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Frog Misses!!!! NOOOO!!!!! 2024

fishing user avatarBass Junkie reply : 

   I just pulled out one of my frogs, a Spro Bronzeye Jr. and started throwin' it again. I got several BIG bites and had three hooked up. None came to the boat. This is the same problem I've had throwin' them before. I am doing better, as I'm gettin' hooks into the fish, but I'm losin' some HOGS!!!! I am flippin' out! I have never hooked and landed a bass on these frogs. I even set the hook three times on one of the bass, ripping drag each time. WHAT am I DOING!!!!!!!!!! I'm using a 6'6" Medium action baitcasting rod with 30lb Spider Wire. I have tried "Breakin' in the body"  and all that stuff. No dice. How long should I wait? I'm waiting maybe 1-1 1/2 seconds before I set the hook. The stikes are comin' on the frog while I'm walkin' it after hopping it off the bank or outta a bush. I can't afford an equipment upgrade, though I don't think I'll need one 'cause most of my froggin' is in open water, and I'm usually within 20ft. of the fish when it strikes, never over 40ft. HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

fishing user avatarUnder the Radar reply : 
I'm using a 6'6" Medium action baitcasting rod with 30lb Spider Wire.

The Medium Action rod I suspect is the culprit. Not enough backbone to  bury the barb.

Just a guess.

I set up on a 2 lbr with a bronze eye last Sat. using a TDP 7'6" hvy. Sent that poor little guy airborne about 4 feet.  :D

fishing user avatarBass Junkie reply : 

Yeah, its like



I have fished buzz frogs on a 7ft ML so I figured a Medium would be fine for these frogs. I'm pretty positive I can bury the barb with that thing (the medium) when I rip drag on the hookset with the drag as tight as I have it. I guess maybe I'm just tryin' to avoid another rod, but I think Maybe I'm not waitin' long enough. I don't know.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Rod < MH + toads in cover = fail.  I use a flipping stick for frogs and toads in heavy cover.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Wait until you feel the weight of the bass & then set hook like you're trying to break something :D

fishing user avatarBass Junkie reply : 
Wait until you feel the weight of the bass & then set hook like you're trying to break something :D

Ahhh.........My weak point. I have problems thinkin' the bass will detect the fact that hes just grabbed a hunk of rubber instead of froggy, especially in the open water situations when they don't have to sort the main course out from the salad. Is this a legit worry??? What can I do to prevent this???

fishing user avatarbassin is addicting reply : 

if you are in "open water"  maybe use something with an exposed hook? a soft bodied frog/toad...... reel to get it on top. let it work the same??  maybe even bend hooks up on the ones you are using.  or put a trailer hook on if you aren't in the weed/brush and want to use a floating frog...  

otherwise, i agree, a MH rod to get some back bone to set hook..

the key is too wait to set is hard but imperative.  and set it hard!  i've had a few missles come back at me..  :D  but if you wait til they take it under water and reel down you'll have better luck.  

nothin like topwater!!  

fishing user avatarBass Junkie reply : 

  I'd like to stick with the frog I'm usin', no offense. Thw water I fish is rather varied in cover, or lack thereof, and I usually try to throw it onto the bank and hop it off. I LOVE seenin' that wake come out from the bank, maybe a bulge behind the froggy, then WHAM.

fishing user avatarbassin is addicting reply : 

no offense takin..   :D

i think the combo of rod and waiting may be your key.  i have a couple rods that say MH but sure seem on the M side to me and i have good luck on top water.... i have learned (usually) to wait... before setting hook

good luck...

fishing user avatarBass Junkie reply : 

Thanks, I'll have to try whats been said.I'll look into a frog rod. Can't shell out the dough on this one.......... :-[

UPDATE: What do ya'll think 'bout this rod for froggies? I know its cheap, but I wanna dispenable rod, cause when I set the hook, I set the hook. My only conscern would be rod length, I like at least 6'6", preferably 7'........ I am lookin' at the 6' mh.

What 'bout this one??? Note: Mostly my rods aren't this cheap, but for a frog I'm simply lookin' for brute strength, not sensitvity or anything like that.

fishing user avataruicdent11 reply : 

I was having a similar problem with toads last year. Switched to a H  rod and it solved my problems. Make sure the rod is rated for 3/8oz. on the low end. Some rods H power is more like a M/MH.  I thought it might have been the line, but I am hooking up well with 12# Yo Zuri. I may switch to braid in the near future though.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Hum! Let's see you're getting hits on a Spro Bronzeye Jr. so I don't think it would be wise to change.

