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MegaStrike Scent 2024

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

I just got my bottle of scent from TW and I plan to use it on all my soft plastics this season. Especially my Gary Yamamoto baits since they are only salt impregnated I assume.

1) Do I apply the scent onto the bait, wait a minute or can I just apply and cast away.

2) When do you reapply? After every fish? What if I don't catch a fish after 20 cast?

3) Do you apply the scent on baits that have scent already such as Yum baits?

fishing user avatarEastTexasBassin reply : 

1. you can use the bait immediately.

2. I reapply when I can't smell it on the bait anymore, or after a fish.  It lasts a long time, so its usually applied after I catch a fish.

3. I put it on EVERYTHING.  I even put a dab on spinnerbaits.  I think it can mean the difference between a 'follow' and a 'strike' in some situations.  On jigs and plastics I put a nice coating.

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

Trip, You can apply MegaStrike to just about any bait. As soon as you apply it just start fishing.I reapply MegaStrike when I feel the bait and it is dry. My motto"When its dry-reapply". I am sure you will be happy. Be careful with that new formula- Strong stuff

fishing user avatarFurbit reply : 

I just got a tube of the new stuff so I can't comment on that yet, but the old stuff lasted a good long time. Like Bobby said when the lure feels dry it be time to reapply. Can't wait for the ice to break so I can give the new stuff a go.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

I suggest putting MegaStrike on EVERYTHING.

From plastics to cranks to spinnerbaits to jigs to swimbaits.

Reapply as necessary.  :)

fishing user avatarretiredbosn reply : 

How about when fishing a pork trailer, should I use my megastrike then?  I put megastrike on everything, my cranks, spinners, jigs, everything but the boat.  But I purchased some paca chunks and they have anise and pork fat in the plastic, should I also apply the megastrike to those?  Thanks

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

This is how I roll:

One application to soft plastics, no hard baits

and keep if off jig and spinnerbait skirts. No

need to waste it on Uncle Josh Pork, either.


To Bobby:

When MegaStrike wears off your soft plastic, it's time to change baits!


fishing user avatarBUCKEYEone reply : 

I picked up a few packs of tubes from Venom Lures that have a "now with Megastrike fish attractant formula" sticker on them.  I'm guessing this is probably the old stuff?  Any sense in applying the new stuff to a bait that has the formula already in/on it?

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

Buck, I am friends with Dave from Venom-  he cooks the base right into the baits.You can take the Megastrike and put it right on top of the  existing baits. No harm what so ever. We have been getting reports from California and Texas-(where its warm) about the New Formula with great results. Give it a try -if you dont like it we will buy it back.

fishing user avatarNYfishwow reply : 

i still have this in my tacklebox, i heard it works on all kinds of fish, only caught bass with it though.

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

Looking forward to using the new formula this season.

fishing user avatarTHEbassmaster reply : 

just wondering if the new formula is in a new tube? i cant find it anywhere? unless you have stopped producing the old and just make the new in the same tube? thanks


fishing user avatarbasshunter2009 reply : 

I've never used this stuff. Does it really work? Is it worth buying?

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

 Basshunter- If you are fishing in my area -DONT use it- more fish for me-

fishing user avatarbasshunter2009 reply : 

Well then, I'm going to pick up some today. Is there a brand or scent that works better than others?

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 

it is a fantastic product. I am just now running out of the stuff I bought like six months ago. Its a must on bigger swimbaits and I swear by it on my Yamamoto plastics, it makes them last for 4-5 fish rather than just 1-2.

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

Our Guarantee   since day #1  If you don't like it for any reason= we buy it back -no questions asked.

fishing user avatarOkieracer reply : 

Just a quick bit of info for you guys out there. Scent doesn't actually attract bass. It makes them hold on to a bait longer. There isn't really a point to applying scent to reaction baits since they are just that, a bait who's action makes a bass react and draws a strike. Of course if it gives you more confidence then go right ahead. Bass can smell 1/100th of a drop in 300 gallons of water. So there isn't a point in slathering the bait in it either. So save some money by not overdoing it.

