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How long does it take you to get ready? 2024

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Consider all of the time it takes you from the time the trip is planned until you leave the driveway.

fishing user avatarMarc David reply : 

I've never really thought about it until now. I take 2-3 hours as an average. Hate having spent that time for those days that they have lock jaw, it's all part of it though  :D

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

I have 2 very different scenarios... most trips only require long enough to change clothes and get to boat storage- about 15 minutes. But every 4-5 trips I re-line reels and re-organize the boat/tackle. In those instances, it can take upwards of several hours, depending on how much organizing I need.

I voted 0-1 since the majority fall into that category.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


I am always ready.  When not fishing, I'm "fixin' to go!"


fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

For me, its constant maintenance, research, and documentation.  As far as "getting ready" to go fishing, I was BORN READY!

fishing user avatarcato reply : 

I usually get my things together after my fishing trip so the next time I go its just a matter of hooking up to the boat and taking off to the lake. 10mins tops for that and then anywhere from 20-45 minutes to the lake depending on which lake I decide to fish.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
I have 2 very different scenarios... most trips only require long enough to change clothes and get to boat storage- about 15 minutes. But every 4-5 trips I re-line reels and re-organize the boat/tackle. In those instances, it can take upwards of several hours, depending on how much organizing I need.

I voted 0-1 since the majority fall into that category.

Same here.  

If I last fished the week before and the majority of my equipment is still in the boat I can spend enough time to pull the cover off, hitch up and go.l

Otherwise it might take a little more time.  Depending on where I'm goin.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Myself I voted 3-4 hours. I have to load everything in the boat and work on tackle selection as well as spooling a few reels. Might not take that long, but I usually spend it anyway just to be certain everything is ready to go. Besides, it's more fun than watching the tube or working in the yard.

fishing user avatarjeosbo01 reply : 

Depends on how long it takes me to get my boss to let me leave work ;-) ...her son also has the bass fever though so she understands

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

No time, just grab the rod or 2 of the day and drive 20 minutes to the ocean, gear is in the car.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

I'm always ready.  

I have no special clothes or gear.  

I constantly check the last six feet of line, or the leaders while I am fishing.  If there's a problem, I take care of it then.  

If I'm changing from jigs to plastic, or plastic to a spinnerbait, that's the only prep work involved for me.

All the baits get put in a tote, and come out of my canoe.

My canoe always gets some water in it while fishing.  With that stuff out of the way, a quick pass with the wet or dry vac gets rid of the water and cleans the canoe of bits of line leaves or whatever other gunk may be deposited in it that day.

Takes me all of five minutes to put my canoe on a tail gate height rolling table, and roll it into the garage, where the vac is always ready to go.

The tote of baits and leaders stays in my truck.

When it's time to go, another five minutes sees the canoe ratchet strapped into my truck, and ready for lift off.

fishing user avatarBranuss04 reply : 

My process SUCKS... 3-4 hours easily.  Out of all the lake I fish, I fish no two the same way.  So therefore each time I go out, I tie on different baits, different line etc.  

Ontop of that, my boat and truck are stored 1 hour away.  So I have to tie up all my rods (5-7 per trip) then pack food, water, clothes, gear into my car.  Drive 1 hour and unload all my stuff into my boat and truck.  I wish I could get my boat and truck closer, it would make trips WAY easier!!

fishing user avatarring fry reply : 
I usually get my things together after my fishing trip so the next time I go its just a matter of hooking up to the boat and taking off to the lake. 10mins tops for that and then anywhere from 20-45 minutes to the lake depending on which lake I decide to fish.

That's me unless I'm going on a 4 or 5 day trip, then I'll take another 10 - 15 minutes to pack. ;)

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 

0-1. Get home,  change to comfy clothes, hair in ponytail, ballcap, hook up to boat and head to nearest boat ramp (If I have to fish solo that day).

If fiance has beat me home from work, he's already hooked up to the boat, I do the quick change and off we go for a few hours before dark.

