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dougs snakes work??? 2024

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

All right guys, here is the positive side of the story. ;) I bought dougs snakes a couple of weeks ago and used it on the first day. Well i caught nothing all day, but liked the lure and still believed that it would work. I tryed the snakes in a different private lake, and caught a five pound largemouth bass. Using this lure i found out the following to be true.


1. Its a time and place lure(it works best in some bodies of water in summer, with cover)

2. Its a big bass lure( dont expect to get numbers of this lure, i have had alot of fish bite the lure but many to small to hook up)

3.It can be rigged different ways(Texas rig, drop shot, or w/o)

4. Can last good number of fish ( material stretches to 3ft)

5. Its original( not that many snake lures on the market)


1. The material doesnt take heat that well. Dont leave the lure out side, it will melt.

2.the cost is around $40.00+ which is not that cheap for lure kit.


Dougs kit comes with two CDs, one for computer and the other for television. The CD does have good tips. The kit also comes with Dougs custom hooks, which many people like. The hooks aren't cheap, and do work. I am still using it this fall but have not caught anything big yet. I would also suggest using it for spring spawn season next year if you plan on buying the kit. The weather should not effect it that much so it doesnt melt. I rate it 8.00 for catching a good size fish. If you decide to buy it or not, it really depends on you.


fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

another pic of fish ;)


fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

pic of dougs snakes


fishing user avatarslomoe reply : 

five pounds?

anyway thanks for the report, saw a couple of vids on youtube, It looks like a cool little lure.

fishing user avatarDavis reply : 

Just can't bring myself to buying those.

Even if I did I know that I would rather tie on a big powerworm or something else.

Just not a fan of those gimic lures. IMO the fish would probably hit anything when there hitting the snakes.

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

pic of the package


fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

pic of dougs CDs, the CDs that doug made is alot better then the vids from youtube. ;)


fishing user avatarBassFishingMachine reply : 

40 dollars is a bit much for me hah. Why can't he just give me the things in a little bag without all the cds, and pretty box and charge 8 bucks tops?, like the rest of the softbait companies. I guarantee if he did that he'd get alot more sales.

fishing user avatarBoett43 reply : 

how do you rig it when your using it as a topwater bait and wah t do you think the hook up ratio is gonna be like...

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

just buy it and see for yourself

fishing user avatarrbrick reply : 

Don't care for the snakes but I love the hooks.Just wish I could buy more.The maker (vmc) only sells to businesses and Hannon's company has been unresponsive.

Rick Wells


fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
just buy it and see for yourself

I think I will pass, thanks.

Where is the pic of the 5lb bass you caught? What rod/reel/line setup were you throwing that lure on?

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

I bought the kit and in my opinion (just my opinion) the product is not worth the money.  The first time you take them out on a hot day in your tackle box they begin to melt, they need to be kept in a cooler on ice if you are out on the water.  I never caught anything with them and don't  expect to as I am going to be sending mine back for a full refund.

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

Where is the pic of the 5lb bass you caught? What rod/reel/line setup were you throwing that lure on?

Thats a secret speedbread, or just look in the photo :-?

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Ok, I looked in the photo and I dont see anything resembling a 5lb bass.   :;)

And I just wanted to know what rod/line/reel you were fishing with. Simple questions.

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

speedbead i though you would be experience enough by now to figure out a simple reel and rod combo from the pic.  ;D

fishing user avatarJCrzy4Bass reply : 

Seems like a advertisement thread if you ask me. No offense. Alot of people have had... let's say "not very good luck" with these lures. I'm pretty sure that this is the first pic any of us have seen with a bass actually caught on one. It's my belief that you have to be in an area like Florida or California for these even to stand a chance at catching something. Doug's videos are impressive and he's a great trophy bass hunter, but I think these lures are mostly a gimmick to everyone else. Don't get me wrong they may work in ponds and such that hold large bass, but I'd rather be throwing stuff that I know works.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Bass109, I think anyone with a clue can see that my point has been made.   :-X

Enjoy your snakes....

