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Culprit Topwater Shad 2025

fishing user avatarVinny Chase reply : 

Anyone use this bait? What do you think?




fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

I was going to post a picture of a big fat turd, but I guess I"ll keep it appropriate. I also listed this on the recent thread about "worst lure ever bought".

fishing user avatarBig Bait Fishing reply : 
I was going to post a picture of a big fat turd, but I guess I"ll keep it appropriate. I also listed this on the recent thread about "worst lure ever bought".

too funny  ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarbrushhoggin reply : 

if you walked it just right across some scum in a stagnant pocket so they didn't get a good look at it, i bet they'd hit it

fishing user avatarVinny Chase reply : 

haha thanks for the heads up!

fishing user avatarKowen117 reply : 


fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 
I was going to post a picture of a big fat turd, but I guess I"ll keep it appropriate. I also listed this on the recent thread about "worst lure ever bought".

;D ;D Perfect description! You know your's are the first turd jokes I've actually belly laughed at since middle school. Won't tell my 8 year old what I'm guffawing about here though. I tell him to keep his poop jokes amongst his friends. Guess that applies to me too -as it should. Thanks for the chuckle.

That video is just pathetic. Someone should make one from a little hollow plastic football -laces and stripes and all. It would do the exact same thing -probably better. You know...if I find one, I'll do it and post a spoof video of it. That would be fun.

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 
if you walked it just right across some scum in a stagnant pocket so they didn't get a good look at it, i bet they'd hit it

Thats about it, you may get one cuz of the commotion in the slop but you actually have to be able to make it walk,that which it is incapable of, or any action of any kind for that matter. This was one of those I threw for about 5 minutes and could already tell that the joke was on me.

I got 3 for sale if anyone is interested

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

I'm really liking the spoof lure idea. I guess the idea is that LOTS of the right sized moving things will catch fish. The hype around many of them is laughable, but annoying too when you think about some of it being just quick-buck BS, and MEANT to dupe anglers.

Years ago I had a "Creepy Crawler" set which allowed kids to cook up plastic creatures in molds and a little hot-plate. I had a mold for a Tarzan -which produced a little plastic man. I melted plastic worms and poured a little human topwater bait lol. I caught a bunch of bass on it, to the "Jaws" theme song; "Baaa-ba...Baa-Ba...."

Another time I bought a kids "Snoopy" float and took it steelheading. It was prime conditions and I knew my waters and fish, so I crushed 'em. Snoopy had nothing to do with it of course, but guys were coming up to me and asking where they could get one too. ;)


fishing user avatarbrushhoggin reply : 

Paul thats hilarious. i wish van dam woulda won this years classic on that tarzan, people would be flocking to toys r us instead of bass pro and cabelas ;D

fishing user avatarVinny Chase reply : 

Its just funny that the pros sponsored by culprit have to throw these even though inside there as ticked as can be

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Jeez, that bait IS bad....and I thought I was a shmo for buying a pack of those Heddon things years ago, LOL.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 
Paul thats hilarious. i wish van dam woulda won this years classic on that tarzan, people would be flocking to toys r us instead of bass pro and cabelas ;D

;D Ya know, I might just head over to Toys'R'Us an find some fun things to catch bass on.

One of the things that struck me in this year's Classic, was that KVD, with his location control, could have won the event with almost any lipless -or any number of ways. The KVD Strike King baits are well designed and thought out, but I believe he would have success fishing LOTS of lures. The horizontal fall of the Red-Eye he touts was once the "flop-over-on-it's-side-like-a-dead shad" look he talked about for the Diamond Shad several years ago.

I guess it's good I'm not in KVD's shoes, 'cause I'd end up getting silly creating lures, and the only sponsor I'd have left would be Toys-R-Us.

fishing user avatarStasher1 reply : 

;D Ya know, I might just head over to Toys'R'Us an find some fun things to catch bass on.

You could start with one of these...


It's slotted for the hook and everything.  ;D

fishing user avatarmozy reply : 

Seems to me that it would work just as well as any hollow bodied frog. It has the same basic profile and configuration. The paint job seems a little ridiculous, but paint on topwater baits don't matter a whole lot, IMO.

fishing user avatarthrawn67 reply : 
Jeez, that bait IS bad....and I thought I was a shmo for buying a pack of those Heddon things years ago, LOL.

