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Bait buying compulsive disorder..... 2024

fishing user avatarflyphisher # reply : 

What buttons the bait monkey been pushing lately??????


Lately its been soft plastics and jigs for me.... $10 is all it takes and I can buy 2-4 packs of some sort of soft plastics that i "need", really its been tryin new stuff .last few weeks it been its jig trailers.....sometimes i make it a game to see how much stuff i can get for $20.....This is how I buy most of my baits and terminal tackle unless I am restocking the usual stuff i need. Problem is that since foot surgery in feb, I have only been fishing 5 or 6 times, but i cant stop myself.... :)

Another positive is if you spend you cash on fishing stuff, its too much trouble to pull out the plastic to buy junk food at the bait shop etc....good for your health...

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

You can add me to the list of complusive buying fishing gear victims on the weekends...baitmonkey likes to visit quite offen.If i ain't fishing,i'm at a tackle store asking my 2 year old what looks good..his answer is "Everything"...he quite right alot of times too.Good thing i only bring a limit amount of money...gotta make sure i have money left over for a ice cream treat for the little guy for helping daddy out. :)

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

Yes I have suffered with BBCD for many years. There is no known cure and you can only get temporary relief from spending $ at a large tackle venue. I got a package in the mail today from BPS. Some Terminator Jigs and some drop shot weights & hooks. I don't have to have it! It's just really nice! I can quit anytime I want!


fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
I don't have to have it! It's just really nice! I can quit anytime I want!


Famous last words.  ::)

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

:'( Hi, my name is Jim and I am a tackleholic. It all started...............................

fishing user avatarMunkin reply : 

My habit has turned to hardbaits from Japan that I usually cannot pronounce the color or read anything on the box? :-[ Since I have been fishing lately is has not been that bad and I have only spent about $75 in the past 2 months.


fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

The only relief from this affliction; and it's a temporary respite, not a cure, is to go fishing. I find it very difficult to buy new stuff while I'm on the water, rod in hand. The long, cold Illinois winters are very hard on me and my credit cards.



fishing user avatarkayl. reply : 

For me it's random baits that just "look cool" (Like the Daiwa Dead or Alive, Bettencourt Rodent...) and Lucky Crafts...luckily, Dick's has lots of $10 off of $25 coupons that make my addiction a little more affordable (and to think, if I worked one shift a weekend there, I'd get 25% off!  I'd be broke!)

fishing user avatarhi_steel_basser reply : 

I consider myself an honest man, but I know better than to seek employment at a tackle retailer. The bait monkey has been on hold since I spent about 300 on swimbaits recently. He will be back. I already know of a few more swimbaits I need, not to mention the fact that my jig box is getting ugly. And I really need more roboworms. And tungsten weights, brass beads, tube jigs, a c-rig combo, a good topwater rod would be nice, still haven't found the right line for my jig casting rod, etc. But I got that durn monkey under check.

fishing user avataraggiebassin reply : 

i totally understand.  i mostly fish plastics.  but in the past i usually only bought stuff i had confidence in....brush hogs, lizards, 1 type of craw, and a couple styles of worms

then this past year i got in with a bad crowd....a tourney fisherman.. ;D..and now i can't go to academy or wal mart w/o buying $10-15 worth of plastics.  

i went from having 2 3700's and a 3600 full of plastics to having a complete bag full of plastic packages

now i have beaver tails, all sorts of creature baits, tubes, 3-4 different types of craws, paddle tailed worms, and not to mention i have probably bought 200 senko knockoffs lately...including a 100 pack from my buddy's sponsor

my goal is to not buy anything else until i catch enough fish to tear up some of these plastics....but that stupid monkey is always whispering in my ear

fishing user avatarlargemouthslayer reply : 

I told myself no more! I was going to be simple. Senkos, LC Pointers, Zoom trick worm ,Spinnerbaits,Rattle Traps,Zara Spooks,Jigs and Trailers. Put I can't stop I'll see something new and BOOM $50.00 later what's up do I need to seek help from a head shrinker.I can't stop someone please help. OH and needless to say BassProshop is 45min from my house now.I nicknamed it  Bass Crack House.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Some of you should look at it on the bright side ..... 10 packs of worms, what, 60 bucks at the most ? 6-10 lures @ lets say Rapala price ( 6-7 bucks ) = 70 bones tops  ::), you ain 't got the "enthusiast" monkey, ask me how hefty a bait monkey attack can be ..... it ain 't pretty !  :-X

fishing user avatarJigNBig reply : 

