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Bass Pro or Cabelas? 2025

fishing user avatarSfritr reply : 

I ask the question:  Are you a BPS or a Cabelas person?  

This seems to be as polar as Ford and Chevy. Coke and Pepsi.   Myself, I guess if I have to choose I would go with BPS.  Cabelas is more expensive IMO.  (as I type this I am looking right at a Cabelas ad... :( LMAO )

fishing user avatarDock Master reply : 

    Neither, both are way overpriced and have poor customer service.

    I'm sticking with Tackle Warehouse.


fishing user avatarMarc David reply : 

BPS, they have a better selection and better prices on things. Plus, there's not a Cabelas around here. Online orders- TW

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Both. Depends on who has what I want. And Cabela's customer service has won me over several times. They are also close enough to me that shipping is 2day Priority.

I on-line order to many places, again to get specifically what I want -sometimes it's the manufacturer itself.

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

*** 1st and BPS 2nd for me!

fishing user avataradclem reply : 

I try to buy everything local, keep my money in the community so to speak.  So for me it is BPS and sometimes Cabelas.  Cabelas mainly just for Yo-Zuri Hybrid Ultra Soft line.

If BPS doesn't carry what I want or need then it is TW for sure.  But I will not every order on-line from BPS again and I mean EVER!!!

Later, :(

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Who ever has what I'm looking for is who I buy from.

fishing user avatartnbassfisher reply : 

I have ordered from Cabelas with no problems. I have a BPS about twenty or thirty minutes away, so there is no need for me to order anything when I can just buy from the store.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 
Neither, both are way overpriced and have poor customer service.

I'm sticking with Tackle Warehouse.


fishing user avatarDock Master reply : 
Neither, both are way overpriced and have poor customer service.

I'm sticking with Tackle Warehouse.


What's your problem?


fishing user avatarS Hovanec reply : 

It really depends what I need.  I order from both BPS and Cabelas along with Tackle Warehouse, and FishUSA.  I also shop at 3 local Gander Mountains.  Each place has stuff I use, but none of them has it all.

fishing user avatar70kw reply : 
Neither, both are way overpriced and have poor customer service.

I'm sticking with Tackle Warehouse.



fishing user avatarmrlitetackle reply : 

BPS for in store, just because there is one 10 min. from my house......

online, between the two ... i choose cabella's..


i will agree that TW has my vote hands down!!!!!

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

CABELAS: First started ordering from catalogs in the late 70's. My 3 favorites were . HERTERS, the old NETCRAFT ( little black and white catalogs, before Jann's took them over) and CABELAS.

Then to the Internet site of CABELAS about 5 years ago , when I first got onto a computer

HAMBURG store of Cabela's: been going there since it opened

CABELAS; has incredible customer service. Replacing equi8pment you feel is not up to par , or you just don't like;they match all catalog or internet sales at their stores; and are pleasant to deal with on the phone.

I tried BPS, their house reels were a better experience than Cabelas, but CABELAS is just my favorite all around supplier

Good Equipment will just cost you good money. The suppliers all have about the same prices for quality equipment and you have to wait for you want to be on sale.

I have purchased clothing,camping goods, and fishing equipment form CABELAS and their HAMBURG staff is always helpful.

I avoid shipping charges by getting my orders from the net, sent to Hamburg for store pick up.

End of season sales and the Bargin Cave are both ways to get deep discounts at CABELAS; in the store or on line 8-)

I have recently started using Tackle Warehouse and with careful shopping and orders over 50 bucks you can avoid shipping chargers their as well

While wal mart has the occasional sale on some name equipment , like Revos and such, try finding them at a local store, or asking one of their clerks any kind of technical question.

fishing user avataruicdent11 reply : 

The BPS here is $2-10 more on everyone product I've researched compared to Cabelas. I shop both, but will probably stick to Cabelas from here on out because of CS and they seem to have what I want. I have also utilized their ship to store free when making big orders so that I do not have to pick it all out in store. Much easier and they have a lot of products online that they do not have in store. Ex. U-40 cork sealer  :(

fishing user avatarmphenry reply : 

Bass Pro, better selection more fishing equipment imo

although sometimes Cabelas has really good deals.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 
Both. Depends on who has what I want. And Cabela's customer service has won me over several times. They are also close enough to me that shipping is 2day Priority.

I on-line order to many places, again to get specifically what I want -sometimes it's the manufacturer itself.

