Rod: Daiwa Alexa 6’5 MH Xtra fast
Reel: Kastking Assassin
Line: 15lb Pline CXX
Ive got my brakes turned on to 4 inside and 7 outside. I can not for the life of me cast this thing without a backlash or far enough on the few times I don’t. I’ve watched a dozen videos on how to but just can’t seem to get it. I’m giving it more line than normal to load the rod more on start up. Still mid flight my spool overruns.
What throws me is I can cast a weightless trig super fluke which I know is a little heavier but I can cast it decently with little to no backlash.
Any advice or tips here? I even tried it on a spinning rod/reel but it just dead stops after 10-15 ft. (I’m thinking I spooled the reel wrong or maybe the reel itself is off it’s a Shimano spheros 4K)
spinning rod with 8lb mono
On 5/9/2018 at 11:47 AM, JustinJ said:spinning rod with 8lb mono
Would these be a same set up for like a lucky craft 1.5?
On 5/9/2018 at 11:47 AM, JustinJ said:spinning rod with 8lb mono
and a ML spinning rod at that. A #5 is only 3/16 oz.
That's not the right type of crankbait for baitcasting tackle. It's too light and it's wind-resistant with the big bill, that's why it casts poorly compared to the Super Fluke. The balsa Shad Rap and the balsa Rapala Floating Minnow are killer crankbaits, but I toss them on spinning tackle only.
The Lucky Craft 1.5 is well suited to the baitcasting rig you listed.
On 5/9/2018 at 12:35 PM, Vilas15 said:and a ML spinning rod at that. A #5 is only 3/16 oz.
Any suggestions on the rod? I assume my spheros 4K is an okay enough reel for this set up?
I am comfortable casting SSR5 on my M casting rod, but I've seen it give people hell. You'd be better served using a M spinning rod with either 8lb mono or maybe light braid and a leader.
On 5/9/2018 at 1:00 PM, Sharkicane said:Any suggestions on the rod? I assume my spheros 4K is an okay enough reel for this set up?
A 6'6" to 7' Medium/Fast action would work with that. The Medium would be more versatile than a ML and match the reel better. The 4000 size is larger than I'd like but should be fine if you already have it. I'd use 8 lb mono or a 15 lb braid to 8 lb leader. You'd want to use some backing on the reel because a 4000 will have a large capacity.
I fish a #5 shad rap a lot during the winter with a 6' 8" M/F spinning rod, a 25 size President and 8lb mono.
Let looks at your equipments VS your lure choice (3/16 oz). As you can see most of the ppl will recommend to use spinning since it is a lot easier to handle that weight lure. BUT baitcaster also works if you have the right equipment.
First of all this 3/16 oz lure typically requires medium or medium lite to cast and get a good distance spinning or baitcaster.
your equipments
rod MH, this is manageable if your rod got lure rate down to 1/4oz (mine does and quite often time I use this rod with LC 65SP), but again Medium would be easier to load up and yield more distance.
Kastking, I don't have this reel so can't comment on it much but as long as it has good free spin (flush bearing or upgrade bearing)
Shimano 4000, this is big and heavy reel and I'm for certain you loaded up with heavy weight line as well. This is no good for 3/16 oz lure.
line 15lb cxx, this is a no no for light lure. The CXX #15 is about the same diameter as 20lb fluorocarbon or mono and it super stiff very difficult to mange Even for heavier lure. I normally use #6 #8 copolymer line or 10-12lb fluorocarbon.
when casting lite lure typically I use side arm lob cast, or overhead with easy light cast no whipping of any kind.
Medium spinning tackle and 8lb line should work
I mostly use spinning gear with 8-12 pound test mono when fishing with medium sized Rapalas.
Go with medium or medium heavy 7 foot spinning rod.
Go with 6 or 8 pound fluorocarbon line.
Go with a 2000 or 2500 size spinning reel.
Go have some fun!
X-rap shad...
