Hey everyone im new to fishing and would love to take a look at all your tackle collections. Please post pics of what you've got.
I am guessing since no one has answered you yet that my suggestion will have to do.
As just about everyone on the site has told me "read through the articles at the top of the page for info". And read past post for specific info such as " go to lures" or confidence baits and or personally choices. I have learned that using the search bar at the top left of the screen helps find things. The "guys" on this site know alot, but i think they are tired of answering the same questions all the time. well good luck and hit me up if you have a question and i will answer or atleast point you in the right direction.
I don 't want to overload the server with pictures of my tackle collection.
Welcome to the forums! Here's what I carry in my boat with me. The bag is almost full and weighs near 40lbs.
QuoteI don 't want to overload the server with pictures of my tackle collection.![]()
LOL Yeah, i've seen pictures of your tackle palace. ;D
QuoteQuoteI don 't want to overload the server with pictures of my tackle collection.![]()
LOL Yeah, i've seen pictures of your tackle palace. ;D
Yup, I 'm beginning to think that I really need a bigger boat ...... something about the size of an aircraft carrier will do the trick.
The pics. might be a lttle much to ask for IMHO but when I saw that Raul had sent in a reply I thought MAN!!! HERE WE GO!!! I was gonna see how many pages it took or if it overloaded something : ...
As Ever,
Aw, c 'mon guyz ! I really don 't have THAT much tackle 8-) ......... &%$#! > , I 'll be danged
..... I just stepped on my tongue. :-[
Ugh, you could always use photobucket to upload your pics
Anyhow i found this forum.gon.com/showthread.php?p=1820830
Know of anywhere with more pics like this? I guess maybe its stupid but i just like looking at this stuff and making myself jealous of the stuff ill never be able to afford
Alright then, just so can never say that Raul is a mean sob that don 't want to show some of his tackle here 's a pic of a few extras I 've got:
I was going to say, I want to see Raul's stash. I've seen the tub of Rapala's, but I don't think I've seen pics of the whole enchilada.
Look who 's talkin '.
Good Gaawwwly Raul! I thought I was bad.
The Bait Monkey totally owns your @$$! ;D
Nice selection though!
G**D***, Raul.
Do you want to see a group shot or should I post individual shots of all 16, 487 lures?
QuoteDo you want to see a group shot or should I post individual shots of all 16, 487 lures?
You're kidding right?
QuoteQuoteDo you want to see a group shot or should I post individual shots of all 16, 487 lures?
You're kidding right?
He better be kidding
You could group um in say..??
lots of,, ohh maybe -4- ,,, :-/
that way you would only need to
take 4122 pictures and the last one would
only have -3- baits in it.!!!!!!!!
;D ;D ;D
My Great Grandpa had you all beat, you could not get in his basement he had so much tackle. But then again he also fixed reels and stuff. But my collection is not that impressive.
There is a long thread that has pics of everyone's tackle. I tried doing a search for it, but I'm not a fan of this site's search feature. If you try and seach for a thread title only, it doesn't just pull up the threads, but every single reply! Tackle Pics...RE: Tackle pics, RE: tackle pics, and so on and so on. Very frustrating.
I could post all my stash...but I am afraid my camera won't hold over a thousand pictures worth of lures...
So for sake of argument, let's just say I have plenty of good lures! ;D
I wish I woulda taken a fraction of the money I've spent on lures/boxes/terminal tackle and invested it into more rods and reels. Coulda had some real nice stuff.
QuoteI wish I woulda taken a fraction of the money I've spent on lures/boxes/terminal tackle and invested it into more rods and reels. Coulda had some real nice stuff.
Look at it this way, you could have nicer rods and reels ....... I could have purchased a Ranger boat, a bigun.
The title says it all.
This is my extra stuff, the boats are still full.
and the dog is guarding it all
QuoteThere is a long thread that has pics of everyone's tackle. I tried doing a search for it, but I'm not a fan of this site's search feature. If you try and seach for a thread title only, it doesn't just pull up the threads, but every single reply! Tackle Pics...RE: Tackle pics, RE: tackle pics, and so on and so on. Very frustrating.
Isn't there a selection to choose to only get one reply per thread?
Here's some stuff that doesnt fit in the boat or in the fishing room in the house. All my tournament stuff stays either in the boat or in the house. This is just my "pond behind the house stuff"
Man.. I always love seeing these pics, it makes me feel not as bad about the stuff I got. All I pretty much have is 1 plano for frogs, 1 for jerkbaits/crankbaits, 1 for topwaters, 1 for jigs, and a spinnerbait box. I also have a large tackle bag packed to a point where I can no longer close it, with softbaits. And I got a box of fishing stuff I don't use, I dig through it every now and again.
But then again I didn't list my saltwater collection :-X. Its not as big as my freshwater though.. 8-).
QuoteHere's some stuff that doesnt fit in the boat or in the fishing room in the house. All my tournament stuff stays either in the boat or in the house. This is just my "pond behind the house stuff"
I've wanted one of those Coke machines since forever...
Quotei know it's not really fair.................but, you know us guys from TX.i'll show you my 4.25" beaver collection. First pic. 14,000 Beavers. Second pic: 19,000. (other side, on shelf; 8,000 more) ;D
;D Holy Crap! Thats a whole lot of Beavers!
