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Why I fish but do not hunt since age 12. 2024

fishing user avatarcyclops2 reply : 

I can not find those shoot & release bullets. 


As a side note All my senior perch eaters GLADLY want only to have the small ones. Bless Victor. he told me NEVER to bring him a breeder biggie. Every so often The big perch suck the Rapala beyond a recoverable point in their throat. Even with 1 barbless treble. I remove the hook & put it in a huge boat tank with a constant running pump. After 1 hour. Letr it swim away or a Victor diner. 

fishing user avatarDens228 reply : 


fishing user avatarGreenPig reply : 

Good for you. I shoot and eat. 

fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 
  On 7/25/2019 at 4:49 PM, cyclops2 said:

I can not find those shoot & release bullets. 

If you pour a little Sprite® on that hole you blasted on Bambi it will stop the bleeding, it's still twitching, so it will probably survive, leave the bullet in there it will rust out...

fishing user avatarTOXIC reply : 

There is really no difference between your catch and keep for perch and a hunter harvesting game.  Actually the hunter has the advantage because they can see and choose if they have the right size, sex, and species of game they are harvesting. As a fisherman you have to take what bites and even you admitted if a spawner gets gut hooked, there’s no release.????  

fishing user avatarGlaucus reply : 

I don't hunt for the same reason I don't keep my catch: I have no interest in intentionally killing animals when I can go to the store. If I was starving, it would be a different story. I have zero issues with those who do keep their legal catch and hunt for legal game to eat; those people are actually keeping the natural order of things rather than getting their food from slaughter mills where the animals are severely abused.


It would be easier for me to keep a fish to eat than to kill a furry animal to eat. Why? Similar reason as, gun to head, fetus or toddler? You're saving the toddler.

fishing user avatarBadContrakt reply : 

Oh boy this is quite the topic for me.


I was born and raised and am back currently living in Minnesota. The land of 10,000 lakes. The land of... 10,000 extremely over-fished lakes. The land of "limiting out" and draining the lakes of any decent sized fish until the DNR have to put a mandatory "catch and release" on the lake until the population can catch back up. Ridiculous.


I don't keep the fish I catch. People around here don't understand it. This is Walleye and Crappy glory land. They can't understand how I'd spend thousands a year and not bring anything home. Whatever. Annoying.


The deer thing, I'm happy to harvest and encourage people to harvest. They're EVERYWHERE here. Destroying cars. Destroying gardens. There's plenty to go around.

fishing user avatarfishballer06 reply : 

In before this thread gets shut down...

fishing user avatarYumeya reply : 

I haven't kept a fish in years, but if someone does keep a few I don't mind.


Now if we had Salmon and Halibut here I would be eating it daily :)


As for hunting I also have no problem with it until it gets into using dogs for bear, cougars and then I also have a 

problem with people hunting exotic animals.


With that said, just saying I can go to the store is not any better, a deer has a way better life then any animal 

raised for slaughter....

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Catch and release bullets are called targets.

Without predators the animal kingdom is doomed, it's all about balance. Over harvesting  or under harvesting species starts a castrohphic chain reaction of events.

You choose to hunt animals (perch are animals) with a rod and reel in lieu of a gun or rifle and kill juveniles instead of adults. 



fishing user avatarJanderson45 reply : 

Sir, this is a bass fishing forum. 

fishing user avatarBig Rick reply : 

Popcorn in hand!  This ought to get interesting before it gets shut down...... Although it appears cyclops threw the first punch and then hightailed it out of here......

fishing user avatarPickle_Power reply : 

I choose to not hunt because it would severely hinder my fishing time and fishing budget!

fishing user avatarMobasser reply : 

I both hunt and fish. My 30-30 lever action deer rifle is a tool just like my fishing rod. As has been said before- obey all the laws concerning hunting and fishing.Then, sit down to a great fish dinner, or a deer steak. And enjoy it

fishing user avatarMN Fisher reply : 

Only reason I don't hunt anymore is that I'm a right-hand shooter and I lost my right eye a few years ago. Tried learning to shoot lefty...just couldn't do it. Before the loss, I was a rabbit/squirrel/grouse/pheasant hunter. Shot only what I would eat, and ate everything I shot.

fishing user avatarShimano_1 reply : 

Not a thing wrong with fishing purely for sport, keeping what's legal or killing legal game to eat or feed someone who needs it.

fishing user avatarcyclops2 reply : 

I am back. Fire away.  ????


I am surprised what a level headed bunch of posters we have. I never thought of the accidental gut hookings as a form of random shot. But that is true.  I will go to the F & G stockade.     ????‍♂️

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
  On 7/26/2019 at 6:49 AM, cyclops2 said:

I am back. Fire away.  ????


I am surprised what a level headed bunch of posters we have. I never thought of the accidental gut hookings as a form of random shot. But that is true.  I will go to the F & G stockade.     ????‍♂️

Another another mid winter cabin fever thread in mid summer, did hell freeze over?


fishing user avatarMN Fisher reply : 
  On 7/26/2019 at 6:57 AM, WRB said:

Another another mid winter cabin fever thread in mid summer, did hell freeze over?