I blame all ya'll JDM, BFS, "I'm gonna use a bait caster come hell or high water" guys for this. Spinning with light mono or braid and a leader is the correct answer here.
I cant cast them "well" on a baitcaster either , so I dont use them .
I usually throw a #7 sometimes the 5 both on a bait caster. Try a lob cast to cast those lighter lures should help.
On 5/9/2018 at 9:02 PM, reason said:I blame all ya'll JDM, BFS, "I'm gonna use a bait caster come hell or high water" guys for this. Spinning with light mono or braid and a leader is the correct answer here.
I agree. Small shad raps cast better on a spinning setup. But I love using a slower gear ratio casting reel as opposed to a spinning reel which has a higher gear ratio.
To the OP, your setup will not cast a #5 shad rap, and probably would struggle with a #7 too. If you're dead set on throwing small Shad Raps with a baitcaster, here's what I recommend/use:
Line: 10lb. fluorocarbon
Rod: ML cranking rod (medium power for #7)
Reel: I use a Shimano Stile 101PG. It's a JDM Aldebaran that's souped up. Super lightweight spool, good line capacity and a 5:1 ratio. Unfortunately, these reels run around $400 from Japan, but man are they nice.
On 5/9/2018 at 10:53 PM, Burros said:I usually throw a #7 sometimes the 5 both on a bait caster. Try a lob cast to cast those lighter lures should help.
Yeah, and I'm sure yo go fishing "with your wife, Morgan Fairchild, whom you are married to, and you have sex with, yeah, that's the ticket"... (someone explain it to the young guys)
On 5/9/2018 at 9:02 PM, reason said:I blame all ya'll JDM, BFS, "I'm gonna use a bait caster come hell or high water" guys for this. Spinning with light mono or braid and a leader is the correct answer here.
I somewhat agreed. Those BFS ppl, huh? BFS become hype or cool to have setup this day.
Anyway anyone got a shallow spool for curado 70 or 50e that wanna sell? I'm looking for one (I'm serious).
This is my usual setup for 1/4 oz lure Husky jerk 08
Im trying to get a setup to cast this effectively. It is Husky jerk 06 1/8oz and I have 4-5 of them from long long time ago. I don't wanna waste those lures so I'd rather spend a few hundreds more to use them LOL.
On 5/10/2018 at 2:23 AM, JustJames said:I somewhat agreed. Those BFS ppl, huh? BFS become hype or cool to have setup this day.
Anyway anyone got a shallow spool for curado 70 or 50e that wanna sell? I'm looking for one (I'm serious).
There is nothing wrong with collecting, admiring, ogling, and fondling tackle, it just has very little to do with fishing. I'm surprised some of those reel after market parts don't come with tissues and lotion...
Me either.. Get a spinning combo and you'll be glad. I bought one for weightless and light-weighted plastics and discovered it was the ticket for light treble lures. So I bought a medium combo specifically for those lures.
On 5/10/2018 at 2:33 AM, reason said:I'm surprised some of those reel after market parts don't come with tissues and lotion...
Slow down now my friend, we are talking JDM reels not JDM.... and I have tons of those as well LOL shuuuuu don't tell my wife about my JDM....., oops I meant JDM reels.
On 5/10/2018 at 12:43 AM, fishballer06 said:I agree. Small shad raps cast better on a spinning setup. But I love using a slower gear ratio casting reel as opposed to a spinning reel which has a higher gear ratio.
To the OP, your setup will not cast a #5 shad rap, and probably would struggle with a #7 too. If you're dead set on throwing small Shad Raps with a baitcaster, here's what I recommend/use:
Line: 10lb. fluorocarbon
Rod: ML cranking rod (medium power for #7)
Reel: I use a Shimano Stile 101PG. It's a JDM Aldebaran that's souped up. Super lightweight spool, good line capacity and a 5:1 ratio. Unfortunately, these reels run around $400 from Japan, but man are they nice.
