So was out fishing yesterday and snagged a G Loomis NRX jig rod and Curado reel. Had a bunch a slime on it and other build up but its cleaning up nicely and almost looks new. Never had this happen to me and its like a $750 rod/reel combo. Once I clean it up do you think it would be okay to use? is probably junk.
I will PM you my can send it to me...I will dispose of it properly.
Welcome to BassResource
Definitely have the reel serviced. The rod can just be washed down.
Yeah I have the reel all torn apart, will be going through everything on it before I put it back in service.
Just really didn't know if the rod blank would degrade being under water like that.
It probably belongs to the guy standing on the bank crying & looking longingly at the water.
I'd put an ad out asking if anyone has recently lost a rod and reel. If they have, have them describe what they lost and if the description matches, return it to them. If it were a cheaper setup, I'd say keep it for yourself, but I'm sure someone feels sick to their stomach for losing that one.
On 3/14/2017 at 2:20 AM, Jourdan_D said:Yeah I have the reel all torn apart, will be going through everything on it before I put it back in service.
Just really didn't know if the rod blank would degrade being under water like that.
This is just an assumption on my part but submerged wood doesn't decay under water so I'd assume graphite,carbon, or what ever its made out of wouldn't. I'd be more worried about the reel. Like J Francho said I'd service it and give it a try. You wouldn't be out anything and have one sweet set up if it works out!
Welcome aboard!
I've never been so "lucky" to snag such a pricey combo.
Have snagged an old Shakespeare rod, tho. LOL...
@Slipknot_Fan666, you're right. If I'd have lost that I'd
be sick to my stomach and would love some good news
on that front. Would be a Good Samaritan kind of thing
to do.
Yep, posted on the local lake fishing forum, haven't heard anything back yet except congrats on the new setup/ its worthless send it to me
I dropped a Loomis/Chronarch combo in my local lake. Went back a week later, and was able to get back with a snagging hook. Shore guys couldn't believe I got it back. I still have the combo - works great.
I pulled a $9.99 Walmart spinning combo out of the lake. Best thing was I gained a like new chrome blue back Rattletrap that was on the line. Gave the rod and reel to my ex father in law he cleaned it up and said it catches perch for the grandkid now.
Yeah like other have said being it is a very expensive combo I'd give some 30 day period of advertizing as stated have them describe what they lost and if the description matches make a deal to return it. If not if after about 30 days say welcome to your new home.
Sounds like it's been there a while, so not likely to "snag" the owner. I expect with proper cleaning the reel will be fine, and the rod, I'm almost certain, will be OK. Worst case the grip or grip to blank epoxy could be degraded, but I doubt even that. Use it, and if the blank fails, save it for use as repair material for other broken rods. If the grip fails, come on back and get advice on how to repair that.
If you don't find the owner there is no reason to not take a chance on it. If you do decide the reel is not working properly I suggest sending it to a pro servicer, like DVT.
Great find. Mine can't compare but many years ago while fishing some bridge pileings on the Delaware River I snagged a Charlie Brewer spinning set up. Not in very long because it was in very nice condition.
you found it! thank you so much!
If anyone is able to help me out I lost a G Loomis NRX 7ft5 extra Heavy fast jig rod and Curado 200HG reel over the side of the boat the other day. If anyone ends up finding it somehow I would really appreciate it if they let me know. Thanks.
On 3/14/2017 at 2:36 AM, Slipknot_Fan666 said:I'd put an ad out asking if anyone has recently lost a rod and reel. If they have, have them describe what they lost and if the description matches, return it to them. If it were a cheaper setup, I'd say keep it for yourself, but I'm sure someone feels sick to their stomach for losing that one.
Though I agree with this, he has posted the details of what he found. So the cat is out of the bag, so to speak.
I would order some nice Zr spool bearings for it. In fact I think I would add new bearings throughout the reel including the handle knobs. That reel cost you nothing. Add some new stuff to it and enjoy it.
On 3/14/2017 at 2:46 AM, Jourdan_D said:Yep, posted on the local lake fishing forum, haven't heard anything back yet except congrats on the new setup/ its worthless send it to me
Hopefully no one on here is around you. I'm guessing everyone on here is pretty honest though.
Ouch, that's a rough combo to lose. I would have spent the rest of my day and the day after trying to dredge my combo off the bottom. Nice find though!
