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Fishing Celebrities 2024

fishing user avatarbassinnoobie reply : 

So what fishing personality have you met in person, when was it and what was your reaction.

My story I was ay the BPS spring classic sale I couple months back and knew KVD was there and planed it so we would see him. So I was looking for my freind who I was there with and was in the main isle of the fishing world part (mmy local bps is the mother ship) and im looking both ways into the isles and I get to the strike king isle and he was standing there talking to 2 or 3 guys, im was like oh look KVD walk a couple feet then realized that I just laid eyes on the man himself. I dint get that excited unless im going fishing or to bass pro, and in my head i was like OMG OMG OMG I JUST SAW KVD MY HERO!!!And no kidding got light headed and sweaty and almost fainted i was so excited. I almost ran to see and hoped I didnt knock anyone over but I might have. So I get to the isle he was in I dint think about it until right then that I was going to meet KVD, he was talking to somone and there was somone in front of me so it gave me time to get my question together, the guy that was in front of me slowly backed behind me I guess he got to nervous. Then right then he looks me straight in the eye and says "Hi bud can I help you?" Then I said "uh uh yeah w-ww-what do you think of the gizard shad colored red eye shad for clear lakes like norfork lake?" Then he goes "well thats my favorite bait bait for the fall and that color really does good in claer water and a great crank bait for the spring would be a chrome sexy shad pattern." And me and him procead to sift through all 40 some odd colors of red eye shads together to find that one.

It was just a really cool experience then later I got him to sign my hat and every time pick it up I say to myself thats its really cool that KVD touched my dirty opd hat.

That my story so what your guys story

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I met KVD at the Oakley Big Bass Tour at Table Rock a few years ago. Talked to him for awhile and he signed an Oakley hat and gave it to me.




Working at Cabela's I got to meet Jay Yelas, Bill Dance, Jimmy Houston, and my favorite of all Denny Brauer. 

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Way too many to name but the nicest were Ike, KVD, Houston, Parker, Roy, Daves, Menendez, Tony C., and a bunch more.


Only Hack was nasty but he was having a bad day on the Historic James River so I'll cut him some slack.

fishing user avatarHurricane reply : 

Met Randy Howell at the Bass Pro Shops in Auburn NY.. Just stopped in to grab some stuff and he was in front of me in line at the check out counter.. Very nice guy.. Met his wife also.. Very nice people. .

fishing user avatarScott F reply : 

Back in September of 1997, I was on a fishing trip and we stopped at Rainy Lake outside of International Falls, MN. The guy I was with wanted to do some walleye fishing and because I know next to nothing about walleyes, we hired a guide to take us out for the day. We got back to the dock at Rainy Lake Houseboats where we met the guide and there was some talk that Al Lindner was around filming a show. My friend Frank and I paid our guide and were getting ready to go for a beer when a boat with Al Lindner was coming to the dock. We walked over and was waiting for them to tie up when a voice in Al's boat says "Hi ya Scott!" I could not imagine who in Al Lindner's boat knew who I was. Turns out, it was Billy Dougherty the owner of Rainy Lake Houseboats. I knew Billy because I'd rented houseboats there. So Al gets off the boat and we start chatting about what the walleyes were doing. I'd gottten an education from just getting off the water with a guide so I could carry on a conversation without looking completely clueless. Al was very friendly and genuinely interested in hearing about our day. After he posed for a picture we let him get back to his business. 




My friend Frank and I were walking near the boat ramp a few minutes later when a truck was pulling a boat up the ramp. We stopped to let him by, and he stopped, rolled down the window to speak with us. It was Al asking US more about walleye fishing! I was shocked and amused that one of the best fishermen on the planet was asking ME, about walleyes. I was very impressed by his down to earth and friendly attitude. 

  I ran into Al again at an outdoor show and he stopped by the booth I was working for the Illinois Smallmouth Alliance and he again posed for pictures. I told him the story about meeting him before and how surprised I was he was asking me about walleye fishing. He said you can never tell when someone is going to give you a tip on a pattern. That was my brush with greatness. 



