I was perusing the BPS website a couple weeks ago and this Double Plopper was on the site. It's an XPS Double Down Plopper, not much info about the lure, like weight, length, colors. The few time I tried searching for it, it disappears. I run across it when I'm not looking for it.
I was going to get a second WP 130 in yellow head, but this has caught my interest and I am going to wait till it finally makes it to the site officially. If it comes in the 90 and 130 size in the Whopper Plopper and it's less expensive...I may buy a a few. Granted, I've not caught a bass on my 90 and 130 Whopper Plopper..yet.
I'm just trying to imagine the plopping sound the WP makes but now with a prop in from and in back.
I'd have to imagine having a forward facing blade like that will make it much more susceptible to snagging weeds and being pulled under by waves when the wind kicks up. My main issue with the whopper plopper is how easy a stray piece of grass or weeds can foul the rear blade and ruin your cast....the way I see it that problem only doubles with this iteration.
Not going to say I won't be getting one, because I said that about the original and now I own several, but I'm having a hard time imagining the need for one. Can't blame R2S for riding this gravy train as far as it will take them though.
Seems like BPS and R2S are in bed with current lure line ups. BPS has an S-waver, XPS Boss swimbait that is so similar to the S-Waver and now they come out with this XPS Double Down Plopper. Oh well, as long the the similar BPS R2S copies are cheaper, I'll be buying and trying. Once again, another lure that caught the fisherman fool.
I'm interested. I don't see them on BPS's website right now though. Must be super secret.
When it shows up on the site, it's item # 2390717
I thought I was the only one who caught a glimpse of the XPS Double Down Plopper for the short amount of time it was on the BPS website. I actually ordered one over a month ago, they were all on backorder. It disappeared off the site so I figured I'd never get it. But it actually shipped this week and will be in my mailbox tomorrow morning! I will post some pictures tomorrow.
I'm still trying to catch something decent on my Whopper Plopper. I haven't fished it a whole lot, but have only managed 2 dinks so far.
Well, here it is! I set it next to a River2Sea Whopper Plopper (its a little used and beat up) of the same color to compare. The length of both are the same at 3.5", but the Double Down Plopper weighs .2oz more at .6oz instead of .4oz. Bass season doesn't open for another couple weeks so I will have to wait to do a test with it.
Cool! How much was the double down and did they have a 130, bigger size?
On 4/14/2017 at 12:50 AM, ghost said:Cool! How much was the double down and did they have a 130, bigger size?
To be honest, I can't remember if they had two different sizes or not. It was over a month ago when I ordered it. It was $8.99 for this one. I'm curious as to why they took it off the website. I'm tempted to call Bass Pros and ask them about it.
I tend to stay away from Bass Pro Brands! I have found them To not last as long and some of the the bp products are junk!
On 4/14/2017 at 1:48 AM, eyedabassman said:I tend to stay away from Bass Pro Brands! I have found them To not last as long and some of the the bp products are junk!
Their soft plastics, especially the 5" stick-o worms, have been killer for me. This is the first BPS hard bait I've bought.
There plastic baits I will buy.But hard baits and reels,not so much!!!!! I would rather spend alittle more $$$$$$ and get a better product!
Thanks for posting the pic of the BPS Double Down next to the WP 90.
Forgive me, and I'd like to apologize upfront because I will know what I'm about to say will offend some people.
I'm ashamed at bass pro, not surprised though. I will give them that they are different, but this is why I won't but from big box tackle stores. They only cheapen quality products. The r2s whopper plopper is a good bait, its good quality, and will last a long time if stored properly. I hope this dosent make them cut corners to compete with bps. It's principal for me, I can't stand knock offs. I'm tired of companies trying to make a quick buck pawning off junk and I think most real anglers will know they are looking at a cheap knock off.
Yes,plopper style baits have been around for almost a century but dahlberg designed the "plastic" cupped tail so it wouldn't need tuned, as opposed to metal ones,and produced a particular tone. He made the bait by himself for decades and further developed it with river2sea so everyone could expierience fishing one. What makes me sick is that bass pro saw dollar signs. Millions of em. And capitalized on not the angler but the cash. They take advantage of anglers. Larry dahlberg built it, River 2 sea developed it, bps ripped it off and cheapened it.
Did you know bps has a nearly identical river 2 sea s-waver also?????
