So I have been trying to gain confidence in frog fishing and it hasn't been going real well. I have a few things I want to try, I just got a lunkerhunt prop frog, things like that, but I'm having a super tough time walking my regular old frogs. I have 2 regular hollow body frogs and one popping frog, none of them can I walk to save my life. My live target sunfish walks like a champ, so I don't think it's me or my gear. I'm not real sure how I'm supposed to fish them other than walking the dog.
Which frogs can I get a few of that walk well? I'm just now building a dedicated frog and flipping rig, I want to set myself up for success.
Savage Gear Lily Frog, Booyah Pad Crasher or maybe the Lunkerhunt Froglet
Snag proof phat frog was easy to walk if I remember correctly.
Cut one of the tails shorter than the other. Helps a little
On 7/23/2018 at 11:09 AM, Smalls said:Cut one of the tails shorter than the other. Helps a little
I've tried that. The popping frog is just a popping frog, but the two others I have were whatever was on the rack. They just kinda.... skip through the water in a straight line. I'm sure frogs have come a long way in the five years or so since I bought those
Hmm. Maybe try giving your line just a little more slack? I know I give mine just a tad bit more than I would a popper.
I'll try it again on heavy braid rather than heavy mono. Still going to upgrade with a couple new frogs tho ????
I think Spro was the easiest for me. I cut one side of legs shorter.
Had the same prob. The key is very subtle and light twitches with the rod tip (held down). I have tried around 10 different frogs. The best (by far) for walking the dog is the Megabass!!!
Popping pad crasher with the legs trimmed walks really easy.
On 7/23/2018 at 1:28 PM, Bluebasser86 said:Popping pad crasher with the legs trimmed walks really easy.
I'll second this. If you wanna REALLY get it the point that you can "walk" it in place...cut the legs OFF. I've got a couple like this and they really raise a ruckus.
River2Sea Bully Wa or Wa 2 will start to dance with the slightest twitch. Spro Bronzeye Shad is another one that's easy to walk.
Live Target
On 7/23/2018 at 1:28 PM, Bluebasser86 said:Popping pad crasher with the legs trimmed walks really easy.
This ^. I'm not great at walking frogs (fish don't seem to mind) and this thing practically walks itself. I really like the action of this frog, but it doesn't last as long as the regular pad crasher.
Snag proof Bobby's perfect frog for me.
I just got my new frog collection for this year and among them I got the Terminator Walking Frog which is supposed to be the easiest frog to walk on the market...I haven't had a chance to prove that yet but they look really nice.
I throw frogs so infrequently that every time I pick one up, it's like I'm starting from scratch. But the last few times, I just could not get my Spros to walk and I tried a whole bunch of different things. I just stopped throwing them in favor of my Snag Proof frogs, which I can walk with no difficulties.
Man suggestions are super all over the place lol I'm going to try trimming the legs on my popping frog (which I think is a booyah)... I'm no closer to choosing a frog. I suppose the river 2 sea bully wa 2 has the river 2 sea reputation behind it, im leaning towards that or the snag proof Bobby's perfect... or the pad crasher.... sigh
I think the popping Pad Crasher walks more easily than the regular frog design. And it attracts attention better on a mat. I usually have it tied on. I'm sure there are times when you're supposed to use either, but I just have more confidence in the popper.
I just trim the legs the same length of the body, no more and not uneven. It's pretty easy to walk.
On 7/25/2018 at 1:05 AM, Beetlebz said:Man suggestions are super all over the place lol I'm going to try trimming the legs on my popping frog (which I think is a booyah)... I'm no closer to choosing a frog. I suppose the river 2 sea bully wa 2 has the river 2 sea reputation behind it, im leaning towards that or the snag proof Bobby's perfect... or the pad crasher.... sigh
I like the snag proof ish’s phat frog. It doesn’t take on water, the legs are cut short and point straight back which makes it easier to walk. The also have a small worm rattle and are heavier than most frogs which make them easy to cast
Try watching Tactical Bassin on YouTube. Those two probably have more money tied up in frogs than I do rods. And they give a real good breakdown of when/where/how.
On 7/25/2018 at 10:55 AM, Smalls said:Try watching Tactical Bassin on YouTube. Those two probably have more money tied up in frogs than I do rods. And they give a real good breakdown of when/where/how.
