Wondering why this color is spoke of so much and hyped so much. Is this color REALLY that attracting to the fish,or is just attracting Fisherman.
Anyone have first hand experience of catch ratios using a "Sexy Shad" color vs. some of the traditional colors?
Whats everyones opinions on the whole "Sexy Shad" thing?
Some dude named Kevin claimed he won a couple
of tournaments fishing the color.
You know I have thought the same thing! I dont use the the Strike King Sexy Shad cranks, but I have used an XPS nitro medium diving crank with its' version of the sexy shad color and done very well with it. But, I have also done well with Perch colored cranks. Personally, I think it is just a color pattern bass have not seen as much of so they think it is not a fake. Not sure, but that color pattern is only what 3 or 4 years old?
I have used the lipless SK Sexy Shads assortment, and nothing!
i got caught by it but the truth is, it works...I did very well on sexy shad redeye last year as well as Shadalicous....would other colors have worked well those times too? probably
Hasn't this been re-hashed about a dozen times? It does catch fish. Better than any other color - you have to be the judge.
QuoteHasn't this been re-hashed about a dozen times? It does catch fish. Better than any other color - you have to be the judge.
I apologize if this has been covered already. I just recently picked up a few baits in this color,thats the reason for asking. Ive never really been one to chuck and wind cranks,and I think im gonna give it a whirl this year.
its all about publicity. Variations of that color have been around for years.
BTW, Trap colors nothing beats chrome blue. 8-)
i also have had good luck with sexy shad color
waiting for someone to make a tube bait this color
If you read KVD descriptions on it in the strike site or in their forums its the incorporation of the lateral line that makes it stand our and the addition of ghost sexy. He also states that they are very natural in color but hey have chartreuse sexy too for the dingy waters
The yellow lateral line with the grayish-blue back is a very close match to the colors of an actual threadfin shad. As for it's popularity....KVD.
i believe that sexy shad is the best color to use in "certain situations" i have caught the same number of fish on other colors, but in certain situations this sexy shad color is the best on earth i believe.
if the top pros put a hook through a bic pen, and said it caught fish, people would buy it, and then they would say how good it is. Then if they say they used it to win a tournament, you would never be able to find them online.
look at lipless crankbaits... good luck trying to find the ones the KVD won with... why? Because people put too much emphasis on the bait, instead of working on their techniques. Buying a bait, a boat, a new rod, reel, etc. will NOT make you a better angler. Just because you bought what someone won a tournament with doesn't mean that you're going to win a tournament too. If KVD wasn't sponsored by SK, and was sponsored by a different company, guess what. He would have won with some other companies bait.
maybe its cause it looks like what bass feed on more than anything else? A SHAD :
You know i think we as fisherman get caught up in baits color more and lose focus on how it's presented to the fish. That's my thoughts. But I haven't ever won three classics either jmo
That makes me think. KVD now has a "Sexy" kit with all different baits in Sexy Shad Color from Spinner Baits to Jigs.
Theres gotta be something to the color.
Then theres the KVD "Secret colors" kit as well.
These are tried and true colors on a variey of baits,and well, according to the reviews...They all work well.
Perhaps colors do make a difference or is it the baits themselves??
Its a great color on great baits with great marketing from a great fisherman. truthfully it is my most productive color.
just pick a SK red eye in sexy shad today they just got them in a my local Wall mart
I bought a bunch of these Red eyes last winter. I was looking for some lipless cranks, and I knew red was a good thing to have any nearly any bait, so I thought I'd give them a shot.
Two of the 6 are Sexy Shad colors, and only one of the Sexy Shad colors caught fish. The 6 I own are: 01, 06, 25, 48, 86, and 91 as seen here: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_90485_100005000_100000000_100005000_100-5-0
Out of those, the most fish were caught on 06, next being 48, then 91, and 25. 86 and 01 didnt catch anything. Not without lack of trying though. (Numbers mentioned are going by the picture. Seems the list with names is messed up)
But we all know theres more to it than the color. I might have been presenting it however they wanted it those days.
Quotei also have had good luck with sexy shad colorwaiting for someone to make a tube bait this color
Pick up some of the colors of JJ's Magic and make your own using a q-tip.....Piece of cake!
Strike King has a great marketing department.
Does the color catch bass? Yes. Any better than similar shad patterns? Not in my experiences.
the strike king company does have tons of versions of sexy shad, chrome,ghost,chartruese,lavender, now GOLD,and i have some pink ones. and now they have sexy blueback herring and sexy sunfish.
i have been reading alot of different top pros books, and almost all of them say that color of the lure is the most important part of the bait barly behind the way you work it in clear water. but in stained water the color is not as important, but the way you work it is almsot everything.
sexy shad is a rip-off of LC chartreuse shad. It's a pretty darn good color for certain times. Certain colors are great on certain lures, lakes, and applications. A lot of other colors are great. My personal favorite is copper green shad on the RC 1.5. If you want numbers than it is better than "sexy shad" aka chartreuse shad.
I would think most hits on a lipless bait would be a reaction strike, and color would be the last thing the fish would be looking at. I had a cheap rattle shad in black/chrome that was bet to death and looked like it was drug behind a truck , And I still caught alot of fish with it all summer, till I lost it in a snag. It's like saying a red corvette is faster than a brown corvette. Just my opinion.
Sexy Shad is just a name Strike King came up with. That color pattern has been painted on cranks for 30yrs. Blues over silver/foil, grey over silver/foil, blue over chart and blue/grey over white. All different forms of the sexy shad color. This color was around long before lucky craft. It's a good shad color for lakes with threadfin shad.
