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Medium Or Medium Heavy For Topwater? 2025

fishing user avatarSodus Bay Scooter reply : 

Just want to get some opinions on the matter, thanks.

fishing user avatarAngry John reply : 

Size of bait matters a lot. Most times I run medium, but a g2 shellcracker is way to heavy for that rod. Taper will also change the weight some choose.

fishing user avatarFloridaFishinFool reply : 

Not only does size of bait matter, but size of fish too. I'd go with MH.

fishing user avatarSodus Bay Scooter reply : 

I don't throw anything heavier than the larger spook. Not sure if that would work with a med rod.

fishing user avatarS Hovanec reply : 

Bait size dictates. I prefer medium/XF, but I typically only throw spook juniors.

fishing user avatarFishTank reply : 

I like to use a MH 6'6" Fast rod for this application with 10lb mono.

fishing user avatarlmbfisherman reply : 

In general I use a MH for topwater. 

fishing user avatarJohn G reply : 

Mostly MH/F

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

I throw the original Zara spook on a MH/F

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I have both and let the situations dictate which I go with. 

fishing user avatartcbass reply : 

I use a Cabelas heavy topwater frog rod. It's awesome because it is light and feels like a medium heavy.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Medium Power/ Moderate Action or MH/F with a soft tip





fishing user avatarlong island basser reply : 
  On 12/31/2014 at 11:44 AM, Flip&bang said:

Just want to get some opinions on the matter, thanks.


fishing user avatarKyle46N reply : 

MH if I'm throwing an oversized lure, or if I'm fishing in thick cover.   Here on the Potomac I'm usually throwing a frog in thick vegetation, so a medium action rod would put me in trouble as soon as I hooked up with anything.   BUT, in open water situations, I will throw normal to smaller size lures on a medium action rod.  Sometimes even a medium light.   Keep in mind most of these topwaters are treble set ups, so you don't need much backbone for a massive hookset. 

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I use a M for treble hooked topwaters,and a MH or H for frogs depending on the cover.

fishing user avatarKyle46N reply : 
  On 12/31/2014 at 10:41 PM, ww2farmer said:

I use a M for treble hooked topwaters,and a MH or H for frogs depending on the cover. that I could be much more concise.  

fishing user avatarDTack reply : 

I guess I would lean more towards a MH, in the 7' to 7'3" range.  I take some people and ask them to start throwing their spooks (super spook, repoman, vixen, river2sea rover) on their jig rod and they're typically surprised how much they like it and how the hooks in fact don't "rip out" like they're supposed to!  My personal choice is a Dobyns Champion 734c. 

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

The size of the lure does play a part in rod my rod selection, 3/4 and 1 oz lures I'm using a 7' 8/17 med spinning, lighter lures it's a light or ml, I've been digging 1/4 oz on a ul, but that's open water fishing.

It isn't the size of the fish it's the water I have to pull them out of, the bigger on the lighter the better I like it.  

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

For my likes, it's a 7' ML avid spinning, throwing 1/4 oz pop'r type baits, w/ 1000 size spinning. I will use a M 7' as well minnow floaters.. In Florida I use MH to H baitcasting in freshwater lakes, with heavy hydrilla and lily pads, throwing larger cedar prop baits, like snook said, it's really about bait size vs cover = rod selection and sport factor..

fishing user avatarjitterbug127 reply : 

Both depends

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 

I use a Medium Heavy for most of my frogging (there's not a bunch of really heavy pads up here) and a medium for all hard body topwater baits.

fishing user avatarcyclops2 reply : 

The size of the weed stems RULES when a fish dives & wraps around a couple. BRUTE force can be necessary.


Open bare bottom ? go with 2# or 4# line. He is not going to get away.


Rod action to me, is very unimportant.

fishing user avatarBlues19 reply : 

I would use a Medium for most topwaters except for a Big spook or a frog.