Me and Al at the outdoor show

fishing user avatarbassinnoobie reply : 

Yeah he wasnt to full of himself to look me in the eye and personaly answwr my seeming stupid or extremely simple question

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

I met Tom Mann. He was emcee of a tournament I won . Bad part is I was and still am a die hard Jelly worm fisherman but in that tourney, I fished a Lizard from another manufacturer. I should  have fished a  jelly worm, as I won   by a large margin . I was actually embarrassed  that I didnt fish my favorite bait and the manufacturer was asking me what lure was used .

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 
  On 4/26/2015 at 8:07 PM, Scott F said:


My friend Frank and I were walking near the boat ramp a few minutes later when a truck was pulling a boat up the ramp. We stopped to let him by, and he stopped, rolled down the window to speak with us. It was Al asking US more about walleye fishing! I was shocked and amused that one of the best fishermen on the planet was asking ME, about walleyes. I was very impressed by his down to earth and friendly attitude. 



I would be thrilled to have met Al Lindler .

 Him asking questions proves that good anglers are always trying to learn. No-it-alls never ask , just answer. LOL

fishing user avatarThornback reply : 

Meeting celebrities of any kind can be an experience. Off the subject of fishing I once introduced myself to "Big Daddy" Don Garlits when he was eating with his family. Yeah I was rude, but he stood, shook my hand and introduced his family to me. We had a great conversation on flathead V8's and hemi's. Later I asked him to pose with me for a photo and he obliged. A real gentleman. When I was in the 5th grade a high school senior by the name of Buddy McKay taught my class of boys how to play touch football. Buddy then selected me as quarterback and captain of the team. Buddy later became the Lieutenant Governor of Florida and when the governor died in office Buddy became our governor. I have since over the years run into Buddy at two restaurants and we had a great chat about those days. A fine man from a fine family. Where I was once working Claude Kirk, an ex-governor of Florida once walked through my department. I had the best conversation ever with him about politics of course. I have never met a tournament fishing pro but -- maybe some day. I did meet and chat with Glen Lau at a fishing seminar. That was a great experience.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

We are planning to have a few celebrities in the house Wednesday through the weekend:


I will be in the Fishing Department, stop by and say hi.







fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I fished with Bobby Layne, Lions QB quite a few times.  Before the age multi million dollar contracts many athletes had jobs outside of their sport, Bobby Layne owned a collision shop down the street from my dad's business.  They became friendly and both had a love of fishing.


Non fishing I met Superman, Chris Reeves, while filming "Somewhere in Time" on Mackinac Island.  My g/f and I had dinner with some of the cast and crew one night.


I was Bob Lanier's real estate agent, our friendship lasted after he bought his home.


I see this guy having breakfeast in our hotel in Cancun, I go up to him and asked if he was Joe Morton.  He says how in the heck did you know that, said I recognized him from the movies he was in.  Later that day he and his family were at the pool, as I was with my wife, we shot the bull for a couple of hours.  One very cool dude.

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

KVD is a class act, he really is.. He is so friendly & down to earth.. I met & talked to Roland Martin @ the National wild turkey calling championship in about 91 in Louisville.. Walter Parrot won, of course.. I talked to Roland like I had known him him for years,( I sorta did from TV, lol ) we had a great chat. Super nice guy...

fishing user avatarbassinnoobie reply : 

Wish I could be there rw it would be so much fun to meet you and whoever else is there I wont be there unless you can covince my mom and dad to take me

fishing user avatarfish devil reply : 

Cool stuff guys.  Unfortunatley, I just missed KVD at the grand opening of a BPS in Atlantic City.


I live about 15 minutes from Bass Pro "Ike" Mike Iaconelli. Good guy.  He still fishes winter league tournaments here in South Jersey.



fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

Makes me feel left out..........

