NO disrespect intended with the topic of this post. But there is this one old guy that fishes one of the places I go to. He is just plain out mean and cranky. Always complaining. Always giving me a line of crap (on Sunday he told me he had a 14lber within a foot of shore and broke his line, yep....sure). Don't think he remembers me at all. Everytime I walk past him he asks me how the fishing is going. I always tell him that it's not as good as the other place that I go to (New Albion). Why I tell him that everytime is beyond me because than he always goes into a HUGE rant about why the DEC won't "clean" that place out. Not sure if he is just a trout fisherman or what. But he is always complaining about the weedbeds and grass. Always tells me that he calls the state and yells at them for not scooping out the gunk. To me that is bass heaven! ;D
Anyone else have that one fisherman who you just have to rattle every now and then.
I've got a relative in WI and he said to me this summer, while I was up there visiting, that the crappie in WI are huge. He goes on to tell me that a crappie broke his line once. I told him he was full of it because I ain't never heard of a crappie breaking line, unless you have some really, really crappy line. And even then....
He said he once caught a crappie and it had 5 hooks stuck in it's mouth with the tag ends of the line still attache. ;D
Quoteunless you have some really, really crappy line. And even then....
Or you're a really crappy fisherman when it comes to the fight. I have caught ridiculously small dinks still sporting broken terminal tackle.
I was fishing this afternoon with a 3/4 oz. jig and this old guy told me that I wont catch anything using an artficial squid!!! ;D ;D ;D
QuoteQuoteunless you have some really, really crappy line. And even then....
Or you're a really crappy fisherman when it comes to the fight. I have caught ridiculously small dinks still sporting broken terminal tackle.
This has got to be just from kids that are afraid to take the hook out.
I'm one of those old guys that is always telling you young wiper snappers about all the stuff I have caught and done. Just trying to strike up a conversation. Please be patience with me, I'm not as young as I use to be.
And please remember, You will be there one day.
frogtog---I think they are really just jealous of our good life. I am 62 years young and I all I have to do is fish 3-4 days a week and golf 3-4 days a week. BUT I do work all the other days. ;D
This has got to be just from kids that are afraid to take the hook out.
I'm sure i've broken off a few dinks right after saying" I'll retie after the next fish."
Don't be too quick to condem these codgers - some of them have forgotten more about fishing than you will ever learn. There are several "codgers" in this area that have taught me a lot about fishing and I have been fishing all my life. Just weed through the bull stuff and listen to what they have to say - of course if the guy is too much of a horse's patoot, just leave him alone.
About 27 years ago, after I had already bass fished for over 25 years an old man at a lake in California taught me a lesson on topwater bass fishing that I'll never forget. Come to find out he was the World's Topwater Bass Fishing Champion. Some of those old men actually know what they are talking about. ;D
Let's stay on topic folks, this isn't about light fishing line, it's about ornery old folks , frogtog ;D
QuoteAbout 27 years ago, after I had already bass fished for over 25 years an old man at a lake in California taught me a lesson on topwater bass fishing that I'll never forget. Come to find out he was the World's Topwater Bass Fishing Champion. Some of those old men actually know what they are talking about. ;D
I learned the ocean from an old salt. He is leaving us soon, stage 4 cancer. This man was a main influence in making fishing what it is for me today. Here's to Capt. Bill Mancini
QuoteLet's stay on topic flks, this isn't about light fishing line, it's about ornery old folks , frogtog ;D![]()
Ithink Avid,Risk Kid and Long Mike best fit into this catagory
I was thinking the same thing Muddy but wasn't anybody speaking up so I thought I could fit into that category.
QuoteDon't be too quick to condem these codgers - some of them have forgotten more about fishing than you will ever learn. There are several "codgers" in this area that have taught me a lot about fishing and I have been fishing all my life. Just weed through the bull stuff and listen to what they have to say - of course if the guy is too much of a horse's patoot, just leave him alone.
Ah I'm not. I just think it's funny that he complains about the same thing every time I talk with him. I'm not condemming all old codgers as my grandfather taught me how to fish and is very skilled in angling. Very humble man. I have great respect for most older fisherman. There are plenty of younger people that are idiots as well. But I can't wrap my finger around this man. So when I see people like this it just cracks me up I guess.
QuoteQuoteLet's stay on topic flks, this isn't about light fishing line, it's about ornery old folks , frogtog ;D![]()
Ithink Avid,Risk Kid and Long Mike best fit into this catagory
All of whom I have great respect for. Now these guys are very knowledgable and I have taken some great advice from there posts.
