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Ever been skunked? 2024

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

I am hooking up the honesty meter here and want to ask, have any of you ever been skunked? Not in bad conditions but, on those days when you get to the ramp and you and a friend are talking about how it is the perfect day and you were going to slam them and were throwing out numbers like " We should probably have at least 30 ". The water is the perfect temp. No wind. Just a picturesque day and yet when the day was done you did not even get one bite. I have had more than  one day like that in my life. I pride in myself in being able to boat at least a few under any conditions but, I have absolutely been skunked. Come on know, be honest.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Is this a serious question?

I mean who hasn't????

I've been skunked fishing for canned tuna at Wal-Mart

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

Too many times.

fishing user avatarVyron reply : 

Man , I get skuned many times

fishing user avatarMattStrykul reply : 

For some reason, Saturday has been a skunk day for us when we go down to the lake. We go down Saturday and sunday and we always catch fish on sunday but never saturday (atleast for the past 3 months). But this past sunday we were skunked for the whole weekend, we had a few bites and I had one on but we are just learning to fish jigs. Its awesome.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Some days are diamonds

Some days are stones

Some days you're better off never leaving home  :'(

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Are you seriously asking me this question??? ...... Of course not!!!!! ;D

But who has also had one of those days you wake up and think to yourself, man do I really want to go out there??  The conditions aren't that great??  It's too cold or it's too hot or the wind is out of the wrong direction or there's a chance of rain or it's raining, etc, etc, etc. .......  But you decide to "suck it up" and head out and it turns out to be a memorable trip.  Seems like this happens yearly to me.  That's what makes fishing .... fishing.  Can't catch'em if your line is not in the water. ;)

fishing user avatarBud reply : 

The person who says he has never been skunk is tell a fib

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

We all have.

But still, it 's a proven fact, you ain 't gonna catch 'em staying at home.

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

Ooooooooooooooh yeah. I've gotten skunked more times than I can remember. But, hey, that's why they call it fishing...not catching. ;)

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 
Is this a serious question?

I mean who hasn't????

I've been skunked fishing for canned tuna at Wal-Mart

;D ;D ;D

I have been skunked many a time. But like KU and Raul say you aint going to catch nothing staying home, exept if you have a private pond within casting distance of your back porch. ;)

fishing user avatarboondocks reply : 

Everyone gets skunked. Even the pros. ;)

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

I almost got skunked this one time.

I was walking around a buddy of mine's house late one night to get to his back door when all of the sudden I hear this loud hissing noise. I immediatly froze in my tracks and there 2 feet away is a skunk hissing like a tire with a hole in it. So now I'm thinking "what am I gonna do now?" I figured if I just stood there maybe it would back away but it didn't, it held it's ground for a good 5 minutes until I decided to very slowely back away from the skunk. As I back away the skunk slowely starts backing away too, at an equally slow pace. After a slow retreat and another 5 minute wait the skunk just stops. I decided that if he was going to spray me the skunk would have done so already. I decided to chance it, and slowely walk past the skunk who at the time was about 6 feet away from the house. I had to go between the skunk and the house. So very slowely, I inched my way between the two keeping my eyes on the skunk and waiting for it to turn around and start stamping it's feet. Luckily he never did get too spooked except on the initial approach. I walked to the back door, and made it in to the house just fine.

And of course I have gotten skunked while fishing too. That is, I didn't catch any bass.

What gets me is when I am fishing with someone who could be classified as a "junk fisherman", and they are catching fish but you can't even get a bite even when you do what they do.

A couple weeks ago I was fishing at a local lake and the shore was lined with all the normal weekend warrior trout fisherman. As I am fishing I can hear them all talking among themselves and saying how the trout just aren't biteing that day. Immediatley to my left was a father and his 2 daughters. Out of the blue one of the girls about 10 years old catches a nice size trout for the lake. I was laughing so hard (to myself) that this little girl got bit, and all these vetern trout anglers can't get one bite. Those are moments to remember.

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

More times than I care to remember. I absolutely HATE going in after getting skunked. Even if I fish for 8 hrs and only catch 1 fish I feel better than if I fish 1 hr and get skunked.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Getting skunked is like dying except it happens more than once.  You know everyone has to face it, but you just don't know when.  

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

It's the bad days that make the good days so special...  and since I REALLY appreciate the good days, you know I've pulled the ole Pepe' LePue many times.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Oh yes.....sometimes they just dont cooperate no matter what you do or where you fish.

fishing user avatarRottManK9 reply : 

More than I care to admit! :-/  

fishing user avatarshimanogloomis man reply : 

yes one to many times but it happens :'(

fishing user avatarnboucher reply : 
I've pulled the ole Pepe' LePue many times.

He's a stowaway with me way too often.