QuotePerhaps colors do make a difference or is it the baits themselves??
It 's the dude behind the bait what makes the difference, as always.
sexy shad has worked for me in a crankbait version. haven't tried a sexy lipless yet...
from my own experimentation, i do believe that color sometimes matters.
90% briliant marketing by SK / 10% it's a really nice shad imitation.
Whatever SK pays KVD, it's not enough. I would venture to say that his success has at least tripled their sales the last 5 years or so.
That said, I fish a lot of crankbaits, and TN Shad, Lavender Shad, Threadfin Shad, Gizzard Shad colors all catch fish.
The colors and finish on the Lucky Crafts are incredible, and that's why they sell them all day for $15-20. IMHO, the fish aren't nearly that discerning.
To paraphrase Big O:
Location is the key. Then there is lure selection
and presentation. After that, the "right color" can
make good fishing better.
QuoteI would think most hits on a lipless bait would be a reaction strike, and color would be the last thing the fish would be looking at. I had a cheap rattle shad in black/chrome that was bet to death and looked like it was drug behind a truck , And I still caught alot of fish with it all summer, till I lost it in a snag. It's like saying a red corvette is faster than a brown corvette. Just my opinion.![]()
Haha I like that
It was my most productive color last year. Gimmick or not, it worked for me very well. Threw SK and H20 cranks in this color alot.
I don't know if it's the color or the action of the RedEye, but I can tell you that I've killed 'em on the Sexy Shad for the last two years. Couldn't buy a bite on my Spots or Rattletraps. I've all but quit tossing them.
For me it was by far my most productive chase bait color (cranks and spinnerbait).
And in one 2 day tourney I know it out caught tradionial white spinnerbaits both days.
Like most post it's not the end all color...but it is darn good in certain apps.
Im curious to see how the Bass will react to the Sexy Shad Redeye on my local lake.
The main forage on this lake are Crayfish, Green Sunfish,Bluegill,Shellcracker(Redear Sunfish) and Hybrid Sunfish(Green Sunfish/Bluegill mix), Frogs and of course smaller LM Bass. No Shad,Herring or other baitfish to speak of.
Why this may be a top producing color in many different situations, I feel that using different colors at the appropriate time really makes the difference.
I also am not sure that I fully understand the thought behind the Sexy Shad colored spinners.
I know on my lake, I've killed fish previously on a ghost minnow and and ayu red eye. The citrus shad I've never had a strike on. I've never tossed the original sexy shad color.
My lake has no shad. Just crawfish (which are rare), bluegill, shiners, minnows, and smaller bass.
Quoteif the top pros put a hook through a bic pen, and said it caught fish, people would buy it, and then they would say how good it is. Then if they say they used it to win a tournament, you would never be able to find them online.
I read somewhere that this is how the Senko was thought of. Hmmmmm...sexy senko
KVD's a winner and whatever he says...goes.
I didn't buy into the hype, but I have a redeye shad and a LC pointer with LC's version of this color, and they do produce for me very well.
QuoteKVD's a winner and whatever he says...goes.
That's exactly what SK is counting on! Brilliant marketing in action.
I try not to let all the hype get to me as far as what the pros use. I have had better luck on the chartreuse sexy shad color, but I fish more stained water. I prefer the Red Eye shad because of it's action. I have found over the years that colors can make a difference, but other things factor in also.
haha i was just sittin here thinkin to myself and i had NOOOOO idea fishing lures could be so dang sexy ;D
I guess I'm going to find out. I bought a couple of H2O's cranks tonight in their Sexy Shad color when I went to Academy.
i think its just for markiting, most other companies have made their own version of the color..because it sells good..
Bass in MN feed on perch/bluegill/baby bass. What color in the red eye series would work the best for me?
I'm a big fan of KVD but he is getting over exsposed with all his marketing. I was in the market for a deep crankin rod but didn't even look at the KVD rods because I don't want to look like a KVD groupie. That being said I think the sexy shad colors are the real thing. Lucky Craft has been selling Chart Shad colors long before SK & KVD came up with sexy shad.
QuoteLucky Craft has been selling Chart Shad colors long before SK & KVD came up with sexy shad.
There's a difference between LC's Chart. Shad and the Sexy Shad pattern. As evidenced by LC's release of their Sexy Chart. Shad pattern.
Sexy Shad is a lot darker than Chart. Shad.
QuoteWhy this may be a top producing color in many different situations, I feel that using different colors at the appropriate time really makes the difference.I also am not sure that I fully understand the thought behind the Sexy Shad colored spinners.
The thought is people will buy em, b/c it's Sexy Shad, and KVD says to.
I agree that there is a difference between the Chart Shad & Sexy Shad, but even Strike King has five of six variations on the "Sexy Shad" color. The one thing they all have in common is the Chart lat line. Lucky Craft has used Chart lines on a number of bait colors for years. My point is that this is a great color for shad baits but hardly is a Strike King invention.
Quoteits all about publicity. Variations of that color have been around for years.BTW, Trap colors nothing beats chrome blue. 8-)
amen brotha
QuoteBass in MN feed on perch/bluegill/baby bass. What color in the red eye series would work the best for me?
mabey #26 http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_90485_100005006_100000000_100005000_100-5-6
Cuz it's freakin amazing thats why
every color has it moments when they work better than others... KVD just really promoted it
just a good shad color , i like that color on my lipless crankbaits
This pattern from what I have read, heard, and experienced just catches fish. I have had the most luck on sexy(foxy) shad colored lures. My PB(~5lbs) was caught on a foxy shad super spot. I have not got anything yet on my sexy shad war eagle finesse spinnerbait... that will change soon...