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How Much Trouble 2024

fishing user avatarDarrickp reply : 

Hey Guys I was just wondering I have never fished legally I know that I would need to get a lic. if I joined a Club, but I was wondering what kind of trouble could you get into if you didn't have a lic. Would it be worse to get caught by the wild life game and fish or a cop.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

what difference does it make?

You are a 27 year old man who lives in one of the finest bass regions in the entire world. It is a privledge for a bass angler to live in Orlando Florida, USA>

A 12 month resident freshwater fishing license in Florida is $13.50

Let me spell that out for you. Thirteen Dollars and fifty cents

for one entire year of bass fishing.

It's time to grow up. Get the license.

fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 

Like Avid said just get the license and then you don't have to worry about it.

fishing user avatarmgmoore7 reply : 

If you can afford a pole, lures, line, etc., you can afford a license.  I will even give you a link so you can start being legal immediately.

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

In some states fishing w/out a license is equal to poaching. Thats a big time NO-NO . If your wrong say your wrong and do the right thing. Get a license. Proceeds from the license goes toward maintaining the waters and keeping them stocked.The fish arent free ya know.The Game and Fish here in Arizona goes out of state and purchases alot of the fish they stock,although there are hatcheries in the state  They actually pay people to go out and pick up the trash that anglers and such leave behind. Think about how nice your fishing "spot" is and think about the people doing the work to keep it that way...They sure aint doin it for thier health,they have families too.. So if noone bought a license eventually the game and fish commission wouldnt have funds to keep the waters up and then where would you fish? Think about it!!!

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

What the hell, What avid said.  There is absoulutly no reason why anyone should fish without a license

fishing user avatarBD reply : 

I took a buddy fishing the other day, and he didn't get a license that morning (just turned him on to fishing)

I HARPED and harped on warden came, and LUCKILY he even had the OPTION to get a temp license (apparently in OK. they just came up with that option.)

Yeah a ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FIVE DOLLAR ticket, had he not had the option to buy a 30 day license.

The life-time license costs 225$ lol

Get the license. period.

fishing user avatarMadhouse27 reply : 

Darrick, do the right thing and go buy yourself a license. This more than just the fact that it's against the law to fish without one. It's not about avoiding fines or even the fact that the money goes to the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. To me it is about respect. Respecting your quarry enough to keep your end of the bargain if you are going to pursue them. Respecting your fellow fisherman enough to play by the same rules that we all do. I'm sure you are a fine person, but when I pay and you don't I can only assume that you consider yourself deserving of some special treatment. On here we're all just guys that love to bass fish. We're all the same. Now, if it's a money thing my brother we'll pass the hat right now and fix you up.

fishing user avatarreelon reply : 

Please just get the license, it will help the wild life deparment and you will fish without worries of wardens and tickets.

fishing user avatarNew Bass Man reply : 

Yeah, man--get the license.  Avid said it best.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 


The money from your license provides a benefit to the quarry, future fishermen, and current fishermen alike.  If you respect your quarry, the great and mighty bass, get your license.  If you respect the future of bass fishing for those who come after you, get your license.  If you respect other fishermen and all of us on this forum, get your license.  And finally, if you want to respect yourself, give something back to this great sport, and GET YOUR LICENSE!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarLunkers0 reply : 

Get the license!  Here in Minnesota a lic cost around $18.  So I would consider $13.50 pretty cheap.  How much did you spend on your last trip the the tackle shop?  I think our fine for fishing without a license is around $200.  They also can take your boat, truck, tackle, whatever you brought to the lake that day.  It is not worth the risk.

fishing user avatarDarrickp reply : 

ITS JUST A QUESTION!!!!!! let me say it again... it just a question. Never really need it. Always Fished in lakes behind my house or friends. Sorry I asked.

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 
ITS JUST A QUESTION!!!!!! let me say it again... it just a question. Never really need it. Always Fished in lakes behind my house or friends. Sorry I asked.