Actually, I just checked my log from 2006. I was skunked twice out of 40 days out, so I guess I've been skunked 5 percent of the time.

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 

2 times last year and none the previous happens to everybody.fortunatly the more you learn the less it happens.

fishing user avatarclipper reply : 

See signature below.  Not as often as I used to though.  I'd still rather go and get skunked than not get to go at all.  That's whats really bad.

fishing user avatarFishTank reply : 

I've been skunked on perfect days when you think the fish are ready to be supper aggressive and caught lots of fish on days when it's windy, cold and rainy.  I guess it is all part of fishing.

For me at least, as long as I am outside and not chained to my computer at work, I'm happy.

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 
Is this a serious question?

I mean who hasn't????

I've been skunked fishing for canned tuna at Wal-Mart

I was trying to think of a clever way to answer this one, but I didn't have to look very far.  ;D ;D ;D Thanks for sayin what I was thinking, Avid. If I had a $1 for every time I've been skunked I could by pizza for all the members of


fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

"A bad day of fishing still beats the best day at work"

I think we've all been skunked. We've gone out and my buddy will catch 5 or 6 and I won't catch anything. Nothing is worse than being on the water with a friend and he/ she just ain't catchin 'em, but you're pulling em in one after another.

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

Is this a serious question? 

I mean who hasn't????

I've been skunked fishing for canned tuna at Wal-Mart

Avid, that cracked me up!  

I'm a crusty old fart, but that one made me laugh so hard me wife thought I was having some sort of seizure.  Best laugh I've had in a ong time.


fishing user avatarRebbasser reply : 

Shoot, yeah.  Fortunately they are getting less and less-as Dodgeguy says, the more you learn the less it happens, but as has been said, that's why it's called fishing instead of catching

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

I was skunked four times last year (March-October) out of around 55 trips.

Some days I had to resort to meal worms for bluegill, but I always caught something.  

fishing user avatarWhiteMike1018 reply : 

Not only have i been skunked fishing! Ive been Skunked by a Skunk!!!  :- >:(

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

I was at least expecting a punch line :-/

Okay, all those who never got skunked, please form two lines in the front of the room.

The line on the left is for "NON-FISHERMEN"...The line on the right is for "LIARS".


fishing user avatareastkybass reply : 

More times than I can count.  The worst ever was spending a whole week at Dale Hollow and not catching anything for the whole week.  Now that is getting SKUNKED!!

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 
I am hooking up the honesty meter here and want to ask, have any of you ever been skunked? Not in bad conditions but, on those days when you get to the ramp and you and a friend are talking about how it is the perfect day and you were going to slam them and were throwing out numbers like " We should probably have at least 30 ". The water is the perfect temp. No wind. Just a picturesque day and yet when the day was done you did not even get one bite. I have had more than one day like that in my life. I pride in myself in being able to boat at least a few under any conditions but, I have absolutely been skunked. Come on know, be honest.

This past season was my absolute worst season I have ever had.

There are a number of elements that combined to make it not a lot of fun.

For starters I was getting kind of burned out on tournament fishing. I went

fun fishing with my family a lot more and that was a lot more enjoyable for

me. I was also extremely busy with work. To top it off, my wife got pregnant a

couple of months before the fishing season started and didn't have the baby until

after the season ended. So she was pregnant the entire tournament season.

Oh and to answer your question, YES, I have been skunked. It was a pretty rare

thing until this past season. I think it happened 3-4 times last year and it was not

a fun thing.

Hopefully this season will be much better. I am so anxious to get on the water now

that it is driving me nuts. To make matters worse, they are calling for a big snow

storm to hit here this weekend and the temperatures will be in the teens and twenties

for the Highs over the next week or two.

JT Bagwell

fishing user avatarLightninrod reply : 

A lot lately :-[


fishing user avatarlogger reply : 

Many many times. But luckily the of times I get skunked goes down every season. The more I fish the better I get. Probably got truly skunked 3 on nice days last year.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

havent been skunked this year.  (although I havent been fishing)

If I remember correctly there was 3 times last year

1 time crappy and cold in february

2 time I broke my trolling motor and just floated around made due with what I had

3. Couldnt buy a fish. post front clear bluebird skies

I can usually muster up atleast one fish.  My stubborness helps me in that.

fishing user avatarCraw reply : 

I've been skunked plenty of times over the years. I fish the river quite a bit also, so when you can't catch'em in the river, it's pretty bad. I was on a pretty good roll during '06, and caught fish every time out...until December. I zeroed on a few trips during that month! Tough on the old ego!

fishing user avatarga_hawghauler reply : 

yes been skunked. Some days you are just in the zone and it seems like you get a hook up on every cast and some days you couldnt buy a hook up. Thats the way life is I reckon but I love the days I am in the zone.