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

true, but how could you know if it works or not, if you never tryed it out?

fishing user avatarSENKOSAM reply : 


3x material sticks to pads and is a pain in weeds.

3x is not kind to other plastics and reacts to form a melted mess.

Action is not that great since you have to work the lure fast to get any wiggle.

CD doesn't show any bass attacking the lure. Why is that?

Banjo Minnows are far more productive and also not worth the price.

Other topwaters are cheaper, better made and more effective.


Occassionally gets a strike or two.

(Kept the hooks, threw out the lures.)

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 


Are you admitting that the fish is not 5lbs? If so why did you try to sell it as such at first?  You caught a fish on the snakes.  That my friend is more than anyone I have ever came across has accomplished.

fishing user avatarJCrzy4Bass reply : 

The bass in my avatar is 2.5lbs and the gut looks almost as big and my fish seems almost as long.  I'd call that fish at 3-3.5lbs tops.  Looking at all the 5lb hogs that Brokejew has caught and that one Avid just posted recently, that fish in the pic on this thread doesn't compare.

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

your right. The material is very similar to 3x material. Does melt i normal hot weather. It really shouldnt be mixed with any other plastic but hey it catches fish.

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

jcrzy4smlMth if you dont hold a 10lb bass close to the camera then it looks half the weight like a 5lb bass.

mattm i am not trying to sell the lure, i gave a review for it. Buying the lure depends all on you.

speedbread, what clue :-?

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

I disagree, they don't catch fish!!! The material is sub-standard at best and the price is way to high. Having to keep these in a cooler is a major downfall in the design. The heat in virginia exceeds 100 degrees in the summer and even hotter on the water, this is not a good product to have out in that heat. I gave them an honest try multiple times and they don't work in Northern, VA or Maryland. I would rather spend $5 on a pack of 10 swim senkos that I know will catch nice size LMBs. But hey if they work for you more power to you. I will agree that the hooks are the best part of the kit.

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 


I meant why were you trying to sell the fish as five pounds.  Speedbead said I think anyone can see my point, and you said true.  He was trying to say that your fish is not 5lbs, and I have to agree.  It is a nice fish though.  If you think that fish is 5lbs i'm pretty sure you didn't weigh it.  You are right about holding the fish different distances away will alter the appearance.  However you took the picture of you holding the fish.  My logic says it can only be an arm lengths away from the camera.  Just more proof on RW's point that most unweighed 5 lbrs are really 3-3.5 lbs.  Just take a second and look at the picture avid posted in his stick marsh post in the my outing section.   Like I said though nice fish, and IMO an accomplishment that you caught it on  a lure everyone seems to hate.

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

mattm, your entitled to believe anything you want. I dont mean any disrespect to speedbread or anyone else. Everyone who hates it doesnt have big fish in their body of water or never used it. A lure is only as good as the person using it. ;)

fishing user avatarTournyFish001 reply : 

Reading this and all the replies made me laugh- I feel dumber now

fishing user avatarslomoe reply : 
Reading this and all the replies made me laugh- I feel dumber now

just think of it as "reality" TV  ;D

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

MEGATRON who sayed you were smart ;)

fishing user avatarTournyFish001 reply : 
MEGATRON how sayed you were smart ;)

did you mean who? how? I are smarted wita egimacadgion learned a good deal

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

sorry about that comment. ;) yes you are a genius :o

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

Bass109 get a clue, you will not convince members that this is a good product. I agree that a lure is only as good as the person using it but I do make an exception for these snakes, they are not a good investment. I catch good size LMBs on almost every product I use except these snakes, they just do not work. Read all of the threads on the forum and you will find that almost everyone with the exception of you think these are a complete waste of money.

Do you work for Natural Motion Lures since you are pushing this product so hard?

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

rondef, you cant speak for everyone but point taken. :o You need a clue. ;)

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

I am not speaking for everyone, I am just telling you to read the old threads and you will find a lot of people are disappointed in this product.

