When I got into bass fishing in a serious way back in the late 80's, I remember people talking a lot about how these small lures would catch big fish! Do you guys still fish the Tiny Torpedo?
For me, it still holds a spot in my tackle box but I don't seem to catch fish on it like I use to. But, they're still fun little lures to fish.
Uuummm...check out my avatar.
The clear Tiny T works great in our marshes. Forgotten? Not...
Panfish killer
it's not my favorite topwater to fish, but I've seen smallmouth destroy them and not touch anything else. You can almost think of it as a buzz bait you can pause. I keep a few in the box anytime I'm fishing for smallmouth and think there may be a top water bite.
Man I use to kill them on torpedos when I was a kid and just starting to bass fish. I still have several in my tackle box but honestly haven't tied one on in many years. Not sure why I guess I've just found "newer and better" lures these days. Brings back some great memories. It's like the "original whopper plopper" lol
Great little bait and I'm guilty of neglecting the fact that they're great fish catchers.
I'm going to have to dig some of mine out & fish them again. Great lure then should equal great lure now? Let's hope!
I'm sure there is some JDM plopper jet spy thingy that's much better...
It has been my favorite topwater for years and I have long thought it was unjustly ignored. It is the perfect topwater for small streams and ponds in the summer here, and one of the most versatile baits in the box, given it is effective whether it's popped in place, twitched and ripped between pauses, or buzzed on a straight retrieve.
Awesome lure. I like it better than the whopper plopper because it doesn't make a huge splash like the plopper does. Great for targeting those shallow water bass.
Since I fish a lake with no lily pads or other surface vegetation, I can use treble hooked surface lures instead of frogs & other weedless varieties. I prefer smaller topwaters, so the 3 I rotate through are a Zara puppy, Pop-R and Tiny Torpedo. Which one gets to start the day is based on the season and amount of chop on the water. For me, the Tiny Torpedo has been most effective later in the summer into the fall and when the water is calm to a very mild chop, your results may vary.
I've done well with them and had a buddy that caught some toads back in the day. Great subtle, natural looking bait in the water.
Definetely have gotten away from throwing them and you're absolutely right. Thanks for the reminder.
Bet mine is bigger than yours
On 4/26/2017 at 3:37 AM, Comfortably Numb said:Bet mine is bigger than yours
i love the tiny torpedo. i even have the big torpedo hat i like to call my corn cob. i would have to say when the sun is going down i will use the bone. it is lack with white skeleton on it. they love it. if it is in the morning or the afternoon and things are slow. i will use the red head with the white body. jerk and pull slowly and more than likely you see the wake coming from nowhere. love then
I have quite a few tiny torpedoes, but I always seem to start topwater fishing with something else first.
I have a cool silver glow color Tiny Torpedo ... I like to bend the blades forward a little so I can work it in one spot longer or work it like a walking bait with erratic short jerks . Like others have said - they just put it away and moved on to other new "it" baits currently more popular .
The Heddon tiny torpedo is one of my favorite topwaters to use for bass and it's also a good multi species lure.
I've got a couple, but I don't think I've ever used them. One was my dad's, another I think I've had since I was a teenager.
Like others I have quit using them for some reason? They never seemed to work in Lakes but man did the Potomac River smallmouth just crush them. On hot summer evenings we use to wade and fish them below the dams on a spinning rod. Stand with your back to the dam, cast as far downriver as possible then leave the bail open. Hold the rod tip high and listen for the buzzing and when it stopped set the hook. Honestly I think the reason I stopped using them was the Tiger Muskies around here started to steal them all the time.
I fished them with great success as a kid in the small mountain rivers. When I started fishing bigger bodies of water I forgot about them for a while. Then, while fishing with one of the greatest fishermen I've ever had the privilege of sharing a boat with on a tough lake, he dug in his box and tied on a clear tiny torpedo. He drove out to the middle of the lake, made a couple circles with his boat that got the water choppy, then proceeded to catch a limit. I was stunned. When the bite turned off, he made a few more circles, and started catching them again. By that time I had tied on an old torpedo (I think it was baby bass) I had in my box, and started chunking it. Nothing. So I tried another one (I believe black). Nothing. Finally, the guy asked me if I had a clear. When I told him that I didn't, he got back in his box and gave me one of those little majestic baits. He taught me how to get the blade to spin without moving the bait, and I got to join the catching party. For the past 20 years, I've never been fishing without one. And, on a tough day, it gets brought out, and typically catches them. I love those little things!
On 4/26/2017 at 3:37 AM, Comfortably Numb said:Bet mine is bigger than yours
You need to post a video towing that thing around some other fisherman talking about how you are trolling for the big ones and post it here.
Tiny Torpedo has been a favorite of mine since the 80's. I have caught my PB on it and Smallies hammer them, not to mention chain pickeral, ducks (don't ask) and an otter. It will catch them all.
On 4/25/2017 at 7:33 PM, reason said:shhhhh...
I'm sure there is some JDM plopper jet spy thingy that's much better...
Yea and for only $37 you can buy one.
I've had good luck with the baby torpedo.
I'm old school and it is not forgotten. They're still on my boat. But like you I don't throw it as much as I use to. Skitter prop gets fished a bit more. Skitter pop gets fished more than my pop-r's. *** for tat type thing.
I'm a bit old school and a lot of times I am not receptive to change to newer baits that are around or that just hit the scene. Over the winter I bought a few Wopper Ploppers in what I thought are perfect patterns and I am gonna fish them hard and hope for decent results. Time will tell. Tiny Torpedo will live on it is a time proven classic.
I carry 3 or 4 in my wading box. Torpedoes, floating Rapalas, and small Pop-R's are all some old classics that still get used a good bit.
It's a flat out great lure still, especially when they might not want to hit other topwaters.
I still use the Tiny Torpedo in clear and a Jitterbug in black. Yes they both still catch fish and yes I am an old fart lol.
I have to admit, a spook is my first "go-to" top water bait... but being an "old timer" in these forums, the torpedo is still one of my favorite top water baits.
You really have to love the "small lure buzzbait" action it provides.
It may be just for numbers , but it's the perfect cross between a buzz bait and a walker.
And who doesn't fish for numbers.
not forgotten
I had a buddy use one while I was tossing a popper style bait. We both had a great morning bite going. It is a bait that the fish probably don't see as much as walk the dog style baits or popping style baits. I have 4 or 5 and this is a nice reminder to for me to incorporate them some more this year
It's sold at all of the Walmart near me. Nothing sold at Walmart is a forgotten lure
On 5/22/2017 at 12:01 PM, CenCal fisher said:It's sold at all of the Walmart near me. Nothing sold at Walmart is a forgotten lure
Forgotten may not be the best word but I would be willing to bet if you asked anglers on this site to post pictures of their topwater collection I would bet the ratio of Torpedo baits to any other topwater like a popper or walk the dog style would be an overwhelming number not in favor of the torpedo. Me personally I have 10 poppers/walkers to ever 1 torpedo.
On 4/25/2017 at 10:38 PM, Tracker22 said:Awesome lure. I like it better than the whopper plopper because it doesn't make a huge splash like the plopper does. Great for targeting those shallow water bass.
For my money, the torpedo is a better bait. It ALWAYS does what it's designed to do. Wish I'd bought 3 or 4 more of them instead of being seduced by "the plopper." Anyone wants to trade, I'll be happy to!