I have a customer that dropped a rug overboard and was able to snag it after an hour of trying and got not only the rod and reel back but there was a 4# fish hooked!
Depending on the depth of the water and any critters in the area,I'd likely have went in after that combo.
After it's all cleaned up and working like new I wouldn't give it up. Finders keepers....period! Whoever lost it probably has another one by now anyway.
What kind of question is that, of course you use it lol. So what if it breaks, no loss for you.
Would you happen to have the coordinates of your find?
On 3/14/2017 at 8:42 AM, RoLo said:
Would you happen to have the coordinates of your find?
Next cast you'll hook the boat
Have you considered buying some lottery tickets if you're pulling NRX's up from the bottom of lakes?
There wasn't an arm attached to it was there?
On 3/14/2017 at 4:53 AM, SmallmouthBoss said:If anyone is able to help me out I lost a G Loomis NRX 7ft5 extra Heavy fast jig rod and Curado 200HG reel over the side of the boat the other day. If anyone ends up finding it somehow I would really appreciate it if they let me know. Thanks.
You too?! What are the odds...
On 3/14/2017 at 9:03 AM, Senko lover said:
Next cast you'll hook the boat
I sent a few more cast into that same spot hoping for more Of course that same spot has about $250 worth of crankbaits and jigs from me over the years. Very rocky but always has some big fish. Didn't know what I had hooked until I got back to the dock and cleaned off the label.
On 3/14/2017 at 11:06 PM, Jourdan_D said:
I sent a few more cast into that same spot hoping for more
Of course that same spot has about $250 worth of crankbaits and jigs from me over the years. Very rocky but always has some big fish. Didn't know what I had hooked until I got back to the dock and cleaned off the label.
If the water is clear, then go snorkeling there and pick up some new gear. Thats what I'd do
Scuba Steve -
Most Memorial Item that I have snagged was this headset that was thrown in the lake.
Suspect that this guy was ticked after finding out that they lost the game ...
That's a great find. Keep it. No need to post an ad for a lost combo or feel guilty for finding it, Regardless of how expensive it was. If I lost that setup and didn't get it back before leaving, I'd have left accepting my losses. Hopefully the reel is serviceable but most importantly enjoy that new stick.
I found a GLX rod floating in a local lake about 8 years ago. No reel. It was covered in slime and had clearly been in the water for a long time.
I cleaned it up and tried fishing with it. I snapped like a twig after a few casts. Clearly, the blank was severe damaged from the water as I could bust it up in my hands easily.
I used the warranty and got a brand new one. It's not a very useful rod, 6' M/F spinning, but I still use it occasionally for jerkbaits. I'd like to sell it, but nobody has wanted it.
Moral of the story, it may be damaged, but hopefully you can exchange it if it snaps.
On 3/14/2017 at 6:01 AM, Delaware Valley Tackle said:I have a customer that dropped a rug overboard and was able to snag it after an hour of trying and got not only the rod and reel back but there was a 4# fish hooked!
story reminds me of when my dad lost a cheap old Shakespeare combo to a bullhead catfish. than casted out with another combo and got both the combo and the fish back.
On 3/23/2017 at 3:55 AM, BassThumb said:
I used the warranty and got a brand new one. It's not a very useful rod, 6' M/F spinning, but I still use it occasionally for jerkbaits. I'd like to sell it, but nobody has wanted it.
What do you want for it? willing to do some trading? I am looking for a rod in that range.
Great find!!! finders keepers.
On 3/14/2017 at 9:47 AM, MassYak85 said:Have you considered buying some lottery tickets if you're pulling NRX's up from the bottom of lakes?
That's like reaching into the pocket of an old jacket and pulling out a $10,000 bill!
On 3/14/2017 at 2:15 AM, Jourdan_D said:So was out fishing yesterday and snagged a G Loomis NRX jig rod and Curado reel. Had a bunch a slime on it and other build up but its cleaning up nicely and almost looks new. Never had this happen to me and its like a $750 rod/reel combo. Once I clean it up do you think it would be okay to use?
Congratulations on reeling in a nice combo!The rod can be easily cleaned with a wet towel and you can also clean the reel by opening it carefully and lubricating the parts needed.I have found lots of nice combos in saltwater when diving, so your reel should be ok since it came from a freshwater location.