Yall have it good, when I have a hot bait I go to Dicks and Academy and buy every single one that they have.  Ill get home and have 130 bucks worth of trick worms or flukes or ikas.  SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!! haha

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Yep...Guilty as charged :-[

But No Big Sweat, I've got it under wraps and can quit ANNNYTIME I choose beer1.gifcrazy.gif


fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Yep...Guilty as charged :-[

But No Big Sweat, I've got it under wraps and can quit ANNNYTIME I choose beer1.gifcrazy.gif


And you got it twice as bad Roger, fresh & saltwater, oh my !  :)

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
And you got it twice as bad Roger, fresh & saltwater, oh my !

Raul, I realize that you claim that you did not invent the Bait Monkey, that you merely gave him a name.

For some reason......I'm having trouble buying into to that notion >:);)


fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

My gf and mom both get on me every day about spending money on bait...

Today I went and got out with spending only $15, it was the worst store I've ever seen. It was at a sports authority, they didn't have anything of interest, I got 2 frogs, and XRAP trout colored, and a Rat-L-trap, that was all they had..

I feel sad when I don't get a bunch of new fishing stuff!

fishing user avatarlubina reply : 

Yep...Guilty as charged :-[

I'm so happy I saw this one.....I don't feel that guilty anymore!!!!!

fishing user avatarllPa1nll reply : 
:'( Hi, my name is Jim and I am a tackleholic. It all started...............................


Hi Jim, my name is Eric and I am here for you I have been down that road...

fishing user avatarwickyman reply : 

You know how you fix this, "disorder"?  You take your money out of your wallet, except maybe 20-25 bucks.  You give the rest to the wife.  And tell her that no matter what, not to let you have any more!  haha  I do that, so I don't go overboard!  I too have this over erratic tendency to spend more than I can afford on a specific thing.  I don't get myself in too much trouble, as I set my limits, according to my amount in hand...  Which is usually $15 bucks.  You have to stay within your limits, or just don't bring any money with you!  This also keeps your amount of gear down...  Eventually, that little bait monkey will shrivel up and die!  :)

fishing user avatarBaitMS reply : 

Oh Man!!! I thought this thread was going to say a CURE had been found :'(.

Don't play with my emotions like this. This was definitely a plot by the bait monkey.  >:)

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
Oh Man!!! I thought this thread was going to say a CURE had been found

Keep on dreamin, it don 't cost anything.

fishing user avatarsal669 reply : 
Oh Man!!! I thought this thread was going to say a CURE had been found :'(.

Don't play with my emotions like this. This was definitely a plot by the bait monkey. >:)

No cure, thanx God...I hope those bio -chemists keep working on cancer, HIV and other deadly deseases. "Monkitis" is not deadly, as far as I know... :;)

There is some "medication" to keep this "monkitis baitis"  under some control.

One of them is "significant other" gel tablets (acts fast)

I preffer to keep only one $20 bill in my walet (and some $10,$5,$1) when I'm roaming close to "monkey territory". I sometimes use "plastic", but I'm trying realy hard to cut down on this bad, bad habit.

I have no doubpt I can quit sometime in the next 137 years!!!

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I can go for several weeks without seeing the baitmonkey, but when he comes knocking look out.  

By the way I just got the new BPS flyer in the mail today.  I have no self control :'(.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I went through the Japanese hardbait phase last year

Right now it's swimbaits, God help me.

I've bought a 4 pack of Javellons, a new hud, a mattlure ultimate bluegill, 3 colors of swim senko's.

I love the look of those Bettencourts.  

We need a 12 step program of  tackle buyers anonymous.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

I don 't agree with that Avid, if you have a rack show it, we should form the International Tackle Junkie Association.

