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Fountainhead 9-13-2008 2025

fishing user avatarslomoe reply : 

Saturday started out pretty bad. All together I lost 4 at the boat. Two of them that would make you sick to the stomach. After the last one I was screaming "I'll be back %*&h@#(*#$, and you'll be sorry!" I checked all my gear and everything looked good. They weren't breaking my line, and I was really slammin the hooksets, so I dunno why they were coming off.

I finally ended up with one 20 min before we left on a blk/blu jig. It was nice, but the other two will be haunting me for a while. ;D


fishing user avatarA.Do? reply : 

Nice job buddy! You can't win them all! Better to have hooked and lost then to have never hooked at all! Sorry if that doesn't make sense, got serious case of the mondays. Nice fish though!

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

Sorry to hear about you loosing them, but it is better to have fought them and loose them then not hook any.  I lost one nice one Saturday around 4lbs so I feel for you, he threw my Manns -1 right next to the canoe.

fishing user avatarslomoe reply : 
got serious case of the mondays.



Thanks guys

fishing user avatarSimonSays reply : 

It's all good! You'll hit em next time, the one you got there is pretty nice!

fishing user avatareddieinva reply : 

ahh that sucks man, but nice one on the pic!  hopefully i'll start landing some like that soon..  

fishing user avatarokrod reply : 

Nice fish.  I was out there Friday afternoon until dark.  Caught the tale end of the rain, but what a beautiful day.  Landed one just over 2 lbs and a small keeper.  Hit on a 7" curly tail casting along a bank and the other on a spinner dragging along the edge of school of bait fish.  

I figured there was something feeding on the schools (which there were a lot of) since they kept bubbling the surface, but I don't know the proper technique.  I figure a white spinner closely matched the fish, but it took a while to land the one.  Can anyone advice?

fishing user avatarMepps reply : 

Nice work out there Allyn, I hear ya about the lost fish.  >:(

fishing user avatarPigsticker reply : 

that sucks but do not beat yourself up they always look bigger when you lose them at the boat.

That doesn't sound too bad you do not have to go to a counselor like Matt Strykul....yet ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarslomoe reply : 

Thanks for the comments guys.

I figured there was something feeding on the schools (which there were a lot of) since they kept bubbling the surface, but I don't know the proper technique. I figure a white spinner closely matched the fish, but it took a while to land the one. Can anyone advice?

Okrod, I've caught a few like this but on cranks.

that sucks but do not beat yourself up they always look bigger when you lose them at the boat.

;D the thing is I never saw either, but they were pulling drag like crazy and that doesn't happen too often. I keep my drag pretty tight.

To make sure I wasn't going crazy, I said to my buddy "hey look" and pointed to my line as it started creepin off to the side, and he gave me a look like "What you telling me for, set the hook!" So I slammed it and fought for a few seconds then *POP* :'(

fishing user avatarflippin4it. reply : 

      I came across a article about this years ago, since putting the info to use I loose a lot less fish. Use a 7ft or longer med/hvy or hvy with a really fast tip. Set the hook hard and apply a lot of pressure during the fight, with a jig set up this should be easy. Also when jig fishing I crank the drag way down and keep lots of pressure on the fish. They seem to throw the hook on a head shake, so if you apply pressure they don't seem to shake as much.

             The article was by Rick Clunn.

fishing user avatarPigsticker reply : 

drag?? If your using a baitcaster tighten it all the way down and keep your thumb on the spool as much as possible, nothing should be taking drag keep reeling til the fish is in the boat ;)

This works alot better with braid ;)

fishing user avatarMattStrykul reply : 

HAhahaha yes Steve, I'm still going to counseling for that fish I missed (aka those 4 fish) during that tournament. I still think about it too much!!!!!!

Good work Slomoe. I'll be fishing there this weekend, I'll report back if I catch anything.  ;D

fishing user avatarTuco reply : 

I missed two fish that Saturday in the reservoir also, one I lost on a horny toad and one on a spinner. They were both decent fish and I was pretty confident I had them both hooked well. That was a brutal day for fishing, it got hot by 8:00 am and that sun was merciless. I ended up boating two fish but the two that got away really made that day nightmarish. I mean how do you lose a bass on a spinner?

Anyway a nightmarish day fishing beats any day working, even if you have to sweat to land two. Sorry to hear about your lost fish, maybe there were just a couple big crafty bass that day messing with the fishermen.

fishing user avatarslomoe reply : 

;D Yeah, I think your right.

I used to lose a lot of fish on the spinnerbait until I started using trailer hooks.

fishing user avatarMattStrykul reply : 

Went out today to prefish, caught 6, 3 keepers, two that were 13 1/4 and one more that was a dink.

Great day, except the hub on our prop slipped and we could not go above idle  >:( luckily, found a prop thanks to my Dad. I must have called 15 stores that sold outboards/parts and NO ONE had a 9.9 yamaha prop. Dad found the only place in NOVA 8-)

We fished from 630-12, but we FISHED from 630 to about 10 when our motor screwed up. One whole hour and then some of trollin back to fountainhead  ::)

Fish were shallow......jigs and trigs.  ;) Hope this holds up for tomorrow, want to finish the season out with atleast one 6 fish limit ::) We're kind of jokes  ;D

Absolutely beautiful day out there, though it was cold in the morning, it was so nice once the sun came out. Fish were bitin and it was a nice day out, what more could I ask for.