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

One of my favorites.



fishing user avatarMIbassin reply : 

I have met Mike Iaconelli and Roland Martin. Roland signed a hat and picture for me, and Ike gave me some baits for free!

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 
  On 4/27/2015 at 3:29 AM, fish devil said:

Cool stuff guys.  Unfortunatley, I just missed KVD at the grand opening of a BPS in Atlantic City.


I live about 15 minutes from Bass Pro "Ike" Mike Iaconelli. Good guy.  He still fishes winter league tournaments here in South Jersey.




Well if it isn't the famous FD himself!  Welcome to BR buddy!



fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 
  On 4/27/2015 at 6:07 AM, Dwight Hottle said:

One of my favorites.




Mine too!



fishing user avatarThornback reply : 
  On 4/27/2015 at 5:28 AM, Senko lover said:

Makes me feel left out..........

I'll send you my autograph :)
fishing user avatarblackmax135 reply : 
  On 4/27/2015 at 5:28 AM, Senko lover said:

Makes me feel left out..........

If your ever in south carolina send me a message and Ill come take a picture with you.  Every one around here calls me Puddin tang; so you can go back home and tell all your family and friends you got to meet the great Puddin tang and you won't be left out. lol

fishing user avatarblackmax135 reply : 
  On 4/27/2015 at 3:29 AM, fish devil said:

Cool stuff guys.  Unfortunatley, I just missed KVD at the grand opening of a BPS in Atlantic City.


I live about 15 minutes from Bass Pro "Ike" Mike Iaconelli. Good guy.  He still fishes winter league tournaments here in South Jersey.



Holy crap!!! 15 min?!!  I would flat out be broke if I lived that close to a bass pro.  Closest one to me is 1 hour 15 min

fishing user avatarjbsoonerfan reply : 

As a grown man I suppose my desire to meet any other grown man and be overwhelmed by his presence is beyond my desires. I would never ask for an autograph or a picture. I don't know what makes an athlete, actor or fisherman any better of a person than I am.

fishing user avatarAllTerrainAngler reply : 

I've been lucky to meet a lot of famous people per say but not many fisherman. Mostly musicians and college coaches.


But when i was little we have this thing in my town called the fisharama. They have a trout pond you catch and release fish in. Well my first fish i caught there swallowed the hook so they let me keep the fish.... Well walking out i was extremely excited about it and the guy from the "strollin with Nolan" tv show saw and called me over. My dad and i told him what happened and that i was begging my dad to let me mount it.... He offered to get it mounted for me. Sadly that fish got destroyed in the moving process a few years after and i was devastated. 


2 years after that i went again and the people wouldn't let me keep my fish i caught. I didn't understand why they wanted me top throw it back but i did and left upset. I was quite a handful as a little kid. On my way out Jay Yelas was packing up his boat and saw me walking out mad/upset and called my dad and i over. I told him the story which was probably extremely exaggerated by a 7 year old kid at the time but he told me he would've let me keep it and to cheer me up i could go on his boat and grab any one item i wanted. So what does a 7 year old kid grab.... Not one of the 20-30 perfectly setup rod/reel combos, not a small tackle box. I went through everything and decided to get one lure. ONE lone lure... 21 year old me is really upset at 7 year old me for not getting a rod and reel or even an autograph but he was a great guy to meet even at that age and i still have that lure. 

fishing user avatarJd_Phillips_Fishin reply : 

Just go to the Classic Expo a few times and you'll meet just about everybody

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Never done no photo ops but during the 70-80s I belonged to two bass clubs in Henmphill TX whose members included John Torain, John Hall, John Dean, Villis P "Bo" Dowden Sr, Harold Allen, Larry Nixon, Tommy Martin, Rick Clunn, & Zell Roland.

Fished a dozen tournaments with Lonnie Stanley, Terry Oldham, Jerry Dean, Shaw Grigsby, Ken Cook, Todd Faircloth, Bob Sealy, Ron/Rick Pierce, & Darren "Mad Man" Mooneyham.

