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making money fishing 2024

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Anyone make money fishing this year?

We won enough to pay for all of next years entry fees (avg $175/event) with $60ea leftover.  Very successful for the type of fishing we do.

I didn't post this in "tournament talk" because I am also curious of other ways people earned money fishing.

Guides-good year?  Bad?

Researchers and tackle affilliated folk- get paid for anything up n coming?

Reel and reel maintenence/builders- good year? bad?


fishing user avatarreddman reply : 

I made a little $$$ this season, not enough as always...But I know my limits and dont expect to make it to the big boys, so It is mostly for fun....

Expensive hobby we have here...

fishing user avatarNick reply : 

As usual I came close. Missed a 30 grand boat by one good bite last weekend in a championship event.  I write for the tournament trail I fish so I break even on entries even if I lose. Lost money in the FLW events due to travel expenses, but if I can get six fishing vacations for about $300 each all across America and fish with some of the best out there, I'd say it's worth it to me.

fishing user avatarIllinoisBasser reply : 

when it was all said and done, I broke even. what surplus i had after expenses,i spent in more tackle,rods etc. Not one win this year.But a whole lot of top 3 finishes,and a few big bass checks. I also split half of any money made with my financial consultant (my wife). I fished mainly small club circuits with a draw format. co-anglers fished against the boaters, it had a few drawbacks. But as always with any tournament, it was a learning experience.Can't wait until my next tournament.

fishing user avatartopwtr81 reply : 

thanks to some very apreciated sponsors I ended up making about 3 grand when all was said and done

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Not a single penny, well I don 't fish tourneys, maybe that has something to do with it.  ;)

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

I made money this year ;)

fishing user avatartexasbass1 reply : 

I have 3 more tournaments this year. I'm about even for entry fee's. But at a big loss if  you include gas, etc. But I can pay my entry fees and keeps the CFO off my back.

fishing user avatarbassdocktor reply : 

Didn't make any money but this was the first year that I got a check. So things are looking better already for next year.

fishing user avatarNick_Barr reply : 

I have made about $350 In Club Tournies, and will be recieving $100 for placing 3rd in AOY Standings. I wasnt able to fish big opens this year but next year i will be fishing a bigger trail and more opens.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 


I guess if we figure in EVERY expense, I'm still in the hole,

I said we came out with an extra $60 but we spent that just in coffees for the season,lol.

fishing user avatarWill reply : 

I will break even, or make just a little, so it was a pretty good year.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

When fishing a whole season of bass tournaments whether it be clubbers,opens or a tour,after you add up gas,oil,hotels,food,tow vehicle and trailer maintenance,entry fees,etc....breaking even after all that is a big accomplishment.I've been fishing bass for 20 years and honestly broke even or made a profit maybe 4 or 5 times.

I'm about even on getting entry fees back this year but when you factor in the gas category,I'm WAY behind.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

coffees,  breakfasts,  lunches,  drinks,  sunscreen,  2 stroke oil,  rabbit's foot,  rod + reel maintenence,   polarized glasses,  cull ruler,  new attractant,  fishhedz mask,  horseshoe,...and the list goes on, Fivebass has truly set us ALL straight!  

fishing user avatarWCCT reply : 

My small tackle business made some pretty good money this year.  Next year looks like it will be even better with the release of a few new baits, and some new store accounts.  My tournament fishing was kept to a minimum this year :(, but I probably broke even.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Yea I hooked a abu garcia spin cast outfit and sold it for 5 bucks to a guy on shore :o

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

but how much did the lure you used cost?

again, broke even,lol.

fishing user avataralhuff reply : 

My wife wishes i would make money fishing.... ;)


fishing user avatarL.D. reply : 

I was doing good until the high water hit last weekend and then a flood today :(. Chartering 6 to 7 days a week. It's a good job when the river lets you go :-/


fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

I only fished a few select tournaments this year, 5 to be exact,  made two nice checks.  Won't truly know the exact amount until I file my taxes.  I write off more fishing tackle expenses to get my tax break.  This year, I'm going to try to add the Bait Monkey as a dependant.  Wait till IRS tries to figure that out.  All you have to do to write some of it off is show income from fishing tournaments.  The more the income, the more you can claim.

fishing user avatartopwtr81 reply : 

lol the bait monkey as a dependent now that is just funny

if you figure that out patent it and you'll make a ton

fishing user avatarchevy reply : 

Personally, I did not make any money.