QuoteHe is just plain out mean and cranky.
Don 't know what 's wrong with being plain out mean and cranky :-/, I am plain out mean and cranky.
I would change the subject to idiot fisherman, not older fisherman
i get funny stuff from idiot fisherman of all ages.....
heres a couple for now......more coming
-Random fisherman fishing marsh creek with me in the rain
"when the rain comes its the best fishing because the fish think its food hitting the water and they bite anything"
-Random Wallmart fishing section shopper looking at me picking out size 2/0 hooks
"those are only for saltwater ya know"
Quote-Random Wallmart fishing section shopper looking at me picking out size 2/0 hooks
"those are only for saltwater ya know"
That's awesome.
For the record guys.........thats why I put "SOME older fisherman".
There is an older "gentleman" who has twice run right in where I was bass fishing and informed me that I was on his bream hole and would I please move. The first time he was with his wife and the second time he was with his son.
Sunday morning I was putting in at the same ramp where he was putting in. The son came over to me and apologized for his father and said that he could not seem the get his father to understand that he had to share the lake. I told the son that would be gone from that spot before he and his Dad got there.
yeah my grandpa. when i go fishing with him EVERYTHING is wrong (even how i lip my bass) he knows everything about when bass will hit, what they will hit, and were they will be. but he cant catch bass to save his life. i think it is funny.
Speaking of broken line. Saturday on Toledo Bend fishing a club tournament. Watermelon/red baby brushhog with 15 lb. big game. Fishing a grass bed, got bit, set the hook and broke the line. Sat down in the boat to retie and a 10in. bass surfaced trying to get rid of that brushhog. Wasn't so disappointed after that. I'm 58 and still going.
Never see any "old" codgers where I fish
except me
QuoteQuoteLet's stay on topic flks, this isn't about light fishing line, it's about ornery old folks , frogtog ;D![]()
Ithink Avid,Risk Kid and Long Mike best fit into this catagory
Muddy, you I am not ornery! I'm just set in my ways, and have enough life experience to know that I do not to have to put up with those who abrade my good nature. ;D ;D ;D
QuoteQuoteQuoteLet's stay on topic flks, this isn't about light fishing line, it's about ornery old folks , frogtog ;D![]()
Ithink Avid,Risk Kid and Long Mike best fit into this catagory
Muddy, you I am not ornery! I'm just set in my ways, and have enough life experience to know that I do not to have to put up with those who abrade my good nature. ;D ;D ;D
Thanks MIKE I needed that
QuoteNever see any "old" codgers where I fishexcept me
Nice one Ghoti
I think it's funny when I hit a local pond. I fish with senkos and other soft plastics as well as other soft and hardbaits, while most of the "fair weather" fisherman as I call, use nightcrawlers and bobbers. Now, they aren't old, only about in their 30s, but I'll be catching fish on every other cast with artificials and they'll give me the oddest look, like, "How is this kid catching them all?"
I do run into the occasional grumpy old man on the water or at the ramp who has nothing good to say just wants to fuss or grumble about something but for the most part most of them are very helpful and have alot of advice to give. Im always anxious to learn from them, I respect the many years of experience they have and am always looking to learn something new from them or just the good conversation Ive had with many of them about fishing.
You can run into bitter people at any age. If you can get past the fact that most fishermen are liars, you can hear some great stories and pick up really GREAT info. Bass Pro and all the rest of the huge fishing stores sure serve a good purpose but I sure miss all the Mom & Pop bait shops from when I was younger (beginning to think I never was). Man, the stories and downright lies I remember hearing. Now I have become one of those Old F**ts I used to stand in awe of ;D...
As Ever,
The older guys out by me always seem nice.Most of them are just going after the carps or bluegills for dinner.
QuoteThe older guys out by me always seem nice.Most of them are just going after the carps or bluegills for dinner.
There is another old guy that rocks at the same lake of that "crabby dude".
Guy is a crappie slayer. I have tried to pick up on some of the things that he is doing. Uses a slip bobber and crappie bites from Berkley. Fun to talk to and always pleasant and informational.
