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Can I Recommend A Spot For The Dec? 2024

fishing user avatarBuffaloBass716 reply : 

I fish a spot where there is always other people there, and occasionally its just ridiculous.  Out of the years I've been fishing there, not once have I been stopped and asked for my fishing license.  My theory is that since there is never anybody checking for fishing licensing or making sure people aren't keeping bass that don't measure to the standards of NYS, everybody just congregates to this area because they can get away with it.


Anyway... Do you guys think that if I called my local DEC number and ask for a officer to check people occasionally, they would take my advice?  I can guarantee that people fish there illegally, and trash the place as well.  In my eyes, there should be an officer there at least once a day in the evening, and can honestly probably catch and fine a hand full of people.  


If they have their paper work in order, great, if they don't, they should be fined the $250 and have their fishing tackle taken away. Plain and simple. 

fishing user avatarABW reply : 
  On 6/29/2014 at 10:23 AM, BuffaloBass716 said:

I fish a spot where there is always other people there, and occasionally its just ridiculous.  Out of the years I've been fishing there, not once have I been stopped and asked for my fishing license.  My theory is that since there is never anybody checking for fishing licensing or making sure people aren't keeping bass that don't measure to the standards of NYS, everybody just congregates to this area because they can get away with it.


Anyway... Do you guys think that if I called my local DEC number and ask for a officer to check people occasionally, they would take my advice?  I can guarantee that people fish there illegally, and trash the place as well.  In my eyes, there should be an officer there at least once a day in the evening, and can honestly probably catch and fine a hand full of people.  


If they have their paper work in order, great, if they don't, they should be fined the $250 and have their fishing tackle taken away. Plain and simple. 


It is the same way at this public lake I fish too. I can tell many do not have fishing licenses, just because these people aren't the most serious fishermen, with spincast and cheap spinning combos from the store. They will literally keep every bass they catch, even if its under the minimum of 14 inches. I've even seen some kids keeping tiny 10 inch bass. Lots of littering too. Here, its extremely rare to catch anything over 3 lbs. That just puts it in perspective of how over fished this small lake is. The biggest I've ever caught was a 3, and I've been fishing there about 6 years, since I was like 9. Anyways, hopefully I can move onto bigger lakes in the area once I get older.


If you see anything illegal that they're doing, report it to the DEC. I'm sure that they would take your advise to check people too. 

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Most states are terribly short on Game Wardens, they simply don't have the man power to check some spots often. I fish and hunt a lot and only ever get checked a couple times all year and rarely is that in the field or on the water. 

fishing user avatarMissourifishin reply : 

It wouldn't hurt to call and let them know your concerns. I don't know if they'll act on it. But that's about all you can do.

fishing user avatarPaul s reply : 

Ive literally only been checked by a warden once in my life (both hunting and fishing) and that was earlier this year trout fishing, its rare to even see a waeden.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Most states encourage calling and have a tip phone number to call for illegal fishing and hunting activity.


fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Something that is not often mentioned in these kinds of situations, Game Wardens works for US - the law abiding citizens.  They are there to help ensure our safely and to enforce the laws, rules and regulations as they apply to Fish & Game and the environment.  So put them to work - that's what they are there for !


 As stated, they are almost always seriously under staffed.  Your eyes can help them out, so do it.


And if they are unable or unwilling to respond, keep calling.  The squeaky wheel gets the grease.



fishing user avatarBuffaloBass716 reply : 

Thanks guys, I am definitely going to give them a call to let them know.  Hopefully if people see a game warden at the spot every so often, it'll make that area a little better with time.  

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

I had not been checked in ten years in south Florida fresh water, in the boat. Then last year I got checked twice in two weeks by the same guy. I told him you checked me last week with no violations. He did not care and did a complete inspection again. When finished I told him I'll see you next week!

