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Yamamoto Senko's and imitations 2024

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

So on ebay and all that, they have the imitation Senko's that look identical and 50 in a pack for practically the same price as a pack with what 8 or 10?

I'm new to using plastic worms, and especially these, but I used some Gary Yamamoto Senkos today and they worked quite nicely.

My main question is..

Is it worth paying the extra bucks for the real ones, or are the imitations just as good.

Anyone know special sites that sell good ones for good prices?


fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

You are going to need to answer this one for yourself.

Experimentation with product will give you your answer.

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

Being flat broke doesn't make it easy to experiment.  :-/

fishing user avatarSinko Baits reply : 

As George stated... EXPERIEMENT with different brands.  Just remember one thing.  NOT all KNOCK OFF baits are the same.  You have to make sure they do what you want and are and the quality you desire. Some are 1 BAIT - 1 FISH baits, which means they rip or tear after just one fish.  Some sink faster than others, some are softer than others... some have more action and then some just SUCK!   Some use rubber molds...some use aluminum which definately produces a different end product.  

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Yes, they work just as well but not ALL knockoffs.

PM sinko (above) and I'm sure he'd send you a couple to make you a believer.

The ones on ebay that are 50 for $10 are ***, the ones I personally use.


fishing user avatarjomatty reply : 

this is a hotly debated issue and there is no right answer.  personally i think that yamamoto senkos are far and away the best producing commercially available stick baits but others strongly disagree.  dig around for the great test conducted between lbh and rw and you can see how even great anglers disagree about this issue.

there is no doubt that the baits from *** are great baits and will catch fish.  are they as good as senkos...very personal issue.

if you are on a truly tight budget they very well may be the best option for you as they are a little bit tougher and will last longer, even aside from their lower starting price.


fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

The ones on ebay that are 50 for $10 are ***, the ones I personally use.  

Me too. *** has the best deal going. High quality, low price.

fishing user avatarTriton21 reply : 

The ones on ebay that are 50 for $10 are ***, the ones I personally use.

Me too. *** has the best deal going. High quality, low price.

I agree with the above statements.  The Sticko from BPS is also a GREAT bait and on sale right now.  The Bass at Fork like them.  My PB broke me off on one and on the very next cast took another of the same size an color.  


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

*** ARE MY FAVORITES they work great!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

Hey guys, thank you very much. I'm going to order some from *** and try them out! 50 for $8 sounds pretty good!!!

I appreciate all the help.

I'm going to get a few of the same color as the Senkos I have, and see which truly work better. I'll post back with my findings  :)

fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

I love the Senkos.  They have been a big producer for me as they have been for many others.  They are the stick bait that I have preferred for some time now even though I hate paying $6 a bag for them.  I've tried several brands like Creme's, Big Bag's, Zoom's, Yum's, Stiko's, Wave's, etc.  My favorite non GYCB lure is the Wave Tiki with the chart. tails and the Zoom Z nails.   After a lot of fishing I think that there is room for more than just the original in my boat.  The Senko has a faster fall and more action than the others I've used.  This is great if that's what the fish want.  But what about after a cold front and other conditions that slow the fish down.  The Tiki's have less action and have to be fished slower but do catch a bunch and may be better in a situation like this.  BTW, I read in other threads like this that the senko's can be "welded" back together using a soldering iron and reused.  I save a few used ones for wacky rigging to get a little extra milage out of them too.  big

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

I'll have to try those *** as well.  At that price how can you lose.  

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

I have one thing to say. Cabela's Aqua Glow Sticks in 5". Two colors. Watermelon Seed/ Gold Flake, Grape/ Gold Flake. 2.99 per ten pk. Try them is these two colors, you will be happy. :)

fishing user avatarRob G. reply : 

To all of you using the *** brand.  Do they sink as fast as a Yamamoto?  Are they consistent with eachother?  I have had decent luck with some knock offs, but as an example.  The Bass Pro Sinkos, not even close to consistent with themselves.  In a single package some will float, some will sink very very slowely, and some will sink a bit quicker.  Anyone tried the NetBait brand?

