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Anyone still use Abu round reels? 2025

fishing user avatardeermaster reply : 

Just wondering if any of you still use em for freshwater fishing?  I was thinking the smallest (4600) C4 would make a great topwater reel when fishing lots of brush or lilly pads, its a really strong and fast reel.  Would also make an excellent reel if you also fish saltwater, cuz they can take anything!

So do you all still use em?

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

Nobody uses them anymore. 

fishing user avatarbigtimfish reply : 

I do. For deep cranking, jigging and 2 of my plastics rods. All c3 and c4 4600. Built like a tank. Oh yeah, ALL of my saltwater reels are abu rounds.

fishing user avatarSWMIBASSER reply : 

That is ALL I used until this past year.

4600 C3 and C4's

There isn't a more bullet proof, long lasting reel made. Now or EVER.

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 
Nobody uses them anymore.

Garcia round reels?? Do they s t i l l make those!?!?

Kidding. I used to love them for bass fishing. I always used the 5600 sizes though.  Then I started with low profile reels and I think it was a vast improvement to my fishing if for no other reason than comfort.

fishing user avatarBoogey Man reply : 

I know Abu Garcia had made 3600 size reels before (Silver Max, Black Max, Tournament Pro, etc.), but I always thought it would be cool if they downsized a C3 or C4 for a 3600 size. At the price of the C3's, I think it would sell. I've had several 4600 C3's, they're great reels, just a little big for my tastes.

fishing user avatarretiredbosn reply : 

I figure others will be around shortly. While we do not have a possee, nor a sheriff, there are those who are very dedicated to our round reels. I use Abu EXT Pros almost exclusively, they are built like a tank, very very smooth. The C3 and 4's are good reels and take an extreme amount of abuse, they are not as refined as other Abu's. BTW IMO there is a world of difference between the C3's and C4's, the fours being smoother. If you into buying older Abu's and upgrading them, ReelMech, has the bearings to upgrade your older reels from bushings to bearings. Good luck.

As far as sizes go they made down to a 1600 series.

fishing user avatarFive-Alive reply : 

I have 3 of the 6500 series with the bait clicker that I use for stripers, catfish and for fishing off the piers at the beach. I still have a Shimano calcutta (round reel) that I still use for freshwater bass fishing other than that it is all the lower profile shimanos for me.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I have a 5000 roughly 15 yo, an 5600 C4 around 10 or 11 yo, and a 5600 C3 that is six yo. They get used for jigs, plastics, and spinnerbaits.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

I've got em, just have moved on to the higher speed reels.

fishing user avatarSkeet22 reply : 

I have 4600 C4 mounted on a Allstar MH that I keep spooled with Braid and use for Saltwater fishing as well as fishing Jigs and frogs. Smooth casting reel. I usually throw a popping cork rig with it with no backlashes.

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

Let's see, I've got 2 Abu 5000's, 1 5500-C, 1 5600-C, 1 6500-C.....yep.....I use 'em - a LOT. And I love the darn things too. Betcha you can't do anything that I can't do either, regardless of what you're using!  ;D

That is, with respect to catching fish!!!!  ;)

fishing user avatarlightsout reply : 

I've gotta red 6000 that gets used for x walk 12's (the big saltwater version), big spooks, and the occasional minnow w/ bobber rig.  It handles all of the above well, although its a bit heavy for all day use.

fishing user avatartholmes reply : 

I use a 4600 C and a 5600 C regularly, and I just got a Pro Max 3600 that I'll be using in the future.


fishing user avatarb.Lee reply : 

I still use them, I have about 15 vintage onces from the 1980 still running good.

fishing user avatarSherlock 60 reply : 

I use two, both C-4's. One is a 5600 on a 7'MH rod for swimbaits, frogs and heavy jigs, and the other is a 6600 on my MH 7.5' muskie rod.

fishing user avatarSWMIBASSER reply : 

Two 4600c3's a 4600 c4, 4600 c3 usa-1, 5600 ultra cast, 5600 c4, two 5500 c3's, two 6500 c3's, two of the older Ambassadeur "low profile" reels. One with a syncro drag the other is a wide spool version with a bait clicker.

The majority of those are or have been musky reels. Wouldn't really want to sell them for various reasons so most just set around.

fishing user avatarnubasser reply : 

i use mine (a 5600)for striper.I bet they would be great for casting large swimbaits like those big trout they fish ouyt

fishing user avataroldschoolbasser reply : 

I have 65,and will probably build a few more!I use the 1500C& 2500c for worm fishing,45 & 4600C's for everything else.Best reels ever made IMHO, easy to up-grade,and will last forever.


fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 
I have 65,and will probably build a few more!I use the 1500C& 2500c for worm fishing,45 & 4600C's for everything else.Best reels ever made IMHO, easy to up-grade,and will last forever.

65 :) That puts you in the upper echelon of tackle crazies. ;) Good for you. :)

fishing user avatarhammer84 reply : 

I have two 4600s.  One of them was my first bait caster about 2 years ago.  Built like tanks and cast very well.  Still use them.  Plan on starting my son off with one.

fishing user avatarTimJ reply : 

I still use the green 4600s for flipping. Low profiles for everything else. Also, I have a special edition black with gold bought in the early 80s...never used it, still in the teak box! Kind of a collector thing I guess. Apparently from some Abu exec who passed on and was from prior to the 80s.


PS...definitely gonna need some drag pads for these 4600s if anyone has info, would be much appreciated. thanks.

fishing user avatarsteezy reply : 
I still use them, I have about 15 vintage onces from the 1980 still running good.

15 oz ?  Wow I bet that's heavy to hold all day.

fishing user avatarSWMIBASSER reply : 
I still use them, I have about 15 vintage onces from the 1980 still running good.

15 oz ? Wow I bet that's heavy to hold all day.

The round reels are heavy, but a heavy reel just makes a rod less tip heavy...IMO.

My jig rod is VERY light, but by the time I add a balancing weight to the handle it's about the same weight as a rod from someone else. But balances perfectly. Feels lighter with the weight than without.

fishing user avatardave reply : 
I still use them, I have about 15 vintage onces from the 1980 still running good.

15 oz ? Wow I bet that's heavy to hold all day.

I read that as 15 quantity.

fishing user avatarbig perm reply : 

I have the 5600 on my muskie poll.  You won't find a muskie fisherman with out at least one.

fishing user avatar.RM. reply : 

Yup sure do...

I have a 1985 black 5001C I used for deeeep cranks it has a nice 3.8:1 GR, don't do much cranking anymore.

Also have a 5601BCX I use for cats....

Tight Lines!!!


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