There are definitely way too few officers for all the water and wilderness areas. Far more dangerous job then most people think, since many of the encounters they have are with people with high powered weapons, many at night with no back up.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I think you should give the wardens a call. It will make everyone that fishes that spot a little more conscious of the rules and regulations if a warden would stop by every once in a while. 


I know for me I have only been stopped twice. 1. For a safety inspection in the glades  2. I was fishing 2 blocks from my house at a neighborhood canal when a FWC officer happen to be driving by. Turned his lights on and everything. I smiled to myself, and fortunately I was carrying my wallet, so I produced my license and I was good. The officer ended up being a cool guy and we ended up chit chatting for while. 

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

I have always bought a fishing license, and in over fifty years I probably have been asked to show it maybe three times.


fishing user avatarPersicoTrotaVA reply : 

Glad you guys don't see a game warden.  A few years ago I got a fishing without a fishing license for casting the pole for someone else who had never fished before in their life.  I almost went to jail that day for arguing with the GW because I wasn't fishing and get this, he didn't even give the other person a ticket, he went direct for me.


I am all about checking people to see if they have up to date fishing licenses and fining people who litter and take fish that are too small but seriously, I will never fish that lake ever because of how gestapo they are about it.  275 bucks for trying to help someone out...

fishing user avatarjigabooyah reply : 

I suspect a lot of people fish without a License. I see people breaking game laws often and just being plain careless. 

Lot of it is just greed. Like fishing with 8 poles when the place only allows 2. 

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 6/30/2014 at 8:36 PM, PersicoTrotaVA said:

Glad you guys don't see a game warden.  A few years ago I got a fishing without a fishing license for casting the pole for someone else who had never fished before in their life.  I almost went to jail that day for arguing with the GW because I wasn't fishing and get this, he didn't even give the other person a ticket, he went direct for me.


I am all about checking people to see if they have up to date fishing licenses and fining people who litter and take fish that are too small but seriously, I will never fish that lake ever because of how gestapo they are about it.  275 bucks for trying to help someone out...


This is routinely known as Cause & Effect.



fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 6/29/2014 at 1:06 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

Most states are terribly short on Game Wardens, they simply don't have the man power to check some spots often. I fish and hunt a lot and only ever get checked a couple times all year and rarely is that in the field or on the water. 


Yeah. And the ones that are there waste their time trying to nitpick a bass tournament weigh-in instead of finding people who are keeping every fish they catch and stealing from the system. I've even called them before and they do something 5 hours too late if at all. Come bass tournament launch or weigh-in you can be sure they will be there hawking.

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 6/30/2014 at 11:20 PM, A-Jay said:

This is routinely known as Cause & Effect.




You know as well as all of us that that is ridiculous. If I saw someone that needed help with something fishing related, I would help them whether I was fishing or not and whether I had my gear and license or not. Don't pretend like that isn't a ridiculous ticket to get. Just because it is "technically" breaking the rules, although I'm not even entirely sure that casting someone's rod and showing them something qualifies as that, there is a thing called using your head which that game warden clearly did not do (or maybe he did and just wanted to take someone's money).

fishing user avatarOkobojiEagle reply : 
  On 6/29/2014 at 10:23 AM, BuffaloBass716 said:

I fish a spot where there is always other people there, and occasionally its just ridiculous...  so this is your spot?




everybody just congregates to this area because they can get away with it...  it doesn't have anything to do with the fact it's a good fishing spot?




Anyway... Do you guys think that if I called my local DEC number and ask for a officer to check people occasionally, they would take my advice?  I certainly hope not on your speculation alone.

fishing user avatartoni63 reply : 

Wouldn't hurt to call. My experience with anyone in any type of law enforcement is if it's a "slam dunk" situation they know they can be successful in prosecuting with the minimal amount of effort, they usually don't take a lot of persuading.

That isn't a slam on law enforcement, just a matter of fact statement of practicality. If you have the choice of going to great lengths to making a case, or just showing up and it's all right there, which would you consider a better use of your time?

