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Rod/boat courtesy 2025

fishing user avatarlynyrdsky1 reply : 

im used to fishing out the back in my dads 20 foot champion which gives me alot of room and storage area but when your in someone elses boat say like something below 15 feet do you hold back on what you take along like tackle and rods? DO you only bring what you know your gonna use? Cause if it is some elses boat i wouldnt want to be crowding them up with all my stuff and leave no room for them when it is their boat.

fishing user avatarnorthern basser reply : 

Not sure how much gear you normally bring,  but this is what I usually do.

Depending on how limited the space is min. 2 rods,  max.  4-5.  Then 1 lrg tackle box and a small soft carrier.

If I know that space is going to be very limited I stick to 2 rods and a tackle box/bag.

fishing user avatarlynyrdsky1 reply : 

thats usually about it but i sometimes fish with dads friend in a 13 foot xpress i feel like i crowd him sometimes with 4 rods and a big plano tackle box.

fishing user avatarOl� Dirty Basstard reply : 

If it's someone else's boat, don't try to guess what's right; ask them what you can bring on board. If he/she is good with 4 rods, and you're the only one tripping over them, then you're good to go. But really, if you feel like you brought too much, it's more than likely that the other guy feels it worse than you. In my book, a little consideration goes a long way.

fishing user avatarzerofivenismo reply : 

When I'm fishing out of my 14' jon, I just expect my fishing partner keep the aft of the boat uncluttered.  I even built a rod rack/holder for the non-boater.  If I constantly have to walk around his gear or move his rods to get to my rods, then I'll mention something to him.  Main thing is bring what you're actually going to fish, and be neat.

fishing user avatarSkeet22 reply : 

Depends on who your boater is. My last co angler brought 17 spinning rods. I had them on my deck in my rod box and filled up my secondary rod storage area. He could not sit in the passenger seat. He had to sit in the middle right next to me. I made the best of it and laughed it off. I think he used two rods all day.

fishing user avatarb.Lee reply : 
Depends on who your boater is. My last co angler brought 17 spinning rods. I had them on my deck in my rod box and filled up my secondary rod storage area. He could not sit in the passenger seat. He had to sit in the middle right next to me. I made the best of it and laughed it off. I think he used two rods all day.

How do you even carry/manage 17 rods?

I have 7 rods. Only 3-5 months out of the year will I bring all 7 rods. I usually only need 5-6

Crankbait Rod

Spinning Rods (drop shot, lightweight stuff)

Flippin Stick

Top Water


Spinnerbait/ Chatterbait


Swimbait and Frog Rod I don't need most of the year.

fishing user avatarWord reply : 

I can take up to 10 and keep it manageable. :)

fishing user avatarzerofivenismo reply : 
Depends on who your boater is. My last co angler brought 17 spinning rods. I had them on my deck in my rod box and filled up my secondary rod storage area. He could not sit in the passenger seat. He had to sit in the middle right next to me. I made the best of it and laughed it off. I think he used two rods all day.

Were you guys spider rigging for crappies?  :)

fishing user avatarSkeet22 reply : 
Depends on who your boater is. My last co angler brought 17 spinning rods. I had them on my deck in my rod box and filled up my secondary rod storage area. He could not sit in the passenger seat. He had to sit in the middle right next to me. I made the best of it and laughed it off. I think he used two rods all day.

Were you guys spider rigging for crappies? :)

Nope, fishing a club tourney. When I pulled up to pick him up. He had 3 piles of rods standing against his truck. I thought it was a joke at first.

fishing user avatarJosh Bassman reply : 

I'll bring two rods, soft tackle bag, extra spools and/or reels, food/drinks for all and a garbage bag... I don't expect that on my boat, but I try to lead by example. I'll treat my partners stuff better then I would expect him to treat mine. AND I STAY OUT OF HIS WAY! I do expect that on my boat.

I know in advance how/where we will be fishing. That helps a lot with only two rods.

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 

I usually pay gas money, and bring lots of food and gatorade to share. I also ask how many rods he would prefer me bring, because you can't read there mind. Also be courtious. If he doesn't want to fish your spot, DON'T nag. After all it's his boat and he doesnt have to let you on it! IMO Only make a certain suggestion once. Ex "well I know this killer spot." dont mention it more than once, He heard, and doesnt want to hear it all day.

