grab the ring that they never experienced the ride.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 


I think everyone who is serious about anything goes thruogh "dry" times. I believe having real passion about fishing (or most any worthwhile thing) is a blessing. Some people just wander around and never completely "engage" in anything.

When my brother (and fishing partner) was killed a few years ago, I didn't pick up a rod for a couple of years. It has taken a while, but fishing is one of the things I love to do. Right now, for health reasons I can't get out on the water, but I can read, talk about fishing, and I can buy just enough to quiet the monkey. I have so much enthusiasm for fishing now I can barely stand it! I have read enough of your posts to know you are a passionate fisherman (and dancer), and think it is only a matter of time till you are back in the saddle (or canoe) with fire in your eyes.

I just re-read the previous posts and agree with them all. I think George said a mouthful in his post. He may have a future in the fishing bidness. ;)

Good luck.

fishing user avatarSkidder reply : 

NEVER! I go to sleep thinking about fishing, and wake up thinking about fishing!

It is my second most favorite thing to do, most favorite is doing anything with my daughter.

I spoke to Gerald Swindle on the phone this morning, he was doing a tackle show this A.M. and going to talk to some troops this afternoon, then onto Kentucky Lake.

I am fishing the Elite series on Oneida in july, I can't wait! ;)

fishing user avatarJ@k3 01s3n reply : 

I think maybe you just need a second hobby. I play guitar, and enjoy doing those 3d puzzles. These come in real handy on those nasty days, or days that are just not convenient enough to go fishing. Sometimes you just need a break. I'd even recommend taking your boat out one day with no fishing gear, and just enjoy your peaceful surroundings for a day. I'm sure you'll come around, heck with the kind of fish I see you post up time after time, I'm sure you couldn't stay way for too long.

fishing user avatarWhopper-Stopper reply : 

Just picture yourself playing golf as much as possible. Pretty soon you'll want to go fishing so bad that you can't stand it. ;D

But seriously you might try using a fly rod. A bass on a fly rod is alot of fun. Bluegill are pretty fun too.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Well, I must say Avid, you've received a host of superb explanations and suggestions.

Rather than add to what was so eloquently covered, I'm just going to mull it all over.

I can certainly relate to periodic shifts in passion that you alluded to.

I believe that the passion continues to burn strong, but it continually takes on new forms.

I have noticed in myself that I've reached the point in my life where my greatest thrills in fishing

come from bringing others to fruition. One of my grand children was recently down to Florida.

For a whole week, the joys of bass fishing loomed to heights that I haven't experienced in years!

Brian caught his personal best, which he proudly released with pictures as his memory.

I *** the position of George and Scott Welcome, to me that's about as good as it ever gets.

And I cannot sign off without tipping my hat to Russ (LBH).


fishing user avatarDarold_31 reply : 


I get a little down on motivation sometimes like everyone else.  I try do something different to spice it up.  It may be go to a lake I have never been to before or sometimes I'll go out and try to learn a new technique.  The last time I got down, I went out on my home lake and only took my spinning rod and shaky head worm and made myself learn how to fish real deep.  It brought more of the competiveness out of me to figure out how to catch them this way.  It really only took me catching a few keepers to get my mind rejuvinated.  It worked for me.  If this doesn't help then go to and start playing no-limit texas holdem'.  Good luck and I hope you get back in the groove.  I enjoy seeing those pictures.  

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

Ever happen to you?

If so, what made it pass.