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

UT OH  !! Looks like Dr Jones sold another book -LOL-- Scent does attract bass as well as other fish PERIOD..  Bass are primarily sight feeders for sure.What I have tested with MegaStrike and I have footage of it-is this.. I removed hooks from  baits -all types. As you say the reaction baits ect. When a bass would strike a bait and it didn't have any Megastrike on it-the bass would rarely strike it a second time- I have footage of a bass  that will come back and strike it 7 times over and over again with the Megastrike applied.  A bass does not catch every bait fish it attacks. I have seen bass smash bait fish only to open their mouths for a split second and that bait fish swims for its life. It escapes. The bass will relentlessly attack that bait over and over again until it kills or stuns the bait, then proceeds to eats it.  The same  concept  applies with a lure-If it tastes real-they keep attacking it thinking its just escaping . If it doesn't taste real-they go on their way.

fishing user avatarOkieracer reply : 

Your biased tho lol. And your statement goes to prove my point. It doesn't ATTRACT bass in the sense the companies wanna make you think, it keeps them more interested once they have already struck the bait. IE holding on to it longer and as you said striking again if they first miss. Its a common misconception that most people have about these scents and stuff that it is what draws the fish to it by making them come searching for it or something along those lines. If you wanna prove it to me as an ATTRACTANT then do a tank test in which you only put scent in a tank with fish and see if they come investigate it. I'm not knocking your product by any means as I use scent myself on jigs, worms, craws, etc. But this is a forum where people come for information and I believe they should get all of the information. Also if a fish strikes my crankbait and doesn't get hooked he is a lucky S.O.B. considering he dodged 6 hook's total and a majority of them are suresets.

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

LOL I am biased only because i have been doing this for over 14 years. I see what works and what dosent- i separate fact from fiction using science.I also have put baits in tanks and i did this in from of 100 people at ICAST - put a bait wit no attractant on the bottom of the bass tank with no lookers what-so-ever-and then put a bait in there with The MegaStrike on there and a bass found that bait -no line or hook attached-found the bait on the bottom and swallowed it- needless to say it was the move that boomed sales for us there. Ive got to find a way to get this footage on here for you guys to watch. It really is some good stuff.

fishing user avatarSimonSays reply : 

The real test would be if you were to put something that looks nothing like any type of bait at all...say...a keyboard/old shoe/boxing glove, full of megastrike scent on the other side of the tank from where fish were.  If the bass were to come over investigate and nip at random inanimate objects solely because it smelled good then I would believe that MegaStrike attracted bass.  Or better yet, hide a tube bait full of Megastrike into an object and see if they come looking for it.  

Like Okie says, the observations you described seems to point to the fact that it does keep the attention of fish rather than attract them.  Which is why I love to use your product.

fishing user avatarOkieracer reply : 

A true test would be like I said put ONLY scent in the tank and see if they come investigate. No lure no nothing. The product is great there is no question about that. I'm just simply pointing out some common misconceptions. And reeling in lures with the scent on them and no hooks doesn't prove anything besides the scent interests them more but is completely useless since more than 95% of the time they are hooked when they initially strike the bait. If it takes me 7 strikes to catch something on a crankbait or spinnerbait I'm doing something extremely wrong. Hence the fact that I feel its completely pointless to put scent on baits like those.

fishing user avatarSimonSays reply : 

the scent will spread around and eventually go everywhere without a point a properly filtered tank. The gel itself going into the tank may attract fish also.

fishing user avatarOkieracer reply : 

But the same can be said about putting it on a lure and throwing it in said tank.  

fishing user avatarSimonSays reply : 

That's why I mentioned that we should place a lure inside a large object so scent "leaks" out slowly, this would keep fish from identifying it as food at first (since it's so large, rather than squirting the gel like substance into the tank).  If they come sniffing and try to get the lure out of the object then I would believe that the scent attracts

fishing user avatarOkieracer reply : 