There are a group of us seasoned angles on the Bend who are referred to as Old Farts Fishing Club (OFFC) & this is putting it mildly; we regularly spank the young guns. Yea we get outrun us to different areas of the lake, yea they are faster at run & gunning, yea they look better in their matching team shirts but y'all should see their faces at the weigh-ins. Priceless
There goes Raul in his 12 ft tub powered by a munster 6.5 HP flying over the water ...... at arthritic snail pace , with fishing partner and my tackle onboard of it I just don 't understand how it even moves or why the outboard doesn 't cough it 's cilinders out of the effort of pushing the tub :-?.
Then the young gun with a 22 ft recently unpacked Ranger powerd by an engine bigger than Raul 's ole Ram Charger passes Raul traveling at warp speed, Raul just manuevers the tub to avoid getting caught in the young gun boat 's wake, 20 min of navigation later Raul reaches one of his hotspots and begins to fish, the young gun passes at warp speed in the opposite direction, Raul keeps on castin milkin every itsy bitsy fishy lookin spot, then the young gun passes again at warp speed in the original direction ...... after about two hours Raul has milked the hotspot bone dry, there ain 't no more fish in there, cranks the engine and begins movin to another hotspot 25 min away, as Raul moves to the hotspot he sees the "red & white ligthing" belonging to the young gun comin his way, like a bat out of hell the young gun passes.....
At the end of the day Raul and his partner reach the ramp, tie the tub to the dock, it has been a good day, lots of fish caught, plenty pics ( in the fishing partner 's camera of course cuz Raul is pretty sure his danged camera must have some sort of jinxs cuz when Raul 's camera goes to the trip Raul catches nothing worth taking a picture of > ) and guess who arrives at the dock at the same time ? oh yeah, the red & white lightning.
Young Gun.- How did you do ?
Raul.- Fine
Young gun.- did you catch many fish ?
Raul.- Some
Young gun.- Any big ones ?
Raul.- biggest a 5 pounder
Young gun.- REALLY ?!?!
Raul to feeshin partner.- Show him the pics please
Young gun after seeing pics.- Oh man you had a good day ! we .... we only caught a few :-[, there weren 't bitin :-/
That was the excuse Raul was waiting for
Raul.- Dude, how you expect to ketch them fish if you run up and down the frigging lake all day long cruising at warp speed and makin one cast here, another one there, crank up the engine and blast off to the next spot 30 miles away ? You came to feesh or to race that danged boat ? >
Am I cranky and mean ?
I was wondering exactly how you would describe an Old Fart? :
QuoteThere goes Raul in his 12 ft tub powered by a munster 6.5 HP flying over the water ...... at arthritic snail pace, with fishing partner and my tackle onboard of it I just don 't understand how it even moves or why the outboard doesn 't cough it 's cilinders out of the effort of pushing the tub :-?.
Then the young gun with a 22 ft recently unpacked Ranger powerd by an engine bigger than Raul 's ole Ram Charger passes Raul traveling at warp speed, Raul just manuevers the tub to avoid getting caught in the young gun boat 's wake, 20 min of navigation later Raul reaches one of his hotspots and begins to fish, the young gun passes at warp speed in the opposite direction, Raul keeps on castin milkin every itsy bitsy fishy lookin spot, then the young gun passes again at warp speed in the original direction ...... after about two hours Raul has milked the hotspot bone dry, there ain 't no more fish in there, cranks the engine and begins movin to another hotspot 25 min away, as Raul moves to the hotspot he sees the "red & white ligthing" belonging to the young gun comin his way, like a bat out of hell the young gun passes.....
At the end of the day Raul and his partner reach the ramp, tie the tub to the dock, it has been a good day, lots of fish caught, plenty pics ( in the fishing partner 's camera of course cuz Raul is pretty sure his danged camera must have some sort of jinxs cuz when Raul 's camera goes to the trip Raul catches nothing worth taking a picture of >
) and guess who arrives at the dock at the same time ? oh yeah, the red & white lightning.
Young Gun.- How did you do ?
Raul.- Fine
Young gun.- did you catch many fish ?
Raul.- Some
Young gun.- Any big ones ?
Raul.- biggest a 5 pounder
Young gun.- REALLY ?!?!
Raul to feeshin partner.- Show him the pics please
Young gun after seeing pics.- Oh man you had a good day ! we .... we only caught a few :-[, there weren 't bitin :-/
That was the excuse Raul was waiting for
Raul.- Dude, how you expect to ketch them fish if you run up and down the frigging lake all day long cruising at warp speed and makin one cast here, another one there, crank up the engine and blast off to the next spot 30 miles away ? You came to feesh or to race that danged boat ? >
Am I cranky and mean ?
