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New Rod & Reel for my Birthday 2025

fishing user avatarFL_Sharpshooter reply : 

Just went to bass pro earlier for the very first time (I know, crazy right?). My parents took me there and said I can pick out anything I wanted, no matter the price. The place is just awesome, its a total fisherman's paradise. As soon as I got there, there was a gentleman waiting to assist me with anything I need. I must have walked around with him through the rods and reels for over an hour, trying anything and everything. He was very patient with me, and also gave me totally unbiased opinions of everything he showed me. I ended up totally falling in love with the carbonlite rod 7' - M - fast action. The thing is so incredibly light, its unreal. I was searching around for the perfect reel as well, and also absolutely loved the smoothness of the BPS PQ 6.4:1 reel. I even compared good higher end reels up to it, such as the citica and the curado. There was for me, just no contest...the PQ just felt better to me hands down. I also asked the gentleman about fluorocarbon line, and I said I wanted XPS brand line. He asked me if I knew who makes it, to which I said no. He claims that the XPS line is made by Seagar, which is cool, since I love that brand of line. At the end of the day, I ended up walking out with a BPS Carbonlite rod 7' - M - Fast action paired with a 6.4:1 BPS Pro Qualifier, a pair of split ring pliers, and 200yds of 17lb XPS Fluorocarbon line. I couldn't wait to get the combo home and get out on the water. I fished the canal for a little while, trying to adjust to the rod and reel. It's like the rod and reel was made for me, I completely love it. Awesome birthday gift for sure.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Congrats and Happy Birthday.

You did good!!!!

Have fun and post some pics of what you catch.  :)

fishing user avatarendless reply : 

Congrats and happy birthday! You should enjoy it. Just keep your receipt for just incase reason. My brother broke his rod but I haven't yet on mine and use them both quite often.

I have two. One a 7' MH-F with the Carbonlite baitcaster reel spooled with the 12lb XPS Flouro. I also have a 6'8 M-XF spinning rod spooled with 8lb XPS Carbon gold.

I never heard about XPS made by Seagur but cool if it is. I do like the line.

Good luck with the combo and have fun and yes post some pics.

Did you eat at the restaurant? or did you go out to eat? Our restaurant is in up and down place for me. Depends on cook I guess cause the food can be great. The alligator and teriyaki mahi mahi is my favorite though.

fishing user avatarFL_Sharpshooter reply : 
Congrats and Happy Birthday.

You did good!!!!

Have fun and post some pics of what you catch.  :)

Thanks alot :).  I think I did good too.

Congrats and happy birthday! You should enjoy it. Just keep your receipt for just incase reason. My brother broke his rod but I haven't yet on mine and use them both quite often.

I have two. One a 7' MH-F with the Carbonlite baitcaster reel spooled with the 12lb XPS Flouro. I also have a 6'8 M-XF spinning rod spooled with 8lb XPS Carbon gold.

Good luck with the combo and have fun and yes post some pics.

Yup, I always keep original boxes and receipts for everything, thanks for telling me too.  I'm sure my stuff with be fine, but you never know.  I'll be sure to post pics of fatties I catch :).

fishing user avatarhookingem reply : 

Happy birthday to you man! Glad your happy with your new stuff! My birthday's on Monday. I treated myself to a Curado 50e and 2 Lamiglas rods.  :)

fishing user avatarSDoolittle reply : 
My parents took me there and said I can pick out anything I wanted, no matter the price.

I would have gotten a Z9.

fishing user avatarhookingem reply : 
My parents took me there and said I can pick out anything I wanted, no matter the price.

I would have gotten a Z9.

;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarMr SwimJig reply : 
My parents took me there and said I can pick out anything I wanted, no matter the price.

I would have gotten a Z9.


Happy B-Day and I believe you will be very happy with the combo.  Be sure to use KVD L&L on that fluorocarbon, it will help tremendously.


fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 

Happy Birthday!

Enjoy your present, I'm sure it will serve you well.

fishing user avatarvon reply : 
My parents took me there and said I can pick out anything I wanted, no matter the price.

I would have gotten a Z9.

;D ;D

Happy Birthday and congrats on the new combo!

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 

I would've asked if they could buy the store for you. How cool would it be to own a Bass Pro?

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 

Happy Birthday and congrats on your new combo.  Just one question though.  If your parents said pick out anything, then how did you pass up the Loomis rod and Steez reel?  The look on their face at checkout woulda been priceless.

fishing user avatarflipin4bass reply : 

Happy Birthday and congrats on your new outfit. Now you've got to take it out and catch that fish of a lifetime.

fishing user avatarFL_Sharpshooter reply : 
My parents took me there and said I can pick out anything I wanted, no matter the price.

I would have gotten a Z9.

Haha, don't think I didn't look!