Last time I used spinning gears, my wife had to remind me almost every cast "honey bass is in the water not on the tree" sad but true story LOL
I wouldn't even consider an MH rod for this. I agree that an M would be very versatile but an ML would likely be optimal for casting distance and still having the necessary power to control a nice sized fish. Be sure and hone your spinning gear techniques, use it as intended.
One thing worth considering? I might suggest dropping down to 6# Sufix Nanobraid. It'd likely be stronger than the larger fluoros and mono lines recommended. it is the smallest braid I know of, the strongest for its size, too.
Whatever you have on your reel right now, just back off some that line and use the remainder as a backer, then add about 20 yards more Nanobraid than the distance you can cast, or more, and I bet you will fling smaller lures really far.
Is braid ideal here? Maybe not, but no line covers all circumstances all the time.
On 5/10/2018 at 2:15 AM, reason said:Yeah, and I'm sure yo go fishing "with your wife, Morgan Fairchild, whom you are married to, and you have sex with, yeah, that's the ticket"...
(someone explain it to the young guys)
On 5/10/2018 at 4:36 AM, Burros said:
"ACTING!, Thank You!" (or Mandela effect)....
Thanks for all the advice guys I appreciate it. I think for now I am just going to pick up probably an abu spinning reel something in the $50 dollar range(probably a pro max 20). Ive got a 2pc spinning rod that I used to use for salt water (till i discovered it was not a salt water rod lol) It is 7ft Medium action with a Fast tip. Should do the job for now. Ill probably end up going with 8 lb mono like pline or something. Once I am not such a noobie at catching bass I will upgrade my spinning rod/reel and line.
On 5/9/2018 at 9:02 PM, reason said:I blame all ya'll JDM, BFS, "I'm gonna use a bait caster come hell or high water" guys for this. Spinning with light mono or braid and a leader is the correct answer here.
Spinning reels are never the correct answer for cranks.
Besides, the reel the OP is using has light weight 14.5 gram spool and would work well if he had a rod appropriate for a #5 shadrap. A MH rod is not the right rod for 3/16 oz bait. There is even the option of a shallow spool for the reel that will cast light bait even better than the stock spool.
On 5/9/2018 at 4:16 PM, Bluebasser86 said:I fish a #5 shad rap a lot during the winter with a 6' 8" M/F spinning rod, a 25 size President and 8lb mono.
I went ahead and took the general consensus advice. I ended up with a president 25 w/ 8# seaguar red label flouro. Exactly how far should I be able to cast this #5 shad rap? I was kinda disappointed I could only get it out there like 20-25 yards. Idk if it’s me or maybe my rod is too stiff or what. Its labeled as M/F.
Later the wind picked up and I just switched to something else I’m going to guess you can cast this thing with wind no matter that rod you use?
Maybe try spooling up with a more limber line standard seagar red lable is kinda stiff? Mono would work better?
I mentioned above the X-Rap Shad is a better casting, similar sized/shaped bait. It suspends and rattles making it somewhat different than the balsa Shad Rap. Scrape off the feathered rear treble and retrieve it with a slow steady cadence.
On 5/11/2018 at 10:07 PM, Burros said:Maybe try spooling up with a more limber line standard seagar red lable is kinda stiff? Mono would work better?
Ive got some trilene xl smooth casting 12# mono would that work or is that to heavy of a line?
On 5/11/2018 at 10:51 PM, OkobojiEagle said:I mentioned above the X-Rap Shad is a better casting, similar sized/shaped bait. It suspends and rattles making it somewhat different than the balsa Shad Rap. Scrape off the feathered rear treble and retrieve it with a slow steady cadence.
I will order one. I plan on ordering several once I figure out which ones I want/need lol. There are a million to choose from.
If your wanting to use a nice casting , light weight balsa crankbait with a tight action look at the Rapala Fat Rap .
On 5/11/2018 at 10:53 PM, Sharkicane said:Ive got some trilene xl smooth casting 12# mono would that work or is that to heavy of a line?
