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Which jerkbait do you think is the best 2025

fishing user avatarbass wrangler569 reply : 

So, what jerkbaits do you guys think are the best (not best value, best regardless of price) on the market.

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

I went with the Rogue since it's my top producing jerkbait. The XRap has a good action as well though.

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 

Pointer by far.

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I hear that the Megabass Vision is the bomb.  But I'd take a LC Pointer any day.  IMO, the LC Pointer is the best, readily available jerkbait on the market.   I do like Rapalas, too.

fishing user avatarAndrew Coleman reply : 

X-Rap 8-)

fishing user avatarsmallieking reply : 

i use the bereky frenzy jerkbait, rapala x rap, rogue, pointer and the x rap alot but here on the 3 rivers the rogue dominates, but most of the lakes around pittsburgh the x rap and pointer does the best but since i fish the 3 rivers alot i voted for the rogue plus its a little cheaper than the pointer

fishing user avatarskillet reply : 

Voted X-Rap and do really like them but if Smithwick had better quality control would have voted different. I like the colors you can get in the Rogues but usually have to go thru a couple before I get one that suspends just right (obsessive compulsive disorder :-[)...


fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Pointer 100 DD = bass magnet  

fishing user avatarrfrazier reply : 

Vision 110

fishing user avatargabes reply : 

Lucky Craft pointer.  Throws great in the wind.

fishing user avatarRandySBreth reply : 

XCaliber XS4

Never heard of it? Oh, well. A rogue that suspends perfectly, and has the weight transfer "long cast" thing going for it.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

My favorite class of lures are jerkbaits. Of the ones I use, I would rank them in this order:

#1  All Pointers

#2  Rapala X-Rap

#3  Rapala Husky Jerk

The Smithwick Rogue has been my #1 producer over the years, but they are not comparable to the three I listed. I still have a substantial collection that I never fish anymore.


fishing user avatarsimplejoe reply : 

I have some fishing time using the X Rap and caught fish with it. I never used anything else so I don't know whats a better producer for catching.

fishing user avatarMatt 825 reply : 

Its tough to beat the Lucky Craft Pointers.  They are fish catching machines.  

A close second and a very cheap alternative for me has been the Bass Pro shops jerkbaits.  Those things catch plenty of fish and they are only like $4 and you can get them for $3 when they are on sale.  

fishing user avataradclem reply : 

I like the x-Rap, but have never tried the Lucky Craft.  Sounds like I might need to pick up a couple.

Later, ;)

fishing user avatarBigBrotherThunda reply : 

rogue and the unmentioned yo-zuri crystal minnow

fishing user avatarBassboss reply : 

X-rap for sure! I've tried pointers and they're not bad, but the x-raps are still better, in my book!

fishing user avatarMunkin reply : 

LC Pointers


fishing user avatarwisturkeyhunter reply : 

x-rap just cause its readily available and catches fish for me. If I fished them more I'd probably see what the japenese baits have to offer.

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

Here on St. Clair, for some reason I have much more success with the X-Raps than the Pointers.


fishing user avatarguitarkid reply : 

I did not see the Husky Jerk on there so I voted for the next best thing, the X-Rap.


fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

i voted for the LC Pointer. nuff said.

fishing user avatarbassnleo reply : 

X-Rap for me!

fishing user avatarptomacbass reply : 

I don'y really fish hard jerkbaits but i have heard that the vission one ten is amazing.  look on tackletour and search vision megabass.  the only bad rating it got was in price.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

I fish


X raps

Husky Jerks


each seems to have a place and time.  

fishing user avatarfathom reply : 


year in, year out, they just seem to out produce the others.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Doesn't matter to the smallies as long as it's windy.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 


fishing user avatarTournyFish001 reply : 

LC Staysee

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
Pointer 100 DD = bass magnet

I don't like to pick just one. It all depends on where and when you fish. I fish Rapala Husky Jerks and X-raps, Smithwick Rogues, and Lucky Craft Pointers and have some luck with all of them. But if I have to pick one, I agree with FBL. I seem to catch fish every time I use the 100 DD.

fishing user avatarrumbal reply : 

1 Pointer

2 Squad minnow 95

fishing user avatarPrimus reply : 

I throw a mix of jerkbaits from Rapala, Lucky Craft, Yozuri, Jackall etc.  and they all seem to have their time as the hot jerbait. Two that haven't been mentioned but are very productive baits are the LC Flash Minnow (runs a little shallower than the Pointer which is some times a plus when the weeds are closer to the surface) and I've been very impressed with the one Ima Flit that I bought in the Ghost color (I definetly plan on picking up a few more this winter).

fishing user avatarsimplejoe reply : 


I think we have a race between the pointer and the X rap.


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I think we have a race between the pointer and the X rap.


Simple solution: Fish them both!

I think the LC Pointer and Rapala Husky Jerk are the better choice

most of the time, but when bass are very active and aggressive,

the X-Rap is my weapon of choice.


fishing user avatarzbigbadaaron reply : 

husky jerks, x-raps, and bomber long a's

fishing user avatarBassFishingMachine reply : 

I chose "other". I do best with Rapala Huskyjerks, luckycraft slender points are definetly #2 though for me.

I pretty much fish a huskyjerk and when I can't get a hit on the huskyjerk I switch to the Lc slender which sometimes gets me a hit when the huskyjerk couldn't. Although I've had times where I switched from the Lc slender which wasn't getting bit, to the huskyjerk which proceeded to get me bit. So its been fairly balanced between the two. All in all though, the huskyjerk has caught me more fish so thats what the bait Im going with.

I will say this though, in my opinion the Lc slender point has better action then the huskyjerk, but I find the slender point has a more aggressive action to it, while the huskyjerk has more of a "finesse" type of action. When I reach for a jerkbait its typically when the water is pretty cold, so maybe thats the reason Huskyjerks work better for me, because they're action is less aggressive, therefore the fish being unaggressive in these cold waters are hitting it. All I know is I've caught plenty of bass on huskyjerks  ;D.

fishing user avatarInfidel. reply : 

Husky Jerk followed by the Vision 110.

How about the original Rapala Husky?  Anyone still fishing those or are they just a collectors item now?  I lost my last one five years ago.

fishing user avatarOlebiker reply : 

My favorite is one you don't see much anymore: Cotton Cordell's Redfin.  It's an oldie but goodie that works better for me than anything I have tried.  

fishing user avatarshorefisher reply : 

Megabass Vision 110 -I like the Ito Natural color but I'm not sure they are still being produced. You can still find them though.

fishing user avatarJosh. reply : 

I would go with lucky craft. They have always worked for me!  8-)


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