But the fact that he has avoided the issue of how well a bass's sense of smell is is another thing also. A little goes a long way with these. They don't have to be drenched in scent to accomplish their goal. Bottom line is, imo, slow baits are where this product excels. Fast moving reaction baits(cranks, spinners, buzzes, swimbaits) don't need this because the fish should be hooked on the initial bite. So there is no point in putting a product on them that will make the fish strike again because they shouldn't need a second opportunity on those baits if it gets in their mouth.

fishing user avatarSimonSays reply : 

I was going for the Attractant issue....but I agree mostly with what you said.  I don't think cranks or spinners would benefit too much...buzzbaits I feel would benefit from some and so would soft plastic swimbaits where the hooks aren't exposed.

Having the fish hold on longer can never be a bad thing.

fishing user avatarFish MD reply : 

I actually took an entire tube the night before a local tournament and put a dab into each bag of plastics that use in local tournaments before going out.  Then rolled the worms around the bag after getting all the air out of the bag.  Worked wonders and didn't have to apply to each new worm.

Personally I love it would strongly recommend it but getting that stuff off your fingers, after applying to a plastic, is pain in the a**.

They should make a Mega Soap for removing Mega Strike.

fishing user avatarNYfishwow reply : 

i still have this in my box, it last for long time but i don't know how long it suppost to last. Does anyone know when your not suppost to use it? because i got mine in 07 and two year later its still in my box.

fishing user avatarOkieracer reply : 

I actually don't mind getting scent on my hands. I'm a smoker and the scent covers up the nicotine, sunscreen, bug spray, and human smells. All of which are a deterrant to bass. So that's just one more use for it. Think about how many times you adjust a worm or hold a jig to pitch it or adjust a trailor. Your putting the bad scents onto your bait everytime you do that stuff. Which means you may get bites, but don't catch those fish because it gets spit out as soon as you notice.  

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Tennessee smallmouth are attracted by the taste of tobacco

and beer. Never wash it off or cover it up.


fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

I will tell you what i did do one time at one of the shows. I put MegaStrike on a pebble and droped it into the tank. A bass came over and ate the pebble with 20 witnesses there. The guy that had the tank flipped out and said hows he going to crap that out.. Later I watched at the end of the show the guy draining the tank and giving all of the bass away to the guys sweeping the place up- Go figure.

fishing user avatarbasshunter2009 reply : 

I just got my Mega Strike scent in the mail today. Hopefully I'll get the chance to try it out this weekend.

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

You guys put it on all the soft plastics including zoom horny toads?

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

I put it on the ragetail frogs when fishing muck.

fishing user avatarSimonSays reply : 
I put it on the ragetail frogs when fishing muck.

x2 it helps lube the bait up and makes it slide through the muck alot easier.

fishing user avatarberkleyfan81 reply : 

what is the megastrike new scent smell like i have the gary yamamoto an it smells like crawfish what is the new scent ? j/w going to buy some this week .

fishing user avatarMSPbass reply : 

I was fishing with a buddy last year and he offered to share his new tube of Mega Strike. I chose to stick with Smelly Jelly. At some point I changed baits to a Fat Ika and decided to try out the MS. I'm not saying the MS was better than the SJ but, you guessed it, I started getting bit after that. Of course, it had something to do with the bait; but I couldn't help wonder if it had to do with the Mega Strike a little as well. All I do know, is that I kept the MS by me for the rest of the trip and will have some of my own for next season.

My question, to you Bobby, is what's the difference between original MegaStrike and the Yamamoto Mega Srike? Is there a reason you would use one over the other? I've seen the Yamamoto on sale next to the full price original. What's the deal? Thanks

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

If there is a topical gel scent better that MegaStrike, I'm not aware of it.

Fishing trash with Soft plastics is much easier with the additional lubrication and MegaStrike is both effective and durable.

There's a tube in my boat, in my tackle bag and in my buddies tackle bag because he stole it from me ;D

Big O

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

Big O it was actually an all natural crystaline-that I added to the Megastrike gel- It took be a long time to research it. Mother nature is amazing.