Hell, we can even work something out with tackle manufacturers and get volume discounts, ¡ sí se puede !  :)

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
I don 't agree with that Avid, if you have a rack show it, we should form the International Tackle Junkie Association.

Hell, we can even work something out with tackle manufacturers and get volume discounts, ¡ sí se puede !

That Does It!

Raul IS the Bait Monkey yes.gif


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
I don 't agree with that Avid, if you have a rack show it, we should form the International Tackle Junkie Association.

Hell, we can even work something out with tackle manufacturers and get volume discounts, ¡ sí se puede !

That Does It!

Raul IS the Bait Monkey yes.gif



fishing user avatarDRat reply : 

If you think the bait momkey is bad, wait till the tackle monkey shows up at your door!!!!!  :'(

fishing user avatarBrad_Coovert reply : 
You take your money out of your wallet, except maybe 20-25 bucks. You give the rest to the wife.

Trust my wife with my money?  

fishing user avatarwickyman reply : 

Why not?  It's not as though she can do any worse than you, unless she's got the home shopping monkey on her shoulder...  lol

fishing user avatarBaitMS reply : 
Why not? It's not as though she can do any worse than you, unless she's got the home shopping monkey on her shoulder... lol

Let's be practical here...Can you honestly say that you want or can even use any of that CRAP that your wife buys? I didn't think so :). What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine til death do us part!!

fishing user avatarmichbass reply : 

Its like a collection too me. I still have tons of walleye baits that I only use once or twice a year. I have bought tons of stuff I havent even used?  I think I am like that with all my hobbies. I need help. Is there a program? Maybe I will start one. I have worn out catalogs just looking at stuff I have already looked at 50 times. BPS being down the street is the worst part. My name is Steve and I am a "anything to do with fishing holic"  

fishing user avatarBrad_Coovert reply : 
Why not? It's not as though she can do any worse than you, unless she's got the home shopping monkey on her shoulder... lol

She can do a lot worse than me.  She scrapbooks along with various other things.  She also has to pay retail prices for her stuff.   ;D  Mine are all at wholesale.   :)

fishing user avatarHot n Tot reply : 

I've only bought 6 new casting reels this year:

3  TDZs

1  TD Sol

1  TD Fuego

1  Abu Revo STX


oh, I almost forgt....also a Shimano Stradic 2500  :)

fishing user avatardetroit1 reply : 

Oh yeah? Go buy an airbrush. Now you have a reason to buy baits that don't even look good! Bargain bin.. oh yeah i could repaint this one and that one and jeez- i'm in trouble AGAIN! We need a support group,man!

fishing user avatarlubina reply : 
We need a support group,man!

Nope....I just refuse treatment, I want to be kill by tackle poison  ;D

fishing user avatarmoby bass reply : 
Hi, my name is Jim and I am a tackleholic.

All together now....  "HI, JIM"  

fishing user avatarJeff H reply : 

Nothing worse then running out of some hot bait in the middle of a frenzy.  There is nothing wrong with excess as long as it doesn't sink you financially.

fishing user avatarrfrazier reply : 
Oh yeah? Go buy an airbrush. Now you have a reason to buy baits that don't even look good! Bargain bin.. oh yeah i could repaint this one and that one and jeez- i'm in trouble AGAIN! We need a support group,man!

way to spread the disease, now I want an airbrush.  :-?

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

I've got a largemouth at home....sometimes she lets me go fishing. Speaking of the monkey,They just came out with a new set of dt fat rap series.LORD HELP ME! Now I gotta get two of every color,and maybe a Plano to put em in.Did Ya see the x-rap shads?? Here we go again...I really need to start making it to more group therapy sessions.Grab hands and lets say the serenity prayer.

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

(is chuckling at Brent  )  Keep this thread going we need any or all members to step forward and admit they have a problem.This is part of the 12 step process.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Winter is gonna be bad....really bad for me.Bass season is closed as well.

My girl is starting to complain at all the "junk" i have in the spare bedroom now.I'm gonna make an entire wall for strickly "my fishing stuff".