You could go with a heavier action or longer rod only to have the same problem of setting hook too soon but now you would be snatching the frog away sooner.

With top water lures I find the need for hesitation is to allow the bass time to fully engulf the lure and most generally turn before setting hook. With mouth fully closed and changing directions your hook set should be solid.

I aint saying a better suited rod would not help but you need to fix the hook set problem

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

I agree with Catt. Give them that extra time to close mouth, and start to swim away. I prefer a 7' rod for more leverage on hooksets.


fishing user avatarBass Junkie reply : 

 Thanks for the help guys. I will be throwin' these some more, so I will let the fishies give my frog more of a taste test before slammin' in the steel. However, I don't feel confident 'bout it. What if they spit it real fats????

fishing user avatarcyph3r reply : 

well you will never know if you never try it out. if they are spitting it out before you set the hook, then maybe it is another issue, but try it first, what do u have to lose...cept maybe a few fish initially...haha

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Just slather your frog with Megastrike.  When froggy goes bye-bye, and feel a fish, set the hook.  It isn't that complicated. :D

fishing user avatarBass Junkie reply : 

  I've tried scents inside the body cavity, but never a wax scent. I'll look into that.

fishing user avatarJeff C. reply : 

Wait,, wait ,, wait , to set the hook,,

try to give a 3 count before hammering it home.. its hard, I know,'

but its worth the wait..

a stiffer rod is always good too.

I am not sure what happins  but it seems like the bass

only grab the feet, then turns and then inhails the rest.

just a guess,,,

so setting to soon will pull the feet out..

fishing user avatarrubba bubba reply : 

Try a downward sweep for the hookset. With plenty of gusto, of course.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

I agree with what others have said, you need a heavier rod for sure and make yourself wait a couple of seconds after the hit before you set the hook. Don't worry about the fish "feeling" the bait and spitting it out. You will lose more fish by setting too early than you will because the fish spit the bait because they can tell it is fake. I set the hook as hard as I can straight upward

fishing user avatarSwimbaitDave reply : 

I am with everyone else, you need a heavier rod. Frog hooks are big and thick, so you need some extra power to really drive them home.

Also keep in mind that sometimes its just the day and how active the fish are biting. I was fishing this weekend, and the fish would hit the Frog light, like a Bluegill, to see if it would twitch. Then once it did, BAM. While the previous day they were inhaling it as soon as it hit the water. Go figure.

fishing user avatarNOVA Angler reply : 

It sounds like they're eating the bait, your are just having trouble driving the hook home.  Like some others have said, I think you need a medium heavy rod and a preferably a rod that's 7'.  I can't really say that I always wait to set the hook, but I don't rush it either.  By the time I react, the fish has engulfed the frog and turned to swim away.  I guess it's worth a try to see if waiting works for you, but for me either they eat it or they don't.  If they eat it, my hookups with the Spro Jr. are very good.

fishing user avatarGangley reply : 

I fish frogs,  A LOT!   One of the first issues I had with frogging was poor hookset.  I actually saw a bass throw a frog that was deep in his throat.  Knowing that the frog was deep in his throat and still came out, I figured it was poor hooksets.  I quit using the medium rod and went to a much stiffer medium/heavy-fast rod and problems solved.  I quickly noticed that most of my hooks were coming straight up into the fishes head and nose, making it hard for the hook to get good penetration, but with the stiffer rod, the hook was able to cleanly break through the barrier when before the rod was too weak.  

Also, frogs either get their legs ripped off, or they get swallowed WHOLE and are engulfed.  I've found that when the legs get hit, if you give the fish a second or two, they will re-gulp and then swallow the entire frog.  If the frog is swallowed whole, its rarely spit out quickly.  So either way, as soon as you see the bulge take your frog, count to two in your head, then yank the hiney-hole out of that fish.  The good thing about frogs, if the fish misses, often times they will hit it again on the next cast.

fishing user avatarBass Junkie reply : 

  I can't really afford an expensive froggin' rod now, so I'm gonna have to live with the medium. I will consentrate on waiting a little longer to set the hook, and will reel up 'till I feel the fish. Hope this works. Thanks for the help!!!!

fishing user avatartwitchfish reply : 

The Megastrike seemed to help me. They stuck it much more "enthusiastically" and held on. I use a H/Extra-Fast rod Team All-Star. $80 @ Dick's.

