I won the grand championship for backlashing the other day. I ended up having to cut some line to un-do it. I was just wondering if there are tips/best ways to un-do a backlash, if there is such a thing.
Well if your drag is set kinda tight you can put your thumb on the spool and do a few turns. If it is ever insanely bad instead of cutting out line you can just cut off your bait and pull the backlash out from underneath. It might save you a bunch of line possibly. I would always go with pulling it out from underneath with braided line as it kinda last forever and I would want to keep a full spool. There is no such thing as a backlash that is impossible to get out.
they are a lot easier to get out of braid. Just spool it on tight enough that your fingernail can't dig down into it and make sure it stays packed on there that way. I don't get major ones anymore, but when I do backlash, I can usually just pull it out. Sometimes I have to pull out a loop or two, but it's just never so bad I'd consider cutting it. I bet a toothpick or tweezers would come in handy.
Lock down drag
Keep pressure on the spool with your thumb
Turn the handle a few times
Pull line until said backlash comes free
If it doesn't pull free, rinse and repeat.
And if that doesn't work, you got a nasty mess on your hands and will need to be cut free. The technique above has always worked for me though.
Carry a crochet hook with you always.
To help from getting real bad ones in the future, make as long a cast as you can, then pull out another 20 yds....Put a piece of electrical tape on the spool.
The next time you over run, it won't be as bad as the spool will stop once it reaches the tape.
I usually disengage reel and put thumb on spool and pull line out until I reach a spot where the line goes under other line in a 'v'. I grab that v and pull up a bit then pull main line out again.
well first of all ,I am a certified backlash expert (you decide whether that's good or bad) and pulling out backlashes really does become quite simple. I'm sure you've heard of the thumb trick. What I've noticed about it is that it doesn't work with braid, t's just too slick. So I don't even try the thumb trick with braid. I'll just run through my process. First lightly pull your line until you see where the line has looped around itself. Pull out those loops the farthest you can and the tug the line coming out to the rod again. This should free the line. If it doesn't, then repeat until it does (because it will eventually). One thing about backlashes that people tend not to mention is when the line gets caught under itself and is tight against the reel. This is a lot different than your regular backlash loop and is harder to remove. The way I do it is simple though. Just push some of the end of you line through and grab it near the thumbar. Lightly pull that line backwards toward you until it comes free. Also, I always pull a couple extra feet out after I think I fixed the line just to make sure it's smooth. By the way, one way backlashe happen for me is when I witch from heavy to lighter lures, even after adjusting friction and magnets. The secret is the casting technique. With a lighter lure, kind of "flick" it out with a sidearm cast, thrusting upward instead of forward. This makes a huge difference. Told you I was an expert.
There is a YouTube post on this topic
LIne pick..............or flatten down the barb on a long shank hook.
The thumb trick, or if that doesn't work (and especially wih braid) just keep pulling line until it catches. When it catches, pull the "catch" or loop preventing the line from flowing freely. All of this can be done from the top of the spool. One reason I prefer braid (in addition to all of it's casting benefits) is that it's limpness prevents it from getting crimped and weak in the event of a nasty backlash. Having to cut damaged line from a spool sucks.
Braid really helps.
On 8/15/2015 at 6:40 AM, I.rar said:Lock down drag
Keep pressure on the spool with your thumb
Turn the handle a few times
Pull line until said backlash comes free
If it doesn't pull free, rinse and repeat.
And if that doesn't work, you got a nasty mess on your hands and will need to be cut free. The technique above has always worked for me though.
And if that doesn't work, try this.
I keep it simple. I use the Pick and Pull method
BPS sells a line pick that is handy for situations like this. Buy several and have them scattered around in your boat so that one is relatively close when you need it.
deep, I want to thank you for posting that video.I recently underwent my second surgery (torn rotator cuff)and haven't had much to brighten my spirits lately.When I watched it I almost peed my pants.Thank you.
Time to pick me up a "qwuantum"
I just use a line pick.. even though just using the thumb trick method would be easier.
This is because I have heard of more than a few people destroying the gears on their reel by putting too much tension on their gears by reeling in too hard.
Just pick it out with your fingers or a toothpick
The people saying that all backlashes can be picked out, have never had their lure snag on a tree at the same time you release! Sometimes all you can do is cut it off. BTW if you're using florio the line will need replaced even on the easy backlash. A kink in florio is the same as cut only the outer shell will be holding it together.
I've stopped cutting my fingernails really short.
Oh....and, Deep, you should have warned that the video is not safe for work....I was laughing so hard my boss came by to see what I wasn't working on
On 8/15/2015 at 9:53 PM, deep said:Yes.
And if that doesn't work, try this.
Can't stop giggling hahaha... Poof! It's gone!
HAH Deep....a Lewsies? Backlash means it's a bad reel?
On 8/16/2015 at 11:38 AM, retiredbosn said:The people saying that all backlashes can be picked out, have never had their lure snag on a tree at the same time you release!
Sometimes all you can do is cut it off. BTW if you're using florio the line will need replaced even on the easy backlash. A kink in florio is the same as cut only the outer shell will be holding it together.
I am sure they all could if you were really dedicated and spent enough time on it. But really though if it is a nightmare of a backlash it possibly worth it to just cut the lure off and pull the line back through and see if you cant get it out pretty easily. Its probably better then loosing a huge chunk of line on your reel that you will have to most likely respool. The time it takes to do all that probably will take longer then it would of to undo the backlash.
On 8/15/2015 at 9:53 PM, deep said:Yes.
And if that doesn't work, try this.
LOL, THAT is EPIC! Lolololllllklllllllololol
Sharp scissors? Works every time.
I usually reel it up, put it away, grab another rod and worry about the backlash later. I use this as an opportunity to put some fresh line on. I use Big Game 15# mono on two of my BC reels so changing line several times a season is a good idea.
It all depends on how bad the backlash is. If you don't spool your reel with the line tight it will back lash really deep. I've spent 2 hours trying to dig out a backlash without success and ended up having to cut out half the line. As long as you reel is spooled tight it shouldn't backlash that deep if your thumbing your reel half way proper. I usually just get very minor backlashes that can be fixed quick with the pick and pull method.
I pick and use the thumb method at times. I dislike the thumb method as I have to tighten the drag down and then readjust just something else to forget until you hook into a fish.
If it's not too bad then sometimes it just pulls right out without having to cut your line.
I have a BPS line pick, and it is so weak I gave it up in favor of a small crochet hook. It is especially valuable on today's reels which have very little room for fingers to pick the loops.
On 8/28/2015 at 10:56 AM, JETSWU87 said:I pick and use the thumb method at times. I dislike the thumb method as I have to tighten the drag down and then readjust just something else to forget until you hook into a fish.
I really like the thumb method as well, good videos on YouTube for how to
On 8/28/2015 at 10:56 AM, JETSWU87 said:I pick and use the thumb method at times. I dislike the thumb method as I have to tighten the drag down and then readjust just something else to forget until you hook into a fish.
I really like the thumb method as well, good videos on YouTube for how to