I'd bet if they can show up and start handing out tickets and it's all clear cut, they will be there. It helps both the public and them. A Win-Win.

Oh, and for the record, once when I was 15 or so I got ticketed for fishing after dark and fishing without a license. So it's not like I always thought having the license was as important as going fishing my whole life, either. But since then, I always get my license every year. Small price to pay to enjoy the sport, and if I have to pay, so should everyone else I share the water with.

And to the guy complaining about the wardens showing up on tournament day, I saw that earlier this year too. Surprisingly, many of the tournament guys didn't have their boat registrations up to day due to a change in how Illinois renews them. So yes, they did have quite the field day. I didn't see that as a negative reflection on the wardens though. I kinda thought guys who were all serious about their big bassin' rigs and angling accomplishments would have kept up to date with the regs, too. Guess not... lol

fishing user avatarBuffaloBass716 reply : 
  On 6/30/2014 at 11:55 PM, OkobojiEagle said:


  On 6/29/2014 at 10:23 AM, BuffaloBass716 said:

I fish a spot where there is always other people there, and occasionally its just ridiculous...  so this is your spot? No it's not my spot, clearly if I pay for an annual fishing license I shouldn't have to fish beside people who do it for free, illegally. 




everybody just congregates to this area because they can get away with it...  it doesn't have anything to do with the fact it's a good fishing spot? It's an okay spot, but whenever I'm fishing there, I usually can out fish everyone else.  It's that easy to tell when someone else catches something because we are all so close together.




Anyway... Do you guys think that if I called my local DEC number and ask for a officer to check people occasionally, they would take my advice?  I certainly hope not on your speculation alone.  Until you see the people who are fishing there, I think it would be a wise choice for a game warden to drop by for a visit...


fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 
  On 6/30/2014 at 11:32 PM, Z-Dunham said:

You know as well as all of us that that is ridiculous. If I saw someone that needed help with something fishing related, I would help them whether I was fishing or not and whether I had my gear and license or not. Don't pretend like that isn't a ridiculous ticket to get. Just because it is "technically" breaking the rules, although I'm not even entirely sure that casting someone's rod and showing them something qualifies as that, there is a thing called using your head which that game warden clearly did not do (or maybe he did and just wanted to take someone's money).


Please don't include all of us in your own opinion, as I completely understand and agree with the comment.  That automatically makes your first assumption wrong, and with a little study, I'm sure that most of the others will follow suit.


The act of fishing includes holding a fishing pole and casting bait or lure into the water.  This means the person was indeed fishing, and if they did not have a license, then they should have gotten a ticket.  If at that point they wished to argue the point, they are given the right to a trial by judge or jury to make their case.  That is the way the current system works, and if someone doesn't like that system, there are ways to change them beyond whining about it.


This opinion is mine, and I will not make any assumption that everyone will agree with it.  That's how rational people think!

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 7/1/2014 at 2:06 AM, Lund Explorer said:

Please don't include all of us in your own opinion, as I completely understand and agree with the comment.  That automatically makes your first assumption wrong, and with a little study, I'm sure that most of the others will follow suit.


The act of fishing includes holding a fishing pole and casting bait or lure into the water.  This means the person was indeed fishing, and if they did not have a license, then they should have gotten a ticket.  If at that point they wished to argue the point, they are given the right to a trial by judge or jury to make their case.  That is the way the current system works, and if someone doesn't like that system, there are ways to change them beyond whining about it.


This opinion is mine, and I will not make any assumption that everyone will agree with it.  That's how rational people think!