My problem is only pulling the pooper out of my frog and not the fish. JUST WAIT TWITCH!!


fishing user avatarGangley reply : 

Castaway CTX at Academy for $50. Great rod for frogging.

The cherry woods are BRITTLE.  Don't bang the tip on anything, it will break off in a hurry.  Broke mine before I ever got to fish with it.  If you can keep from breaking the rod, they are actually decent.  However it is when, not if, it will break that you will need to be concerned with.

fishing user avatarBass Junkie reply : 

  Alrighty, I'll have to check out the Megastrike. Thanks for the help. Also, Does bendin' the hooks up a bit really help as much as people say???

fishing user avatarFurbit reply : 

Bending the hooks a little bit does help, just don't get carried away. Also on them Spros shorten the skirt up some may help. I actually cut at least a inch or more off the Spro's.

You don't have to spend a fortune on a frog rod, although it does help to have a rod made for frog fishing, but you can find a 7ft MH to heavy rod under 50 bucks to get you by, but I have to agree with most a med action rod is not going to land you many frog bass.

As far as waiting goes, before setting the hook, I have had days where a quick hook set worked but others where waiting several seconds was the ticket. If the bass really wants the frog and you added some megastrike to help out, he will hold on longer then you can possibly stand it. I would start with a slow 3 count and go from there.

fishing user avatarmrlitetackle reply : 

i see a lot of people saying the you need a heavier rod for froggin'......

i can attest that my rod is 7' and md. lite power (fast act.)....

i use suffix braid 8/30...

and love to toss rage toads....

no problems here, even with lighter tackle....

trust me, my rod is flimsy ..... most on this site would never use what ive got...

but it makes it more fun for me!!!!

just wait a second or two longer after the strike,

and what i do with the light rod i use, is instead of an all at once hookset..... slightly load the rod first, then let'em have nice and hard....

with the braided line, easy hooksets are no problem at all.... even with lighter rods.....

and when i say slightly,

i do mean just a very little!!

fishing user avatarBass Junkie reply : 

  Your rod wouldn't happen to be a Shimano Convergance, would it???

fishing user avatarmrlitetackle reply : 
Posted by: Bass Junkie      Posted on: Today at 8:21pm

 Your rod wouldn't happen to be a Shimano Convergance, would it???


its either one of the two, depending on what setup im using....

either a BPS microlite 7' md lite

or a Cabella's fish eagle II 7' md lite

(though for now it will be the BPS until i get my replacement from cabella's, cause im a total idiot and broke the tip off)

fishing user avatarscaledriver reply : 
Wait until you feel the weight of the bass & then set hook like you're trying to break something :D

Ahhh.........My weak point. I have problems thinkin' the bass will detect the fact that hes just grabbed a hunk of rubber instead of froggy, especially in the open water situations when they don't have to sort the main course out from the salad. Is this a legit worry??? What can I do to prevent this???

I have been using Spro frogs most all summer and doing very well with them. Honestly I was very suprised how long the Bass will keep it in their mouth. Be patient you should have plenty of time.

fishing user avatariceintheveins reply : 

You just need a heavy action rod with lots of power. I would upgrade from the 30 pound braid to at least 50 pound braid.

fishing user avatarBass Junkie reply : 

   Why upgrade my line? I've held bass in lilly pad fields for 2-3 minutes while we rowed the boat to the fish because the pads and hydrilla were to much for the motor. I've als pulled THICK swimbait hooks out. 30lb. is plenty strong for  me.........

fishing user avatarNOVA Angler reply : 
i see a lot of people saying the you need a heavier rod for froggin'......

i can attest that my rod is 7' and md. lite power (fast act.)....

i use suffix braid 8/30...

and love to toss rage toads....

no problems here, even with lighter tackle....

trust me, my rod is flimsy ..... most on this site would never use what ive got...

but it makes it more fun for me!!!!

just wait a second or two longer after the strike,

and what i do with the light rod i use, is instead of an all at once hookset..... slightly load the rod first, then let'em have nice and hard....

with the braided line, easy hooksets are no problem at all.... even with lighter rods.....

and when i say slightly,

i do mean just a very little!!