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

I don't like the tiki-stiks.  Only available in 5 inch versions, I believe, and I don't personally think they work as well.  

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I quit fishing 5' Senkos a long time ago. They simply catch too many bass.

Now I fish 6"  Senkos exclusively. I don't catch as many bass, but they seem to be better fish. 8-)

I have always felt GYCB products were a tremendous value. When I'm fishing I expect to catch big bass on every trip. That doesn't always happen, but I feel like the deck is stacked in my favor when I am fishing what I consider to be the best soft plastic baits on the planet. If everything were "just as good" we would compare baits to another standard. But the standard bearer is the Senko, the one and only GYCB Senko.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
But the standard bearer is the Senko, the one and only GYCB Senko.

I'll give you that, they invented it.  

Everyone else just made it affordable.

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

I fished *** worms for the first time last week. I feel you get the same action and sink rate as the Yamamoto and for a fraction of the price. I've tried quite a few of the knockoffs looking to save money and really feel that the *** are the best out there. And hey even if you try a few packs a don't like em your still not out that much.  :)

fishing user avatarSyfer420 reply : 
I don't like the tiki-stiks. Only available in 5 inch versions, I believe, and I don't personally think they work as well.

I strongly disagree. IMO ive been fishing with tiki sticks for about 2-3 years now they are my best cosistent producers ( the swimbaits ive been using latly are killer also though) I think you cant beat a scented worm expecially verses a salt inpregnated one. Sorry Mr yamamoto your red and black senko did catch me my PB but for 2.99 verses 6 bucks you cant beat a wave worm. BTW troutfisher they used to have a 7 inch version called the snake and a 10 inch called the anconda, if you look at the sight they changed it to a curly tail type bait. thats the only thing i agree with troutfisher about too bad maybe theyll bring it back.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

[sorry Mr yamamoto your red and black senko did catch me my PB but for 2.99 verses 6 bucks you cant beat a wave worm.]


For $1.00 a piece you catch 5 lb+ bass consistantly, but for 20 cents you can catch a boat load of 1-2  pounders. Which is the better deal? I guess it's all about expectations.

fishing user avatarSupermat reply : 

I too use the *** brand. I've been VERY pleased, they are consistant in their pour and all seem to sink at the same speed. I have seen no change in fish catching ability since I made the switch from Yamamoto, just the price difference! If you decide to try *** because of this, mention that Matt from California sent you and they'll sweeten the deal even further with some extra baits! Also, check out the Beaver Craw, I've been using them for 2 years and have been very successful.

fishing user avatarSyfer420 reply : 

Road you must have mistunderstood, ive cought countless numbers of big bass on my tiki sticks but happened to have none left at the time when fishing and cought the 5 lber. Countless 2-4 lbers for 20 cents or countless 1 lbers and one 5lber for 1.00 a peice?? I just catch more qualitly fish, heck i just catch more fish overall with them. Lower price better and fishing now thats a good deal :) Now let me get the 10 lber im going after in FL and Mr yamamotos baits will be a no show in my tackle box.

fishing user avatarSimonSays reply : 

I've recently bought a couple of the ***, they don't seem to weigh as much as the Senko's do making it a tad bit harder to cast with my baitcasting set up (I think they're on the lower end of the weigh rating of my MH rod) while Senkos cast a lot easier.  I usually start with *** and end up using my senko's I think it's a confidence thing for me.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
I guess it's all about expectations.

Sure is, I expect to catch the largest size class in my lake again for the 3rd year in a row.  You are one of the very few (only actually) person who only catches small fish when using anything other than Yamamoto that I have heard about.

Anyone else only catch dinks when using a non-yamamoto bait?