QuoteQuoteI wish I woulda taken a fraction of the money I've spent on lures/boxes/terminal tackle and invested it into more rods and reels. Coulda had some real nice stuff.Look at it this way, you could have nicer rods and reels ....... I could have purchased a Ranger boat, a bigun.
QuoteQuotei know it's not really fair.................but, you know us guys from TX.i'll show you my 4.25" beaver collection. First pic. 14,000 Beavers. Second pic: 19,000. (other side, on shelf; 8,000 more) ;D
;D Holy Crap! Thats a whole lot of Beavers!
Yea... Atleast you'll never get tired of one Beaver... ;D 8-)
Quotei know it's not really fair.................but, you know us guys from TX.i'll show you my 4.25" beaver collection. First pic. 14,000 Beavers. Second pic: 19,000. (other side, on shelf; 8,000 more) ;D
Here is one of my favorites>>>>>>OH OH
I misunderstood the post
my mistake
I'm bored tonight, so I'll play. I have added another shelf, but the bulk of it remains the same.
'on deck' tackle...boxes and bags I use day to day and in tournaments.
Backstock...used to refill the 'on deck' boxes
Quoteman.......can anyone say....NEAT FREAK!!!!!! ;DHey natural, i'll give you a thousand worms to show up at my garage for some organizin'.
b ( i often joke that even Wilt Chamberlain admires the size of my beaver collection. ;D
Yeah...I have OCD...seriously. I've been diagnosed with it. Everything has to be in order or I feel restless. I actually enjoy organizing things. When I discovered the 4" deep 3700's, they made my backstock neat and tidy, and I can't express how much I love them. They are awesome! They keep bags of plastics very neat and tidy...you can fit 25-30 bags in each one.
You live in Lubbock...maybe I'll swing by sometime and make your fishing reserves something to be proud of. You provide the beer and I'll get after it. We may need to go to walmart to get some shelves.
QuoteQuoteYou live in Lubbock...maybe I'll swing by sometime and make your fishing reserves something to be proud of. You provide the beer and I'll get after it. We may need to go to walmart to get some shelves.That's a deal!
I've got about 60+ boxes that i'm not sure where to put. Just stacks and stacks. Have any extra room in your other closets?? ;D
Not in that dinky apartment! That was my apartment 5 months ago...while in Norman when the wife and I were in college. I've moved to Texas since, and upgraded the space. That place sucked...I was almost forced to make it neat or I wouldn't get to keep it (wife). We want to build a house in Southlake but d**n is it going to be expensive! I get a tackle room as long as we have land for my wife to play with animals. She wants some random things like mountain goats. I can't wait for them to stand on my car!
My lord!!! I only hope and dream for as much tackle as you guys have!
I would say someone has let the darkside win!
Your baitmonkey must weight atleast 40000#s.
QuoteYour baitmonkey must weight atleast 40000#s.
Nope, about this:
Natural, that is one beastly arsenal!
Geeezus...The Natural would put my local Dick's to shame....
Natural, do your dress shirts ever smell like garlic or anise? ;D
QuoteNatural, do your dress shirts ever smell like garlic or anise? ;D
Chicks dig garlic these days I hear... ;D ;D
On a serious note, natural do your clothes really smell?
GREAT pics guys!
Question for The Natural:
What are you doing with all that Yo-Zuri? You have been touting P-Line CXX for some time. Are you interested in selling some of the #12? If your are, I would be interested.
I love this topic. Nothing better than looking at peoples tackle. ;D There is always something I am missing.
Here are a few of my favorites:
First off a few spinnerbaits and jigs:
I also have lots and lots of plastics.
The most valuable piece of equipment I have is this homemade lure retriever.
It allows me to not only retrieve my own lures from the trees but other peoples as well. ;D
This is a pic of some lures I retrieved from a day around the lake.
QuoteGREAT pics guys!Question for The Natural:
What are you doing with all that Yo-Zuri? You have been touting P-Line CXX for some time. Are you interested in selling some of the #12? If your are, I would be interested.
I aready sold it . That pic is a couple of months old, and there are some bulk spools of Trilene fluoro in that spot. I bought that Yozuri when BPS had it for $6.88/1,000yds. I'll impulse buy, and then just sell it if I decide I don't want it.
Shot with DiMAGE E500 at 2007-02-07
As you can clearly see I do not suffer from OCD.
Shot at 2007-10-12
Some spare jerkbaits.
Can't get but one pic to post. :
All I can say is you guys are awesome! ;D
Here are a few more of my favorite things but after reading this thread again and seeing what you guys have, I have a few more things that I need to add. :-/
Some more jigs
Terminal tackle
Some titleshots and weights
This thread is horrible. After looking at all of you guys stuff I just had to dig out and play with mine. I was up till Midnight and broke my darn toe in all the excitement. >
Sure are some great pics of your addictions guys and gals! A pic of my 2 Rubbermaid crates and 5 filled Budweiser cases wouldn't be very interesting. My wife would love to sick The_Natural on my garage. If he went in today, he might finish up by 2011.
Mrs. Matstone,
Most of our boys have nothin' on you! That's quite a collection.
Just went through all the pictures in this thread. Some of you guys have more tackle then the Dicks by me.
I got tired buying bass baits, so I decided to collect some musky baits this winter. Some of these customs are unbelievable. I am afraid to throw some of them.