A Rage Toad is different than a Spro Frog.  Even still, your nuts if you think that's a good setup.

fishing user avatarGangley reply : 

30 lbs is fine, no reason to go higher unless you are fishing in underwater trees and HEAVY debris

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
A Rage Toad is different than a Spro Frog. Even still, your nuts if you think that's a good setup.

If it works for him and he has fun fishing it, then it's a good setup.

I grew up fishing a ML spinning setup for everything.  It was the only rod I had and I had fairly good luck with plastic frogs over the moss beds in the pond farms that I fished.

fishing user avatarBass Junkie reply : 

  A 7ft. 1pc. ML Shimano Convergance with 30lb. power pro is all I used for over a year with ribbits and the like. Works great.

fishing user avatarrubba bubba reply : 
A Rage Toad is different than a Spro Frog. Even still, your nuts if you think that's a good setup.

If it works for him and he has fun fishing it, then it's a good setup.

Agree. I have and still use an Avid MM 7' rod with great success - both with toads and senkos. It's a blast.

fishing user avatarbassmasterb007 reply : 

what kind of hooks are you using?bait keepers,ewg,double frog hook?I use a med rod and use a double frog hook,and when i feel a tug i use a light sweep hook set.maybe your hook set is to hard.ripping it out of the basses mouth.hope this helps

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

I can't stand the Spro frogs. I've used them maybe twice ever, and hear quite a few stories about poor hook up.

I have never had a single issue with a Snag Proof perfect frog, and would highly advise trying one.

Keep one thing in mind, it's not ALWAYS your fault, or the frogs fault. There are times where the fish will only pop it in the air, or will try to only suck it down but miss the hooks. The time it is the frogs fault or yours, is when the fish fully takes the bait. If you hook a fish, you certainly should not lose it, that doesn't sound right.

 Make sure you're using the proper gear, 50-65lb braid (I use 65), a high gear ratio reel 7:1 will help but isn't a must, and also a good stout rod. I use a 7'3 6power (XH) rod. I also use an 8ft heavy rod for some frogging needs.

Good luck.

fishing user avatarmrlitetackle reply : 
Posted by: NOVA Angler

A Rage Toad is different than a Spro Frog.  Even still, your nuts if you think that's a good setup.

as i said, most here will think that im crazy!!!!!

either way, it works for me..... and well i might add...

so for me, yes, it is a good setup....

for others,

likely not.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
i see a lot of people saying the you need a heavier rod for froggin'......

i can attest that my rod is 7' and md. lite power (fast act.)....

i use suffix braid 8/30...

and love to toss rage toads....

no problems here, even with lighter tackle....

trust me, my rod is flimsy ..... most on this site would never use what ive got...

but it makes it more fun for me!!!!

just wait a second or two longer after the strike,

and what i do with the light rod i use, is instead of an all at once hookset..... slightly load the rod first, then let'em have nice and hard....

with the braided line, easy hooksets are no problem at all.... even with lighter rods.....

and when i say slightly,

i do mean just a very little!!

A Rage Toad is different than a Spro Frog. Even still, your nuts if you think that's a good setup.

Jeez...the man's handle is "Mrlitetackle", that should provide your first clue.

Fishing rules are made to broken, and I for one respect any angler who favors light tackle.

For many years, I fished with nothing heavier than stretchy 8-lb Trilene XL, before polyethylene braid made the scene.

As distinguished from a "meat fisherman", the light-tackle enthusiast is an angler who places pleasure above all else.

Best of all, light-tackle has a tendency to enhance rather than suppress your production of lunker fish.


fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 

Ok tried my Spro frog again tonight and a fish hit it and took it under and again I got a missile coming back at me. I waited a couple seconds and guess I will try another brand of frog as well cause no hookups is frustrating and its the Spro Jr frog.

My setup is a 6'6" MH Cabelas XMLTi with a Quantum Energy PT 6.3:1 with 12lbs Trilene Mono

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

Missing hooksets is part of fishing frogs. Waiting a few seconds and setting the hook hard is all you can do.

fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 
Missing hooksets is part of fishing frogs. Waiting a few seconds and setting the hook hard is all you can do.