Weekends, we hookup, top off tank, grab some vitamin waters, ice, slimjims and headoff to the lake for a day of it.

all less than an hour before we are in the water from the house.

fishing user avatarEddie Munster reply : 

0-1 hour. Got everything in the garage in one location. Hardest part is muscling the Pond Prowler into the truck bed.

fishing user avatarbigtimfish reply : 

to be honest im ready before the day even comes. days in advance. but if i sat down the day of fishing it would take a while to get the boat ready,tie everything on my rods, and get set up.

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 

I am always ready. When not fishing, I'm "fixin' to go!"

Good point!

Most of the time all I have to do is roll out of bed, unplug the battery and lug it out to the boat and hook it up, unlock the rodbox and grab my gear, untie the boat and I'm good to go. 10 minutes maybe.

fishing user avatarTeam_Dougherty reply : 

Under an hour.

Like others, I just have to unhook the battery charger hook the trailer to the tow vehicle and go.

fishing user avatarCracker reply : 

For me it takes less than 5 minutes I opne the garage, pick up the kayak,rod,tackle box,vest and paddles and carry them 150 ft to the canal and put in the water.

fishing user avatarbigfish88 reply : 

I am always ready. When not fishing, I'm "fixin' to go!"

Good point!

Most of the time all I have to do is roll out of bed, unplug the battery and lug it out to the boat and hook it up, unlock the rodbox and grab my gear, untie the boat and I'm good to go. 10 minutes maybe.

yup yup...

fishing user avatarnozzleman reply : 

Not very long. I always charge the boat batteries and put everything back in order when I get back so all I have to do is hook up to the truck and go. ;D

fishing user avatarDad_Golf_Fish reply : 

Less than an hour. The gear is already in the truck ready for transfer on arrival. In the morning, I get up, get dressed, uncover the boat, unplug the charger, mount the electronics, and hitch 'er up. I am now ready. I spend the next 4 hours waiting for the wife and kid to get up and get ready. On the plus side, the wife is great about prepping the kid, loading the coolers with food/drink, applying sunblock and bug spray to everyone who needs it...I'm so spoiled.

The planning is a different story. That usually takes at least a week. The day after each outing is spent cleaning/detailing the boat. Then I decide where the next trip is to. Order any new baits (no local shopping in hicksville), spend nights studying topo/aerial maps, etc.. So yeah, by the time the trip is planned, there's not much more to do.

You would think with all that prep work that I would catch far more than I do.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Everything is in the boat from the day before except the camera and gore-tex.  Grab those and go, 1-3 mins

fishing user avatarbassmedic46 reply : 

I have everything I need in my car.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Getting ready starts when loading the boat back onto the trailer when finishing the days or nights outing for me.

It takes about 30 minutes to wipe down the boat and generally put thing s away. When I get home I go through my rods and reels to check them, clean whats needs it and change line and rearrange my tackle for the next outing; this takes about 1 1/2 depending on the extent of what needs what.

Then need about 1/2 hour to get ready for the days or nights fishing, load up the drinks and food, hook up the rig and get on my way.

2 to 2 1/2 hours of prep time, not counting shopping for new stuff.


fishing user avatarKYntucky Warmouth reply : 

Depends, if I'm going alone, Just enough time to pick which rods I want to take.  I don't have a boat so I fish from shore and the trunk of my car is one big tackle box.  

If I'm going out on someone else's boat, may take longer.  Usually 2-3 hours the night before, sorting tackle, eliminating baits, and choosing and storing rods.

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

I agree with WRB.  Preparation for the next fishing trip begins with the end of the last trip.  Anywhere from one to four hours for me, depending on what needs to be done.

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

I stay ready, so it takes me longer to drop a deuce than it does to load up my truck.