Yes, river 2 sea has had some total flops over the years, but when they started developing baits the company started to shine. But why focus on research and development when bps or some other thief of that ilk will just steal it?
I will not get into the Chinese manufacturing debate on this thread, both baits are made in China. I wish River 2 sea would manufacture here, but a lot of people complain about a $10-$12 price tag for a 90 anyway,so I get it. It all boils down to quality control, and river 2 sea has that.Yes river 2 sea gets them for cheap, but your jaw would drop if you saw what bps buy their rip offs for! It's pennies...literally.
Why do you assume that BPS is solely responsible? Did it occur to you that R2S may have been part of this agreement? Why aren't you mad at them too?
On 4/20/2017 at 11:36 PM, J Francho said:Why do you assume that BPS is solely responsible? Did it occur to you that R2S may have been part of this agreement? Why aren't you mad at them too?
Could also be the patent has expired, assuming
the R2S was patented, which I would think so.
Kinda like generic drugs, gotta wait so many years
before we can buy them after a product first hits
the shelves, but once that patent expires, it is
If it even works like that for fishing lures...
No way the patent expired - if there even is one. I can't find it, just a trade mark for the name, and they last 17-19 years. I can't see them patenting a bait he shows you how to make in a TV episode. It's probably a licensed royalty deal. I bet the baits are made in the same factory. Typically, they packaged elsewhere, with materials from another factory. Just source out different packaging. This only speculation on my part.
On 4/20/2017 at 11:26 PM, Esoxfreak said:Forgive me, and I'd like to apologize upfront because I will know what I'm about to say will offend some people.
I'm ashamed at bass pro, not surprised though. I will give them that they are different, but this is why I won't but from big box tackle stores. They only cheapen quality products. The r2s whopper plopper is a good bait, its good quality, and will last a long time if stored properly. I hope this dosent make them cut corners to compete with bps. It's principal for me, I can't stand knock offs. I'm tired of companies trying to make a quick buck pawning off junk and I think most real anglers will know they are looking at a cheap knock off.
Yes,plopper style baits have been around for almost a century but dahlberg designed the "plastic" cupped tail so it wouldn't need tuned, as opposed to metal ones,and produced a particular tone. He made the bait by himself for decades and further developed it with river2sea so everyone could expierience fishing one. What makes me sick is that bass pro saw dollar signs. Millions of em. And capitalized on not the angler but the cash. They take advantage of anglers. Larry dahlberg built it, River 2 sea developed it, bps ripped it off and cheapened it.
Did you know bps has a nearly identical river 2 sea s-waver also?????
Yes, river 2 sea has had some total flops over the years, but when they started developing baits the company started to shine. But why focus on research and development when bps or some other thief of that ilk will just steal it?
I will not get into the Chinese manufacturing debate on this thread, both baits are made in China. I wish River 2 sea would manufacture here, but a lot of people complain about a $10-$12 price tag for a 90 anyway,so I get it. It all boils down to quality control, and river 2 sea has that.Yes river 2 sea gets them for cheap, but your jaw would drop if you saw what bps buy their rip offs for! It's pennies...literally.
Just a little fyi I'm pretty sure poeswas the original and r2s ripped them off these were musky baits originally
On 4/20/2017 at 11:36 PM, J Francho said:Why do you assume that BPS is solely responsible? Did it occur to you that R2S may have been part of this agreement? Why aren't you mad at them too?
Oh I am they are equally responsible if they are in an agreement! I didn't want my original post to be to wordy and knew someone will ask that.They knew about this 2 years ago and did nothing(or couldn't because BPS saturated their warehouses with r2s product), I feel that they should have pulled all their products from bps. i know for a fact they weren't part of a production type agreement initially. I did say initially...now(present time) I can't say that for sure, but bps ordered tons of whopper ploppers,THEN dropped the bomb post order that they had a similar product due to hit the market. If r2s is in a contract with them to produce similar product then r2s will shoot themselves in the foot.
I also know for a fact they have had another patent stolen (not really stolen but got the design schematics before r2s could get a patent...kind of a long story)from them about four years ago that a notable soft plastic company now produces. I assume, given the companies(r2s) past that this was done intentionally By BPS without foreknowledge, r2s isn't happy either.BUT money can corrupt them all. If that's the case than shame on them too for fleecing the angling community.