Simon, the knockoffss that were analyzed actually had a slightly higher amount of salt than the GYCB.  Not saying if this is better or worse, personally, I'd like the slowest fall possible, just stating the facts.  The texture difference is in the amount of hardener used.

fishing user avatarjomatty reply : 

as soon as i saw this post i knew it was gonna get folks fired up.  dosent matter how many times it occurs this topic always gets people going.

anyways for me the senkos just have more wiggle and shimmy.  i too found them too expensive and combat that by pouring my own.  of course they are not senkos but i find that the only bait that is soft enough, other than senkos, is a hand pour.

thats not to say i havent caught many fish on the knockoffs.  in fact ive never fished any knockoff that didnt catch fish.

rw if you read this could you answer one question?  when fishing the 6 inch senkos do you find you catch more big bass or just less small bass?  i suppose that if you cant keep the small bass off the hook it will be hard for the big ones to get a chance at it but im wondering if it is that the 5 inch does not apeal as much to the big bass or that the 6 inch dosent appeal to the smaller bass?


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

rw if you read this could you answer one question? when fishing the 6 inch senkos do you find you catch more big bass or just less small bass? i suppose that if you cant keep the small bass off the hook it will be hard for the big ones to get a chance at it but im wondering if it is that the 5 inch does not apeal as much to the big bass or that the 6 inch dosent appeal to the smaller bass?matt

I believe the 6" Senko does not appeal (as much) to the smaller bass.

Often, you have to get by smaller bass in order to get to the larger fish. I have seen this demonstrated in the aquarium at BPS during a seminar hosted by Mike Whitten (GYCB "Inside Line"). Smaller bass are generally MUCH more aggressive than larger bass. I think this is why 5" baits are far more "productive." I also think that when we are comparing knock-offs, this is a strong argument for cheaper baits. Agressive bass will be attracted to a variety of soft plastics, regardless of the brand, fall rate, texture or action. When almost anything will work, knock-offs are probably just as productive as Senkos.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

Well, Ok I'll jump in.

I'm with Roadwarrior on this one.  

Do knock offs work.  YES they do.  I even pour my own.

BUT!!  when times get tough guess which one I throw.  a senko.

fishing user avatarbassmaster8100 reply : 

I havent found a senko that will out perform  yamamoto. Its proven performance time and time again.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

For me, senkos just aren't worth the money when you can get alternatives that will catch the same fish for half the price or less.

I don't buy the whole argument that senko's are so much better quality than alternative brands. I just don't see how baits with such similar characteristics could be so different.

fishing user avatarbassmasta7 reply : 
Well, Ok I'll jump in.

I'm with Roadwarrior on this one.

Do knock offs work. YES they do. I even pour my own.

BUT!! when times get tough guess which one I throw. a senko.

Dido. I used to pour my own and use knockoffs but they just dont catch me as many fish as GYCB. I dont mine paying more for more and bigger fish. For people like myself who might not be as skilled of anglers as LBH or RW, I think the quality of the lure you are using becomes more important. When my friends in my boat want to use my senkos, I give them a tiki stick or a yum dinger. I always outfish them. I know that isnt all the worm (some skill) but i believe some of it is.

fishing user avatarBrad_Coovert reply : 

Here's the cold, hard, undisputed facts on soft stickbaits (and anything else in fishing for that matter):

The BEST bait for you is the one YOU like to use.  Period.


fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

I made it out today to prefish for one of this weekends T's   The senko bite was pretty good since the cold front pushed the fish off the bank out into 5-10' of water.  I keep a box of GYCB senkos in the boat but try to save them for when it counts.  I've got another box that has Tiki Sticks, Z Nails, and a few odd ball color senkos I found on sale.  These are cheaper so I use them any time.   Each of the brands produced fish today.  The big fish was a 22"er that took a watermellon/chart. tail tiki.  The z nail in watermellon candy caught 4 or 5  1-2 1/2 pounders and the senko in pearl caught about the same.  I liked fishing the senko the best because of it's faster fall more water can be covered in the same amount of time.  