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

Megastrike goes on anything plastic, including swimbaits, spinnerbait skirts, and jigs.. :)

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

Dozer puts a little dab behind his ears before he goes out Friday nights-he dosent get lucky but when he wakes up there are 50 cats outside his windows.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Lots of members are interested in MegaStrike.

Seems like we ought to kick it up a notch...

Bobby, how 'bout a special?

With a little more incentive maybe everyone will

give it a try.


fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

I don't fish enough to tell whether MegaStrike makes a difference, but I usually apply it to my soft plastics. It's a confidence booster for me and I like it. I just can't seem to fish without it, if anything MegaStrike is a good thing.

fishing user avatarBass_Fanatic reply : 

Im with RW...I want to see something and I might give it a try!!

fishing user avatarScorpio reply : 

Great idea RW

fishing user avatarWild Bill [NY] reply : 


I will have been fishing Bass for fifty years this coming July, and I have met and seen a lot of things that many of you have not. I am no touring pro, but have an open mind and listen to when others demonstrate things with an open mind.

I have fished many reknown waters all over the USA, and have fished several tournies in my days in many states, as well as having fished with some real well known pros too.

Almost all Gary Yamamoto baits have both scent and salt infused into them; I think the saltwater series of thier soft-plastics do not though.

Despite that, I stll add some Megastrike to all of them.

One guy in this thread says he hooks a bass every time a bass hits his cranks.  Hmm, he better watch a video by reknown underwater photographer Glenn Lau , where he shows bass eating a crankbait on film underwater that the angler NEVER even knew had hit his bait, and it happens REPEATEDLY on film to prove it.

Yeah, I agree totally that Megastrike will tend to make a fish hold onto a lure A LOT LONGER than if it did not have it on it. I have personally tested this by using baits in gin clear water without hooks on them, both with, and without Megastrike. and hands down, I have seen the Megastriked lure get held FAR, FAR longer, over and over again, and that was seen on hookless cranks and jerkbaits, as well as many, many soft-plastics, too.

When fishing heavy weeds, Lily Pads, and wood, slather you soft-plastics or frogs up, and the bait slides right OVER these with ease, as compared to an unslathered bait, which will get stuck to them.

I am an engineer , and I test stuff scientifically over and over to get to my own opinion on things, and I am SOLD on using Megastrike on my lures, after countlesstime testing the effectiveness of it. You say 'show me", heck, I cut my bass fishing teeth in the "show me state", Missouri.

You guys ask for a discount: heck, Bobby [the owner of Megastrike] gives a money back guarantee....

What is a couple of bucks for a tube of it if your lure works so much better for you, really now ??

To top it off, he's a sponsor here, and helps pay for the operating costs of this site where we all learn and/or  share so much, and without those sponsors, who knows if this site would continue operating.

That ALONE should help you to decide, and if that's not enough right there, the money back guaratee should SEAL THE DEAL.

The testimony of serious hard-core, long time bassers like me should somewhat convince you though...

Now, I am not on Megastrikes staff, nor am I even friends with Bobby Uhrig [yet], so there goes that arguement also...

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

Thanks cousin Bill - I hope you and the family are coming over again for Thanksgiving---Whoops did say that -Is this thing on   LOL- Just kidding- It sounded like a script and you know me--I'll play- I dont even know Bill -Let me introduce myself-Bill its a pleasure to meet you. I am glad to hear that you like the product. NOW YA GOTTA SEE WHAT IVE GOT COMING OUT WITH THIS SPRING- All of my plastics are infused and coated with the pure MegaStrike Formula- These baits are innovative and catch fish. I will have samples at The BassMasters Classic and for the guys here at Bass Resource.-again thanks for the support buddy- AGAIN THERE ARE NO STRANGERS HERE AT BASS RESOURCE -JUST FISHING BUDDIES YOU HAVENT MET YET- Hey I just made  that up not bad eh!  I have my moments.