On 4/20/2017 at 11:52 PM, dsqui said:
Just a little fyi I'm pretty sure poeswas the original and r2s ripped them off these were musky baits originally
I know that! I said plopper baits have been around a lot longer at least a hundred years, dahlberg developed the tail, just like Huddleston developed their tail AND owns a functional patent on that,it's what makes Hudds special, but there are other paddle tails on the market. The original whopper plopper was a 190. Sennets Been making wood ones for years, there's top raiders...tons of them. Thanks for the "FYI"
Top Raiders are a staple northern bait for me. I've been throwing those for as long I was able to cast. I agree the prop tail is the innovation. It has a different sound, though can't be tuned, like a Top Raider.
On 4/21/2017 at 12:19 AM, Esoxfreak said:I know that! I said plopper baits have been around a lot longer at least a hundred years, dahlberg developed the tail, just like Huddleston developed their tail AND owns a functional patent on that,it's what makes Hudds special, but there are other paddle tails on the market. The original whopper plopper was a 190. Sennets Been making wood ones for years, there's top raiders...tons of them. Thanks for the "FYI"
So what is wrong with BPS making a double prop version, which isn't really a novel idea either. Lets say they had made the blades out of metal, would you have ripped them for copying a topraider or other metal bladed topwater, or is your issue specific to R2S baits? If I were R2S, I would be more ticked that somebody thought of it before they did, not at the company that did it. If JFrancho is right that there is no patent on the blade, then there is no issue here at all.
On 4/21/2017 at 1:31 AM, cgolf said:
So what is wrong with BPS making a double prop version, which isn't really a novel idea either. Lets say they had made the blades out of metal, would you have ripped them for copying a topraider or other metal bladed topwater, or is your issue specific to R2S baits? If I were R2S, I would be more ticked that somebody thought of it before they did, not at the company that did it. If JFrancho is right that there is no patent on the blade, then there is no issue here at all.
My issue isn't only with river2sea.it was just my personal breaking point. I get upset when companies are doing something blatantly for the money. BPS says "wow we are these things are selling by the boat load, but we could make more money if we take everything that river2sea (I'm more upset about the dahlberg name.the dudes a legend and really worked hard innovating baits)did and cheapen it." And BPS is doing the whole line,with the single tail, the 130,90,and 190. It's blatant because the friggin paint jobs are almost identical too! Look what Tyrant did. Same thing. Matzuos doragon.same thing. They are taking other people's ideas and reaping the benefits. I don't care if I'm the only one who feels this way.
so yes I will rip tyrant for capitalizing off the top Raider and several other baits. But the op was about the whopper Plopper.
I just wish sennet made a smaller pace maker that thing is killer
even in the stock photo the hooks look like trash lol
The ONLY area this comes into sketchy copyright infringement zone is through their usage of the word "plopper".
if I was a R2S lawyer I'd be using my big red stamp right now. Prop baits aren't new, but knocking off a specific product AND it's name is asking for trouble.
They were likely pulled from the site for those exact legal reasons and will be renamed when they reappear. To the few who snagged them you may now have a limited edition misreleased product. May want to keep that in the original packaging! ???
You can't copyright a name, though whopper plopper is a registered trademark.
On 4/21/2017 at 2:23 AM, Esoxfreak said:I get upset when companies are doing something blatantly for the money.
Isn't this the EXACT reason that a business operates under? Otherwise, it's a charity.
That's an oversimplification. Profit is different than margins.
On 4/21/2017 at 9:11 PM, J Francho said:That's an oversimplification. Profit is different than margins.
On 4/21/2017 at 8:58 PM, J Francho said:You can't copyright a name, though whopper plopper is a registered trademark.
Exactly. Taking the name directly is pretty much the one thing they shouldn't do when cloning baits/tech for domestic sale. It's just not smart, unless they are trying to wallpaper a cubicle with C&D orders or something lol
On 4/20/2017 at 11:26 PM, Esoxfreak said:Forgive me, and I'd like to apologize upfront because I will know what I'm about to say will offend some people.
I'm ashamed at bass pro, not surprised though. I will give them that they are different, but this is why I won't but from big box tackle stores. They only cheapen quality products. The r2s whopper plopper is a good bait, its good quality, and will last a long time if stored properly. I hope this dosent make them cut corners to compete with bps. It's principal for me, I can't stand knock offs. I'm tired of companies trying to make a quick buck pawning off junk and I think most real anglers will know they are looking at a cheap knock off.