I will order one. I plan on ordering several once I figure out which ones I want/need lol. There are a million to choose from.
Try using the #7 ‘it’s Easier to cast I’ve caught Way more bass on the 7 then the 5 ? 12pound mono and 8 pound floro probably won’t see much a difference in casting distance. X rap is also a good option.
On 5/10/2018 at 12:43 AM, fishballer06 said:I agree. Small shad raps cast better on a spinning setup. But I love using a slower gear ratio casting reel as opposed to a spinning reel which has a higher gear ratio.
I don't see this as viable. Most spinning reels, at most, are 6:1. I own ONE baitcaster with a sub 6:1 speed. Most are 7+. Ergo, most spinning reels are considerably slower than most casting reels. The casting reels that would be slower are either old or designed as cranking reels, intended for long casts, large line capacities and deep running, water resistant baits.
On 5/10/2018 at 12:43 AM, fishballer06 said:
On 5/10/2018 at 12:43 AM, fishballer06 said:
On 5/11/2018 at 11:45 PM, Drew03cmc said:I don't see this as viable. Most spinning reels, at most, are 6:1. I own ONE baitcaster with a sub 6:1 speed. Most are 7+. Ergo, most spinning reels are considerably slower than most casting reels. The casting reels that would be slower are either old or designed as cranking reels, intended for long casts, large line capacities and deep running, water resistant baits.
My 6:1 Stradic CI4 2500 takes up 35" of per turn, or MORE than your typical 7:1 baitcaster. Some larger spool spinning reels can take 40+" per turn. It's all IPT, not ratio.
On 5/11/2018 at 11:31 PM, Burros said:Try using the #7 ‘it’s Easier to cast I’ve caught Way more bass on the 7 then the 5 ? 12pound mono and 8 pound floro probably won’t see much a difference in casting distance. X rap is also a good option.
I came to post this as well. I think it easier to use a heavier type lures than changing all your gears. Don't get stuck like me to buy a lot of gears for every lure I have. I know I'm a sucker but I like buying more gear as much as I like fishing.LOL
I told myself from now on I won't buy any lure that lighter than 3/16. It is a pain to cast 1/8oz lure and if it got a little bit of wind then forget it.
On 5/12/2018 at 4:54 AM, JustJames said:I came to post this as well. I think it easier to use a heavier type lures than changing all your gears. Don't get stuck like me to buy a lot of gears for every lure I have. I know I'm a sucker but I like buying more gear as much as I like fishing.LOL
I told myself from now on I won't buy any lure that lighter than 3/16. It is a pain to cast 1/8oz lure and if it got a little bit of wind then forget it.
I was also thinking would going up on one of the hook sizes on the #5 work? I am probably still going to get a #7 but I’d like to somehow make the #5 work still.
You might try to change your line, your president 25 and M/F rod should work with 1/4oz lure. What is rod lure rated anyway.
The 25 series is pretty small reel, equivalent to 1000 size reel from Shimano. You could try reg 6lb mono or #4 hybrid, better yet switch to 10-15lb braid line with leader or not.
But you know what 20-25yds that is pretty good for 3/16 oz lure with bulky shape like Shad rap. I can only cast my Husky jerk maybe in the same distance as your. You don't really expect to bomb cast and get 40-50 yds with this type of lure. Try 1/4 lipless and you will be surprised how far you can cast.
On 5/12/2018 at 5:34 AM, JustJames said:You might try to change your line, your president 25 and M/F rod should work with 1/4oz lure. What is rod lure rated anyway.
The 25 series is pretty small reel, equivalent to 1000 size reel from Shimano. You could try reg 6lb mono or #4 hybrid, better yet switch to 10-15lb braid line with leader or not.
But you know what 20-25yds that is pretty good for 3/16 oz lure with bulky shape like Shad rap. I can only cast my Husky jerk maybe in the same distance as your. You don't really expect to bomb cast and get 40-50 yds with this type of lure. Try 1/4 lipless and you will be surprised how far you can cast.