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

I also agree with the others that the LMB you claim is 5lbs looks to be a 2 to 2.5lb lmb at best.

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

rondef point taken, but here is another pic. By the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends.

p.s. there is always one more imbecile than you counted on. ;)


fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 
"how sayed"

and, here's your sign.

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

thanks fourbizzle, theres no spell check on this forum ;)

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 

What this should all really boil down to is looking at what the LMB's main forage is in your area.  Here in IL it is NOT snakes.  Sure you'll see a snake swimming across the pond every once in a while, but in all of my years of fishing I have never seen a fish try to eat a snake.  I actually don't know of any area of the country where snakes will make up a good portion of a bass's forage.

That being said, I'm sure if I threw that lure for long enough I would catch a fish, particularly if I threw it over floating vegatation (when the bass don't even know what they are hitting).  Sometimes bass will kill anything that comes near them.  But if I'm going to spend $40 on a lure to catch big bass it is going to be 2 of Matt's Ultimate Bluegills or 3 of his Baby Bass.  This is what the big ones feed on around here so those lures will give me the best odds of catching a lunker.

And as for bass109 working for Natural Motion Lures?  Seriously?!?!  If I paid someone and they acted like he has been in "promoting" my product, he'd be out the door.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
jcrzy4smlMth if you dont hold a 10lb bass close to the camera then it looks half the weight like a 5lb bass.

mattm i am not trying to sell the lure, i gave a review for it. Buying the lure depends all on you.

speedbread, what clue :-?

Keep this in mind.....

It is better remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

Like I said, enjoy your snakes.


fishing user avatarFivePoundBluegill reply : 

Guys I think everyone here is missing the point of why these snake lures work or do not work. I have never used them so I cannot comment on the lure. However we all fish different types of lakes in different locations. In some lakes a lure will load the boat with nice bass and in another lake you will get skunked with the same lure. There are lots of factors contributing to if a lure works or not such as temperature, structure, what bass in that lake feed on, and many other things. In some areas where there are lots of snakes that swim across lakes these lures probably would work but if you live in an area with not many snakes they would not. I personally do not buy lures that look like snakes, ducks, rodents and things like that because I always have believed using baits that looks like a bass's most common food(baitfish, worms) will catch more fish. Thing is that these snake lures and any lure for that matter will not work under all conditions and in any body of water.....

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 
Guys I think everyone here is missing the point of why these snake lures work or do not work. I have never used them so I cannot comment on the lure. However we all fish different types of lakes in different locations. In some lakes a lure will load the boat with nice bass and in another lake you will get skunked with the same lure. There are lots of factors contributing to if a lure works or not such as temperature, structure, what bass in that lake feed on, and many other things. In some areas where there are lots of snakes that swim across lakes these lures probably would work but if you live in an area with not many snakes they would not. I personally do not buy lures that look like snakes, ducks, rodents and things like that because I always have believed using baits that looks like a bass's most common food(baitfish, worms) will catch more fish. Thing is that these snake lures and any lure for that matter will not work under all conditions and in any body of water.....

I would tend to agree with this, but I would like to point out that earthworms don't really occur with any kind of frequency in lakes and reservoirs. My theory is that if a fish sees something moving slowly along the bottom, it falls into the food category, LOL.

Plain and simple the vast and utter majority of a largemouth's diet consists of other fish and crawfish. But they will occasioanally eat anything that looks like food, and sometimes even things that don't!

$40 for some snakes and a bunch of filler? NO THANKS!

He may have 800 fish over ten pounds, but if you compared his numbers on jumbo shiners to his numbers on the snake, my guess is that the shiners account for at least 3/4 of those fish.....Jumbo shiners cost about $2 out here...but you don't get a CD with them LOL!

fishing user avatarSENKOSAM reply : 

What makes a fish go after a lure or pass it up? Everyone who has fished for various species with a wide variety of baits knows that a variety of baits have a good potential of getting attacked at any one time, water and location. Versatility allows one to fine tune the best lure action, color and profile and presentation to the conditions, structure, depth, season, time of day and the average fish's aggression level.