What heddons you talking about? Had some luck on the torpedoes. just curious

fishing user avatarTaylor Fishin 4 life reply : 

looks like a paint lightbulb

fishing user avatarKowen117 reply : 
looks like a paint lightbulb

NO!!!!!!! a lightbulb would catch more fish

fishing user avatarBig Bait Fishing reply : 
Anyone use this bait? What do you think?



you weren't actually thinking of getting this thing were you   ;)  j/k !!!
fishing user avatarTaylor Fishin 4 life reply : 


fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

Soooo I guess I'm the only one that got duped? :-/

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 

That video is hilarious there are like 3 instant reaction bites on it, and the rest they don't even show. I love when hes like wow it pretty much walks the dog by itself  :;)

fishing user avatarVinny Chase reply : 
Anyone use this bait? What do you think?



you weren't actually thinking of getting this thing were you ;) j/k !!!

I thought it was a sweet idea to resemble a dying bass as the surface lure, but i thought the paint job was an absolute joke!

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

;D Ya know, I might just head over to Toys'R'Us an find some fun things to catch bass on.

You could start with one of these...


It's slotted for the hook and everything. ;D

You would be really fun to see who could catch a keeper sized bass on the silliest thing.

I once won a bet by catching a bass -albeit a little one -on a bare hook. I used a #1 bait hook and burned it.

fishing user avatarLHC - Bank Robber reply : 
Soooo I guess I'm the only one that got duped? :-/

Sounds like it, but thank you, after the first post about these things i was really thinking about getting one or two.

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

;D Ya know, I might just head over to Toys'R'Us an find some fun things to catch bass on.

You could start with one of these...


It's slotted for the hook and everything. ;D

You would be really fun to see who could catch a keeper sized bass on the silliest thing.

I once won a bet by catching a bass -albeit a little one -on a bare hook. I used a #1 bait hook and burned it.

Yes,but isn't it funny how they will hit anything but at the same time nothing at all? :-?

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

;D Ya know, I might just head over to Toys'R'Us an find some fun things to catch bass on.

You could start with one of these...


It's slotted for the hook and everything. ;D

You would be really fun to see who could catch a keeper sized bass on the silliest thing.

I once won a bet by catching a bass -albeit a little one -on a bare hook. I used a #1 bait hook and burned it.

Yes,but isn't it funny how they will hit anything but at the same time nothing at all? :-?

Yup. We have high expectations from those bass in offering us sport. The bass, on the other side of the fence, are trying to make a living. They hunt when the hunting's good, and conserve energy 99% of the time. LOVE those 1% days.

I know I don't have to say this, but a rubber football, change purse, or plastisol Tarzan, or a Culprit what-ever-its-called, wouldn't likely win a tournament. guess is, KVDs Red Eye didn't win it either.

fishing user avatarRynobassZ520 reply : 

Unbeliveable,some of the comments i am reading on this bait,I cant believe how some of you people have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to tournament baits!This lure has more applications then most of you people could even execute.I am totally sure most of the negative comments come from people who have little to none tournament background and still only show up to the lake with a Flying Lure and a Hula Popper!I would think if some of you bashers new what you could actually accomplish with this bait you would spend less time on this site and more time at the check line at a tournament!!!

fishing user avatarwannabeangler reply : 
Ya know, I might just head over to Toys'R'Us an find some fun things to catch bass on.

Ha! I've had that SAME thought! In fact, I've got an orange and green G.I. Joe that I plan on injecting with insulation foam for buoyancy + 4/0 hook + trailer hook sitting in my car that I've wanted to toss out on an aggressive frog day for awhile!

Only problem is, I've never been able to convince myself to waste good fishing time throwing a G.I. Joe!

fishing user avatargr8tbite reply : 

I have used the Culprit UTS all over the country and found it performed better than I hoped. If you can"t walk this bait you had better stick to deadsticking. I have found it to be a superior bass catcher not only in grass, pads and laydowns but it excels in openwater. Can't wait to throw it in bushes on Kentucky Lake and grass in Minnetonka. This guy has 3 for sale,he is lucky, Culprit has sold out 2 colors. The only bad thing in your area is it catches everything including Muskys... yikes!

fishing user avatargr8tbite reply : 

You guys could not possibly have used this bait! What exactly did you think a Senko looks like? Were you late on that bandwagon too? I only wish "frog-style" baits were still a secret. I love taking money from pilgrims. Have you seen the chartreuse shad or ghost minnow? Awesome. I'm just tired of throwing a frog were there are only baitfish. This wide open water deal is cool and works.

I have "reaction" (LOL) bites flying in from 10 feet way. Most of these bass don't see a lure with a baitfish shape.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 
Ya know, I might just head over to Toys'R'Us an find some fun things to catch bass on.

Ha! I've had that SAME thought! In fact, I've got an orange and green G.I. Joe that I plan on injecting with insulation foam for buoyancy + 4/0 hook + trailer hook sitting in my car that I've wanted to toss out on an aggressive frog day for awhile!

Only problem is, I've never been able to convince myself to waste good fishing time throwing a G.I. Joe!