I'll report on how we do tomorrow after the tournament.

fishing user avatarslomoe reply : 

Even with a screwed up motor, you did better than we did.  ;D

good luck tomorrow.

fishing user avatarMattStrykul reply : 

I mean our trolling motor was fine, so fishing was easy it was just getting from point A to point B.........then BACK to point A ;D

Thanks for the good luck I really hope we do well.

fishing user avatarptomacbass reply : 

has the fall bite started yet at fountainhead?

fishing user avatarflippin4it. reply : 
has the fall bite started yet at fountainhead?

         Not yet........It'll be a couple of weeks.

fishing user avatarMattStrykul reply : 

What a day. ::) One lousy keeper, and the rest dinks. So much for gettin a limit.

Cool thing was that first place was a 5 fish bag, and it's 6 fish for limit. He had 19 lbs and a 6lb kicker. Second place had 18 something, with a six pounder as well. Both of them were doing the same thing, fishin the channel edge. Crank, c-rigs, and probably jigs. We went by both teams a couple of times, second place was sitting in one spot all day on the channel edge, wehave seen him there previous tournaments as well.

My goal is to be more consistant and make the classic next year. ;)

fishing user avatarPigsticker reply : 

phhhh that tournament doesn't matter.Now you catch a nice limit next sunday during the Gaston tournament then you'd be in business. ;)

fishing user avatarflippin4it. reply : 
What a day. ::) One lousy keeper, and the rest dinks. So much for gettin a limit.

Cool thing was that first place was a 5 fish bag, and it's 6 fish for limit. He had 19 lbs and a 6lb kicker. Second place had 18 something, with a six pounder as well. Both of them were doing the same thing, fishin the channel edge. Crank, c-rigs, and probably jigs. We went by both teams a couple of times, second place was sitting in one spot all day on the channel edge, wehave seen him there previous tournaments as well.

My goal is to be more consistant and make the classic next year. ;)

   Who won it?  Matt, that is an excellent goal. If you make the classic I will hire 3 hooters girls that are holding signs that read "GO MATT STRYKUL!!"

fishing user avatarMattStrykul reply : 

Rob I'm going to hold you to that!!!!!!!.  ;D At one point this year, we were in 20th place, and we didn't fish 3 tournaments, maybe even 4 this year....They take the top 15, and the 16th and 17th place that have fished every tournament. I just have to get better, and weigh EVERY fish that we catch. We had tournaments where we only caught 2-3 fish and didn't weigh.

I don't know the guys' name who won it. Dillinger/ Keller got 2nd though.

fishing user avatarMattStrykul reply : 

And Steve, the gaston tourney is on the 5th of october ;)

fishing user avatarPigsticker reply : 

really then I'll drive Priscilla down to your weigh in ;) ;D

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

the winning bag was caught by Glen Christianson, Big Daddys brother. Both first and second place were fishing cover that everyone saw last year when the water level was low. Dillinger and Keller jumped around to a couple of times. My partner and I finished with 4 fish for a bit over 6 Lbs. We fished deep most of the day catching small fish with the occasional keeper. Shakey and drop shot. We tried to flip some up later in the day with very poor results. Had some fish hooked up that felt decient but came unbuttoned. Matt, you need to pay attention to the bait this time of year. Keep an eye on where they are in relation to creek mouths. Let me know if you want to get after them sometime. If you can get a day off during the week before the classic I'm gonna be practicing a couple days and would be willing to show you some places.

fishing user avatarflippin4it. reply : 

                But can you beat my boy Gerkin????

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

I've had some success on the res.  Dan has had much more success on the res.  If you talk to Dan, ask him about the whoopin' he and Mike Fisher took when we fished hunting run the second day it was open!!!  It was all in good fun.  No doubt about it , Dan is one of the best fishermen on Fountainhead.  

fishing user avatarMattStrykul reply : 

Quanjig who are you exactly? I'd love to do some fishin.

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

I'm Jon Hudgins.  I kinda help Mike and Dan out when they need help with sign up in the mornings.  Let me know if you want to get out there.  My outboard is in the shop getting a new powerhead.(second one in two years!!) NOT HAPPY.  I will be in Wisconsin from Oct. 2-7.  I'll be checking the web site regularly.  E-mail me if your interested in getting out after that.  

fishing user avatarMattStrykul reply : 

Oh yeah I overheard Mr. Sparks talkin about your powerhead!! He was sayin "Lil jons powerhead blew again.." I wasn't sure who he was talking about. I know your last name, but I don't know who you are exactly. Have we talked before? Are you sittin there in the morning with Mike and Dan?

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

yea thats usually me, hat on my head and smokin' a cigar.  Not sure that we have actually had a conversation, but a bunch of us think you guys have been putting in good time on the res and deserve to be let in on some of how things happen out there.  I'm not gonna give you everything, but we think you can figure a lot out on your own with some inside info.  You have to understand that a lot of these guys have been fishing out there for 20-25 years and believe you should have to figure this stuff out all by yourself.  I was lucky enough to have some people "clue me in" on things that go on at certain times of the year.  Not gonna give you specific spots, but will show you how to approach some of the community holes and how to line them up if you don't already know.  with this info you can duplicate your success on other similar places.  You up for that???  lemmie know

fishing user avatarMattStrykul reply : 

I know exactly who you are now ;D.

I completely understand you not giving me spots, thats just stealing thats not learning how to fish. We will get our win when we get it. Of course we try every tournament to win but we aren't killing ourselves over it. I know there are guys that fish those tournaments that are amazing.

I am definetly up for some fishing when you get back. I'm just glad that a lot of you guys respect us as a team and don't just think we're jokes. We fish hard and even if we don't catch them we will always be there the next week.

Hey I'm gonna PM you about something from last tournament....just givin you a heads up.


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