Lol oh I have... I think that's why I'm settling on the bully wa 2 for an all around frog I think. I will try some others for matted vegetation later on but just to get started I want a great walking frog. I'm hoping my 7'6" heavy with braid will be enough to drive those massive hooks home. I suspect that the massive hooks are the reason I miss all the blow ups on the live target sunfish. Incidentally that's also the reason I was considering the snag proof bobbys perfect frog. So many choices.
I like the KVD frogs but the terminators walk extremely easy.
On 7/25/2018 at 6:28 PM, Beetlebz said:I suspect that the massive hooks are the reason I miss all the blow ups on the live target sunfish.
I've gotten blow ups on my sunfish but never landed one. Frog fishing ain't easy, I've experienced a ton of blow ups and no hook ups, bass smashing the bait into the air on impact, setting the hook too quick, no setting it fast enough, too much slack from walking it etc. There's a million reasons to miss one but the second you land one it's the BEST adrenaline rush. Caught that one on a Bully Wa 2 (Firebelly).
I think fishing frogs with mono is basically asking for heart break. You’ve gotta really give em the hammer when you set that hook. Heavy braid for your broomstick and bend the hooks out just a little.
What i mean by missing fish on the live target... well, here's my theory. I have a do-all heavy 7'6" fast rod but i have it spooled with 15lb YZH for jigs and deep rolling spinners and chatterbaits (incidentally I think I have decided to switch to 20lb). YZH has a ton less stretch than mono but it still stretches. I lost count at around 200 (yes, you read that right) strikes and blow ups with no hooks... I suspect it was a lot of small fish but also when it got choked by a large bass I was expending the energy of my hookset stretching the line instead of burying those massive roofing nail hooks. Just yesterday I got a second reel with 65lb power pro to use.
So I grabbed a bully wa 2 to try and when I get a new rod in a couple weeks as funds permit it's going to be a 7'3" to 7'6" exH on 65lb power pro. I'm hoping that will help.
On 7/25/2018 at 6:28 PM, Beetlebz said:Lol oh I have... I think that's why I'm settling on the bully wa 2 for an all around frog I think. I will try some others for matted vegetation later on but just to get started I want a great walking frog. I'm hoping my 7'6" heavy with braid will be enough to drive those massive hooks home. I suspect that the massive hooks are the reason I miss all the blow ups on the live target sunfish. Incidentally that's also the reason I was considering the snag proof bobbys perfect frog. So many choices.
That's the mistake I made as well. I ordered a bunch of Bully Wa 2s during the 4th of July TW sale based on the tactical guys recommendations. Absolute garbage product! I swore off the original bully wa due to it filling up with water and sinking before getting back to the boat on a long cast. Also the body would tear really easily. Well, the 2 version that claims to have at least solved the taking on water issue is no better. Still takes on water and the body ripped after 3 dinks. The hook is also really flimsy compared to the original. Returned them all to TW. I'll stick to the proven snag proof with ITT. It's a shame too because they walk great and I like the bigger size.
I pretty much use my 7’7 mag m/h the same way you use your rod. I’ll use it for jigs, and other bottom contact baits as well as frogs and swimbaits. Mostly cause I’m too lazy to bring a 3rd rod with me bank fishing
So it’s perfectly adequate for frogging/pitching, and probably a little overgunning for Texas rigs, but works.
When I fished a lot of places with rock, I used to tie a 15lb fluoro leader on. And I didn’t really notice much of a difference in my frog hookups. But I kept my leader short, maybe 30 inches at most.
Ive been liking the jackall kaera frog a lot. walks very nicely, compact but still 1/2 in weight so it can still be used in heavy mats, has a drainage hole so im not squeezing it out every other cast and has some sexy colors.
I fish frogs A LOT. Ive tried a bunch. I like Spro Bronzeyes as my all around favorite. The Srop popping frogs walk incredibly well, better than the regular. Live Targets and Pad Crashers walk fine. Terminators are really good too but I'd have to agree with the guys that mentioned Ishs Phat Frog. It's got some good qualities and has a really easy, wide walk, more like a spook. Problem with those is how thin they are. Very little hook gap and have the worst hookup ratio for me (i miss next to none on the others).
I ordered a couple different ones to try, but now I have to grab a new rod for my braid reel. I prefer all my rods to be in the mid 7s, but should I go heavy fast or extra heavy fast? The only other thing I'm going to use it for is flipping and pitching so I can go either way.