If you look at baits that work in spring on prespawn bass in shallow water, you find a huge assortment that fit the bill.

If a bait cannot get even a nod from a bass during this time period on a consistent basis, the lure is junk! For those diehards that insist the lure is worth the money, report back to us after using the bait when the water is warming from 50-70 and the weeds are emegent and tell us how the Snake does as compared to the standard baits that always catch fish in spring in shallow water. I have used the lure in spring and it cannot compare to the success of even the most basic lures I've used for twenty years. Not to bust someones bubble, but I'm only here to warn others that gimmics are rarely worth the money and that includes this lure.

Fish are dumb but super sensitive to their surroundings and anything that enters it's domain. If you thinks in terms of a snake that gets stepped on and bites to a toy mouse that is stalked and then attacked by a cat, you understand that fish aren't much different. Reflex is one thing; getting in position to pounce is another. If a lure and angler's manipulation of it can get the sequence of stalking to pouncing to occur, the lure is worth using. But, if you can't work a lure more ways than one to get a fish to strike, you're better off finding lures that can.

The snake is uni-action, uni-location, uni-usage. This causes me frustration because I like to be able to work a lure in ways that might not have been thought of by others. The snake is one dimensional and poor at how it's supposed to perform at different speeds. I would have been more careful before associating my name with this bait.

My opinion, for what it's worth.

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

SENKOSAM, very interesting

report back to us after using the bait when the water is warming from 50-70 and the weeds are emegent and tell us how the Snake does as compared to the standard baits that always catch fish in spring in shallow water

this fish was caught around 70-75 degress of water in the fall, the date was 9/30/07.

I'm only here to warn others that gimmics are rarely worth the money and that includes this lure.

I'm not promoting the lure, but i have caught a good size bass in my area.Which did give me confidence in the lure. I have had many smaller fish take the lure.

Overall very insightful SENKOSAN, but i guess i'm one of few people in the world that has the right body of water conditions for this lure to work in. ;)

fishing user avatarFivePoundBluegill reply : 

bass109 i guess your lake has the right conditions that get fish to bite the snake least at this time of year under the current conditions......

Before you start raveing about a lure being good you have to have fished with the bait a while using it in many different ways to react to different conditions. If a bait can catch bass under different conditions depending on how you use it then it is indeed a good bait.

From reading SENKOSAM's post it seems the snake only has one type of action. I do not know though maybe he just has not found other good actions for the lure but from what he says it is a one dimensional bait that does not give you a lot of options in throwing it under different conditions.

Also did you try other baits besides the snake when you caught that decent bass? There might have been other baits that they would want to eat even more. Maybe the bass in that lake were very aggressive.

What I am saying is you should try fishing the bait under many conditions before you say it is a great lure....

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

I like that anology SENKOSAM  

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I would buy the snakes if he didn't sell them at huge prices even if its a good deal. One reason which why I don't want to spend my money on big plastic swimbaits as opposed to hard ones. I don't think the bait is totally a one trick pony. Give it some weight and you can do the same action on the bottom.

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 


Before you start raveing about a lure being bad you have to used the lure.

What I am saying is you should try fishing the bait under many conditions before you say it is a great lure....

I have found many ways that this lure can be fishing, i believe it works for many conditions but there are other lures with the same action. I am still testing the lure

Remember that most lures dont have multiple actions for multiple conditions. This is a time and place lure, and most lures have times and places.  Either you like it or hate it, much like everything else. :;)

fishing user avatarJeff H reply : 

You could "test" the lure your whole life....

fishing user avatarMaxximus Redneckus reply : 

One big bass hardly means anything,, consistancy wise  and it wasnt all that big anyhow ,ill stick with my Manns augertails .I have caught  1 or 2 6 pound bass with beetle spins  in 15 yrs it didnt make me think HEY i got me a consistant lure that catches big bass