Thanks Dan and I'll keep at it cause I know I'll get it right soon enough and not like I have never missed a hookset with a crankbait and given up on them  :D;)

fishing user avatarchampionmayday reply : 
Ok tried my Spro frog again tonight and a fish hit it and took it under and again I got a missile coming back at me. I waited a couple seconds and guess I will try another brand of frog as well cause no hookups is frustrating and its the Spro Jr frog.

My setup is a 6'6" MH Cabelas XMLTi with a Quantum Energy PT 6.3:1 with 12lbs Trilene Mono

ive been having your same problems with the spro, i think ill stick with my snagproof frog never had any problems with it. :D

fishing user avatarbandsr4me20 reply : 

id get this rod for 10 dollars more

fishing user avatarnickw234 reply : 

When the fish takes the frog should I reel in slack then set the hook or let the fish take the line then set the hook?

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 
When the fish takes the frog should I reel in slack then set the hook or let the fish take the line then set the hook?

There should not really be much slack man! At least not when i fish a frog. Whether it is a Rage Tail or a Spro i always keep my tip down.

fishing user avatarkbkindle reply : 

i took a split ring and put it on the frog hook where they come to gether at the frogs butt and added a  # 6 triple grip hook

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 
i took a split ring and put it on the frog hook where they come to gether at the frogs butt and added a # 6 triple grip hook

That would be impossible to use where I fish frogs.

fishing user avatarkbkindle reply : 
i took a split ring and put it on the frog hook where they come to gether at the frogs butt and added a # 6 triple grip hook

That would be impossible to use where I fish frogs.

cut the bottom barb off

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 
i took a split ring and put it on the frog hook where they come to gether at the frogs butt and added a # 6 triple grip hook

That would be impossible to use where I fish frogs.

cut the bottom barb off

I'm not sure that would help any. I would be cleaning the hook off constantly.

fishing user avatarGangley reply : 

there shouldnt be hardly any slack in the line.  

fishing user avatarGangley reply : 
Ok tried my Spro frog again tonight and a fish hit it and took it under and again I got a missile coming back at me. I waited a couple seconds and guess I will try another brand of frog as well cause no hookups is frustrating and its the Spro Jr frog.

My setup is a 6'6" MH Cabelas XMLTi with a Quantum Energy PT 6.3:1 with 12lbs Trilene Mono

ive been having your same problems with the spro, i think ill stick with my snagproof frog never had any problems with it. :D

also, try braid or flouro instead of Mono.  Mono stretches a lot and can mess up a good hookset.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Dean Rojas's frog gear:

Quantum PT Dean Rojas signature series frog rod

Model: PTC706FDR

Length: 7' 0

Action: Fast

Power: Medium Heavy

Line Weight: 10-25

Lure: ¼-1 ½

Quantum PT Tour Edition Burner casting reel (7:1 ratio)

65-pound Izorline braided line

fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 
Ok tried my Spro frog again tonight and a fish hit it and took it under and again I got a missile coming back at me. I waited a couple seconds and guess I will try another brand of frog as well cause no hookups is frustrating and its the Spro Jr frog.

My setup is a 6'6" MH Cabelas XMLTi with a Quantum Energy PT 6.3:1 with 12lbs Trilene Mono

ive been having your same problems with the spro, i think ill stick with my snagproof frog never had any problems with it. :D

also, try braid or flouro instead of Mono. Mono stretches a lot and can mess up a good hookset.

Didn't think about the line factor and the stretch of Mono.

I have another setup already spooled with braid and let me see if I have better results with it

Rod:  Cabelas 6'6" XMLRJ  MH

Reel: Quantum Accurist PT

Line: Berkley Fireline Smoke 30#

I'll use this setup for the frogs and try the other setup for something else.


fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

If your fishing in mostly open water try throwing a jitterbug or a popper. That is what I did. I've got a real problem with setting the hook as soon as the bass hits that frog, but I'm slowly learning self control :D.

fishing user avatarBass Junkie reply : 

  Thanks for the help guys :D I just had a day with more stikes, no hook-ups :-[ I would let the fish take out the slack, but as soon as the slack was out, the fish would spit the frog before I could set the hook :-/ I set the hook fast, but no fish........AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarABLE2DISABLE1 reply : 