In florida if you fish a private pond 20acres or less and is not connected to public waters in any way you do not need a license so you are legal if you fall under that catagory. I guess laws from state to state differ here in ky If you own the the pond you don't need one regardless of its size, but if you fish anywhere other than your own property you are required to have a license.   But I would still get one anyway it does help the DNR. If your going to fish in club events You will need one because more than likely they will be fishing public waters and one is required for that. In the event you do get caught without one on public waters I let you read it here it is

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 


I don't understand your response. You asked a question and it was answered thoughtfully by several members. Lighten up.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Derrikp said he never fished legally, also didn't say he fished illegally.

His question was: was it worse to get caught by warden or a cop?

In Tx, a cop doesn't have the authority to ask you for a fishing license, so the game warden is definitley the worst.


Whats up with the responses towards Derrickp?

IMO, you guys assumed he fished illegally? You guys are wrong, and in Tx, a private pond doesn't need a fishing license. And as indicated by all the pond fishermen on this forum, theres alot of people who fish ponds all year that probably doesn't need one either.l

Its time to grow up and get a license. Nice response.  



fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Matt, guilty as charged.  But if he says he has never fished legally, then the only other way to fish is illegally.  There are only two choices, legal and illegal.  

In his later post, he says he was fishing private lakes without a license and if it is legal to do this in his state, then he would be fishing legally.  Since his original post stated that he had never fished legally, then the only logical conclusion from this is that he fishes illegally.  Hence, the emotions that some of us exhibited.  

DarrickP, thanks for clarifying that you fish private ponds and lakes.  Alot of us here take the issue of illegal fishing very seriously.  Tight lines. :)

fishing user avatargrove83 reply : 

Here's my take.....Derrikp said that he never fished therefore he WAS fishing illegally. If he was fishing "private" ponds and did not need a license...then he should have said that he never "needed" to purchase a license. So by him not wording the question correctly he let us assume that he was doing it illegally and also put us under the assumption that he "knew" that what he was doing was wrong. Hence the responses. IF Derrikp did mean that he never "needed" to purchase a license, then I can see your point MF. Is the law the same in TX as it is in FL? Whatever the case may be....get the license and save yourself some trouble....just my 2 cents.

Is the lake behind his house public or private....he never said?  

fishing user avatarMuddpuppy reply : 
Derrikp said he never fished legally, also didn't say he fished illegally.

His question was: was it worse to get caught by warden or a cop?

In Tx, a cop doesn't have the authority to ask you for a fishing license, so the game warden is definitley the worst.



 It really isn't going to make much difference as far as a game warden from any other officer of the law, if you are detained by a cop here in Texas, and there is reason to suspect that you might have committed a crime of any nature they can hold you until the gamewarden arrives, if they have enough evidence to show that you could have been fishing or hunting illegally, then it can give them reason to stop and detain you until he gets there. The warden can also search the vehicle ect. once he arrives and it gives them a reason to hold you.

fishing user avatarDeuceu72 reply : 

IMO, I thought all the reply's to the question were answered just fine. What was expected? For everyone just to say "aw, dont worry about it, you dont need a license"....This is a bass forum and you had to expect some pretty tough answers to that question. I dont think anyone ever felt any ill-will to Darrick himself, but just letting him know that it would be much easier to just buy a license.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

For one thing, ya'll assumed he had been fishing illegally.  Which wasn't the case after all.      No one answered his original questions really.    And since when does some one need to be told to grow up for asking a question.  

Muddpuppy-   A cop can't ask for your hunting and fishing license.    So again, who do you want to  be stopped by? cop or warden

A game warden is the only one that can check you.    Yes we can assume they can hold you until a game warden arrives.     But again, a cop has no juristdiction on the game laws.

fishing user avatarlangs15 reply : 

HE said in his original post that he never fished legally, therefor, the only other way to fish is illegally. If you mean something else than you posted, change it, you knew what your question was. THE END.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Fortunately, DarrickP clarified that he is actually fishing legally in his state.  Now that we understand him, let's show some understanding for those who responded to him.  

One last time . . . .  No one assumed DarrickP was fishing illegally.  His statements logically lead to this conclusion.  

He stated he doesn't fish legally (1st Post.)  

This only leaves two other options:  fishing illegally, or he doesn't fish, period.  