fishing user avatarWild Bill [NY] reply : 
Thanks cousin Bill - I hope you and the family are coming over again for Thanksgiving---Whoops did say that -Is this thing on LOL- Just kidding- It sounded like a script and you know me--I'll play- I dont even know Bill -Let me introduce myself-Bill its a pleasure to meet you. I am glad to hear that you like the product. NOW YA GOTTA SEE WHAT IVE GOT COMING OUT WITH THIS SPRING- All of my plastics are infused and coated with the pure MegaStrike Formula- These baits are innovative and catch fish. I will have samples at The BassMasters Classic and for the guys here at Bass Resource.-again thanks for the support buddy- AGAIN THERE ARE NO STRANGERS HERE AT BASS RESOURCE -JUST FISHING BUDDIES YOU HAVENT MET YET- Hey I just made that up not bad eh! I have my moments.


Bobby {and others},

Actually I have met Bobby briefly two years ago at the Rockland NY Outdoors Expo in January{?} or so, where he was there demonstrating his stand up jigs [sorry , I forgot the name right now of them--brain fart]. I remember that, but I am sure he does not, as like I said, our talk then was very brief, and he was talking to A LOT OF GUYS that day.

No, Bobby is NOT my cousin; he was joking. He never met me before that day, nor since. [but that follow-up post he made to mine  was funny as all get out] !!!

I just am one to really let folks know when I like [or dislike] products, and I LIKE MEGASTRIKE.

I am a frogging fanatic, and I slather the stuff all over froggy before it gets cast out. It helps Mr Froggy slide over stuff, and when Mrs. Bighead blows up and eats my frog, I feel the fish holds it longer due to the Megastrike, giving me time to set the hook with authority. I also squirt some in the rear hook hole wher it enters the frog's torso to help seal it temporarily somewhat as it floats so it does not take on as much water when working it.

Thanks for making a great product, Bobby, and thanks for sponsoring this and other Bass fishing sites I that frequent.

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

Well, I just spent about 20 mins. coating all my baits with Megastrike in preperation for tomorrows outing..that includes chatterbaits, spinners, swimbaits (soft), Huddelbugs, and a few creature baits. No worms for tomorrow.

Bobby, make the check out to........... ;D

fishing user avatarNorCalFishinguru reply : 

I've got a good megastrike story. Ive bought some of the original heavy cover evolution jigs and they're amazing. I just pull the skirt up towardsthe weedguard so that it can rest on the skid plate a little easier, bulk up te profile, and that's the angle if the jig the bass is looking at anyways. For trailers hands down it's a rage craw, not a chunk, but full on craw. They have a more realistic profile and have a nice channel on the bottom that holds te scent reeeeally well, not to mention the crazy flapping arms! Anyways, the other day it was pretty tough and after breaking off a good one I retied, slathered on the megastrike, and slinged it back into a corner  pocket where two weedlines met. I set the rod down for 20 seconds or so and put away some of the tackle I had taken out. When I picked up the slack I went to hip the jig back but it was hung up in the weeds. I gave it a quick snap but it was really stuck in there so I positioned myself right on top of it and muscled it out. To my surprise I was met by a fish on the end if the line. Apparently he had taken the jig, tasted that attractant, swam back into cover, and sat there with it until I reeled in the slack to find the line entangled in his cover laden home. I'm now a believer in the scent but especially the jig

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

Heres one better -we were at a show in NY -Some redneck know it all fisherman says "I don't believe in attractants -they are all BS. It was hot in that building and the guy takes a tube of mega that was in the heat- he puts it up to his nose and squeezes it to smell it. It had an air bubble in it so he squeezes harder -He had a mustache and beard-the glob of goo shoots out - spews and lands in his stache-he wipes it down into his beard and all over -he walks away-and starts panicking -that stuff reeked - Me and my guys just turned away and laughed.He was walking down the isle in a panic trying to get the mega off his face-it was smeared everywhere. People at the table and tables next to us were dieing. I guess ya had to be there.

fishing user avatarWild Bill [NY] reply : 


I got a funny outdoors trade show story , too.