So what you're saying is, you're walking in a park and you see a kid or group of kids fishing and doing something incorrectly, and you go over and show them how to cast, you deserve a ticket if you don't have your license on you and someone saw you throw a line in the water? Seriously, I am wondering. If you can tell me right now that you deserve a ticket for that, I will not say another word on this thread. Your post will say all it needs to.

fishing user avatarBrian6428 reply : 
  On 7/1/2014 at 2:04 AM, BuffaloBass716 said:


  On 6/30/2014 at 11:55 PM, OkobojiEagle said:


  On 6/29/2014 at 10:23 AM, BuffaloBass716 said:

I fish a spot where there is always other people there, and occasionally its just ridiculous...  so this is your spot? No it's not my spot, clearly if I pay for an annual fishing license I shouldn't have to fish beside people who do it for free, illegally. 




everybody just congregates to this area because they can get away with it...  it doesn't have anything to do with the fact it's a good fishing spot? It's an okay spot, but whenever I'm fishing there, I usually can out fish everyone else.  It's that easy to tell when someone else catches something because we are all so close together.




Anyway... Do you guys think that if I called my local DEC number and ask for a officer to check people occasionally, they would take my advice?  I certainly hope not on your speculation alone.  Until you see the people who are fishing there, I think it would be a wise choice for a game warden to drop by for a visit...



I think this assumption of whether or not people are legal based on appearance is what is causing some feathers to be ruffled here.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 6/30/2014 at 11:32 PM, Z-Dunham said:

You know as well as all of us that that is ridiculous. If I saw someone that needed help with something fishing related, I would help them whether I was fishing or not and whether I had my gear and license or not. Don't pretend like that isn't a ridiculous ticket to get. Just because it is "technically" breaking the rules, although I'm not even entirely sure that casting someone's rod and showing them something qualifies as that, there is a thing called using your head which that game warden clearly did not do (or maybe he did and just wanted to take someone's money).

 Ridiculous ~  arousing or deserving ridicule : extremely silly or unreasonable :  absurd, preposterous.

                                       The Game Warden did not see it that way.  


We are hearing one side of the story.  The Officer's version of these events may be different and why he determined that there was a violation and acted accordingly. 


After listening to and witnessing many years of stories and events myself, I will admit that I'll always give the LEO's version quite a bit more credence.  



fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 7/1/2014 at 5:43 AM, A-Jay said:

 Ridiculous ~  arousing or deserving ridicule : extremely silly or unreasonable :  absurd, preposterous.

                                       The Game Warden did not see it that way.  


We are hearing one side of the story.  The Officer's version of these events may be different and why he determined that there was a violation and acted accordingly. 


After listening to and witnessing many years of stories and events myself, I will admit that I'll always give the LEO's version quite a bit more credence.  




I agree with what you are saying about stories. But the LEO is another human being with bias also. I'm sure the truth is somewhere in between. The only reason I actually believe the person who posted that story is I have seen equally ridiculous things with my own eyes that didn't even involve me.

fishing user avatarFish Murderer 71 reply : 

When it all boils down, the only thing that matters is that you are a responsible outdoorsman.  I pay a meager 68 bucks a year for my hunting tags and fishing license. and it ensures that my kids will have an opportunity to enjoy some of the things we do.  If you see poaching report it!  I will in a heart beat!  I have met most of the Game Wardens in my area and I respect the job they are trying to perform- Law ENFORCEMENT! I say this because my Grandmother was a Game Warden in North Dakota for a long time.  We the tax payers, pay these men and women to try to ensure that we all have an opportunity to enjoy the sport most of us go nuts over!  They put their lives on the line for a meager wage, and have to deal with a lot of jerks and immature people.  They put a book out at the start of the new license year- I, as a responsible adult and outdoorsman can take a few minutes to see if any of the rules have changed or I can learn it the expensive way.  I'll say it again...  If you see poaching- report it, it your duty!  I'll get off my soap box now!

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 
  On 7/1/2014 at 5:43 AM, A-Jay said:

Ridiculous ~ arousing or deserving ridicule : extremely silly or unreasonable : absurd, preposterous.

The Game Warden did not see it that way.

We are hearing one side of the story. The Officer's version of these events may be different and why he determined that there was a violation and acted accordingly.

