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Fishing Logs 2024

fishing user avatarTeamGogan reply : 


Looking for a good fishing log app. Any suggestion? Is there any apps out there that keeps track of your tackle and inventory?




fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply :



fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 


That's what I use. 

fishing user avatarWeld's Largemouth reply : 

microsoft excel

there's a mobile version 

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I use Microsoft Excel too. Each year I start a new log, and at the end of the year I cut and paste the info into a master excel spreadsheet. Right now I have about 12 years of info on my master.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

A spread sheet works well.  I keep track of my reel maintenance on one but that's about it for me.  I choose not to take time away from fishing to record data.  Those few moments may or may not cost me a good fish, not worth the gamble.  

fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

The thing with fishing logs is that you gotta bounce a crankbait into it and if that doesn't work drag a jig alongside it.

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 

I find a log to be invaluable. I have kept one on a spreadsheet for many years. I post the info when I return from a trip or when on extended trips I take along a lap top.

fishing user avatarbasscatcher8 reply : 

You know i was suprised when I was at a Bass U class a few weeks ago the question came up and asked to the pro's and all 3 pros said they dont keep a log at all. They said they don't want to waste time looking at what happened before when they could be figuring out whats going on now. Was interesting. Its fun to record and see how many fish you've caught in a year though.

fishing user avatarward131 reply : 
  On 2/16/2015 at 4:02 AM, TeamGogan said:


Looking for a good fishing log app. Any suggestion? Is there any apps out there that keeps track of your tackle and inventory?




  I was looking for one also.  I just installed "My Fishing Journal" . I haven't tried it yet (water is hard). It was free so we will see!

fishing user avatarColdSVT reply : 

I like to use the tried and true "wheel book" and a pen.

For you non sailors thats a small tablet, ya know the black and white marble covered little tablet.

i have he navy standard green hard bound version lol

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

If I were a logger this is what I would do.  I'm sure every one knows  this already, so this is just a reminder.

Google has spread sheets and docs, once made they are automatically stored into "Drive.  Google has create a map, those maps are stored into Drive automatically as well, in addition your camera can upload pics into your Drive folder.  Drive syncs in both directions, pc to phone and phone to pc, again automatically.  Whether at home or away you can have all your info with you perfectly updated.

fishing user avatarTeamGogan reply : 

Hi Guys


Thank you for all the great suggestion

fishing user avatarchrisdm4 reply : 

I use excel to log numbers and Diaro app to log fishing conditions and what i did that day.  With that app i can organize per body of water and and date.  I can search throw all of my logs to find what I'm looking for.  A note book would work but this makes it easier to find things per body of water or month.  

fishing user avatarCaptain America reply : 

It isn't an app that will instantly give you results, but I use this one



fishing user avatarRobeng reply : 

I write down each event on the water.  thought about spreadsheet.  but on paper log I jot down relative info.


Captain America>>>thanks for the PDF log.

fishing user avatarPatrick Morrow reply : 

Depends on how advanced system you want. This costs, but has received a great feedback and has a lot of features:


Bassresource is one I use, because it is FREE!

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Microsoft Word or Excel will do everything anyone could want.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 
  On 3/2/2015 at 11:26 AM, Catt said:

Microsoft Word or Excel will do everything anyone could want.

Sure it is and you control exactly the information you want to keep track of.  I still like Goggle Drive because of the versatility and having everything at your fingertips on your mobile device.

I only pin point locations on maps, I keep separate ones for freshwater and saltwater, further broken down by area as well.  Google Earth does a pretty good job of pinpointing locations too that can be viewed on a mobile device, a nice advantage is satellite view.

fishing user avatarTourPT reply : 

My Fishing Companion Pro seems to be a pretty good log app. I played around with the free version for a couple weeks and liked it enough to purchase for $2.49.


Some of the features are

• View/Save/Edit your Fish, Gear, Locations and Trips
• Attach photos, video and audio clips to your data
• Mark fish as Favorites for quick access to your lunkers
• Export Fish to CSV (Press menu on Fish list screen)
• Organize your Fish by Fishing Trips
• Add locations by map, zip code or current GPS location
• Lookup Weather for any location in the world
• Customizable Units of Measurement
• Moon Phases
• Share your data with others
• Main Dashboard gives quick access to all your latest data
• A simple, clean and easy to use interface
• Import/Export your data to SDCARD

fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

I tried keeping a log last year and gave up. It felt to much like work.

fishing user avatarLasher reply : 

Here is a log I made in Google Drive.  I used it a lot in the past and then over time I just kinda stopped caring.  I guess I really did not feel the need to record my 1.5lber spotted bass, just not exciting enough to document the memory.  However keeping logs is really helpful for locating fish when the bite is tough.

Fish Log.pdf

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 

i personally dont feel the need to keep a fishing log. when i fish i want to relax, recording data seems too much like work, and work is exactly what i get away from when fishing. i may keep fish count for a day in my head, but no need to for a year. just because something works in certain conditions one day, dont mean it will work in similar or identical conditions on the future. while some may think its useful, i find it a complete waste of time. time i could be using to fish or do other more useful things...

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

Whenever I find a fishing log, I usually toss a jig or spinnerbait next to it.

fishing user avatarFrankW reply : 

It seems to me some of you are way over doing it. After a trip while at home, jot down the Date, Time, Place, Baits Used, Weather, Success. Now next year and future years you can refer to you data for planning other trips. If you have a bang up day one year at a certain location there is a good chance that somewhere around that date is a good time to go again.