Have you tryed Bending your hook out alittle.

fishing user avatarfrogflogger reply : 

We've  had better hookups since we went to Daiwas light and tough frog rod - 50# braid -I have my folks keep crankin' and don't give em a break.

fishing user avatarBass Junkie reply : 

    Ok, so I just picked up a 7' 1 piece Medium Heavey Field & Stream rod with a Field & Stream Rainier reel (Sweet Setup!!). Will this work for my froggies? I know it took a while for the upgrade, but I got it....LOL. So, with 30lb braid can I expect hookups?

fishing user avatarGangley reply : 

i use 30 lb braid and a medium heavy 6'6" rod and am very succesful with hookups now, but it wasn't the rod that allowed me to hookup better, it was patience.  The main thing to remember on frog fishing is to wait a second or two before setting the hook.  Once you see or hear the swirl that generally accompanies sucessful frog fishing, reel down to the fish and then set the hook straight up.  That does two things:

1) Gives the bass a chance to swallow the frog nice and deep.  Too often the bass will bite the legs and not the body, and you end up ripping the legs off your frogs when you set the hook.  However, if you give it a second, often times she will let go and inhale it completely if she only had the legs at first. 

2)  By reeling down to the bass, it puts your rod close to the water, and your straight up hookset has enough "oomph" to pierce through the roof of the bass' mouth adequately.  With the larger hooks used with frog fishing, if hooked hard, that bass isnt going anywhere but directly to the livewell when hooked through the roof :D

ps, I cant stress enough to use a quality hook (Owner, Gamakatsu, Mustad).  Depending on the frog size, hooks can range from 4/0 to 6/0.

fishing user avatarBass Junkie reply : 

Honestly, I don't think my problems patience. I've had these fish on and fightin', jumpin', and then throwin' the hook. Also, how tight should my drag be for froggies? I usually set it a little loose, so that when I set the hook hard the drag 'ill slip a bit. Is that bad....Okay, I thought so. LOL. I just realized how stupid that was..... So, how tight? I'm deffinatly settin' it tighter, but anyone got a approx. weight settin'? Sorry for the newbness in this arwa. LOL. Gotta learn some time.

fishing user avatarEastTexasBassin reply : 

When I'm froggin, I crank the drag down all the way.  I don't want it to give at all.  I use 65lb power pro and a heavy action rod. 

I don't see any reason for letting a fish pull drag.  Thats just silly to me.  The only concern would be possibly breaking my rod, but it hasn't happened yet.   :D

fishing user avatarSimp reply : 
Ok, so I just picked up a 7' 1 piece Medium Heavey Field & Stream rod with a Field & Stream Rainier reel (Sweet Setup!!). Will this work for my froggies? I know it took a while for the upgrade, but I got it....LOL. So, with 30lb braid can I expect hookups?

Ok your a lucky guy because I had the exact same set up for a entire year. First lets start with the rod. It will have plenty of back bone and land you tons of fish. There is a design flaw in this rod though. On the bottom of the rod the cork has a tendency to break off. I went threw three rods with the same problem. So you should get some type of wrap or something to prevent this from happening. The rod weighs a ton IMHO and I can't feel jack with it compared to my Carrot stix or Team Diawa rods I own. With that said for frogging it's a good rod to help sink those hooks in.

Now your reel. I personally used mine for one summer and just plain wore it out. The back brake is now messed up causing the handle to go backwards if your not careful. The support bearing are also in bad shape causing a very loud whine and messing up casting performance. With all that said all this happened after about 100-140 frogging trips pulling large fish out of heavy grass. It gave me reliable good service for one season and at 40-50$ on a Dicks real that's about right.

Now on your line choice. I strongly suggest you upgrade the pound test for one reason. Line Diameter! You 30# braid is going to be like the diameter of 6# normal test and that can be very tough to cast on a baitcaster. On a nice easy cast it's not a problem. However when you see something off in the distance and realy need to let it rip to get it there. What will happen is it will end up going about 5 to 10 feet and then it will JAM on you in your reel. You will then pick out the knot and rush to make the cast at the spot. The only problem is even if you get your cast at the spot you want your line has been seriously weekend at the spot it hung in your reel. This could lead to a very good chance of it breaking on a hookset.