After listening to and witnessing many years of stories and events myself, I will admit that I'll always give the LEO's version quite a bit more credence.


Lets not forget, there are three sides to every story....yours, mine and the truth.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 
  On 6/30/2014 at 11:26 PM, Z-Dunham said:

Yeah. And the ones that are there waste their time trying to nitpick a bass tournament weigh-in instead of finding people who are keeping every fish they catch and stealing from the system. I've even called them before and they do something 5 hours too late if at all. Come bass tournament launch or weigh-in you can be sure they will be there hawking.

Because tournament bass guys never break the law right??


It's a hard job to do. Not only are they spread extremely thin, but proving that a crime was committed is very difficult a lot of times for a Game Warden. In most cases, their victims can't tell their side of the story, so they have to find other evidence to prove someone broke the law, not always easy to do.


As far as not showing up when you called, maybe they were staked out on someone who was already breaking the law and they were trying to get enough evidence to make an arrest or write a citation to that person? That goes along the same lines as "Never leave fish to find fish". Most of the guys I know that do the job are avid outdoorsmen themselves and hate to see the laws being broken as much as we do, but the black and white truth is when they have huge patrol areas to cover, they simply don't have enough time to cover it all and stuff is going to slip through the cracks. 

fishing user avatarSTPC reply : 

As far as response time goes for game wardens, the have very large areas to cover in my area.  This is typically several counties and if they have more than one complaint to handle, there is a good chance it's going to take them some time to get to the second or third complaint of the day.  I try to treat game wardens/LEO's as I would any other person, that is the same way I would like to be treated.  I find this goes a long way when dealing w/law enforcement.

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 
  On 7/1/2014 at 3:49 AM, Z-Dunham said:

So what you're saying is, you're walking in a park and you see a kid or group of kids fishing and doing something incorrectly, and you go over and show them how to cast, you deserve a ticket if you don't have your license on you and someone saw you throw a line in the water? Seriously, I am wondering. If you can tell me right now that you deserve a ticket for that, I will not say another word on this thread. Your post will say all it needs to.


Rather than posting on a subject you have little knowledge of, I would suggest cracking a book or two to see if you could figure out how life really works instead of how you want it to work.  Perhaps the first thing you could spend some time studying would be a simple book used by many high school government classes.  Pay special attention to the Bill of Rights and what it has to say about the due process of law.  It's fairly easy to see that no one is guilty of breaking a law just by getting a ticket. 


After you have a rudimentary knowledge of how the criminal justice system works, there is one last thing to consider.  When a conservation officer sees a person who is in the act of fishing, he has the right to expect that person to have a fishing license.  In a child like world, it might sound reasonable that this officer would simply let anyone slide if or when that person stated that they were just "teaching" someone else to fish. 


So what happens when this conservation officer hears the same excuse from the next dozen people he checks?


And just a little FYI, I always have my fishing license with me.  It sits right in my wallet from the day I buy it until the day I purchase the next year's license.  The only times I've ever had to remove it was when a CO asked to see it, and I gladly provided it to him with a smile on my face.  It means that my license dollars are at work.

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 7/1/2014 at 6:11 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

Because tournament bass guys never break the law right??


It's a hard job to do. Not only are they spread extremely thin, but proving that a crime was committed is very difficult a lot of times for a Game Warden. In most cases, their victims can't tell their side of the story, so they have to find other evidence to prove someone broke the law, not always easy to do.


As far as not showing up when you called, maybe they were staked out on someone who was already breaking the law and they were trying to get enough evidence to make an arrest or write a citation to that person? That goes along the same lines as "Never leave fish to find fish". Most of the guys I know that do the job are avid outdoorsmen themselves and hate to see the laws being broken as much as we do, but the black and white truth is when they have huge patrol areas to cover, they simply don't have enough time to cover it all and stuff is going to slip through the cracks. 