Yes,plopper style baits have been around for almost a century but dahlberg designed the "plastic" cupped tail so it wouldn't need tuned, as opposed to metal ones,and produced a particular tone. He made the bait by himself for decades and further developed it with river2sea so everyone could expierience fishing one. What makes me sick is that bass pro saw dollar signs. Millions of em. And capitalized on not the angler but the cash. They take advantage of anglers. Larry dahlberg built it, River 2 sea developed it, bps ripped it off and cheapened it.
Did you know bps has a nearly identical river 2 sea s-waver also?????
Yes, river 2 sea has had some total flops over the years, but when they started developing baits the company started to shine. But why focus on research and development when bps or some other thief of that ilk will just steal it?
I will not get into the Chinese manufacturing debate on this thread, both baits are made in China. I wish River 2 sea would manufacture here, but a lot of people complain about a $10-$12 price tag for a 90 anyway,so I get it. It all boils down to quality control, and river 2 sea has that.Yes river 2 sea gets them for cheap, but your jaw would drop if you saw what bps buy their rip offs for! It's pennies...literally.
Bingo!!!!!!! Spot on!!!!!
On 4/21/2017 at 9:08 PM, 5fishlimit said:
Isn't this the EXACT reason that a business operates under? Otherwise, it's a charity.
Sure! And what bps did was completely legal! But terribly unethical, and done in the name of profits! I did say "blatant," meaning that they took shape, size, dahlberg tail, and the color schemes almost exactly. Then engaged in a marketing ploy to achieve name recognition calling this particular one the "double down plopper" very similar to the r2s "double plopper" name, solely for the sake of profit, because r2s was moving so many units. on top of that they made them out of cheaper materials.they didn't do the the work, they let someone else do it. They arent filling a void in the market either. I could understand if r2s went under and bps developed a replacement. This is ALL about the money, and very little to do with the angler...almost nothing now that I'm thinking about it except or wallets. And that's sad...But I guess companies don't get that big being ethical.
On 4/21/2017 at 11:16 PM, Esoxfreak said:Sure! And what bps did was completely legal! But terribly unethical, and done in the name of profits! I did say "blatant," meaning that they took shape, size, dahlberg tail, and the color schemes almost exactly. Then engaged in a marketing ploy to achieve name recognition calling this particular one the "double down plopper" very similar to the r2s "double plopper" name, solely for the sake of profit, because r2s was moving so many units. on top of that they made them out of cheaper materials.they didn't do the the work, they let someone else do it. They arent filling a void in the market either. I could understand if r2s went under and bps developed a replacement. This is ALL about the money, and very little to do with the angler...almost nothing now that I'm thinking about it except or wallets. And that's sad...But I guess companies don't get that big being ethical.
While I understand and appreciate your arguement to a point, but where do you draw the line.
Is everyone that makes a floating minnow unethical because rapala was first on the market with one? Don't forget that the different brands have a different action.
I could even make the case that LD and R2S were unethical in making the plopper. They took an existing concept and all they did was change the blade material? Like I said where do you draw the line.
Do we want only one manufacturer making a single tail grub, etc?
I did read once that Reaction Innovations would not go to BPS because they had to sign away parts of their designs to be copied. If that is true than R2S may have signed a similar deal and given permission for this to happen. If anyone has any info on how this works can they chime in.
I am curious though if it was pulled for now due to 'plopper' being in the name.
On 4/22/2017 at 1:09 AM, cgolf said:
While I understand and appreciate your arguement to a point, but where do you draw the line.
Is everyone that makes a floating minnow unethical because rapala was first on the market with one? Don't forget that the different brands have a different action.
I could even make the case that LD and R2S were unethical in making the plopper. They took an existing concept and all they did was change the blade material? Like I said where do you draw the line.
Do we want only one manufacturer making a single tail grub, etc?
I did read once that Reaction Innovations would not go to BPS because they had to sign away parts of their designs to be copied. If that is true than R2S may have signed a similar deal and given permission for this to happen. If anyone has any info on how this works can they chime in.
I am curious though if it was pulled for now due to 'plopper' being in the name.
I draw the line where companies act like moral and ethical boundaries no longer apply to them. R2s didn't just change the material, the redesigned the tail completely to give it its distinct tone.if i wanted to buy a balsa jerkbait I'll get the rapala.and I'm pretty sure most if not all rapalas are patented. So yeah if someone copies them for resale it's absolutely unethical as well as illegal.So if r2s couldn't get or just didn't get a patent, then that's their problem, the unethical piece is that bps was aware they could legally do it, so they did. I'm 99.9% sure r2s was unaware that this happened because they were surprised as well. BUT I don't think we will never know unless r2s stops allowing bps to sell their baits. It's Edison vs. Tesla all over again.