On 7/27/2018 at 7:31 PM, Beetlebz said:I ordered a couple different ones to try, but now I have to grab a new rod for my braid reel. I prefer all my rods to be in the mid 7s, but should I go heavy fast or extra heavy fast? The only other thing I'm going to use it for is flipping and pitching so I can go either way.
Dobyns Fury 735 or a St Croix Premier.
I really like my iRod Fiber 7'5" Fred's Magic Stick H/F. You can get this rod for $110 at TW. It uses the exact same blank as the iRod Genesis 2.
I prefer the favorite defender or phantom, but it seems like the consensus is that heavy is heavy enough and I dont need to go extra heavy. I've hauled a *lot* of bass in on my 7'6" defender ????
On 7/27/2018 at 7:31 PM, Beetlebz said:I ordered a couple different ones to try, but now I have to grab a new rod for my braid reel. I prefer all my rods to be in the mid 7s, but should I go heavy fast or extra heavy fast? The only other thing I'm going to use it for is flipping and pitching so I can go either way.
I prefer extra fast. I’ll often switch to a smaller frog if I’m getting short strikes, so I like a little extra tip to really rocket em out there. Plus I think it helps me keep em pinned, giving a little extra cushion to a 2x4 of a rod.
On 7/23/2018 at 2:53 AM, J.Vincent said:Savage Gear Lily Frog, Booyah Pad Crasher or maybe the Lunkerhunt Froglet
Bingo. Lily Ninja for sho!
So I had dead still water and overcast Skies this morning so I decided to string up with braid and throw nothing but the Frog all day. The first contestant is the bully wa 2 in lemon lime with the white belly. Man, I couldn't get this thing to walk and save my life. Eventually I tried trimming the skirt... once I cut it up around half way I was able to walk it, but only with tiny tiny twitches and really small movements. Again my basis for comparison is the live target sunfish which walks like a spook.
I only got 2 blow ups all morning and neither were good direct hits. I don't necessarily contribute the lack of fish to the Frog though, the fishing was really really tough today. I couldn't even get bit on the Ned.
Next up, hopefully tomorrow morning, will be the terminator walking frog and if it goes well, the poppin pad crasher.
If anyone cares... the terminator walking frog is the TICKET. Thing walks like a spook, has the drain holes in the back so it cleans itself out on the cast. I threw it for an entire day and didn't catch a single Bass (been super tough here) but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm going to get a couple more just to try them out for comparison sake but the Terminator walking frog is the Frog I've been looking for.
On 8/1/2018 at 2:07 AM, Beetlebz said:If anyone cares... the terminator walking frog is the TICKET. Thing walks like a spook, has the drain holes in the back so it cleans itself out on the cast. I threw it for an entire day and didn't catch a single Bass (been super tough here) but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm going to get a couple more just to try them out for comparison sake but the Terminator walking frog is the Frog I've been looking for.
Glad to hear this! I haven't had a chance to get out and fish mine yet...darn life, just seems to keep getting in the way of me I hope to get out soon though and hearing stuff like this makes me glad i picked a few up a couple weeks ago .
On 8/1/2018 at 3:03 AM, Brett's_daddy said:Glad to hear this! I haven't had a chance to get out and fish mine yet...darn life, just seems to keep getting in the way of me I hope to get out soon though and hearing stuff like this makes me glad i picked a few up a couple weeks ago
It had a bit of a side to side slither out of the box. I cut about an inch off one skirt and 1.25 to 1.5 off the other, really woke up the action. I could probably get an even wider walk with less forward movement if i cut them even, but i haven't found a need. The one I got is green with a white belly. I want to get one with a yellow belly and a black belly to try next.
It was a huge relief, after my disappointment with the bully wa 2 I didn't think I was ever going to find "the one".
Finally! After a battle that cost millions of dollars and thousands of lives... I finally got on my first frog bite. Tons of little blow ups, but the topwater bite has been rough here lately. I tossed the frog up on a shallow bank around some rocks that were only a couple feet under the surface. Is that a toilet? I thought... who's flushing a toilet way out here? This 4 pounder got wrecked on the black terminator walking frog.
That’s a good lookin hog, with a textbook hook set! I bet it felt real good, awesome job.
Terminators are easy to walk, especially the popping version and that is even leaving the legs long. The easiest frog to walk out of the dozen i have tried over the years is the Megabass pony Gabot, hands down. It has two drawbacks though, price and durability. The plastic is super soft which is awesome for hooklets but not so much on durability. I caught a bunch on it and then i caught a near citation sized bowfin and he completely tore it to pieces.