In my experience, the large majority of tournament bass fishermen are not breaking laws/rules. Sure, there are always some, but there are FAR MORE recreational fishermen AND boaters breaking rules left and right. It seems the target is in the wrong place. If we really want to cut down on the illegal activity going on, maybe we should focus on where that activity is actually occurring and not just focus on the easiest target.

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 7/1/2014 at 6:54 PM, Lund Explorer said:

Rather than posting on a subject you have little knowledge of, I would suggest cracking a book or two to see if you could figure out how life really works instead of how you want it to work.  Perhaps the first thing you could spend some time studying would be a simple book used by many high school government classes.  Pay special attention to the Bill of Rights and what it has to say about the due process of law.  It's fairly easy to see that no one is guilty of breaking a law just by getting a ticket. 


After you have a rudimentary knowledge of how the criminal justice system works, there is one last thing to consider.  When a conservation officer sees a person who is in the act of fishing, he has the right to expect that person to have a fishing license.  In a child like world, it might sound reasonable that this officer would simply let anyone slide if or when that person stated that they were just "teaching" someone else to fish. 


So what happens when this conservation officer hears the same excuse from the next dozen people he checks?


And just a little FYI, I always have my fishing license with me.  It sits right in my wallet from the day I buy it until the day I purchase the next year's license.  The only times I've ever had to remove it was when a CO asked to see it, and I gladly provided it to him with a smile on my face.  It means that my license dollars are at work.


You shouldn't mock someone's knowledge or education without actually knowing them. Since you want to portray yourself as an adult and me as a child, I would think you would know better.


I see you failed to answer my question; most likely because I am right. Maybe we just need some smarter wardens. In my experience, it is pretty easy to tell what kind of person someone is with a 5 minute conversation. If I saw someone casting a rod in the scenario above, I could talk to them for 5 minutes and tell you if that story was true with about 75% accuracy.


Also, since you seem to think you know so much about government, you must know it costs you even more money to defend yourself in court from a ticket you don't think you deserve, so getting written a ticket is a lose-lose situation. Even if you are legitimately innocent, government wins, and you lose.

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

All you can do is try.  Not much else you can do really.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 
  On 7/1/2014 at 7:41 PM, Z-Dunham said:

In my experience, the large majority of tournament bass fishermen are not breaking laws/rules. Sure, there are always some, but there are FAR MORE recreational fishermen AND boaters breaking rules left and right. It seems the target is in the wrong place. If we really want to cut down on the illegal activity going on, maybe we should focus on where that activity is actually occurring and not just focus on the easiest target.

I agree that most are great stewards to the sport and tend to follow the letter of the law to the "T", and most tend to follow the unwritten laws as well. There's also far more recreational fishermen and boaters, so the laws of averages says that there would indeed be more of them that are breaking the law, even if maybe not always intentional, I think a lot of people are truly ignorant of the laws. I can't tell how many times I've seen someone keeping a short fish or clearly over their limit, said something, and they looked like I was speaking another language. Maybe they did know and just don't understand why I'm telling them. I try to hope for the best of my fellow man, even though the ones I spend most of my time around routinely prove it not to be true.If you truly have Wardens that are targeting tournament anglers, that's very unfortunate. I could see an instance where someone didn't like tournament fishing and checked them more often. Unfortunately, no matter how much it's preached, it's impossible for a person to be completely unbiased, even a LEO. 

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 7/1/2014 at 8:16 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

I agree that most are great stewards to the sport and tend to follow the letter of the law to the "T", and most tend to follow the unwritten laws as well. There's also far more recreational fishermen and boaters, so the laws of averages says that there would indeed be more of them that are breaking the law, even if maybe not always intentional. If you truly have Wardens that are targeting tournament anglers, that's very unfortunate. I could see an instance where someone didn't like tournament fishing and checked them more often. Unfortunately, no matter how much it's preached, it's impossible for a person to be completely unbiased, even a LEO. 