On 4/13/2017 at 10:59 PM, Travis Gasper said:Well, here it is! I set it next to a River2Sea Whopper Plopper (its a little used and beat up) of the same color to compare. The length of both are the same at 3.5", but the Double Down Plopper weighs .2oz more at .6oz instead of .4oz. Bass season doesn't open for another couple weeks so I will have to wait to do a test with it.
Looks interesting. Let us know what you think once you get a chance to use it. I'd give it a try if they ever get it back up on the site.
On 4/22/2017 at 1:09 AM, cgolf said:
While I understand and appreciate your arguement to a point, but where do you draw the line.
Is everyone that makes a floating minnow unethical because rapala was first on the market with one? Don't forget that the different brands have a different action.
I could even make the case that LD and R2S were unethical in making the plopper. They took an existing concept and all they did was change the blade material? Like I said where do you draw the line.
Do we want only one manufacturer making a single tail grub, etc?
I did read once that Reaction Innovations would not go to BPS because they had to sign away parts of their designs to be copied. If that is true than R2S may have signed a similar deal and given permission for this to happen. If anyone has any info on how this works can they chime in.
I am curious though if it was pulled for now due to 'plopper' being in the name.
I'd draw the line where the company making the similar product gets to almost completely skip the R&D phase because they let someone else pave the way for them, and I'd draw another line where they blatantly are riding the success of another brand by using a similar or exact name of the already established product in hopes of getting sales from the confusion alone.
Sure, most of us know the difference without a second glance, but think about the guy who's buddy told him "I killed them yesterday using XYZ". And he goes to Bass Pro and looks for the lure, sees this, and tried to recall what his buddy said, "what was that lure called again....whop plop? Whoppity plop? Whopper? Plopper?...huh, this one sounds like the right one". And then grabs it off the shelf. BPS just got a sale off of the success of another brand, and did absolutely nothing to earn it. Even worse...if that guy has a bad experience with it and tells others, R2S could get undue bad publicity as a result of the confusion.
On 4/22/2017 at 8:59 AM, MassYak85 said:I'd draw the line where the company making the similar product gets to almost completely skip the R&D phase because they let someone else pave the way for them, and I'd draw another line where they blatantly are riding the success of another brand by using a similar or exact name of the already established product in hopes of getting sales from the confusion alone.
Sure, most of us know the difference without a second glance, but think about the guy who's buddy told him "I killed them yesterday using XYZ". And he goes to Bass Pro and looks for the lure, sees this, and tried to recall what his buddy said, "what was that lure called again....whop plop? Whoppity plop? Whopper? Plopper?...huh, this one sounds like the right one". And then grabs it off the shelf. BPS just got a sale off of the success of another brand, and did absolutely nothing to earn it. Even worse...if that guy has a bad experience with it and tells others, R2S could get undue bad publicity as a result of the confusion.
The thing that is getting to me is it really seems like there is a grudge against BPS here, perhaps R2S pro staffer? This is not the most blatant copy I have seen, yes the back is very similar, but the front is not. I just don't see what all the anger is about, BPS should just take plopper out of the name and move on. I am really curious what esoxfreak would purchase for baits, because there aren't a lot of original designs out there anymore, just subtle tweaks of existing baits.
Maybe we should just start a thread about knock off baits, could get interesting, Cabela's has a least one knock off that I think isn't right, but I won't boycott them because of it.
On 4/22/2017 at 9:39 AM, cgolf said:
The thing that is getting to me is it really seems like there is a grudge against BPS here, perhaps R2S pro staffer? This is not the most blatant copy I have seen, yes the back is very similar, but the front is not. I just don't see what all the anger is about, BPS should just take plopper out of the name and move on. I am really curious what esoxfreak would purchase for baits, because there aren't a lot of original designs out there anymore, just subtle tweaks of existing baits.
Maybe we should just start a thread about knock off baits, could get interesting, Cabela's has a least one knock off that I think isn't right, but I won't boycott them because of it.