Logically, if a person doesn't fish they would make the following statement:

"I haven't fished."

Darrick's statement was, "I haven't fished legally."

So the only option left is fishing illegally.  Simple logic.  

fishing user avatarjbass reply : 

Awhile back I was fishing in on of my clubs tourneys. I had inavertantly left my wallet in my car and didn't have my fishing license or drivers license which was my ID. The game wardens just happened by to check on how things were going and then ask both of us for ID and fishing licenses. I was fined $340 for not having either one. Since the game warden didn't know me or I couldn't prove who I was he said he could confiscate my rods and me, but my partner vouched for me and all was well. I was able to continue to fish but it was a lesson well learned. My wallet never leaves my pocket.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

his orginal question was cops or warden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where does telling the man to get a license and grow up answer his questions.

Well, can anybody answer that or appologize.

There are certain waters, public or waters the TP&W may help manage that requires a license in my state.

You can fish in my state without a license, just not public waters, so to say you fish, just not legally doesn't mean illegally.

It was assumed that you either fish legal or illegal, yet you can fish private waters and still be above the law, just not legal to fish publically.

mr langs15, he wrote the question.

Did you answer the cop or the warden?     Or did you think he needs to clarify the question?    

fishing user avatarlangs15 reply : 
I have never fished legally

He said it, not other people. I didn't need to answer the cop or warden question as others have stated that cops can't do a d**n thing...about this anyways.

So mr. matt fly, do you understand everyones point now?

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

You can fish in my state without a license, just not public waters, so to say you fish, just not legally doesn't mean illegally.

Then what does the the oppisite of legally mean then When some one says they can drive a dump truck just not legally that means they can drive one and not have a CDl or they can drive one illegally because they don't have a  CDL  It was left to assume despite the original question that he did not have a license because of the way it was worded.  While the original question was not answered it would have been if the question was worded better  ie  Is it worse or better to get busted by the cops or game warden if someone didn't have a license.  If it was properly worded there would be no debate now

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

His first question was how much trouble could he get in.

500 dollar fine and/or 60 days in jail.

His second question was would a cop or a warden be worse.

A Warden.

The fact that he would even ask this question could mean that he is considering fishing illegaly. That's enough to make anyone question his motives.

Derrick I have one question for you.

How is it that a man at your age, who has fished most of his life in a state known for it many public waters, and considers himself ready to fish in tournaments, go his entire life without fishing any public waters?

It's funny how the simple wording of a statement or question can set off so many people.

Please understand that we all love this sport and want to protect it for the future. When someone comes along that may want to do even the smallest thing to threaten it, we get defensive. Stand back for a second and read your original question from our eyes and try to understand why we got defensive.

fishing user avatarbassnleo reply : 

If I may.............................

What I'm going to explain applies to the law here in PA. "A cop can't ask you for a hunting or fishing license" and "A Game Warden is the only one who can check you"

In PA, the 2 statements above in quotes are wrong. A municipal police officer, state trooper, PA fish and boat commission conservation officer, can enforce ALL the laws of the commonwealth including ANYTHING in the fish and game codes, crimes code, vehicle code, drug code etc... A PA game commission officer (game warden) can also enforce the fishing laws (along with the game code of course) plus they may detain and arrest for certain criminal and vehicle code violations.

I'm only passing this on so someone dosen't incorrectly tell a law enforcement officer that they don't have the authority to check them for a fishing license. That may not sit too well with the officer.................

BTW, to Darrickp, man I would just get the license if you plan on fishing somewhere you are required to have one.....

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

The fines will be more than the cost of the fishing license. If a cop catches you, you'll  pay a no trespassing fine, and after he calls the Game Warden, you'll pay a no license fine. IMO. People that fish illegally are criminals.

fishing user avatarlangs15 reply : 
People that fish illegally are criminals.

THat they are...

fishing user avatarbigdog reply : 


fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

Hmmmmm...... I'm trying to figure this one out.

fishing user avatarDeuceu72 reply : 

I think this is beating a dead horse............the point was made on both sides.

fishing user avatarlangs15 reply : 

Hmmmmm...... I'm trying to figure this one out.