The last two tournaments I fished, the game commission / police were at the launch and at the weigh-in and both times they pulled over the last boat to launch in the tournament for random checks, lights flashing and everything, thereby screwing over their first 15 minutes of the morning bite. When I am out practicing on weekend days when the lake is loaded with recreational boaters and fishermen, rarely an officer in sight.

fishing user avatarFish Murderer 71 reply : 
  On 7/1/2014 at 8:19 PM, Z-Dunham said:

The last two tournaments I fished, the game commission / police were at the launch and at the weigh-in and both times they pulled over the last boat to launch in the tournament for random checks, lights flashing and everything, thereby screwing over their first 15 minutes of the morning bite. When I am out practicing on weekend days when the lake is loaded with recreational boaters and fishermen, rarely an officer in sight.

Then dont be the last man out!

fishing user avatarslimshad reply : 

Man the threads on here are crazy.  First to the OP, I would go fish and then when all was quiet, I was say man did you guys get checked yesterday by the law?  Then I would say yep they came by and said they were going to patrol this area hard for awhile lol.  And about Game Wardens, I have two stories for ya.  I was by myself when two very young GW's came up and asked me for my license.  They were in a huge flat botton jon boat.  As they got closer, they were about to run the aluminum boat up on my bass boat.  I jumped over and pushed them off with my foot.  I yelled and said woooo what the hell you doing.  That fired the two up and I thought they were going to pull a gun.  I gave them my license and they started to check every little thing on my boat. They said sir you must have the throw cushion availble at all times.  I looked at them and said, I am fishing by myself if I fall in who is going to throw it to me?  Turned and stepped on the tm pedal and casted.  They just pulled away.  Next is the best one.  I was fishing with a friend in a "party" cove.  Hundreds of people swimming drinking and loud music.  The GW came straight to us, through all the anchored boats, and said our numbers on the boat did not contrast enough and was going to give us a ticket.  So this guys bright red letters on a blue boat was the reason they came over.  All the while people 50 feet away were drinking and screaming.  I looked at one boat and three girls flashed us.  Which was worth the ticket lol.  So the only guys that actually pay to do the recreational stuff is the ones that got fined.  Yes they have a tough job, but you think they would spend more time on the bad guys.

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 7/2/2014 at 1:25 AM, slimshad said:

I was fishing with a friend in a "party" cove.  Hundreds of people swimming drinking and loud music.  The GW came straight to us, through all the anchored boats, and said our numbers on the boat did not contrast enough and was going to give us a ticket.  So this guys bright red letters on a blue boat was the reason they came over.  All the while people 50 feet away were drinking and screaming.  I looked at one boat and three girls flashed us.  Which was worth the ticket lol.  So the only guys that actually pay to do the recreational stuff is the ones that got fined.  Yes they have a tough job, but you think they would spend more time on the bad guys.


That's exactly the kind of stuff I am talking about.


I also like your solution to the OP. A little clever social engineering may actually work if anyone was doing anything sketchy.

fishing user avatarPaul s reply : 

I find it disturbing that most guys posting on here are attacking someone else because they have their own opinion and that in its self is insane, it's turning into a d swinging contest and it's stupid people have different opinions and have had different things happen to then that you haven't THAT'S HOW LIFE WORKS!

fishing user avatarSTPC reply : 

One thing everyone should remember:  when LEOs/Game Wardens seem to be singling out particular people, boats, etc., it is not always b/c they are trying to be a**h***s, a lot of the time the particulars they are looking for are directives from their higher-ups.  Believe me, I deal w/LEOs a lot in my job and many of them are pretty easy to get along with and would much rather be sitting in their air conditioned vehicle than out in the heat/cold/rain/snow dealing w/the public.


They have a job to do, one that I'm sure not too many folks ***.

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 
  On 7/1/2014 at 7:43 PM, Z-Dunham said:

You shouldn't mock someone's knowledge or education without actually knowing them. Since you want to portray yourself as an adult and me as a child, I would think you would know better.