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

Fortunately I have never been skunked, 200px-Skunk.jpg

but I sure as heck have gone fishing and gotten nary a bite.

fishing user avatarmferris reply : 

i too have been skunked many times..not too often last year,but only because i'd catch a couple 12 inch bass...

fishing user avatarflyphisher # reply : 

It doesnt happen much, even more rarely when money is on the line. Today though I got a few bites but could not put one in the boat. I struggle in water 50 degrees or less. Not the way I wanted to start off the year fishing.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I was getting sunked more toward the end of last summer.  I had decided to "go big or go home"  I didn't mind not getting a fish.  My average bass were way larger and that's what I wanted.  I guess it like home run hitters in baseball.  They hit the most homers but they usually lead the team in strikeouts as well.

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 
Is this a serious question?

I mean who hasn't????

I've been skunked fishing for canned tuna at Wal-Mart


fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

I am with you on the summer deal Avid. Around the last of July and into August up here I fish for bass almost at night exclusively. I still catch some good ones late summer but, most seem to be dinks. What started me night fishing years ago happened while I was in a club which sponsored as well as fished a lot of night tourneys. I learned a ton of places and techniques from the old timers in that club about night fishing. It is very popular here and a lot of fun. I have caught some of my biggest bass at night as well as some big numbers. One of my favorite places to do this is in, what I call, downtown Harrisburg PA. on the Susquehanna. We put in on a place called City Island in which is slack water behind a dam, and some of the bridges leading into the city have lights on them. This is smallmouth water and we have had some 75-100 fish nights using big 4" salty tubes with homemade rattles ( McDonald's straws loaded with no.9 bird shot). It is a blast. I use a black light and have some flourecent #8 line spooled up. It looks like 1/4" rope under that light. One thing that will drive you nuts is when you are half asleep about 2 in the morning and the bats swoop and hit your line and you tend to do a lot of hook setting,lol. Good luck.

fishing user avatarOkeechobee_Cracker reply : 

Nope.........Never been skunked in my life............Well actually I might I have once or twice ;D ;)

fishing user avatartexasbass1 reply : 

If you haven't been skunked, you haven't been fishing. Even the pro's have days like that.

fishing user avatarBrad_Coovert reply : 

Yep, been there.

How about this one...your whole club zeros in a club tournament.  We had out classic at Patoka one year and no one caught a legal fish.


fishing user avatarlunchbox508 reply : 

the last 5 times i went to the lake i was skunked 3 times and that was also because it was like 40 degrees outside and the second time i ran over a duck in the boat as i was leaving the marina.


so i got skunked and it cost me an 89$ prop and a hefty fine from the game warden even though the duck hit me!!1 ;D

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

Yes,I do get skunked as everybody that fishes enough will from time to time.On a bad day,I can usually come up with a dink or two,but there are those days that nothing you do works.On days like that,I'll usually get on my depth finder and try to find little known structure(for me...LOL).That can be fun in itself.

fishing user avatarfishbear reply : 

I am of the opinion that even if I do not catch fish, I am not skunked.  I came away, having learned something that day to make me a better fisherman.....

Frustrated,, Hell Yea, get that way a lot when the fish wont jump on my hook, but skunked, nahhh,,, it is all in how you look at your day.

fishing user avatar5282jt reply : 

Actually, a number of times.

But only one time on  the upper Myakka and that was last Saturday!

In 17 years, this was thge 1st time!

Bass there are seldom over 3-5 pounds, but I have always caught quite a few.

This last Sat I got totally skunked, with 3 hours of steady, hard fishing!

My wife was with me and got a Garfish on a spinnerbait! :(

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

I have occasionally put up a "zero" in the fish column....yesterday being one of those days LOL

fishing user avatarBadKarma42 reply : 

I was in the zero boat with Speedbead.

fishing user avatarbigdog reply : 

Been skunked on the bank, been skunked in a boat.I don't liked being skunked!!!!!

fishing user avatarBluecraw reply : 

You know what they say....a bad day of fishing is better than a good day at work....unless, your work is fishing....then a good day at work could be a bad day of fishing.....

Am I making any sense?????

fishing user avatarllPa1nll reply : 

I agree with most everyone so far. Everyone gets skunked, hell the last day out for me Jan 7th in NH, I got skunked. Nothing worse than prolonging the season breaking up ice and the last day out you get skunked, leaves a bad taste in your mouth. On the other hand my fall fishing this year has improved a great deal over previous years....

fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 

Well if you have not then come on up to Bull Shoals in north central Arkansas where all the fish have PHDs and the fishermen have headaches from trying to figure these darn bass out and I bet you will! The bass around here are enough to give pro's a migraine.



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