I had worked the NYC Boat Show in Manhattan in a booth at the Javitts Center for a few years, and had become buddies with another exhibitor there that had a 4000 gallon fish tub that he would do bass fishing demos in.

We had the adjoining booth to his tank.

Well, this guy from Oklahoma and I got to be good friends, and we'd hang together between his demo shows a lot cracking jokes, busting on each other, making fun of people walking by us, etc.

To kill the days time, we'd bet on stuff often , but only $1 bets, so the money was never a real issue.

Well one day, I bet this guy he would not lick the glob of Megastrike I squeezed out of the tube...and he ACTUALLY did.

I do not know WTH he was thinking, but from that moment on, he was constatly wiping his tongue on his shirt, and trying to gargle with soda to get the taste of out his mouth.

He had me dang near in tears of laughter watching him, wondering why he had been so stupid to do that....all for a dollar none the less.

It was some funny stuff then...and we still laugh about it on phone caalls, and it's been years since that happened.

Boys will be boys.. :)

fishing user avatarmidnighthrasher reply : 

Hey bobby are you still selling the Yamamoto crawfish megastrike. I got a tube thats almost done and that stuff is awesome. i squeeze it into tubes before putting the head in.

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

I can make you some-Hey wild Bill that huys name wasnt Hans was it???

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 
I can make you some-

Can you make some in Trout flavor for my soft trout swimbaits..?  ;D

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

Funny you say that Hammer-About 4 years ago I made what I called my WEST COAST FORMULA- I geared it towards the Trout SwimBait Craze that was around back them. There was a different amino in there that is found in the Salmonoids- Let me see if I can get some to send you. I never put it on the market -HMMMMMM dummy

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
Funny you say that Hammer-About 4 years ago I made what I called my WEST COAST FORMULA- I geared it towards the Trout SwimBait Craze that was around back them. There was a different amino in there that is found in the Salmonoids- Let me see if I can get some to send you. I never put it on the market -HMMMMMM dummy

Well now, since you are throwing the idea around...

I will Paypal you money if you have some "unreleased flavors" laying around.  Still fighting hard water around here, but the trout plants are starting soon....

fishing user avatarzero reply : 


do u have shad megastrike scent or craws?

also where can i buy those?

fishing user avatarmidnighthrasher reply : 

do u have shad megastrike scent or craws?

also where can i buy those?

I have the megastrike craw scent made for yamamoto and its good stuff. Dont know if its better or worse than the original but its works prety good.

fishing user avatarzero reply : 

well i dont use yamamoto craws anymore i use rage craw and lobster and baby lobster so i am wondering if i can put the megastrike scent on them?

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

That would be awesome...thanks a bunch.

Funny you say that Hammer-About 4 years ago I made what I called my WEST COAST FORMULA- I geared it towards the Trout SwimBait Craze that was around back them. There was a different amino in there that is found in the Salmonoids- Let me see if I can get some to send you. I never put it on the market -HMMMMMM dummy

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

You know, I'm really going to have to break down and buy some of this stuff.  I keep hearing how great it is from everybody.  That pebble story from Bobby may have sealed it for me.

How long is the shelf life on Megastrike, I don't get to fish a lot anymore, but buying one tube then the shipping makes it a little more pricey.  Although I'll probably pick up some of the shake-02 heads at the same time.