ALSO, don't rummage through their gear and stuff. I know most of us don't do that but when I took my 10 year cousin out on a rental boat, he went through my tackle and combos and I nearly beat him off the boat. >:) Now one of my junky spinning combos has the reel handle broken in half and the rod tip gone from him walking on it. He also hooked me in the neck on purpose, (I know because he said "HAHA I GOT YOU! and laughed). I think little kids need *** beatins like most of us got (And we all turned out fine) when we were young (myself included). But that is a different rant... :-X

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

For a full day I bring only the rods I need not to exceed 5. I use a soft side tackle bag so I don't ding the host's boat. I bring food and snacks for two, always. I cover gas and set that amount up front. I'm careful to hook lures on keeprs and not hit any gelcoat or snag seats. I offer my tackle for the host to use if it looks like he doesn't have an item that get's bit as well as mine is. I try not track crud in the boat , drip blood in the boat etc. Someone said he leads by example. Good attitude to have. Thanks for asking the question !

fishing user avatarbass or bass ? reply : 

On my own boat I take 7 or 8 rods. On my buddy's boat I take 5. Plus 2 tackle boxes and soft plastics binder.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

My boat is small, I only carry at most 8 rods at a time myself. I tell anyone who wants to fish with me to bring 4 or 5 max. Anymore than that makes moving around in the boat a pain.

When I am a non-boater, I always ask the boater how many I can bring, that way there is no problem.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Ask your boater !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Common sense.

fishing user avatarBrianinMD reply : 

One of the first questions I ask if I am going out with someone new is how many rods I can bring. You can't assume because of what size boat or any other reason. Its a respect thing, its his/her boat and its their rules.

fishing user avatarrepper reply : 

I thin 'ask the boater' is the best solution. However, as a boater...I think the non-boater should never need more than 4 rods, and one big soft tackle bag. I have never seen an instance in all my years of tourney fishing where 4 rods were not enough for the non boater. 1 spinning outfit and 3 baitcasters, spaced properly, will cover most every situation, and if it's all heavy power fishing you go with 4 bc and no spinning. I've got a 19' bass boat, and if the non boater brings more than necessary it does far more harm than good thru the day. And it does help to bring some gas money and drinks because those boats are not cheap to operate! And I have told many back seaters to leave some of their stuff in the car over the years.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I bring 5 or 6, and I use rod wraps to keep them easy to carry and keep things neat.  I could bring just 3,but retieing costs time when your primary lures arent working and you must go to Plan B-I  already want Plan B ready to go.

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

I try hard to talk to the person I'm going to be fishing with.  I'll ask the boat what type of fishing he's planning on doing and bring whatever will fit the bill.  Usually four or five rods and a tackle bag which holds basically everything for me.  I'll bring my small cooler also unless theres room in the boat cooler.  Any of my tackle or gear is fair game if I'm not using it.  Doesn't bother me one bit if somebody wants to use some lures or a rod.

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 
I try hard to talk to the person I'm going to be fishing with. I'll ask the boat what type of fishing he's planning on doing and bring whatever will fit the bill. Usually four or five rods and a tackle bag which holds basically everything for me. I'll bring my small cooler also unless theres room in the boat cooler. Any of my tackle or gear is fair game if I'm not using it. Doesn't bother me one bit if somebody wants to use some lures or a rod.

That's how i am If they ask. When I made my reference about it my cousin just rummaged through it with out asking. I have no problem lending a pole 8-)

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

Well yes, if they ask.  I wouldn't take to kindly to somebody just digging into my bag.  Ask, and if I've got it, it's yours.

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 
Ask your boater !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Common sense.

That was what I was thinking.  :)

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 
Ask your boater !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Common sense.

Absolutely...I felt guilty when I brought 4 rigs, 3 of them swimbait rigs, 7'11" min. On a friends 20" Champion boat..I did ask before we went though.. ;D

fishing user avatarBassThumb reply : 

With rods, I like to take the total of rods that usually out on the deck(6-8) and split it, 3 or 4 rods each. If one rod comes out of the locker, another gets put away. Otherwise damage could be done if you're not very careful, like bent guides and broken tips.

fishing user avatarfishindrew reply : 
If it's someone else's boat, don't try to guess what's right; ask them what you can bring on board. If he/she is good with 4 rods, and you're the only one tripping over them, then you're good to go. But really, if you feel like you brought too much, it's more than likely that the other guy feels it worse than you. In my book, a little consideration goes a long way.

That's pretty considerate for an Ol' Dirty Basstard

fishing user avatarbackpain... reply : 
My boat is small, I only carry at most 8 rods at a time myself. I tell anyone who wants to fish with me to bring 4 or 5 max. Anymore than that makes moving around in the boat a pain.

When I am a non-boater, I always ask the boater how many I can bring, that way there is no problem.

Communication is the key. It never hurts to ask ahead of time especially if you know who you are going to be out with. I had a 14' Lowe and now a 16' Fisher and We do just fine with 6 to 7 rods a piece and two big tackle bags.


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