I took up golf for awhile.   ;D

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

I am medically retired and spent alot of time on the water once it started warming up. I now have my kids for my summer visitation which is limiting me from fishing alone. I have a trip to the Grand Canyon planned this coming Thursday and am taking my Girlfriends 2 girls along as well. I will have my fishing gear loaded up,just in case I can find the time to take em all out to a lake up there. I am itching to go to the lake again but at this point,the weather has me beat..Its just too darn hot for my kids to tolerate it. But you can count on the end of the month that I will be heading out on the water again.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I was pretty into multi species fishing from the time I was old enouh to hold a rod till about 1999. I fished for everything that swam, pike, walleye, perch, bass, bluegill, catfish, and trout. Spent 200 + days a year fishing. Then I just burnt out, nothing interested me. From 1999 till 2002 my fishing time dropped off to MAYBE 10-20 days a year and only for LMB and bluegill.Then all of a sudden in 2003 the fire started again, I am back to fishing 200+ days a year (or as long as we have un-frozen water) but this time LMB are my prey 99% of the time, with the occasional bluegill/panfish trip. I have really become a much better bass angler be focusing on just bass. I am to the point I don't care what other species is a hot bite......I am bass fishing. Also teh time off opened me up to lots of new things, before I was spinnerbait-topwater-texas rigged plastic worm and thats it, now I fish c-rigs, t-rigs, cranks, buzzbaits, jerkbaits, jigs, spinnerbaits, wacky rigs, live bait, weightless t-rigged plastics, top waters, drop shot. I would rather be goo to better than average at catching 1 species than just lucking into a few good fish every year when each seperate species is biting good and easy to catch.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
Hey Avid Ive been there sometimes I think its God's way of helping us keep all the important things in our Lives in Balance

Ill tell you the single best thing that got me out of a bad I DONT NEED NO SINKIN FISHIN fut. I got a girlfriend who kept wanting me to go shopping with her THAT WAS ENOUGH TO SCARE MY BUTT bsck into a fishing boat

fishing user avatarNeedemp reply : 

Maybe its a lack of goals. Do you have any goals you would like to accomplish? If you don't, then maybe search for some and set out to achieve them. Meeting goals is very self-satisfying and it can help make bass fishing a little more than bass fishing. This is what keeps me going.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Thanks alot to everyone.  There is much good advice in this post.  This may sound really dumb, but it never occured to me about the off season.  In Florida there IS no off season.  Back in NY I used to get all funky and down when it first got too cold to fish, but then I would perk up, work on my equipment, read books and magazines both old and new, buy new tackle and plan my strategies for the Spring.  Now, with no off season, I don't have that have "down time" and the anitcipation that goes along with it.

Also I did loose sight of my love for the outdoors and concentrated too much on catching an 8 lber.  I had gotten to the point where catching a four pounder meant no more to me than hooking into a patch of weeds.  I'm serious.  I would see it was "only" 4-5 lber and feel like I wasted my time.  

My son is down here visiting for a few days.  He's buying an engagement ring from my daughter who's a jewler.  This is very exciting.  I can now harrass both my kids into giving me Grandchildren.

Really I soooooooo much want to share my knowledge and "give back", so to speak.  I have thought of offering to take some of the kids around the lake fishing but I get all hung up on being thought of as a pervert.  Really, people right now are way suspicious of this sort of stuff and I suppose with good reason.

Anyway.  Once again thanks alot for the encouragement and great advice.  I think I need to take a break.  re-charge the batteries, and rediscover all the joys that are part of the bass fishing experience.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 


I have thought of offering to take some of the kids around the lake fishing but I get all hung up

on being thought of as a pervert. Really, people right now are way suspicious of this sort of stuff

and I suppose with good reason.

Isn't that the sad truth?

I had the exact same idea as you, offering to take children on free fishing excursions.

I'm afraid you're right, the deeds of a sordid few have spoiled it for the masses (as always).

With respect to our year-round fishing season here in Florida, do what I do.

I don't only fish for bass, but target whatever species is at peak season.

I fully enjoy fishing for redears, bluegills and chain pickerel, as long as I'm specifically targeting them.

I also fish in saltwater (seatrout, redfish, snook).

In all honesty, I don't miss the northeast, I don't miss scraping ice off my windshield,

and I don't miss getting cabin fever ;D


fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

If you do something a lot, a lot, a lot, and even more a lot, you will tire of it, usually on about anything, be it golf, hunting, or God forbid, fishing.  It's good to get a break from something once in a while.

Wait, what am I saying?