fishing user avatarSean_e_bus_21 reply : 
Road you must have mistunderstood, ive cought countless numbers of big bass on my tiki sticks but happened to have none left at the time when fishing and cought the 5 lber. Countless 2-4 lbers for 20 cents or countless 1 lbers and one 5lber for 1.00 a peice?? I just catch more qualitly fish, heck i just catch more fish overall with them. Lower price better and fishing now thats a good deal :)

thats what i use the tiki sticks just cost like 2 dollars at wal-mart best thing i have very got at wal-mart. i caught most of my bass off these worms

just putting in my 2 cents Sean

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
Here's the cold, hard, undisputed facts on soft stickbaits (and anything else in fishing for that matter):

The BEST bait for you is the one YOU like to use.  Period.


I thought for sure you were going to say, "the best bait for you is the one you bought from JBC!!!!"  :) :) ;D

Bighead, you are non-biased and a user of multiple brands, you'd be a great "control" for an analysis.

Personally, on Brad's note, the bait you will catch on is the one you are throwing.  I can swear up and down that a renosky crippled shad is the best topwater in my lake but have I thrown every other topwater equally as much?  Hmmmm  You catch on what you use.  

I've caught both numbers and size on gary products.  

I've caught both numbers and size on other manufacturers senkos

Now, I narrow it down to cost.  It's just that simple (for me)

fishing user avatarbassman1282 reply : 

I would like to preface this by saying that I hate all senko type baits. I have no patience for them, but I believe that they catch fish so I make myself throw them sometimes. It all comes down to whether or not you want the best. Yamamoto Senkos are made with sand, they actually have sand in them, which makes them heavier, hence easier to cast. They also have a different sinking, wiggle action than all others. Sure, all the others will catch fish, but is it really that big of a deal to spend another 2 or 3 bucks to get the ones that catch the most fish? Not in my opinion, but i guess I dont throw em very much either.......i'm usually fishing like a man and leaving that crap in the compartment.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
....i'm usually fishing like a man and leaving that crap in the compartment.

Well, I'm not sure exactly what that means, but most of my biggest bass (10 lb+) have been caught on a 6" Senko. So...

Me thinks it's worth the price.

As a matter-of-fact, I think GYCB Senkos are a Great Value!  8-)

fishing user avataraggiebassin reply : 

i throw knockoffs.  tiki sticks, big bite trick sticks, etc.  some definitely work better than others.  but i do not see the need to pay $6 for 10 senkos, when can pay $1-$2 for 10 knockoffs.  

i have fished them side by side and the results were not enough to justify paying triple for them.  

but my home lake.....or big pond i should say >40 acres, is very un-pressured....except by me.  so that coulb be the reason.  maybe if you fished a lake where fish saw all kinds of senkos/knockoffs the little extra action of the GYBC might make a difference.  

but in my experience it isn't worth it. to pay $6 for 10 fish or 10 bites since they aren't the most durable bait around.

fishing user avatarIdahoLunkerHunter reply : 

I used to fish with knock off versions but I wasn't getting the results I wanted. I hear over and over, why would someone pay 6 bucks for a pack of 5 when they can get a pack of 20 for half the price. I used knock off's for 10+ years before switching to the senko's and, don't get me wrong, I caught some lunkers, but the best reliable in every condition I have found in the senko. I have 6-7 different lines of the same looking softies in my boxes but you should always carry the senko because it has never failed me. I have found that the 'cheaper' versions don't act the same as the senko. I've always believed quality over quanity. I also have noticed that the fish might like the salt taste better in the senko vs. knockoffs. The large packs for cheaper price makes sense if you can't afford buying the senko's, but for people who will spend $400+ on entering a tournament why wouldn't you spend a little more to land you the bigger fish. I've found using the senko I catch much larger fish.

That's my opinion on the senko vs. knockoff.


fishing user avatarominousone reply : 

I'd say spending the money on a quality hook would far outweigh the benefit of one soft plastic to another.  With whatever brand you prefer. :)

fishing user avatarShakes reply : 

Try Zoom speed worms with the flat tails cut off


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