I think you will like your rod and real for frogging but expect both to give out on you in time. BTW I personally found I could cast best with the brakes on 2 with no wind and have the lure just glide down slowly on the cast control knob. I might also suggest I found the Citica and Curado 200E reels to cast very similar to the Field and Stream reel. So when you decide to upgrade one day in the future I would HIGHTLY suggest either one.

Also this 6 and 7 pounder were caught on that set up but with 50# braid on a spro frog. So it should be able to get the job done for a season.


fishing user avatarshuddyssoup reply : 

Patience ... take a frog out one day. Cut the hooks off. Fish it and don't set the hook. See how long you can feel him before he spits the bait. I bet you'll be surprised at the time he'll hold it. Might be a valuable lesson in patience. Just a thought. Patience is difficult to learn and with braid it's twice as important since every inch you move the rod, you move the bait. I use braid for spinner baits and went to softer rods because I was taking it away from them. With a frog. different story ... Good luck, it's an exciting way to fish, and oh by the way, FRUSTRATING.

fishing user avatarBass Junkie reply : 

Oh, thanks a lot. You just totally took the air out of my "New Rig" baloon..........

Are you referring to the Angler series, with the blue thread raps? I can't have my reels, or rods, conckin' out on me........ Especially when I put my money into $110+ of gear!!! >:D >;) >:( >:( >:(

   BTW, my reel dosen't have a magnetic control thingy on the side opposing the handle.....This reel is Identical to a pfleugar I saw at Dick's to, except for the color scheme. I mean IDENTICAL. The pfleauger was orange, and this (my) reel is IDENTICAL to the Criterian or however thats spelled, except for  for the magnetic adjustment thing. Also, mine has 8 instead of 5 bearings and is a 6.2:1 gear ratio....

fishing user avatarSimp reply : 
Oh, thanks a lot. You just totally took the air out of my "New Rig" baloon..........

Are you referring to the Angler series, with the blue thread raps? I can't have my reels, or rods, conckin' out on me........ Especially when I put my money into $110+ of gear!!! >;) >:( >:( >:( >:(

BTW, my reel dosen't have a magnetic control thingy on the side opposing the handle.....This reel is Identical to a pfleugar I saw at Dick's to, except for the color scheme. I mean IDENTICAL. The pfleauger was orange, and this (my) reel is IDENTICAL to the Criterian or however thats spelled, except for for the magnetic adjustment thing. Also, mine has 8 instead of 5 bearings and is a 6.2:1 gear ratio....

Ok so I made a couple video's of the rod and reel to help explain my experience. I hope it helps and forgive me for having to use the laundry room. It was 1 am when I made it and it was to cold to do it in the garage. My next video I'll make sure to have better lighting too. :D I also want to point out the back paw or what I call the back brake went out on my friends exact same reel as well.

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

I watched those videos. Seem like some good advice there. I also like those rods at Dick's but I'm into Shimano rods now and since he did mention a butt cap to protect cork I think I'd look also at the Shimano Clarus rod. The MH rod is nice and stiff and should work well for frogs, but these rods come from the factory with a butt cap glued onto the handle that's similar to the one he shows in the video instead of just the cork only so that may help with the cork breaking away when you set a hook with it in your gut. Since you won't be on the cork it shouldn't break. Those rods sell for $70 in the 6'6" range, $80 in the 7' range. They also have lifetime (repeat LIFETIME) warranties so if they do ever break (handle or otherwise) you can get them replaced. As I understand it, paying $15 at the store to cover the shipping of the rod back to the manufacturer will get you a replacement immediately. They have hardloy guide inserts so they can handle braided line as well.

On the reels, I looked at them too and I honestly did not trust them so I passed on them. Sorry. I have no experience with them to really comment other than holding it in the store I just did not like it.

fishing user avatarBass Junkie reply : 

  Sorry, haven't been on the forum for a couple days,....Finally started goin' into withdrawl though, so I'm back. LOL. Hey, thanks a million for those videos. I really appreciate that. As for the reel, thanks for showin' me that to!!  I don't frog every time I go out, so I'm not gonna be usin' thi setup a lot. If it gets me through 2 seasons I'll be fine with that. It does have a 3 year warranty, but I still am bummed a bit.. LOL. Not anybodies falt hough. I don't blame anyone but the manufacturers. Thanks again.

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

You can always return it can't you?? 


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