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

Why go with 2-4lb line when you can get just as many bites with twice the strength? I could see that maybe once in a blue moon using a small test line could boat you another fish or two but on a day to day basis you don't need to waste time with 2# line... Heck a big bluegill can break you off on 2# line. If you have any, and I mean ANY kinks or nicks in your line or your knot is not perfect on line that light you can kiss that trophy bass goodbye.

And rod action is very important to me when it comes to presenting baits and getting a good hook set, different applications call for different rod actions.

fishing user avatarcyclops2 reply : 

With braids.  You need almost no hook set swings. Add in that I am barbeless.  The fish is hooked easily. Keep a no slack line.. Rod vertical or bent back a little.


If  I lose a great jumper fish  I accept that he was lucky or better than me.  No problem & I enjoyed the contest.


Catching perch for food. 10# test & big barbed trebles.  Reel fast & in the boat. Cut the gill arteries to drain some blood out Into the big ziplock in ice water.



Those are my 2 styles.

fishing user avatariabass8 reply : 
  On 1/2/2015 at 12:54 AM, cyclops2 said:

With braids.  You need almost no hook set swings. Add in that I am barbeless.  The fish is hooked easily. Keep a no slack line.. Rod vertical or bent back a little.


If  I lose a great jumper fish  I accept that he was lucky or better than me.  No problem & I enjoyed the contest.


Catching perch for food. 10# test & big barbed trebles.  Reel fast & in the boat. Cut the gill arteries to drain some blood out Into the big ziplock in ice water.



Those are my 2 styles.

This literally has nothing to do with this topic......


  On 1/2/2015 at 12:03 AM, cyclops2 said:

The size of the weed stems RULES when a fish dives & wraps around a couple. BRUTE force can be necessary.


Open bare bottom ? go with 2# or 4# line. He is not going to get away.


Rod action to me, is very unimportant


The topic is about rod power, not action.

fishing user avatardesmobob reply : 

Medium-Heavy for me.



Tight lines,


fishing user avatarthehooligan reply : 

Medium heavy for hollow body frogs, medium for everything else...

fishing user avatarcyclops2 reply : 


fishing user avatarcyclops2 reply : 

Went to Rajeff  for a explanation. Thanks for the technical wakeup .  I use medium power & medium action in everything I buy. If available.

fishing user avatarSodus Bay Scooter reply : 

Thanks for the responses guys. I'm gonna try some mono on a 7'mh and see how I like that.

By the way, there's no way to practice walking the dog without water is there??

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Medium heavy.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I'm not quite sure why I would use a different power rod for hollow body frogs compared to a soft plastic (Zoom) or any any other top water lure.  Given similar lure weights it's how the rod is going to load up and how much cover I have to pull a fish thru.

fishing user avatarsmalljaw67 reply : 

Medium heavy is great for topwaters that don't have treble hooks, unless the MH is a moderate action. Topwaters with trebles like spooks and popper I treat just like a jerkbait, I use a shorter rod with medium power and fast action, the short length and fast action allow me precise control over the bait and the medium power offers just enough forgiveness or flex to allow me to fight the fish on small treble hooks without pulling them out. I do like a medium heavy with a moderate fast action for a super spook but regular Zara Spooks and super spook Jr.s get used with a medium power, fast action rod.

fishing user avatarAngry John reply : 
  On 1/2/2015 at 2:18 PM, Flip&bang said:

Thanks for the responses guys. I'm gonna try some mono on a 7'mh and see how I like that.

By the way, there's no way to practice walking the dog without water is there??

Not that i know of, it is a feel and timing thing that just takes practice on the water.

fishing user avatarcyclops2 reply : 

I Get carried away on learning something new. So I got the rythem down correct for me in open water. Then changed the trebles to weedless. More open water weedless practice.  Then into pockets of reeds.  The bass & pike were hungry .  I used the 60# Ande mono.  


Had to lift the 9.9 hp & row or pole in to retrieve a lure with a hook stuck into a stem the size of my pinky.  Well worth the retrival efforts.  




The LM living at each reed pocket would bite anytime.


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