If you have a cell phone you can send your self an Email with the information. Create a folder on your home computer and store your trip Emails in that folder. They will be organized by date.


fishing user avatarMainebass1984 reply : 

I have kept a fishing log since 1998. It helps immensely. It makes you a better fisherman. It helps develop patterns.  Over time you will notice subtle occurrences that otherwise you wouldn't notice. For example over time a specific lake at a specific time of year using a specific lure may produce some of the best fishing for that body of water for the entire year. You can translate that to fishing each body of water when its at its best with the most productive lure. that will translate onto more fish and bigger fish. There are no downsides to keeping a fishing log. It will make you a better fisherman. I cant stress it enough. At first my log was hand written. As time went by I started using excel and that has made it seem less like work. All it takes is a couple minutes after each outing.

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

Started using the one here on the site, has all the stuff i want. I printed out a bunch of copies and put them into a binder. I just like the whole writing process / having a hard copy. But excel is awesome as well.

fishing user avatarPreytorien reply : 
  On 3/2/2015 at 10:55 PM, FrogFreak said:

I tried keeping a log last year and gave up. It felt to much like work.


Same here. I never understood the point. Fishing conditions and situations change by the minute in many cases, so I'm not sure what the advantage of seeing how I caught them 3 months ago would do for me? Maybe the log-masters can help me here? I fish whatever's currently the conditions. 

fishing user avatarMainebass1984 reply : 
  On 3/10/2015 at 1:56 AM, Preytorien said:

Same here. I never understood the point. Fishing conditions and situations change by the minute in many cases, so I'm not sure what the advantage of seeing how I caught them 3 months ago would do for me? Maybe the log-masters can help me here? I fish whatever's currently the conditions.


 Conditions do change moment to moment for sure. A fishing log will in time show seasonal patterns and give you insight into the bigger picture. It wont seem worth it at first.  I can look back and see what is working at any specific time of year, under specific conditions, on specific bodies of water.  It isn't about what or how you caught them 3 months ago. It is about how you caught them year after year under the specific conditions you are encountering. I find keeping a fishing log to be incredibly helpful. Over time it will make you a better fisherman and enable you to catch bigger bass.

fishing user avatarPreytorien reply : 
  On 3/10/2015 at 2:07 AM, Mainebass1984 said:

 Conditions do change moment to moment for sure. A fishing log will in time show seasonal patterns and give you insight into the bigger picture. It wont seem worth it at first.  I can look back and see what is working at any specific time of year, under specific conditions, on specific bodies of water.  It isn't about what or how you caught them 3 months ago. It is about how you caught them year after year under the specific conditions you are encountering. I find keeping a fishing log to be incredibly helpful. Over time it will make you a better fisherman and enable you to catch bigger bass.


Do you fill out the log after the outing, or as you're fishing? It seems it'd be tough for me to track WHILE I was fishing, especially since a lot of what I do is wading in the river. 

fishing user avatarMainebass1984 reply : 

I keep a small pad of paper with me while I am fishing to jot down notes on. Then once I am back home I go more in depth. I am fishing from a boat.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

I've kept a written hand-written journal since 1977. On the water I use a small pad of paper for sketches and a digital voice recorder for data and comments.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

If a log works for some people by all means use one, I don't think it makes one a better fisherman.  A good fisherman is able to adapt on the spot.

So many factors involved that can affect the conditions day to day and certainly year to year.  Luckily where I fish for bass my main concern is water depth, vegetation and cold fronts, all I have to do is walk over to the canal or pond to visually see what's going on.  Not only does the weather control water depth it's also controlled by man, gates are opened and closed based on rain as well as getting ready for a big storm.  We have sea lettuce down here, today a canal can be totally clean and tomorrow that lettuce is thick making fishing very difficult.


Many people fish for multiple species, quite often those fish come into areas certain times of the year.  Those fish follow bait, bait is controlled by water temperature and weather, bad storms bring snapper in for example.  I've had years where I've caught bluefish left and right, the following year hardly any, the water and weather isn't the same. I've seen fish delayed as much as 2 months behind their anticipated schedule.  Huge difference between a wave and a groundswell, there is no consistency.  A good fisherman knows their species and the nuances of each, don't find too much difficulty in being able to keep that info in my personal computer, that being my head.  A log is just a guideline, which is not always accurate.  

Not everyone experiences this scenario which happens all the time here.  I've caught some really nice fish, just taking the time to take quick a photo can cost me a cast to catch another 15 or 20# fish.

fishing user avatarNebasska reply : 

I take a pic of every fish I catch over 2lb with the lure in the pic and down load them when I get home and set up files for each month of the year

then can go thru the next year and get a idea of what was working where and its fun when you recognize fish from before

fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

I take a picture of every beer I drink over 12 ounces.....

fishing user avatarMainebass1984 reply : 
  On 3/11/2015 at 4:16 AM, FrogFreak said:

I take a picture of every beer I drink over 12 ounces.....


You must have a lot of photo albums.

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

I use this site, and another Florida Fishing Site, as a form of log of my fishing success or lack of success. When doing a fishing report I always include the water body being fished, the ramps used that day, the date of the trip, water temp, air temp, wind conditions, water clarity, start and finish time, moon cycle, water levels, number of fish caught, size of fish caught, and lures used that day, and techniques being used. I DON"T include these facts for others, but rather for me to go back two or three years to see what was happening on this particular body of water, with these conditions, and these lures. It is an easy way to keep a log, call it back up when you need it, and its all on your favorite web sites. I try to pack these reports with as many facts as possible just so it refreshes my mind years later.

fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 
  On 3/11/2015 at 7:50 PM, Mainebass1984 said:

You must have a lot of photo albums.


I just can't remember where I put them!


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