Ditto,Cabela's has the customer service and the fast shipping turn around.Bass pro's stuff seems decent enough to buy once in awhile where i can't find it anywhere else.

fishing user avatarBlue Streak reply : 

I buy just about everything at Cabela's they are only about ten minutes from me. This store has a good selection and excellent customer service. What I can't get there I buy from Bass Pro or Tackle Warehouse.

fishing user avatarcarrothead reply : 

There is a search feature in the top right hand corner of the screen.  This topic has been discussed before.  There was exactly (almost) the same responses.  It is here:

fishing user avatarBlue Streak reply : 
There is a search feature in the top right hand corner of the screen. This topic has been discussed before. There was exactly (almost) the same responses. It is here:

Is there anything we have not talked about before? If all we did was use the search feature this forum would be very boring.    

fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 

Cabelas has the best customer service and return policy of any retailer...period.  They will take ANYTHING back they sell....with or without a receipt....used or not.  However, Cabelas doesn't have the selection bass pro does.  If cabelas carries it though, I'm buying it there.  

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Cabelas seems to have more of a multi species attitude in their fishing dept. They have a wide selection including : Bass,trout,panfish, heavy on Walleye,pike,muskie and a nice salt ater section also.

fishing user avatarlegendbass reply : 

I keep most of my business local. I use Tournament Force Tackle.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

For fishing equipment I go to BPS, for everything else I go to Cabela's.

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 

If you are talking catalog ordering, 1) Tackle Warehouse. 2) BPS.

Certain things I do not buy through catalogs like rods, which I like to feel and actually put a reel on before purchasing, and reels also.

For in store purchasing, it would be 1) BPS. 2) BPS.

As far as customer service , I've seen some negatives about BPS but I have returned rods that broke after a year without a receipt and they were replaced no questions asked. Always someone there to help me find what I'm looking for. My local Cabela's stinks for selection.

fishing user avatarslider head reply : 

BPS and TW

The cranks I wanted were 50 cents cheaper @ BPS last week........Tungsten weights were 1$ to 1.50 cheaper @ at TW

fishing user avatarrubba bubba reply : 

Whichever has what I want at the price I want - which is rarely.  I did have a crappy CS experience with Cabela's the only time I used their CS, but it was for an online order.  I imagine in store would have been a better experience but there was no store near me at the time.

fishing user avatarinfamous512 reply : 

I will say Cabela's all the way, if I had to choose b/w the two.

1. Cabela's is much closer to me; 20 mins. vs. 1hr.50mins.

2. Cabela's prices seemed cheaper than BPS.

3. Cabela's great CS has won my vote.


fishing user avatarlooking4structure reply : 

BPS all the way

fishing user avatarCrappiebasser reply : 

Cabelas, Chevy (pre Obama), and Coke

fishing user avatarnickw234 reply : 

Bps for me there's not a cabelas here in Central Florida. I like Gander Mountain also they have a nice selection.

fishing user avatarBlues19 reply : 

for sure bps for me, i live within walking distance of the headquarters in Springfield. (only for a few more months, then i am back in st louis to student teach :'()

fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 

Cabelas for me with both Cabelas(Hammond, IN) and BPS(Portage, IN) being within about 30 min. Cabelas customer service has won me over as well as the layaway program for Cabelas. Actually the only time I go to BPS is during the beginning of the season sale when they have the reel trade in and I'm purchasing a new reel.


fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

I deal with Bass Pro (since ***), Cabelas, Gander Mountain, Tackle Warehouse and other unmentionables.

In an age of inflated shipping costs, "One-Stop" shopping has never been more important.

With respect to bass angling, the inventory at Bass Pro is far more comprehensive than the inventory at Cabelas.

Bass Pro gets the nod between those two, but my first tackle search is always Tackle Warehouse.


fishing user avatarluckyfisher reply : 

i have both within an hour of me but surprisingly i dont go to either. I go to the local guy that has built himself up. Rogers Sporting Goods. only got the one store now but still cheaper and better service than both BPS and Cabelas sombined.

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 


fishing user avatargabes reply : 

Bass Pro for fishing and Cabela's for hunting.

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

I can't stand either, neither of them are close by, and ordering online takes FOREVER.

I order from Hooked Up Tackle, and if they don't have it, local shops.

fishing user avatarVinny Chase reply : 

Cabelas hands down.....we also dont have a BPS here  :-/

fishing user avatarJohnMac reply : 

Cabelas. the shipping is faster and cheaper. Better pricing. Better discount options like the 5 dollar flat shipping or 20 dollars off 150 or more. Cabelas far surpasses Basspro


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