Don't they look good though, it aint like they are beer bellied, farmer's tan, ole ball cap with a mesh back; they are the picture perfect bass anglers.
Raul, I've long suspected that some anglers get more enjoyment out of screaming up and down the lake than they do fishing. You've just confirmed my theory.
Haven't seen a post quite like this before
Thanks for the entertainment
Wow this post wasn't meant to knock the older crowd.
Again in my experience it has been with a couple of older guys that don't catch jack and all they do is moan and complain. I'm NOT saying that the older crowd are all mean, cranky, stubborn, idiots.
That is why I said SOME older fisherman. ;D
QuoteRaul.- Dude, how you expect to ketch them fish if you run up and down the frigging lake all day long cruising at warp speed and makin one cast here, another one there, crank up the engine and blast off to the next spot 30 miles away ? You came to feesh or to race that danged boat ? >
Many years ago my Dad and I were at a local tournament on Melton Hill in Oak Ridge, Tenn. There was a guy there with a new Allison bass boat with a 225 Mariner bragging about how fast he could run.
Dad gave him a serious loook and asked, "Don't those bass have a tough time catching up to that worm at that speed?"
Don't worry Davis my answer wasn't meant to knock younger anglers; the term young guns was used because they were supposed to come out here to shot us older guys down but they soon found out they had everything but the ammo.
QuoteDon't worry Davis my answer wasn't meant to knock younger anglers; the term young guns was used because they were supposed to come out here to shot us older guys down but they soon found out they had everything but the ammo.
Oh no offense taken at all. I fish from a raft lol. ;D
I just wanted to make sure that you guys understand that I'm not knocken the veterans.
Sometimes typing on the internet can come over different than what the real intent of a post was.
QuoteI would change the subject to idiot fisherman, not older fishermani get funny stuff from idiot fisherman of all ages.....
heres a couple for now......more coming
-Random fisherman fishing marsh creek with me in the rain
"when the rain comes its the best fishing because the fish think its food hitting the water and they bite anything"
-Random Wallmart fishing section shopper looking at me picking out size 2/0 hooks
"those are only for saltwater ya know"
Remember this: Calling someone an idiot is akin to looking in the mirror. As you are calling them idiots, they look back and say, "will you look at that idiot.
Overheard in three cars on the highway: Driver one in a passing vehicle barely missing a head-on to do so - "why's that idiot driving so slow?"
Driver two in the passed vehicle: "did you see how fast that idiot was driving, and why's that idiot behind us right on my bumper?"
Driver three bringing up the rear: "Doesn't that idiot know this is a highway? I'm going to pass him, but I am not taking the chances that last idiot that passed him did!
QuoteWow this post wasn't meant to knock the older crowd.Again in my experience it has been with a couple of older guys that don't catch jack and all they do is moan and complain. I'm NOT saying that the older crowd are all mean, cranky, stubborn, idiots.
That is why I said SOME older fisherman. ;D
Davis, my man, don 't think that I took your post with my feelings hurt, I found on the contrary that it does reflect the way that many of us as we grow older become, which in many cases it turns out to be quite funny. Maybe I don 't qualify as "old" in age, at 43 can 't say I 'm THAT old, mean and cranky ? oh yeah ! , I can be mean and cranky with some people ..... maybe some people under certain circumstances bring out the meaningness and crankiness from me.
The guy I was talking about, what can I say ? the truth is that he just tickled my fancy, it was not his running up and down the lake at warp speed what bothered me, it was thet he didn 't even bother to slow down, when you see a small boat like my tub coming your way or when you see you are coming his way whay are you supposed to do ? I am a gentleman, mean and cranky but a gentleman anyway, and since the lion thinks everybody has his same condition I consider that everybody else is a gentleman ( until they prove me wrong ) I think that the least you can do when you are driving a rocket is to be considered and polite and reduce your speed so your wake doesn 't hit the smaller boat. Twice he did it, two times too many, he asked for it and he got it.
Maybe what the guy needs is me putting him in my boat and then I me drive in his boat pass, him the way he did with me just for him to know how it feels when the wake hits you.
QuoteDon't be too quick to condem these codgers - some of them have forgotten more about fishing than you will ever learn. There are several "codgers" in this area that have taught me a lot about fishing and I have been fishing all my life. Just weed through the bull stuff and listen to what they have to say - of course if the guy is too much of a horse's patoot, just leave him alone.
And some of us old timers have forgotten more than we have learned :-/