ok guys, my friend (5' 6") is trying to pass this off as a 20" 6lb bass....lets give him a helping hand and try to estimate the REAL weight of this bass lol....i'd say a little under 3lbs. how bout yall?
Might hit 3 lbs, give or take 1/2 a lb. Definitely not a 6lbr but a nice fish all the same. Nice and dead
I guess we can be happy its not a 6 :-/ I hope he at least ate it.
This is a 5,..for reference
I think he needs to clean his glasses I'd say you are right +/-
You're right... it's under 3 lbs. No question about it.
QuoteI think he needs to clean his glassesI'd say you are right +/-
lolz i like that one! ;D
Two and half, 3 at the most with 6 tungstein sinkers in its belly.
Low 2's for sure.
QuoteLow 2's for sure.
Boy, you're tough,lol,.....someone have too many packages on their truck today??? ;D
I'll post a pic like LBH did to compare. I'm 5'4 (not that has to do with much) and this fish is 5.2 lbs.....That fish looks like mid 2's.
2.5lbs max. This is a 6lber. and I'm 6'1".
That bass is around 2.5 LBS and is NOT 20 inches....
Here is a picture of a 2.5 LB bass I caught that was 16 inches and it still looks bigger than his.....
QuoteLow 2's for sure.
Even your a few ounces to high.
Im going to say 2 even.
A 20 inch bass wouldent weigh 6 LBS anyway. A 20 inch bass would be between 4 and 5 lbs....
that bass is about 2 pds heres a pic a little under 2 1/2pds
I agree it looks like a 2 - 2.5. No way it's 6....
Here's a 3 pounder on my digital scale, it's been pretty accuate when I weighed my catch then weighed them in at a tourney.
man if that's 6# then i'm catching alot of 6-8 pounders.....
No way that fish is 20 inches either. No way.....Maybe 16 and thats pushing it IMO.
I would say about 2lbs as well.
lol I think he is well on his way of being a classic fisherman though telling people stories like that. What makes it worse though is that he is showing the picture of it. At least if your going to fib a little, don't flash around pictures like that.
Id say 2 lbs, 2 1/2 at the most
On many Texas lakes there is a 14 minimum size limit; I've looked at many a 14 fish and the bass is barely over 14. A 14 bass in Texas is probably 1 ¾ - 2 pounds and this bass is maybe 2 lbs.
Also reference the kid's hands; if this bass was 6 lbs plus he would be able to stick his entire fist into its mouth which aint gonna happen with this bass. Also look at the kid's middle finger which appears to be around 3 in length if this bass is 20 you would have to multiply his middle finger 6 ½ times to equal 20. After putting the photo in Paint and measuring the middle finger it come out a little over 4x its length which put the bass at 13 to 14.
6? No...not a chance. If it was, that would make the fish in my avatar 317 lbs.
Fisherman...attempting to defy the laws of physics every day...
QuoteFisherman...attempting to defy the laws of physics every day...
Haha, so true Chris!!! My fiancee caught a huge carp at Ft Belvoir a few months back got it to the shoreline but it snapped her line when me friend Troy went to net it. Every time she tells the story of it splashing by the shoreline and the 15 minute fight it gains another pound. I mean I know I exaggerate sometimes but I'd say that fish Grimlin just showed is pretty dang close to the one d's friend caught. That fish is a bit over 2 lbs, I'd call 2lbs 5oz or so. Nice fish, but not 6!
Ps: Did he end up eating it? Or is he getting a mount...?
And oh yea... that pic in my Avatar... 2.5lbs even on my digi.
Here is one I caught that was about 13inch and it was about 1.25-1.50Lbs. His is a little bigger (a little longer looking, not fatter) then this one, so I would say 2Lbs or so.
Quoteok guys, my friend (5' 6") is trying to pass this off as a 20" 6lb bass....lets give him a helping hand and try to estimate the REAL weight of this basslol....i'd say a little under 3lbs. how bout yall?
Can you ask your friend where he got his scale? I'd like to pick one up.
QuoteQuoteok guys, my friend (5' 6") is trying to pass this off as a 20" 6lb bass....lets give him a helping hand and try to estimate the REAL weight of this basslol....i'd say a little under 3lbs. how bout yall?
Can you ask your friend where he got his scale? I'd like to pick one up.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
id say 2 pounds 2 ounces or something like that
2 pound's is my guess, and does your friend have lipstick on?
QuoteQuoteok guys, my friend (5' 6") is trying to pass this off as a 20" 6lb bass....lets give him a helping hand and try to estimate the REAL weight of this basslol....i'd say a little under 3lbs. how bout yall?
Can you ask your friend where he got his scale? I'd like to pick one up.
And someone needs to teach him how to use a measuring tape. :-X
;D ;D ;D
lmao you guys are too funny!!!!!!!! hahahahaha!!!!!
Around 3 pounds
QuoteQuoteLow 2's for sure.Boy, you're tough,lol,.....someone have too many packages on their truck today???
I'm just the authority on catching 2lb bass that's all.....the Doug Hannon of Dinks if you will.
Quote2 pound's is my guess, and does your friend have lipstick on?
I think so!! ;D ;D ;D
QuoteId say 2 lbs, 2 1/2 at the most
I agree with what you said, No way is it 6...
6 pounds my azzz. :-?
That fish is around 2. 8-)
yea i would say 2... Good thing your friend doesnt have a account he would probably hate us all...what did you say when he said it was 6 lbs....
it looks like a 1 lber.....no girth, not a big mouth.....it looks small, and thats a kid thats with it so its real small....
Well, here's mine for comparison.
Quoteyea i would say 2... Good thing your friend doesnt have a account he would probably hate us all...what did you say when he said it was 6 lbs....
haha yeah he would be upset lol! but i gave him the link to it so he can check in and see what we all think of the bass....it seems to be pretty obvious that its in the 2-2.5 pound range. def not 6. when he said it was 6lbs i was like BULL S***!!!!!! and after a minute or two of arguing with him he lowered the weight to 5.8lbs. still no way in hell lol!
QuoteWell, here's mine for comparison.
nice try
This fish is 3lbs and it is the average size I catch at my pond.