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

Hmmmmm.....I thought the snake was designed with one thought in mind - and only one: to catch the BIGGEST bass residing in the area you are fishing. (And in less than 5' of water.) So I guess that if you are a true big bass specialist, this lure might just have to be added to your arsenal. Yes, I did buy the package; but not just for the lures, rather for the knowledge contained in that package along with the lures. I mean, this guy Doug Hannon is no slouch when it comes to big bass knowledge, right? If you buy knowledge (one book - $40.) and learn one thing, I guess you've gotten your money's worth. BTW, I've learned a lot more than just one thing, I guarantee you! And NO....I haven't caught anything on them....yet. Only used them a time or two, but next season I'll focus on learning the lure's niche and how to properly present it. Then we'll see  ;)

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 

Wow. This is entertaining.

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 
Wow. This is entertaining.

Not entertaining, just plain dumb.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 
Not entertaining, just plain dumb.


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
What makes a fish go after a lure or pass it up? Everyone who has fished for various species with a wide variety of baits knows that a variety of baits have a good potential of getting attacked at any one time, water and location. Versatility allows one to fine tune the best lure action, color and profile and presentation to the conditions, structure, depth, season, time of day and the average fish's aggression level.

If you look at baits that work in spring on prespawn bass in shallow water, you find a huge assortment that fit the bill.

If a bait cannot get even a nod from a bass during this time period on a consistent basis, the lure is junk! For those diehards that insist the lure is worth the money, report back to us after using the bait when the water is warming from 50-70 and the weeds are emegent and tell us how the Snake does as compared to the standard baits that always catch fish in spring in shallow water. I have used the lure in spring and it cannot compare to the success of even the most basic lures I've used for twenty years. Not to bust someones bubble, but I'm only here to warn others that gimmics are rarely worth the money and that includes this lure.

Fish are dumb but super sensitive to their surroundings and anything that enters it's domain. If you thinks in terms of a snake that gets stepped on and bites to a toy mouse that is stalked and then attacked by a cat, you understand that fish aren't much different. Reflex is one thing; getting in position to pounce is another. If a lure and angler's manipulation of it can get the sequence of stalking to pouncing to occur, the lure is worth using. But, if you can't work a lure more ways than one to get a fish to strike, you're better off finding lures that can.

The snake is uni-action, uni-location, uni-usage. This causes me frustration because I like to be able to work a lure in ways that might not have been thought of by others. The snake is one dimensional and poor at how it's supposed to perform at different speeds. I would have been more careful before associating my name with this bait.

My opinion, for what it's worth.

Your opinion is highly regarded.

Thank you.

This was a well written post highlighting a number of concerns for those considering trying the lure.

fishing user avatarFivePoundBluegill reply : 

bass109 I didnt mean to sound rude in my last sorry if you interpreted it that way. I never was raving about the snake lure being bad. I honestly cannot say that since I havent tried the lure.

The snake lure works great for you in the lake you were fishing which is a fact, im just saying since everyone fishs different lakes and rivers it will not work for everone. Some fishermen do great with a lure and others do terrible with the same lure yet not all of it is to do with the skill of the angler. Most anglers on here know the basics of useing each type of bait anyway. Under the conditions you were under the snake worked and under the conditions others were under it did not.

Maybe you should go back to that same lake you caught the bass in and fish other types of topwater baits and see if they produce just as well. Thats all I was saying.

Fishermen can argue about how good or bad a bait is all day especially on the internet and it will not change the other guys opinion. The reason for this is each fisherman has a different style of fishing, different strangths and weakness, and most of us fish different lakes. Im not goin to post on this thread anymore since I have said everything I wanted to say already. Again bass109 I honestly do not mean to sound rude and I am glad that the snake lure works for you ;)

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 
What this should all really boil down to is looking at what the LMB's main forage is in your area. Here in IL it is NOT snakes. Sure you'll see a snake swimming across the pond every once in a while, but in all of my years of fishing I have never seen a fish try to eat a snake. I actually don't know of any area of the country where snakes will make up a good portion of a bass's forage.