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

OH stop your whining and break out the monkey bag- LOL -I cant tell you how much money I have wasted on products  that werent worth didley- Billy Mays almost got me one time-It slices it dices my @ss. With all of my products I have never really heard ANYTHING NEGATIVE in the way of their performance or customer satisfaction. Well from guys that knew how to fish anyways. I am a fisherman just like you guys -there is nothing like the feeling of being ripped off- Megastrike Products offer a 100% money back gaurantee on any product we make. Find me one other company in the fishing industry that will do that-NOT ONE -we back our products and our customers -especially BASS RESOURCE MEMBERS- Ok I'm done going to watch Pawn Stars and watch the guys hammer Chum Lee

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 
OH stop your whining and break out the monkey bag- LOL -I cant tell you how much money I have wasted on products that werent worth didley- Billy Mays almost got me one time-It slices it dices my @ss. With all of my products I have never really heard ANYTHING NEGATIVE in the way of their performance or customer satisfaction. Well from guys that knew how to fish anyways. I am a fisherman just like you guys -there is nothing like the feeling of being ripped off- Megastrike Products offer a 100% money back gaurantee on any product we make. Find me one other company in the fishing industry that will do that-NOT ONE -we back our products and our customers -especially BASS RESOURCE MEMBERS- Ok I'm done going to watch Pawn Stars and watch the guys hammer Chum Lee

Oh shaddap.  Watching Chumlee get messed with is pretty d**n funny.  But I'll probably place an order tonight or tomorrow.  Whats the best way to order, phone or the website?

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

You can go to the site-or call- We are offering free shipping on orders over $50.00-You can call 732-780-7383. Ask for Bobby Mays LOL

fishing user avatarJacobK reply : 
OH stop your whining and break out the monkey bag- LOL -I cant tell you how much money I have wasted on products that werent worth didley- Billy Mays almost got me one time-It slices it dices my @ss. With all of my products I have never really heard ANYTHING NEGATIVE in the way of their performance or customer satisfaction. Well from guys that knew how to fish anyways. I am a fisherman just like you guys -there is nothing like the feeling of being ripped off- Megastrike Products offer a 100% money back gaurantee on any product we make. Find me one other company in the fishing industry that will do that-NOT ONE -we back our products and our customers -especially BASS RESOURCE MEMBERS- Ok I'm done going to watch Pawn Stars and watch the guys hammer Chum Lee

theres no need to get my money back i love the stuff.  :)

my ritual before tournaments is squeeze a bit onto my toothbrush.

fishing user avatarIwillChooseFreeWill reply : 

I have been reading reviews and comparisons between Kickin'Bass and MegaStrike and some others, and both of these seem to get the best reviews.

Kickin seems to work well since it uses a fish oil base but I am not sure what MegaStrike uses, but it does work nicely from what I have read.

I have been wanting to buy a tube of each, but neither seems to be available online. The BPS website says my local BPS store has a few bottles of the Kickin on hand... otherwise I cannot find the MegaStrike of any type anywhere, they all say back ordered or not available. Even on the website you click buy now and the next page does not have any available either.

Just a simple single bass and/or crappie scent is what I am looking for since most of the local ponds and lakes have bream as the main food source (shad is non-existent except in 2 lakes) so I assume the panfish scent should work well for bass as well in these situations.

Any reviews or information on the "crappie" scent of the Megastrike?

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

MegaStrike works on crappie also.Guides are using it on the little crappie grubs. Yamamoto came out with a whole line of crappie baits that we use for perch also. Give it a try. You will be glad you did.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I use it on tubes to fish for Browns keyed in on Gobies in spring. It was really an accident, as the tubes were already "marinating" in Megastrike, but I will say, it certainly didn't repel any bites.  I've caught plenty of other species, using it as well - Northerns, pickerel, walleye, channel cats, perch, drum, you name it, anythingn that annoys the heck out of you in a tourney, I've caught it on baits treated with Megastrike, LOL.


fishing user avatareyedabassman reply : 

It is called Megastrike for a  reason! It just works!! :)

fishing user avatarBassThumb reply : 

I'm curious enough to try this stuff out.  I use the Gulp! Alive Garlic spray and haven't tried any others.

fishing user avatarIwillChooseFreeWill reply : 
MegaStrike works on crappie also.Guides are using it on the little crappie grubs. Yamamoto came out with a whole line of crappie baits that we use for perch also. Give it a try. You will be glad you did.

That is the problem... finding it... I did find it at Cablas and a few places online but they want just as much for shipping as the items costs....


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