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

Bait Monkey really isn't a problem unless you're spending more than you can afford - I know that when I'm sitting at home and have nothing to do, often I'll go to Dick's just for the heck of it and spend a bunch of money on stuff that looks cool, or stuff that I "need" more of.  I have a great time picking the stuff out, and a great time pulling out all my tackle and placing the new items in their respective areas.  

It's been said before, and I'll say it again.  Half the fun of fishing (sometimes a LOT more than half, depending on how good the fishing is) is the anticipation.  I love sitting around the night before going fishing and just going through which baits I think I'll need and imagining where I'm gonna fish them and the huge fish I'm gonna catch.  Usually doesn't work out that way, but the anticipation NEVER disappoints, and I have the bait monkey, in large part, to thank for that.

That being said, it is still ridiculous how much I spend on fishing stuff.

fishing user avatarDavis reply : 

Guilty here as well.....

Can never make it out of Dicks without spending 30 dollars or so. Bass Pro Shops may be coming to Buffalo. Who knows.....the deal goes on and than the news says that Bass Pro isn't coming. Sometimes I think that if they do come than I'm screwed.

I have a pretty big wishlist on and is mounting as well.

Come spring I will have a big order for *.com and probably a nice size one from *** as well.

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

Right i agree Tony. Not just when I need something to do,but I also go to dicks or bps after a bad day on the water with the hopes to find something new that "will get em next time". Humor aside,fishing is a hobby to me but so is tackle collecting.I just like to have it,even though may not need it,and god knows we could find a lot worse things to spend our money on.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

I havent bought a lure(s) in months.  But I did just drop 100 bucks on lure making stuff. ;D

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
I havent bought a lure(s) in months. But I did just drop 100 bucks on lure making stuff. ;D

The danged never ending story, huh ?  :-?

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Same animal, different disguise. :)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I've heard eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-nuffffffff  

Your all just a bunch of winey wimpoid spineless crybabies  

My hero, Al Bundy would tell the women's "NO MA'M"

And go out and buy all the JDM lures he could afford from selling one size fits all shoes to fat ladies who outgrew that size after their ankles swole up from chowin' down the Sam's club sized Dorito's knock offs.

Hey that reminds me........

when all this womens lib first got goin' the womens said that a man should give his wife half his paycheck.

I said great,

Now she only gets half  

fishing user avatarrfrazier reply : 

baitmonkey just grabbed me by the balls. ***... and the wait begins, christmas t-minus 6 days!   :)

fishing user avatarjb_adams reply : 

My wife continues to ask, "why do you think you need all of those baits?  You have so many now you can't use them all."  or  "why do you think you need a new rod?  You already have a closet full of them."

I try to explain to her and by the time I'm through stumbling with an answer, she has me confused.

This past weekend, I got up early, went fishing around 6:00AM, fished till 3:00.  Came home, ate dinner, and then went night fishing till 2AM.  Yep, it's all an obcession and addiction.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I am not afflicted...

The only baits/ lures I have bought this year were on sale or were a new class of lure (swimmbaits, two types of soft platics, jigs and trailers and a few Yo-Zuri Ratl'N Vibes).

Well, then I bought a couple of reels, but they're "pre-loved" and that "required" a new rod (which was one of the Avids on sale)...So maybe I still NEED another rod...

But as far as I'm concerned, none of that counts...   :)

I have no addiction and can stop anytime...

I am not afflicted. The Bait Monkey does not influence me. I am not afflicted...I am not addicted...


fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

"on sale"   ;D

I think i buy more stuff and spend more money when i find those words instead of regular price items.I'm just glad nobody puts "everything's on sale" or we'd have a big problem.

fishing user avatarFishTank reply : 

It has got to stop sometime, right?

It has reached the point were my kids are telling me, "No more fishing stuff!!!!!".  My wife has given up.

But I am not as bad as my fishing buddy.  He was a chain smoker for years and decided to quit.  He then saved all the money he would have spent on smokes, insurance, etc. for a new Daiwa Steez and a G. Loomis MBR783C GLX.  Well a year or so has passed since his purchase and he has not smoked since but he'll spend about $30-$50 a week on Lucky Craft, Megabass, or Rapala lures.  He won't stop.  The bait monkey has replaced his Camels with some pretty sweet equipment.


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