I dunno about froze over, but I heard a rumor that Mephistopheles ordered a pair of snow-shoes from REI.

fishing user avatarcyclops2 reply : 

I am 81 and have lots of cabin fever every day The weather is too rough to fish.

fishing user avatarGlaucus reply : 
  On 7/26/2019 at 6:57 AM, WRB said:

Another another mid winter cabin fever thread in mid summer, did hell freeze over?


Quite the opposite, actually. Alaska has been slammed with 90* temps and Greenland has melted. Yay climate change with minimal efforts by humans to fix the problem.

fishing user avatarMIbassyaker reply : 

There is actually an active academic literature on the relative ethical merits of hunting vs. catch-and-release.


One side of the debate argues that hunting (or fishing) to kill is actually ethically preferable, as long as the kill is consumed and harvest is regulated to preserve populations. That is, the benefits of consumption offset the harm of the kill. Catch a fish or kill a duck and bring it home to eat, and you spare (say) the chicken you would have eaten instead. That is, consumption brings the total net harm back down to the level you have caused if you hadn't killed. 


By this view, catch and release fishing is actually MORE problematic because it subjects fish to unnecessary harassment, distress and risk of injury or death for mere fun, with no other benefit to offset the harm. All else equal (the argument goes), hunting and fishing to kill, and then consuming, results in less total harm than catching and releasing.


Not that I agree with this position (I don't), but it should be understood that nothing happens in a vacuum.  Your continued day-to-day existence regularly kills or puts at risk other living things constantly as it is, simply from your need to eat, move around, consume energy, or just take up space. 


Living ethically is not simply a matter of whether your actions will harm or kill something, but whether you'll cause more harm doing one thing vs. doing another, and what benefits offset those harms.

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

I hunt both on land and in the water and plan on hunting for the rest of my life. No tree hugger or vegan will convince me to stop hunting and eating meat. 

fishing user avatarjbsoonerfan reply : 

I fish and I kill things. I love doing both.

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 
  On 7/26/2019 at 6:42 AM, Shimano_1 said:

Not a thing wrong with fishing purely for sport, keeping what's legal or killing legal game to eat or feed someone who needs it.

Well said

fishing user avatarcyclops2 reply : 

Latest Get rich quick industry.  Eat PLANT PROTEIN.  Coming to your food store. Grown with all the safety of Monsanto products.

fishing user avatarjtharris3 reply : 

Whack 'em, stack 'em and grill 'em! 

fishing user avatargimruis reply : 

There’s more to hunting than just harvesting game. Same concept in fishing. There’s more to it than just harvesting fish. Sometimes just sitting in a stand, turkey blind, or strolling through the pheasant field with my 4 legged friend is enjoyable because it’s connecting with nature. I do it because I enjoy it, not just as a meat hunter.

fishing user avatarDens228 reply : 
  On 7/26/2019 at 6:49 AM, cyclops2 said:

I am back. Fire away.  ????


I am surprised what a level headed bunch of posters we have. I never thought of the accidental gut hookings as a form of random shot. But that is true.  I will go to the F & G stockade.     ????‍♂️

So I take it the sole reason for your post was to try and get people riles up?  On the internet?  For your entertainment?

  On 7/26/2019 at 6:49 AM, cyclops2 said:

I am back. Fire away.  ????


I am surprised what a level headed bunch of posters we have. I never thought of the accidental gut hookings as a form of random shot. But that is true.  I will go to the F & G stockade.     ????‍♂️

So I take it the sole reason for your post was to try and get people riles up?  On the internet?  For your entertainment?

  On 7/26/2019 at 6:49 AM, cyclops2 said:

I am back. Fire away.  ????


I am surprised what a level headed bunch of posters we have. I never thought of the accidental gut hookings as a form of random shot. But that is true.  I will go to the F & G stockade.     ????‍♂️

So I take it the sole reason for your post was to try and get people riles up?  On the internet?  For your entertainment?

fishing user avatarOCdockskipper reply : 

I have fished my whole life and never hunted (save for a few small birds shot with a BB gun in order to feed an injured owl my brother was nursing back to health).  Nonetheless, I have a huge amount of respect for those who do hunt with integrity.  Taking time to find the exact animal you want and then doing every step of the process that ends up with you feeding your family and others.  


Hunting in its pure form seems to bring one closer to nature and increases ones respect for wildlife.

fishing user avatarN Florida Mike reply : 
  On 7/26/2019 at 6:33 AM, MN Fisher said:

Only reason I don't hunt anymore is that I'm a right-hand shooter and I lost my right eye a few years ago. Tried learning to shoot lefty...just couldn't do it. Before the loss, I was a rabbit/squirrel/grouse/pheasant hunter. Shot only what I would eat, and ate everything I shot.

I ALMOST lost my right eye so I learned to shoot left handed. 

By the way I LOVE ANIMALS....

They are delicious!????

fishing user avatarbuzzbaiter83 reply : 

I fish, hunt, & grow a lot of my own food. I try to be as self reliant as possible. Harvesting animals/fish give them value. Making them valuable leads to protections and ensures survival of species. To each his own.  Whether you hunt/fish or kill/release just enjoy the outdoors and get outside. 