The two tournaments I fished, the best I did was 10th. First two tournaments ever, so not bad.

But My mom owns a store called Bait Casters and we put on a Pike/Pickerel Tournament, Family Fun tournament, Bassin 4 Bucks tourney and an Ice fishing Derby every year. We have a 50 boat max for the bass tourney, usually get 125 people for ice derby, family fun is small and pike/pickerel probably get 40 boats.

So we're making money on tackle, and tournaments, launch fees.

Actually were a BassPro Shops dealer, and we might be getting sponsorship from them, if we get our ***** together. To be Seen.

Going out to the Bay of QUinte on Sunday, hopefully to catch some 10lb + Pickerel. I'll post a pic if I get a big one.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

chevy- world record pickerel is 9lbs 6oz, you may make more money than you think if you can land a 10+!!

fishing user avatarFutureClassicChamp reply : 

pretty sure she means northern pike (pickerel being a canadian term). theyre definitely in there, ive been to the bay of quinte before.

fishing user avatarchevy reply : 

Let's clear up the crazy canadian talk i be spitting out, eh?

[glb]Pickerel[/glb] is [glb]Walleye[/glb] to you.

[glb]Pike[/glb] is [glb]Chain Pickerel[/glb] to you.

The world record for walleye(which i call pickerel) is over 22 lbs.


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Exactly 25 lbs 0 oz., Old Hickory Lake, TN

Pickerel/ Walley

Prior World Record: Greers Ferry Lake, AR

We don't catch as many in the Mid South as you do up north, but we grow 'em big, real big.

You could make some money down here pickerel guiding, most of these Rebels don't have a clue about catching these fish. Very few fish for the species which might be one of the reasons they grow so large.

fishing user avatartopwtr81 reply : 

lol that's cool chevy I was wondering if anyone was going to get that

in buffalo ny they call walleye's yellow pike :D

fishing user avatarDDbasser reply : 

I think I'm way in the hole to start!!!!

$2500.00 in rods, reels, and tackle

$15,000.00 boat

$21,000.00 truck

Thats just this year!!!! and I haven't started fishing tournaments yet!

Won't fish my first one until March 06!!

fishing user avatarstratoscaster reply : 

I think you can go broke making money fishing!

fishing user avatarTop reply : 

wow DD how do you do that? I need for your financial advisor to talk to mine! hahahahaha

I spent maybe 500 bucks this last year on stuff... and that was streaching it.. and I didn't make a penny on fishing either... don't look to for quite some time either


fishing user avatarDDbasser reply : 
wow DD how do you do that? I need for your financial advisor to talk to mine! hahahahaha

I spent maybe 500 bucks this last year on stuff... and that was streaching it.. and I didn't make a penny on fishing either... don't look to for quite some time either


Fortuneatly for me my financial advisor (wife) loves to fish more than I do!!!

She's the only woman I know that would rather have a fishing pole for Valentines day than flowers.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 


Some Day Maybe


fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

I make money every time I go fishing. If I'm out on the water, I'm not in the tackle store spending money. ( I think I need to send this to my wife )

Good luck to all,


fishing user avatarsodaksker reply : 

Like ddBasser I'm in a rebuilding year that has got me way in the hole, even if I would have won every prize in the only tournament i fished, unfortunately I did not win a single prize.  It helps when you weigh a fish in.  ;D

fishing user avatarjusttrying reply : 
I think you can go broke making money fishing!

yep! ;D

fishing user avatarmjbfsh07 reply : 

Me and my partner made $700 dollars in an early spring tournament up here in NH.  Smallies were here and there and came in with 4 fish for 11 pounds...second place.  Winning team had 3 dink fish and a 7 pound Largmouth....Almost...try agian next year.....The ice is starting to set in  :(

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Since my last post on 26 Oct, I have added two more checks, not big, got my entries back, plus expenses, I am 4 out of 7, with two more tourneys the next 2 weekends to go.

fishing user avatarstratoscaster reply : 

Good job and good luck Matt.


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