Happy Birthday and congrats on your new combo. Just one question though. If your parents said pick out anything, then how did you pass up the Loomis rod and Steez reel? The look on their face at checkout woulda been priceless.

True, but I swear I must have tried out every combo in that store. Honestly, the carbonlite rod and bps reel just felt the best in my hands. Just a comment about the loomis rods, but the guy that was helping me out said that there was a rod by a different name supposedly made by gary loomis, but he said gary couldn't manufacture the rod under the gloomis name. He claims the blank in the rod he showed me was a $300 blank, but the rod was only $100.  The name of the rod was Temple Fork Gary Loomis Signature. I tried it out, and I didn't like it. Don't know if that whole thing is true or not, but the guy seemed to know what he was talking about.

fishing user avatarFat-G reply : 

I would have gotten a GLX with a Core 50Mg. My parents would have been ticked.

fishing user avatarFL_Sharpshooter reply : 
I would have gotten a GLX with a Core 50Mg. My parents would have been ticked.

Lol, you're right there. I probably would've got the evil eye on that one. I'm just not really a name brand-type of guy. It doesn't matter if its a 70 dollar rod and reel, or a 700 dollar rod and reel. If it feels good to me, that's all that matters. I definitely didn't second guess myself on my pick, because I tried everything I wanted to. Everyone has a different preference for these things, so what works for me may not work for someone else.




fishing user avatarcentral.PA.bass reply : 

happy birthday and enjoy your new combo!

fishing user avatarFat-G reply : 

I hear ya on that brother.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Enjoy your new setup but do you really think that nice guy was really unbiased.

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 

is that the new micro guided carbonlite?

fishing user avatarStasher1 reply : 

I picked up the same rod for light t-rigs for my B-day a couple weeks ago and so far I'm really digging it. I have the 7' MH with the micro guides as well, but I wanted to be able to run braid with a leader so the micros weren't an option on this rod.

Enjoy your new combo. I have no experience with eth PQ, but they seem to get pretty good reviews. I'm sure it'll work well for you.

Oh, btw, Happy B-day.

fishing user avatarFL_Sharpshooter reply : 
Enjoy your new setup but do you really think that nice guy was really unbiased.

Absolutely, don't think just because I bought two bass pro brand items that he pushed them on me.  I asked to see both the rod and reel before he said anything.  On every rod and reel I picked up, he explained the pros and the cons.  He was like I said, unbiased in terms of saying, "well "this is better than this."  Like I said, it felt nice to me, so that's what I ended up with.

is that the new micro guided carbonlite?

It sure is!

I picked up the same rod for light t-rigs for my B-day a couple weeks ago and so far I'm really digging it. I have the 7' MH with the micro guides as well, but I wanted to be able to run braid with a leader so the micros weren't an option on this rod.

Enjoy your new combo. I have no experience with eth PQ, but they seem to get pretty good reviews. I'm sure it'll work well for you.

Oh, btw, Happy B-day.

Yeah, it's an awesome setup for sure.  The PQ is beyond smooth, I love it.  Thanks :).

fishing user avatarHookSetDon reply : 

congrats and happy bday, put some bend in that rod

fishing user avatarjohnD. reply : 

Happy Birthday !! You picked up a nice rod and reel.

But..The guy talking about the TFO rods has no idea lol.

Those rods are made in Korea.

With Gary Loomis name on them.

I wouldn't be comparing them to a G.Loomis.

fishing user avatarFinnz922 reply : 

H B Man nothing wrong with bps stuff if it feels right it is right.

fishing user avatarFL_Sharpshooter reply : 
Happy Birthday !! You picked up a nice rod and reel.

But..The guy talking about the TFO rods has no idea lol.

Those rods are made in Korea.

With Gary Loomis name on them.

I wouldn't be comparing them to a G.Loomis.

Thanks for clarifying this, I figured someone would have more info on that.  I picked it up and totally hated it.  I generally don't believe everything everyone says.

fishing user avatarMarineMichael reply : 

Happy Birthday. It sounds like you picked a nice setup.

If I'd been given that get whatever you want I'd have first asked if I could go to another store ... if not I'd have walked out with a new fully outfited Ocean Kayak Prowler Trident 13 angler edition in camo.

If they let me go to another store I'd have located one that had the Hobie Mirage Pro Angler 8-)

Almost forgot,  info on TFO rods

"Combining the proven designs of legendary rod designer Gary Loomis with Temple Fork Outfitters' cutting-edge materials, the Temple Fork Outfitters Gary Loomis Signature Casting Rods deliver unparalleled performance at an unparalleled price." 

So Gary helped design them, but they use TFO blanks, not blanks from Gary's new North Fork Composits company.   Those $300 blanks are (to my knowledge) only being used in the new Kistler Z-Bone LE series rods and sold in blank form to custom rod builders.


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