He said it wrong...well kinda...its really if you assume, you make an *** out of you and me.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
A game warden is the only one that can check you. Yes we can assume they can hold you until a game warden arrives. But again, a cop has no juristdiction on the game laws.

But they can detain you until the warden arrives or until the warden steps out of the car....

Game wardens routinely ride with DPS trooper on the major (I-20, I-10, I-35, etc.) highways here... been there and done that. One of the guys in our party was questioned by the trooper and then asked to sit tight while he got the game warden who "happened to be riding with him that day" for a few follow up questions. Funny how the ride together on Sunday afternoons in hunting seasons, since we saw the same pair on the following 2 sundays, working the same stretch of I-20. ??

The reality is that we got stopped by a cop (dps trooper) but we were detained so the warden could ask his questions.... it's a common "trap" in TX. We got pulled over for no front plate on a farm truck but the reality was that we had coolers, gun cases and hunting/camping gear visable in the truck's bed, hence the "courtesy" stop by the trooper. And once the trooper introduced the warden, he forgot about the plate missing... conveniently! No infractions were noted or cited but it's just their game, to check the hunters/fisherman.

So in many cases, it doesn't matter who stops you or who asks first... in the end, the game warden has the last word.

This example was hunting, not fishing but the same thing could easily happen, and probably does.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
his orginal question was cops or warden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where does telling the man to get a license and grow up answer his questions.

Did you answer the cop or the warden?     Or did you think he needs to clarify the question?    

You need to lighten up there Francis.  The guy confesses he's never fished legally.  He doesn't have a license. He wonders what the fines or penalties would be if he got caught and just who has the right to catch him, a cop or a warden.

Good grief, do you need that in neon?

BTW, he's a 27 year old big boy now and a resident of Florida. It's his responsibilty to understand the game laws of the state he's in and if he doesn't understand them, check it out with a local game and fish person to help him clarify his illegality or lack thereof.

I see a lot of very level headed responses there. I wouldn't have been so nice to an admitted poacher.

fishing user avatarslimwhit33 reply : 

MattFly seems to have an unhealthy need to defend an individual who CLEARLY STATED that he has "never fished legally".

I'm confused by MattFlys confusion on this topic...

fishing user avatarlangs15 reply : 

Alright, it's over!!

Lock or delete please mods!

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 
He said it wrong...well kinda...its really if you assume, you make an *** out of you and me.

I'm glad we did not have to assume anything. It's all in Black and White.

fishing user avatarlangs15 reply : 
He said it wrong...well kinda...its really if you assume, you make an *** out of you and me.

I'm glad we did not have to assume anything. It's all in Black and White.

Ain't that the truth!

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 
MattFly seems to have an unhealthy need to defend an individual who CLEARLY STATED that he has "never fished legally".

I'm confused by MattFlys confusion on this topic...

What I defended is how some seem to jump on him.      

None of you every drive over the speed limit?   One mile is breaking the law.

Does that make you a criminal also?

Telling people to grow up is not a polite response, nor did the first eleven posts address his questions, but merely lectured the guy.

Secnond, I was emailed about this topic privately, was the object to want this guy to quit the forum?   He sure thought he was wronged.


I had a grandpa who fished is whole life in tanks and ponds, private waters, he used to always tell us  (his grand sons) , why waste your money on some fishing license to fish public waters when your neighbors and family have the best fishing in the county.

So my grandpa never fished "legally", didn't make him a criminal either.

So this new guy on the forum gets lectured, and told to grow up.  

Now, we have all had a few good debates, but name calling or jumping on one of our new forum members is not how we welcome new members to the forum is it.    

For you guys to assume this 27 year old is a criminal, he was big enough, after he thought he was attacked, to come back and appologize.    Sounds like a descent guy to me.

If I thought any of you were wronged, I say a few words for ya'll also.

Hookem and How about those Mavericks


fishing user avatarlangs15 reply : 

HE didn't say he fished on private waters though, it's over, so get over it. And we never said he wans't a descent guy..

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Enough said.


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