That would NOT be a waste of time! ;) If you do, share the pics with us.

fishing user avatarGone_Phishin reply : 
Unbeliveable,some of the comments i am reading on this bait,I cant believe how some of you people have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to tournament baits!This lure has more applications then most of you people could even execute.I am totally sure most of the negative comments come from people who have little to none tournament background and still only show up to the lake with a Flying Lure and a Hula Popper!I would think if some of you bashers new what you could actually accomplish with this bait you would spend less time on this site and more time at the check line at a tournament!!!

I bit presumptuous, no?  For the record, I'd take a Hula Popper over this bloated dog turd any day.

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 
Unbeliveable,some of the comments i am reading on this bait,I cant believe how some of you people have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to tournament baits!This lure has more applications then most of you people could even execute.I am totally sure most of the negative comments come from people who have little to none tournament background and still only show up to the lake with a Flying Lure and a Hula Popper!I would think if some of you bashers new what you could actually accomplish with this bait you would spend less time on this site and more time at the check line at a tournament!!!

I bit presumptuous, no? For the record, I'd take a Hula Popper over this bloated dog turd any day.

Agreed :;)

I bought four of those pieces of shh and out of all four none of them walked at all whatsoever in the slightest and 3 of them sank like a stone.Waste of money and I got bit.No, I don't fish tournaments but the bottom line is what exactly does that have to do with anything at all?!?! I consider myself a master at walking baits of any type I can do it blinfolded and in my sleep and have done so for many years.Thats not the point either,right? I just finished wiping and if you want me to put some gloves on and fish them out of the bowl then I got 3 for sale bud.

Posted by: gr8tbite Posted on: Yesterday at 8:04pm

You guys could not possibly have used this bait! What exactly did you think a Senko looks like? Were you late on that bandwagon too? I only wish "frog-style" baits were still a secret. I love taking money from pilgrims. Have you seen the chartreuse shad or ghost minnow? Awesome. I'm just tired of throwing a frog were there are only baitfish. This wide open water deal is cool and works.

I have "reaction" (LOL) bites flying in from 10 feet way. Most of these bass don't see a lure with a baitfish shape.

Posted by: gr8tbite Posted on: Yesterday at 7:42pm

I have used the Culprit UTS all over the country and found it performed better than I hoped. If you can"t walk this bait you had better stick to deadsticking. I have found it to be a superior bass catcher not only in grass, pads and laydowns but it excels in openwater. Can't wait to throw it

Come on down to Florida with your shads bud and feel free to haul water,just leave some for the rest of us...

I also just noticed that the two shad masters have only one post each.Must be culprit sales people ::)

fishing user avatarMark J reply : 

Best use would be to take the hook out and let the kids play with it in the tub. Seriously these baits are a joke.

fishing user avatarGone_Phishin reply : 
Best use would be to take the hook out and let the kids play with it in the tub. Seriously these baits are a joke.

LOL.  I thought the same thing; it does look like a kiddie toy.  ;D

fishing user avatarBriBass reply : 



No Pun intended..   :;) kinda like this culprit shad

fishing user avatarsetterdog reply : 

While I wouldn't presume to know what goes on in KVD's boat during the Classic nor do I consider myself a "master" anything, I'm not a total neophyte either. I don't have extensive experience with the lure in question, but what time I've spent throwing it, I found that it worked at least as well, if not better, than my usual "go to" soft bodied top waters. Mine didn't sink nor did I have any problem walking it. I was able to illicit plenty of "reaction" strikes. Any fish I ever caught was due to a "reaction" strike - some subtle, some not so much. To the best of my knowledge, fish don't have any reasoning power. Do I think the CTS is the silver bullet - no. Do I think it's unique enough to offer a different presentation - yes. The only reason I don't have more experience with it, is that I broke the only one I had off on a hook set. My fault - I was only using 30 lb. braid. Will I be buying another one - yes.

fishing user avatarRynobassZ520 reply : 

I have to say that the in my own personal opinion on the UTS is that i do not leave town without a box of them in my boat,they have many applications that other baits just cannot come close to doing,All baits work for some people and not for others and this bait works for me.I haven't seen a hollow body bait be able to skip it as far back under a dock and walk the dog back out like you can this bait,its just a new look to the fish if you know what you are doing with it!!

fishing user avatarVinny Chase reply : 
I have to say that the in my own personal opinion on the UTS is that i do not leave town without a box of them in my boat,they have many applications that other baits just cannot come close to doing,All baits work for some people and not for others and this bait works for me.I haven't seen a hollow body bait be able to skip it as far back under a dock and walk the dog back out like you can this bait,its just a new look to the fish if you know what you are doing with it!!

Ok give up the bit. We all know these are a joke so you can stop already!


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