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Scholarship Winner!!! 2024

fishing user avatarNick_Barr reply : 

I just Recieved Word that I am one of the 6 Ambassadors/Scholarship Winners for the Kids fishing All-American Scholarship!!!!!! They said I am going to be the main Spokesman!!!!!!!

Its a $5,000 Savings bond towards Education, and I get to fly down to Tulsa, OK. Next Year to fish with a Pro in a tournament!!!!!!!!  Also sponsor packages from their sponsors!!!!

TO find out more go to



fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

That's OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 

nice job congrats :D

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Holy Crap man that is totally AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am proud of you.

I'd like to read your essay.

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

WOW!!!! MAN!!! That's FEAKIN GREAT!! You go man! We better be hearing all the details as this progresses. CONGRATULATIONS!


fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

That is FANTASTIC man. Who says fishin' doesn't pay?  ;D Well done on earning some money for furthering that edjumacation. Which pro are you gonna get to fish with?

fishing user avatarNick_Barr reply : 

I will post my essay soon, also I dont know who I  will be fishing with. One of the FujiFilm or Wal-Mart Pro's The said.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Awesome nick!!  Way 2 go!!!

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

That's awesome news Nick and another step towards the ultimate goal.Good job man!

fishing user avatarbassmasta7 reply : 

Dang! Thats awesome!! (and a lot of money)

fishing user avatarbrad_snc reply : 

good job, it's good to see that you are rewarded for something you love to do with something that will truly help you in the long run, the cost of college is getting rediculous

Good Luck


fishing user avatarScroGG ToGG reply : 

I can safely speak for ALL of us. Were proud of ya dude!

fishing user avatarBassassasin12 reply : 

unbelieveable what a accomplishment. Way to go Nick.

fishing user avatarfishingrulz reply : 
WOW!!!! MAN!!! That's FEAKIN GREAT!! You go man! We better be hearing all the details as this progresses. CONGRATULATIONS!


WOW! THATS AWSOME! So awsome that Alpster forgot the R ;D ;D thats just feakin antastic ick ;D ;D

Seriously thats awsome your a great fisherman.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 


I knew when I met you that you're on the right track.  As I said to you before, you "Get it". This award proves your ability to laser in on a goal and achieve it.  It really is an endorsement that you're doing all the right things.  

Keep up the great work.  Your ambition and talents will take you far, my friend.


fishing user avatarliquidsoap reply : 

Thats a great accomplishment,  I thought I had a big start boy you sure on the right track.  ;)

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

Nick, That's awesome! You deserve it.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


fishing user avatarGorgebassman reply : 

Thats AWESOME Congrats !

fishing user avatarstroz reply : 

way to go Nick keep up the hard work.


fishing user avatarThe Unabasser reply : 

congrats to you

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

Congrats Nick!

fishing user avatarJeff_NHBA reply : 

Congratulations Nick!  

By the way, which are you more excited about, the scholarship or fishing with the pro?   ;D

Either way, I wish you great success.

fishing user avatarMinuteman reply : 

As that Great American Jeff Spicoli once said, "Awesome, totally awesome"  8-)

fishing user avatarRochesterBasser reply : 

Great Job!!!  I hope you go on with flying colors through your adult life and that you kick some butt in that tournament!  haha, Congrats!


fishing user avatarvincedia reply : 

That is awesome!

Good luck in the tourney, and have fun using the scholarship!

Now where was that post about schools with fishing teams?


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hats off to you, congratulations galore. That's quite an achievement these days with so much competition.


fishing user avatarBassinfreak2 reply : 

Good Job! I have been following you on BR and other media and you are well on your way to being a pro yourself. Keep up the good work!  :)

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

Excellent job, young man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We're all with you.

Good luck,


fishing user avatarNick_Barr reply : 


I dont know which I am more Excited about. an expenses paid trip to Tulsa Is Fun for the time Being.

BUT  A $5,000 Scholarship will take me farther in life.

fishing user avatarnboucher reply : 

You have your head on straight, Nick. You'll do well, I'm sure. I hope that $5,000 opens the door for the quality education you deserve. Nice going. Can't wait to read that essay. . .

fishing user avatarBassKing813 reply : 

How did Nick Barr get so good at bass fishing? I'm happy for him and all, but I can't help but feel a little annoyed. I've been bass fishing for three years and still can't fish worth a crap. I read all kinds of articles in Bassmaster and I read the posts on this helpful site, but I just can't produce when I go out. I try numerous techniques that I have read fit the season and conditions, but I'm lucky to catch one bass. The only thing I'm good at is river fishing, and I always catch at least one every time, but the lakes around me always leave me beat with nothing to show for my trouble. Wish I knew how to improve.

fishing user avatarYankeesWin reply : 


What are you shooting for?? Success is all in the eyes of the beholder you know. ;)

We all get frustrated sometimes. Fishing calls for a bit of patience and persistance. Perhaps a helping of both would help.

I wonder if your "new found techniques" are being waisted in the wrong water. You need to keep trying your "stuff" 'cause you never know when or where you may come across what your looking for.

3 years isn't a life time... I think most of the guys here will tell you to stick with the basics and move up from there. Too much too fast isn't good either. Good things come to those who wait! (my Dad always said) Your time will come. :)

fishing user avatarYankeesWin reply : 

:-[ :-[ :-[ I forgot to say... CONGRATS NICK!!!!! :)

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

"Nice job Nick. You are well on your way to proving you have what it takes on the water, and you seem to the have the intelligence and personality needed to make it big in the business of fishing. Keep working hard, add a good education, listen to your momma, and one of these days we'll all be saying, "I knew him back when he was just getting started.'"

Nick, the above post is from a few weeks ago when you made the paper. I am going to save it for future use. I expect to see many more success stories about you in the future. Well done.


Hang in there young man. YankeesWin is right; patience and persistance are the keys. In other words, keep working hard to improve your skills, learn from what you read, and from local fishermen whenever possible. Stay focused and one day soon we will be reading stories of your success in the paper. :) BTW Nick has already had more success than many others who have been fishing a lot longer than either of you have been around. He has worked hard, had great support, and made good contacts. We can all learn from his example. 8-)

fishing user avatarwhat reply : 

WOW your steering in the right dirrection

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 





fishing user avatardink reply : 

Great job, Nick. You are definitely an inspiration to alot of younger anglers in our ranks! Kudos!


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