I see you failed to answer my question; most likely because I am right. Maybe we just need some smarter wardens. In my experience, it is pretty easy to tell what kind of person someone is with a 5 minute conversation. If I saw someone casting a rod in the scenario above, I could talk to them for 5 minutes and tell you if that story was true with about 75% accuracy.


Also, since you seem to think you know so much about government, you must know it costs you even more money to defend yourself in court from a ticket you don't think you deserve, so getting written a ticket is a lose-lose situation. Even if you are legitimately innocent, government wins, and you lose.


Reading is fundamental.  Comprehension must be a lost art!


I've already said that I ALWAYS carry my fishing license in my wallet, therefore I'm not going to run into the situation you described.

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 
  On 7/2/2014 at 3:27 AM, Paul s said:

I find it disturbing that most guys posting on here are attacking someone else because they have their own opinion and that in its self is insane, it's turning into a d swinging contest and it's stupid people have different opinions and have had different things happen to then that you haven't THAT'S HOW LIFE WORKS!


I find it disturbing that there are so many people around here that can tell someone doesn't have a fishing license just by looking at them. 


Another thing I find disturbing is when someone uses an all inclusive word such as ALL, ALWAYS, or NEVER.  Such words can be used to describe yourself, but using them to include everyone (or perhaps in your case MOST) in their opinion, the writer is making an assumption  that is completely unsubstantiated.  The bottom line is that if you want to avoid becoming disturbed, it would be easier to explain this simple rule to the people that you think are being attacked.


It also wouldn't hurt to explain to them that they should understand the subject before commenting.

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 7/2/2014 at 7:47 PM, Lund Explorer said:

Reading is fundamental.  Comprehension must be a lost art!


I've already said that I ALWAYS carry my fishing license in my wallet, therefore I'm not going to run into the situation you described.


It is called a hypothetical situation, and you still failed to answer it. Since you apparently have never not had a fishing license on you, lets say it is someone you know. Someone you know decided to help someone for 5 minutes without their fishing license on them. Do they deserve a ticket?

Again, I will not stoop to your level of mocking.

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 
  On 7/2/2014 at 8:01 PM, Z-Dunham said:

It is called a hypothetical situation, and you still failed to answer it. Since you apparently have never not had a fishing license on you, lets say it is someone you know. Someone you know decided to help someone for 5 minutes without their fishing license on them. Do they deserve a ticket?

Again, I will not stoop to your level of mocking.


YES, They Do!  Under the strictest sense of the law, they are in the act of fishing.


Why is it so hard to understand that a CO doesn't have ESP.  What if the "student" who was just learning how to fish asked this same unlicensed person to make another cast, or perhaps a dozen of them?  What if the "teacher" also showed how to retrieve the lure, set the hook, fight and land the fish? 


It is completely unreasonable to assume that a CO is supposed to make those judgments.  Key word - Judgment - As in JUDGE - Like in Court!


If a CO sees someone in the act of fishing, he/she has the duty to issue a ticket if that person doesn't have a fishing license.  I'm not saying that the CO can't cut the guy some slack, but it is completely ignorant to demand that they do so.  That is the job of the courts.  No matter how much you think that long established laws shouldn't apply to you.

fishing user avatarPaul s reply : 
  On 7/2/2014 at 7:57 PM, Lund Explorer said:

I find it disturbing that there are so many people around here that can tell someone doesn't have a fishing license just by looking at them.

Another thing I find disturbing is when someone uses an all inclusive word such as ALL, ALWAYS, or NEVER. Such words can be used to describe yourself, but using them to include everyone (or perhaps in your case MOST) in their opinion, the writer is making an assumption that is completely unsubstantiated. The bottom line is that if you want to avoid becoming disturbed, it would be easier to explain this simple rule to the people that you think are being attacked.

It also wouldn't hurt to explain to them that they should understand the subject before commenting.

im not even going to entertain you're liberal mindset.


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