It’s rated for a 1/8 to 1/2 oz. idk I guess I was just expecting it to be a smooth cast and be able to get it out there a ways. Instead it kinda casts and then mid flight just kinda loses momentum and wobbles down. I can’t even really feel the wobble of the lure till it gets pretty close to me. I’ve never fished anything this light before so maybe my expectations arnt realistic.
I’ve been reading up on the upsizing the hooks it seems upping the front one to a #4 helps with casting but also makes it neutral bouyant and rise slow. Is this something that is good in all conditions or just in the context of winter conditions like I was reading about?
Apprently this is something that’s done on most of the shad raps not just the #5
On 5/12/2018 at 1:38 AM, J Francho said:My 6:1 Stradic CI4 2500 takes up 35" of per turn, or MORE than your typical 7:1 baitcaster. Some larger spool spinning reels can take 40+" per turn. It's all IPT, not ratio.
True, spool size factors in.
On 5/11/2018 at 9:38 PM, Sharkicane said:I went ahead and took the general consensus advice. I ended up with a president 25 w/ 8# seaguar red label flouro. Exactly how far should I be able to cast this #5 shad rap? I was kinda disappointed I could only get it out there like 20-25 yards. Idk if it’s me or maybe my rod is too stiff or what. Its labeled as M/F.
Later the wind picked up and I just switched to something else I’m going to guess you can cast this thing with wind no matter that rod you use?
Why do you need to cast longer that 20 yards? I'd bet most of my cast with a shad rap are 10 yards or less, just casting to targets and cranking it really slowly.
If you want a little bait you can launch, check out the Duo Realis Shad 62DR. It has a magnetic weight transfer system that shifts to the back of the bait on the cast that makes for crazy long cast with a tiny bait (or in my cast more accurate cast in howling Kansas winter winds). They're not cheap for this kind of bait, but worth it imo. The Storm Smash Shad is another good one in this style bait that cast a little better because it's a heavier plastic bait.
@Bluebasser86 to be honest I don't know much about crank baits so from what I have read and heard about crank baits is that you have to get them far out there so they have time to dive down and stay at that depth. That is where my conclusion came from that I need to get it way out there. I should probably research and study the shad rap a little more and get an idea of how to properly use it.
The fish at this little lake I fish at I am desperately trying to get a reaction type bite from. I've got them on Texas rigged flukes and brush hogs but that's about it. I was hoping the shad rap would do the trick.
Also, I will look at adding the baits you suggested might not be a bad idea to have something like that when the wind picks up or something.
I understand the OP’s desire to throw it on a baitcaster. I also understand the people that say a spinning rod is much easier for this light of a lure, they are correct in that. If he wants to throw it on a baitcater though, it is possible. Really it comes down to his rod action and line choice. As has been stated previously, he needs to use a lighter action rod that loads better and is rated for the weight of lure he wants to use. He also needs to down size his line to something more manageable like a good braid or mono in 8-12 lb test. Personally even if u could cast that lure on 15lb ccx, the stiffness and diameter would kill the action/ maximum depth that bait would run.
On 5/12/2018 at 10:01 PM, Bdnoble84 said:I understand the OP’s desire to throw it on a baitcaster. I also understand the people that say a spinning rod is much easier for this light of a lure, they are correct in that. If he wants to throw it on a baitcater though, it is possible. Really it comes down to his rod action and line choice. As has been stated previously, he needs to use a lighter action rod that loads better and is rated for the weight of lure he wants to use. He also needs to down size his line to something more manageable like a good braid or mono in 8-12 lb test. Personally even if u could cast that lure on 15lb ccx, the stiffness and diameter would kill the action/ maximum depth that bait would run.