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 


I can now harrass both my kids into giving me Grandchildren. Really I soooooooo much want to share

my knowledge and "give back", so to speak. I have thought of offering to take some of the kids

around the lake fishing but I get all hung up on being thought of as a pervert. Really, people right now are way suspicious of this sort of stuff and I suppose with good reason.

Isn't that the sad truth?

I had the exact same idea as you, offering to take children on free fishing excursions.

I'm afraid you're right, the deeds of a sordid few have spoiled it for the masses.


Agreed.  It's a sad world we live in now.

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

I have gone through the same feelings before.  I felt guilty and mad at myself because I know fishing is my passion.  It's like I felt I was cheating someone, ....myself.  I would suggest, trying out some new lakes and some new techniques to just spice it up a llittle bit.

Yesterday I fished a new lake, Lake Oroville, first time wiht my new boat on it.  I had been fishing a locl lake lately but had little success, water is still a little ccol.  So I headed to Oroville.  Caught 8 decent spotted bass, and a 15# carp.  Once I knew I had a carp, I thought, oh $#*^.  But then thought, waht the hell, might  as well enjoy it.  It gave me a good fight and some memoey to enjoy later as well!  

Maybe you want to take up photography so when you go fishing you can take sokme spectacular photso as well.

Trust me, this will pass!!

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

Sometimes I get a little less enthusiastic than usual.I still love it,but if I go   for 3 or 4 days in a row it starts to lose a little of its specialness.My cure is to take a few days,a week,once even 2 weeks off from it.I promise, you'll come back chomping at the bit.

fishing user avatarjbass reply : 

I have a friend I go with when ever possible. I'd call him and find out he didn't want to go and I'd try to go by myself. There were times that I would load the Jeep with gear and just about ready to leave just say, screw it, and not go. Having to unload everything and put it back in the garage, then spend the rest of the weekend wondering what I accomplished. Which was 0, nada. I was down in the dumps. During the week it's impossible to go because I commute an hour and 20 min. one way to work and it's an hour and 40 min. home because of the traffic. I gotta hit the rack around 8:30-9:00 pm. to get up at 4:30 and start the whole process over untill the weekend. I spend one day with my wife and sometimes one day for me. What I did was, I went fishing. When I got on the water it was all worth the effort put out to go. Catching fish was a bonus.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

One way around the pervert thing is to offer to take a kid and parent. Ryans mom came with us fishing when we first met. Now she has no problem with it, she even got me a nice BPS visor to say "thanks" for taking Ryan out a bunch of times onhis vacation.

So aside from Senko77, I won't take a youth, boy or girl, ANYWHERE alone.

If you think about it, you can also teach the guardian how to take the youth fishing. Show him/her the things they will need to know as the person taking the youth (hook removal,knots,etc) so they can also take their son/daughter when you aren't around. You'll probably make some great friends, young and old, just choose your time to approach carefully.

If you are looking for partners where this stuff is not a worry, try a vet's hospital. These guys are sooo appreciative of everything. Many are quite capable of being on the water with you and would mean the world to them to get out of there for 1/2 a day. I PROMISE, you won't regret it. If you are nervous about letting folks use your pricey gear, I will gladly donate a BPS extreme for you to let them use. Not saying you are funny like that but I have the extra gear if you have the desire and I would love to help 2 friends at once.

fishing user avatarHot n Tot reply : 

Avid, I notice that you are in Florida, where the fishing season is much longer than we get here in Michigan. We get about 4 months of good warm bass fishing weather here so we don't have time to get tired of it. I don't go out for bass when it's cold. But in the spring, before the water warms up for bass, we have Northern Pike in the shallows and also again in the fall the Pike bite picks up again. That keeps thing interesting and challenging.

fishing user avatarruss0101 reply : 

used to be that i could go weeks without dippin the worm in the water... then my girlfriend started watching all these reality tv shows and TIVO"D them (deleting my fishing shows)... well now i try to stay out there as long as i can. i get burnt out when im not catching anything, so thats when i start improvising...