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

I understand someone choosing not to hunt but still fish .   It is killing a beautiful  creature that is not  that different from us .I dont deer hunt because nobody but me will eat it . I occasionally get a couple of squirrels or rabbits . I   make a delicious dish out of them with gravy in a crock-pot .

fishing user avatarBadContrakt reply : 
  On 7/26/2019 at 7:53 AM, MIbassyaker said:

There is actually an active academic literature on the relative ethical merits of hunting vs. catch-and-release.


One side of the debate argues that hunting (or fishing) to kill is actually ethically preferable, as long as the kill is consumed and harvest is regulated to preserve populations. That is, the benefits of consumption offset the harm of the kill. Catch a fish or kill a duck and bring it home to eat, and you spare (say) the chicken you would have eaten instead. That is, consumption brings the total net harm back down to the level you have caused if you hadn't killed. 


By this view, catch and release fishing is actually MORE problematic because it subjects fish to unnecessary harassment, distress and risk of injury or death for mere fun, with no other benefit to offset the harm. All else equal (the argument goes), hunting and fishing to kill, and then consuming, results in less total harm than catching and releasing.


Not that I agree with this position (I don't), but it should be understood that nothing happens in a vacuum.  Your continued day-to-day existence regularly kills or puts at risk other living things constantly as it is, simply from your need to eat, move around, consume energy, or just take up space. 


Living ethically is not simply a matter of whether your actions will harm or kill something, but whether you'll cause more harm doing one thing vs. doing another, and what benefits offset those harms.

INB4 someone says “but my fishing license helps pay for lake care and regulation, even though I don’t harvest my fish, I do my part by purchasing a license.”


And whoever says that, I agree.


that begs the question, are the fish better off with all that DNR help with us purchasing our licenses and fishing for fun, or would they be better off with the DNR with no money and only fishing for harvest is allowed? I say the fish are better off getting hooked by us and thrown back than just letting harvesters go wild with no DNR to look after the fish!

fishing user avatarohboyitsrobby reply : 

I fish and hunt. I'll continue to do both till I'm no longer capable. I kill 1 or 2 deer a year. That's about all my family can eat in that period. I'll also eat some fish. And they're good. My 5 year old boy hunts and fishes too. And I'll continue to encourage him too.

fishing user avatarFishinBuck07 reply : 

There is nothing wrong with hunting or fishing ethically!  As someone above said there is more to both sports than the harvest.  My dad was my fishing and hunting buddy till I lost him when I was 19.  I don't remember the animals we harvested or the fish we harvested, I remember the memories of laughing with him, and being with him in the woods enjoying nature, or on the water just learning from him the way he did things!  

fishing user avatarbillmac reply : 

Saying "this is what I do" isn't the same as "this is what everyone should do".  So he doesn't hunt and has reasons.  That's fine.  I don't hunt anymore either.  It's not as much fun as fishing and I find it harder to kill things personally as I get older.  I'm not saying that is the attitude everyone should have.

fishing user avatarfrogflogger reply : 

I'm over run with deer and will kill one in my yard to eat but it's not sport for me - much more challenging to catch a large bass and release it

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 

I would rather eat anything wild than store bought. I like food that tastes "gamey." I don't hunt because it cuts into fishing time and is expensive but thats what friends are for! I still get to eat deer and turkey and upland birds and long as I invite everyone over for occasional fish fry's 

fishing user avatarNYWayfarer reply : 
  On 7/26/2019 at 1:05 AM, Glaucus said:

I don't hunt for the same reason I don't keep my catch: I have no interest in intentionally killing animals when I can go to the store. If I was starving, it would be a different story. I have zero issues with those who do keep their legal catch and hunt for legal game to eat; those people are actually keeping the natural order of things rather than getting their food from slaughter mills where the animals are severely abused.

My thoughts exactly.


I fish for sport. Catch, photo and release. I get my fish to eat from the supermarket.


Hunting for sport, a trophy head or rug from the animal is not in me. Hunt, photo and release is not available in the hunting world, unless you use a tranquilizer gun...

fishing user avatarBass Junke reply : 

Shoot and release hunting? Go in the woods, sneak up on a deer, and tap him on the shoulder and say " Tag! your dead!". Or just snap a quick selfie. That would be impressive.:notworthy:

fishing user avatarNYWayfarer reply : 
  On 7/26/2019 at 9:54 PM, Bass Junke said:

Shoot and release hunting? Go in the woods, sneak up on a deer, and tap him on the shoulder and say " Tag! your dead!". Or just snap a quick selfie. That would be impressive.:notworthy:

Wolverine does it.


Image result for wolverine it takes no skill to kill conversation with storm

fishing user avatarbagofdonuts reply : 
  On 7/26/2019 at 9:54 PM, Bass Junke said:

Shoot and release hunting? Go in the woods, sneak up on a deer, and tap him on the shoulder and say " Tag! your dead!". Or just snap a quick selfie. That would be impressive.:notworthy:

or try partridge hunting. kinda the same points, i walk in, bird flushes, shotgun blast, nothing....repeat

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Good lord, go fishing guys.


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