I wouldn't advocate boycotting BPS over this, I still probably give them most of my offline business, I just wouldn't buy this lure or their S-waver knockoff. Honestly most of my beef with this is the name itself more than the design. We've seen countless design rip-offs before but rarely do companies actually try and mimic the name itself.
On 4/21/2017 at 7:40 PM, Master Bait'r said:The ONLY area this comes into sketchy copyright infringement zone is through their usage of the word "plopper".
if I was a R2S lawyer I'd be using my big red stamp right now. Prop baits aren't new, but knocking off a specific product AND it's name is asking for trouble.
They were likely pulled from the site for those exact legal reasons and will be renamed when they reappear. To the few who snagged them you may now have a limited edition misreleased product. May want to keep that in the original packaging! ???
I haven't opened mine up yet, and I don't intend to until they go back for sale. May be a rare packaging like you said if they end up changing the name.
On 4/22/2017 at 9:39 AM, cgolf said:
The thing that is getting to me is it really seems like there is a grudge against BPS here, perhaps R2S pro staffer? This is not the most blatant copy I have seen, yes the back is very similar, but the front is not. I just don't see what all the anger is about, BPS should just take plopper out of the name and move on. I am really curious what esoxfreak would purchase for baits, because there aren't a lot of original designs out there anymore, just subtle tweaks of existing baits.
Maybe we should just start a thread about knock off baits, could get interesting, Cabela's has a least one knock off that I think isn't right, but I won't boycott them because of it.
First off I'm not angry, and I have no grudge against bass pro, the problem is someone else did the work and they took it.period. Legally or illegally, it still feels wrong, but that's what kind of world we live in now.
second I'm not a pro staffer,lol, but I do fish for a living,but have no r2s logo on my shirt or boat...wait I did buy a jacket a few years ago from them, but I only wear it when it's cold outside. I'm not an advocate for r2s, yes they know me and I know them but so do other lure manufacturers. I just like where the co. is headed
third I only fish night crawlers and corn. I fish a lot of different glides and swimbaits, and in that market, subtle differences are big differences. I like to shop small.
fourth there are a lot of innovative bait companies out there.but this thread isn't about that.
Bass Pro has been doing this for years. Their whole line of in house baits are rip offs of other companies' successful lures. Like has been mentioned tho, the big difference this time is the use of the word "plopper".
Just got a new Bass Pro ad in the mail for their Go Outdoors event and sale. They have the double down plopper in there. Checked the website and it's still not on there.
Was about to mention same thing
Color scheme are R2S WP's
I was just told that BPS took all the 3.5" Double Down Ploppers off the shelf because of split ring issues.
I would prefer the 5" version but my store doesn't have it in stock
Bass Pro Shops website has the XPS Double Down Plopper now:
Picked one up today to try.
On 5/12/2017 at 3:28 PM, ghost said:Bass Pro Shops website has the XPS Double Down Plopper now:
All on backorder
Just picked one up at my store today. They had atleast 5 in every color. But still can't get the boss glide to try. They had one small boss glide but I say go big or don't go at all.
In regards to BPS or other companies copying others lures, if the original has successful attributes, I just vote with my dollars. GYB's Senko's work very well for me, so as my reward to his innovation, I don't buy Ocho's, Yum Dingers or Stik-O's. Same with ZMan's TRD's, although that wasn't so much an innovation as being the first one to mass market what Ned did using Zman's other products. Sometimes I have to switch brands because the original is no longer available (Zoom dead ringer instead of Rebel Ringworms) and sometimes I goof and don't realize a product is indeed a knockoff (I hadn't seen the Keitech products when I bought my first pack of BPS Speed Shads). Not perfect, but I try to reward the company that is taking the risk.
In regards to BPS specifically, it would seem logical that some of the originator companies are also manufacturing the knockoffs for BPS. Basically the same as the generic foods seen in grocery stores that are made by the original manufacturers specially for the particular grocery store.
I finally bought a double down in the 5" in black bird. No smaller ones, just the big one on sale for $9.99. First thing , took off the stock hooks and replaced with Owner ST35 size 2 trebles.
Think I might get one and cut that front blade off to see if it will work like a regular 130 if I do that.
This bait is heavier than advertised. My scale reads 1.48oz. Packaging claims it's 1.1oz. Doesn't sound like much but it's noticeable.
Interesting mine is 1.33 with the hooks I bet without it is 1.1. Wouldn't surprise me if it was a consistency issue. Oh well. I'll be able to test it out soon enough