I'm convinced that bass don't naturally predate on snakes. I've observed and caught snakes for the better part of the last 30 years and given the numbers of edible sized snakes I see in bass water, I can't draw any other conclusion.

Studies have shown that bass see in color. Studies have shown that LMB actually avoid certain species of baby turtle with colors associated with species with particularly foul musks. If you've messed with reptiles for any period of time, you'll find that there isn't a turtle alive that can musk to the degree a snake can. Additonally, many "non-venomous" snakes actually have venom glands and may have venoms or toxic salivas that can be deterimental to fish. I think if bass are hitting plastic snakes, it's purely a reflex response and not a predation strike.

If you want to fish plastic snakes, I think Mann's has a new 10" snake...

...that looks a lot more versatile. Like a fat-headed worm. Helluva lot cheaper, too.

fishing user avatarHookemdown. reply : 
What this should all really boil down to is looking at what the LMB's main forage is in your area.  Here in IL it is NOT snakes.  Sure you'll see a snake swimming across the pond every once in a while, but in all of my years of fishing I have never seen a fish try to eat a snake.  I actually don't know of any area of the country where snakes will make up a good portion of a bass's forage.

I'm convinced that bass don't naturally predate on snakes.  I've observed and caught snakes for the better part of the last 30 years and given the numbers of edible sized snakes I see in bass water, I can't draw any other conclusion.  

Studies have shown that bass see in color.  Studies have shown that LMB actually avoid certain species of baby turtle with colors associated with species with particularly foul musks.  If you've messed with reptiles for any period of time, you'll find that there isn't a turtle alive that can musk to the degree a snake can.  Additonally, many "non-venomous" snakes actually have venom glands and may have venoms or toxic salivas that can be deterimental to fish.  I think if bass are hitting plastic snakes, it's purely a reflex response and not a predation strike.  

If you want to fish plastic snakes, I think Mann's has a new 10" snake...

...that looks a lot more versatile.  Like a fat-headed worm.  Helluva lot cheaper, too.

Nice information there.  It's nice having a snake guru for things like this...

Here's my take on the subject.  If you like it, use it.  If you don't like it, don't use it.

Whatever floats your boat...

fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 

Just for is a 4lber (4lbs...1oz) I caught a couple of weeks ago...


fishing user avatarJeff H reply : 

Naw....heck, thats an 8lb'er ya got there.  ;)

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

I'm almost tempted to use natural's picture for my background on this computer... ;D

the way he points at that fish is priceless..and his face expression just rocks...

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

I wouldn't want that ugly mug with the crooked finger on my computer. lol ;)

fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 
I'm almost tempted to use natural's picture for my background on this computer... Grin

the way he points at that fish is priceless..and his face expression just rocks...

Definitely a pose...the only thing the camera couldn't capture was me knodding my head in approval of myself .  I think I was still drunk from the night before...

I wouldn't want that ugly mug with the crooked finger on my computer. lol ;)

12+ Natural Lights will do that to may be permanent.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Before you start raveing about a lure being bad you have to used the lure.

Not necessarily.

Certain lures have a long standing reputation for being effective in a variety of situations.

One example would be the original floating rapala.

Other lures have a reputation for not being particularly effective.

An example of that would be the berkley frenzy rattler.

Of course there will be some people who do well with the berkely rattler,

and others who can't catch a cold with an F11 rapala,

but there are just too many lures out there to try them all.

We belong to forums like this so we can make informed choices without having to blow the budget trying out every thing on the market.

Obviously you have had good success with the snakes.  

It's equally obvious to me from all the posts I have read that most people don't share your experience.

As an admitted bait junkie I will pass on Mr. Hannon's snakes.

It still amazes how a Florida boy could produce a lure that melts.  

fishing user avatarslomoe reply : 

I say...


Lock it up. This became a pointless thread seven pages ago.


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