On a few occasions I met Gary Yamamoto, Ben Matsubu, & Takahiro Omori at the cafes and boat launches around Toledo Bend and Rayburn.

I worked for short while for The American Sportsman where I met Claude Hamilton "Grits" Gresham and Fred Bear.

Attended a 5 day seminar under Elwood "Buck" Perry.

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 4/26/2015 at 9:26 PM, bassinnoobie said:

Yeah he wasnt to full of himself to look me in the eye and personaly answwr my seeming stupid or extremely simple question

KVD's the new Bill Dance in terms of being a great ambassador for the sport. He's well-spoken and has a way of explaining. He's accomplished about everything you can in his sport, so his opinion carries a ton of weight. Swindle is the new joker of the sport. maybe not the nicest guy there is, but very funny. Could have had a career in standup.

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 
  On 4/27/2015 at 8:08 AM, Thornback said:

I'll send you my autograph :)


*Wipes away a tear* *sniffs*

It's good to know someone cares.........

fishing user avatarstkbassn reply : 

I've met KVD, Aaron Martens, Byron Velvick, Scott Martin, Jimmy Houston, Hank Parker, and Kelly Jordan....all nice guys.  Some at the Blue Ridge Brawl here on Smith Mountain Lake , one at Sportsmans Warehouse, and Hank at the Game Dinner in Lynchburg. Hank was the keynote speaker and he really moved us with his story and message. He's a great person and hard to forget.


I will say that KVD was in a bit of a hurry and brushed us off at first and we weren't impressed but later on we got to chat and he actually apologized for the brush off....pretty cool.

fishing user avatarRSM789 reply : 
  On 4/27/2015 at 10:06 AM, Catt said:

...where I met Claude Hamilton "Grits" Gresham...


"...I hooked this bass, fought him for over six hours.  All of a sudden, he jumps clean over the boat.  Broke my rod & I had to tie, now wait a minute fellas, I had to tie the line...(Lite Beer from Miller, everything you ever wanted in a beer, but less)...left me out there with nothing but a paddle!!"

fishing user avatarlivetofish28 reply : 

Ive talked with John Crews on multiple occasions and met and talked with Randy Howell the year he won the classic


  tight lines



fishing user avatarColdSVT reply : 

The first time i met one we almost had a minor altercation lol

He will remain nameless but he thought he could poach a spot that i was on for a good hour before him so he could film a show...i especially liked the part when he threatened to board my boat to "kick my butt"...

The couple other i met were cool. C.A Richardson is a great dude, As were Flip, Mark Sosin, and Jose Wejebe

fishing user avatarJd_Phillips_Fishin reply : 
  On 4/29/2015 at 4:26 AM, ColdSVT said:

The first time i met one we almost had a minor altercation lol

He will remain nameless but he thought he could poach a spot that i was on for a good hour before him so he could film a show...i especially liked the part when he threatened to board my boat to "kick my butt"...

The couple other i met were cool. C.A Richardson is a great dude, As were Flip, Mark Sosin, and Jose Wejebe


fishing user avatarColdSVT reply : 

No it was a saltwater guy lol.

Im also certain had he boarded me he would have killed me but he would have known i was there lol

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

met brandon palaniuk at the BPS north of atlanta and he was a genuinely nice guy.  i didn't ask for a pic or anything, but he was scoping out the new electronics and showing me features and everything.... really cool guy to talk to.

my fishing buddy's wife and hank parker's daughter are childhood friends.  i am told he is the most down to earth and humble guy you will meet... 

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

Met a few at expos.  Not in awe, but always nice to talk to an 'expert' about something I love.


Oh...also met Bobby Uhrig a couple months ago and he didn't even kick me in the nuts.

fishing user avatardave reply : 

My son and I met Mike Iaconelli the winter after he won his first Classic.  He was at a large fishing expo.  We were the only ones to really come up and talk with him. No one knew who he was.  Just him sitting at a table all alone.  We talked for a while,  while he looked through the bag of stuff we'd bought. 


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