i posted a few weeks ago that i caught a bass on a cigarette butt.. they wouldnt bite anything else, but they were tearing that up with my fly rod.

have you thought about fly fishing?? that was what i picked up, and it only cost me $30 becuase i wasnt sure if i was going to like it or not. Now, since it's in pieces, i can put it in the car, stop on the side of the road, and fly into a creek off the bridge - just got to be careful of the rigs, they have some massive wind gusts sometimes and blow the horn right on top of you

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Avid, obvioulsy, you are too concerned about catching that 8 pounder.  And everytime you go out and don't catch one, you get more frustrated and then start questioning why you are going fishing.  And this snowballs.....  Then you get to the point where you are just fed up with it all.

Well, I would suggest you stop thinking about that 8  pounder.  Everytime you go out think of it as doing  Research on big bass, not that you are trying to catch annything, just doing research.  It's like so many times for me, when I think about something too long it never happens.,  WHen I slip and I am not thinking about it, it happens!!

Make fishing fun again.  Remember you retired to have fun, not fish any tournaments.  Don't make the 8 pounder a tournament unto yourself.

fishing user avatarL.D. reply : 

Nope. Been a fishing guide now for 26 years. From ice out to ice in 7 days a week if I can. Never gets boring, why? Because I get to take out someone new every day. There is always something new in a way of a challenge to get each person to catch fish. I've even taken out combo fishing and bird watchers.

Hook yourself up with an organized youth group, retirement home, veterns group, church group, so you take someone new out on your boat to keep it interesting.


fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Sometimes, its the pressure we put on our selves to do well, whether its tournament pressures or pleasure.      I have had to put the bass on hold once in awhile and decide to fish for supper.     Go white fishing, or striper, or maybe go set under a nice cool bridge all day and crappie fish.  

Just changing routines once in awhile, like taking the day off from run and gun bass fishing and have a relaxing day actually fishing.    Sounds funny, "Actually Fishing".    Those are the days I like to take a cool swim once in awhile and enjoy the water, which I never make time for when bass fishing.

Three or four days straight of being up early and home late, and 100 degrees in the sun can get old.

Avid, the passion has never been lost, the drive to go sometimes fades, but the passion is still there.



fishing user avatarearthworm77 reply : 

If I've learned one thing about fishing, it is that each trip, no matter if it is to a place that you've been to a million a learning experience. I've fished tournaments for quantity, I've gone out and fished for quality, now I appreciate each fish I catch no matter how big.

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

Maybe you can get with some of the florida members here on this board and plan a few trips each year together that would give you something to look foward too and it would be fun for all of you  

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Interesting subject. For starters, I have fished between 1200 and 1400 hours a year, for the last 10 years. I don't guide. I don't fish tournies, I just fish because I love / live to fish. Not married, and no kids.

I don't ever get tired of fishing in general, but I have experienced some 'burnout' on occasion, when fishing specifically for trophy bass.... 10 hour days, day after day, throwing nothing but the same exact swimbait all day.... and here's the kicker... getting skunked time and time again !

I remember 1 stretch about 4 years ago, in which I fished 18 trips, for at least 150 hours total, without sticking a single fish !!! Talk about will power to make myself keep going !

Nowadays, I don't beat myself up near so bad. If the bite is not at least decent, I will look for something else to "pull my string" :-) other words, it doesn't have to be a giant bass so much anymore, just as long as I'm on the water, playing with anything that swims, and having fun :-)


But now, I have the easiest job on the planet.... very low stress.... I only work about 30 hours, and 4 days a week..... Yet I am completely burnt out by my 4th day ! Why does it work like this ? :-)



PS, Oh, but remember that 'fishless' 18 day stretch I mentioned ??? Okay, well here's the fun part :-).....

So, I finally (reluctantly) decided to downshift, and just relax. I went back to the same lake, but in a different spot, dropped an anchor, and flipped out some crawlers on my micro-light, trying for a big ol' catfish......

And what did I stick ??? A 13.0 lb Largemouth !!! Go figure ! :-) You just never know, huh ?


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