Appreciate the feedback I really didnt know much about the ccx when I got it(except it was buy 1 get 1 free and I was alright with that lol). I honestly may be switching out the CXX to just some simple 12 or 15lb mono. I am not confident enough yet in casting to throw flouro or braid on there just yet. Also, Ive only got the one rod so I use for top water all the way to carolina rigging.
Ccx is a decent line. I use it and havent had issues with it. I would suggest getting berkley trilene xl in 12lb test. I know its pretty generic stuff, but since you aren’t that comfortable in your skill level yet, this line handles nicely in my experience. 12lb is a good multi tactic poundage. You are going to be limited in abrasion resistance and you stand a chance of breaking something off in cover, but as you get more experienced you will start to figure out what you need for the style you like to fish and can buy equipment accordingly. Not everyone has the budget or desire to own equipment for every technique. My grandpa was the best fisherman i’ve ever known and all he ever fished with were zebco 33’s and old 6’fiberglass rods. He’s probably rolling over in his grave with some of the money ive spent on this obsession, lol. If you dont have a spinning rod currently, i would suggest picking one up in med power/ fast action as your next purchase.
On 5/12/2018 at 8:59 PM, Sharkicane said:
The fish at this little lake I fish at I am desperately trying to get a reaction type bite from. I've got them on Texas rigged flukes and brush hogs but that's about it. I was hoping the shad rap would do the trick.
You may be trying to fit a square peg into a round hole... The Shad Rap is not a very good choice if you're wanting to crash it into cover looking for a reaction bite. Think of the Shad Rap more as a deeper diving floating jerk bait. Buy a package of 3 1/2" - 4" swimbaits and a few 1/8 - 1/4oz ball jig heads and swim them a foot or so off bottom in the areas you've been successfull with your previous baits. If you absolutely have to, a lightly weighted small swimbait hook will make it more weedless.
On 5/9/2018 at 11:39 AM, Sharkicane said:Rod: Daiwa Alexa 6’5 MH Xtra fast
Reel: Kastking Assassin
Line: 15lb Pline CXX
Ive got my brakes turned on to 4 inside and 7 outside. I can not for the life of me cast this thing without a backlash or far enough on the few times I don’t. I’ve watched a dozen videos on how to but just can’t seem to get it. I’m giving it more line than normal to load the rod more on start up. Still mid flight my spool overruns.
What throws me is I can cast a weightless trig super fluke which I know is a little heavier but I can cast it decently with little to no backlash.
Any advice or tips here? I even tried it on a spinning rod/reel but it just dead stops after 10-15 ft. (I’m thinking I spooled the reel wrong or maybe the reel itself is off it’s a Shimano spheros 4K)
Know one could cast a size 5 Shad Rap with your tackle.
The lure is like a kite and tends to sail, your line is stiff with lots of memory, your rod too still for the lure to load it up, the reel can't start spinning the spool, nothing is right.
With your tackle set up all you can do is troll the lure dehind a boat or rig it with a C-rig using 1/2 to 3/4 oz weight.
On 5/11/2018 at 9:38 PM, Sharkicane said:I went ahead and took the general consensus advice. I ended up with a president 25 w/ 8# seaguar red label flouro. Exactly how far should I be able to cast this #5 shad rap? I was kinda disappointed I could only get it out there like 20-25 yards. Idk if it’s me or maybe my rod is too stiff or what. Its labeled as M/F.
Later the wind picked up and I just switched to something else I’m going to guess you can cast this thing with wind no matter that rod you use?
What about size 5 Shad Rap don't you kites.
You are also asking for trouble using FC line IMO.
On 5/13/2018 at 12:11 AM, WRB said:What about size 5 Shad Rap don't you kites.
You are also asking for trouble using FC line IMO.
I honestly didn't know about the casting differences for the different lines as it relates to spinning gear. I figured once I put it on spinning gear it would be just fine. I was going to use the spinning gear for weightless senkos and flukes so from what I read I figured FC would be the best route to go. I can always switch it out though. I can go pick up some mono or braid for the spinning reel and use a flouro leader if needs be.