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

Assuming all batteries are charged, loaded and the trailer is hooked up, it takes me about 20min or so. I just load the rods/tackle and take cover off boat and go!

fishing user avatarbasswitch reply : 

My gear lives in my car. So technically I'm always ready. If we're taking the boat, it's just a matter of hooking up and moving the gear to the van. I can be up and gone in 15 minutes.

Sometimes though I'll take an hour or so the night before, and re-arrange my tacklebox, rig some plastics, and get ideas of what I'm going to try this time out. But I'll do that on a rainy day too, just as a distraction since I'm not fishing.

fishing user avatarfishing1971 reply : 

I guess it depends whether you also include all the time spent sorting gear out during the off-season...


fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

When I'm fishing a lot, it takes only enough time to throw together a lunch, tie fresh knots, a few tackle additions and deletions, apply sunscreen, and load the Jeep. I take care of most maintenance the night after fishing, so I don't forget something I'll pay for later, and I'll be close to ready for the next outing.

When I've not been able to get out much (like lately :( ) it takes longer, and I often end up missing opportunities on the water by forgetting appropriate stuff. To stay in the game -ya' gotta stay in the game!

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Local Jaunt:        Within an hour

Annual Vacation: About a year (Chart analysis - Bone-up - Brain-Picking)


fishing user avatarbassprofishguy reply : 

depending on what type of fishn im doing ill grab that rod/reel set up for it and that tackle bag set up for the same and im off....woohoooo

fishing user avatarDock Master reply : 
I stay ready, so it takes me longer to drop a deuce than it does to load up my truck.


     Serioulsy though, it takes me about 30 minutes at 5:00 a.m.  For late afternoon trips it takes me about 15 minutes because I am more awake than I was at 5:00 a.m.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six sharpening my axe."

I'm in a constant state of getting ready ;)

fishing user avatartwitchfish reply : 

Boys, you make the call and I can be behind the wheel, rolling in 2.  UNless the wife and kids are home, then, MAYBE, first thing in the morning.

If I'm not fishing, I am thinking about fishing.


fishing user avatarSfritr reply : 

Easy with this simple check list:

Is it raining-Hard? :-?

Did I wake up? :o

How much will my wife b*&(*%?   >:(

Go fishing :D ;D :D ;D

fishing user avatarcrw reply : 

When I return from fishing, I clean the boat, gas up,  reline reels that need it, make a note of what I need to byy.  All that is required for the next trip is hook up the boat, load rods and tackle.

fishing user avatarSammyLee reply : 

I voted in 0-1 hour category cause the rods are in the kitchen and the lake is one block down the street.  BUT every couple of weeks, I'll go through the tackle, check lines, work on old reels etc.  That usualy keeps me busy for an hour or two.

Now when I get the tube float thing on Father's day, it may take longer but I'll likely spend more time on the water too.

fishing user avatarbass wrangler569 reply : 

It depends, if I'm fishing a tournament, it takes me about and hour and a half the night before to make sure all of my stuff is together and ready to go. As far as fun fishing goes, it all depends on how much effort I feel like putting in that day...

I will say this, the amount of time it takes me to get ready is inversely proportional to the time that I wake up. The earlier I wake up, the longer it takes me to get ready.  

fishing user avatarwagn reply : 

I voted 2-3 hours.

Part of the fun of fishing for me is the planning. If I know I'm going out for a full day on Thursday, I spend about 2-3 hours time on mon-wed getting ready. Checking rods, researching weather, looking at the lake map and reviewing my old fishing logs, selecting my starting baits and re-organizing my tackle.

Now if I'm just heading down to the lake to fish for a couple of hours at night then it takes about 10 minutes to grab rods and leave.

fishing user avatarCatBassin reply : 

When I decide to go I'm gone. My rods stay in the truck and my tackle ox sits in the house beside the back door waiting for me to grab it and run.

fishing user avatarCODbasser reply : 

depends on whether im just fishing for fun or fishin a tournament..Line may need to be changed,clothes might need to  be packed if the tournament is out of town, but if its just a regular trip, just long enough to load my gear and get hooked up


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