On 5/13/2018 at 12:18 AM, Sharkicane said:I honestly didn't know about the casting differences for the different lines as it relates to spinning gear. I figured once I put it on spinning gear it would be just fine. I was going to use the spinning gear for weightless senkos and flukes so from what I read I figured FC would be the best route to go. I can always switch it out though. I can go pick up some mono or braid for the spinning reel and use a flouro leader if needs be.
If you are focused on a Shad Rap get the size 7 or better yet a Bomber 6A that casts good.
FC line tends to twist more then mono of equal diameter and doesn't require nearly as much TLC. With FC you need a line conditioner like KVD and tie knots carefully.
Braid is expensive line and you need 2 good knots if you use a leader.
Keep what you have and learn to use it. You may be whipping the rod too fast snap casting it, let the rod cast the lure. After using your outfit then make changes based on your own experience.
On 5/11/2018 at 11:45 PM, Drew03cmc said:I don't see this as viable. Most spinning reels, at most, are 6:1. I own ONE baitcaster with a sub 6:1 speed. Most are 7+. Ergo, most spinning reels are considerably slower than most casting reels. The casting reels that would be slower are either old or designed as cranking reels, intended for long casts, large line capacities and deep running, water resistant baits.
On 5/12/2018 at 1:38 AM, J Francho said:My 6:1 Stradic CI4 2500 takes up 35" of per turn, or MORE than your typical 7:1 baitcaster. Some larger spool spinning reels can take 40+" per turn. It's all IPT, not ratio.
This is my exact point. Look at the diameter difference between a spinning reel spool and a baitcaster spool and it's easy to understand this. Same theory as taking a 15" tire and rolling it one full rotation, and then doing the same thing with an 18" tire. The diameter is only 3" different. The 15" tire will roll 47.1", where as the 18" tire will roll 56.5".
I don't know how this has went three pages. Spinning rod with braid. There ya go.
On 5/16/2018 at 8:48 AM, Yeajray231 said:I don't know how this has went three pages. Spinning rod with braid. There ya go.
LOL...I agree.
If you're fishing professionally to support yourself and others then it makes sense to spend the money on your gear, but if you're just a regular Joe who likes to fish then it can be ridiculous. I got wrapped up in all the hype over rods and reels until I realized I only need one or two good setups and they don't need to break the bank. I settled on a Pflueger President XT 3500 and a 6" 6" Field & Stream Tech Spec rod. This setup has served me well through many fish and the whole thing cost me $160. I use 15lb Power Pro braid with AFW Surflon wire leader, double uni-knots to mainline then cinch knot to clip for lure changes. The other rig I had was a Diawa Revros 3000H and a Berkley 7" Lightning Shock rod. Unfortunately the reel stopped working and I had to return it.
I have been considering a Shimano Stradic Ci4+ 3000 FB, simply for the quality and dependability that a reel of that caliber would offer. I've been hesitating because of the price, but then it's not as expensive as say a Stella, lol. I started using Power Pro braid last year and it has proven itself time and time again through many fish, even a 26lb shovelhead which had the whole rod bent over past the reel at one point and there was no line breakage. I was even impressed with the knots, holding up to that monster. With braid you can put more on your reel, cast farther and it doesn't kink or twist like fluoro or mono.
For years I used a Jimmy Houston spinning rod that was like 30 bucks for the combo. Spooled it with braid and used anything from senkos, jerkbaits, jigs and everything else including the #5 shad rap OP has a problem casting.
I now have a bunch of set ups and use the spinning rods for "finesse" stuff but at the time it got it done and I caught fish with that ultra cheap combo consistently.
Location/timing trumps gear every time.
The problem is NOT your rod, nor your reel, the problem IS YOUR LINE. With 15 lb CXX that bait is going lo land at your feet. I cast a SR5 with a MH rod and a REGULAR BC ( not a small bait specific reel ) without problems BUT with 10 lbs test Trilene Big Game.