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What the pros make 2024

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

Got the BASSMaster ProGuide today and it has an article about what some of the top pros make from their sponsorship deals.

The numbers are, quite simply, mind-boggling.

They listed six and here they are.

Skeet Reese - $600 000

Gerald Swindle - $515 000

KVD - $500 000

Jason Quinn - $400 000

Ike - $370 000 (more before he lost his Ranger sponsorship after last year's Classic)

Marty Stone - $320 000

I was surprised that Reese gets more than an established angler like KVD.  

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

It pales in comparison....

Tiger Woods endorsement of NIKE was worth $100,000,000. I know it's not a fair comparison, just a trivial fact.


fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

The article said that sometime in the near future, someone like Ike or KVD (doubtful) would probably sign a big-time deal with a sponsor like Nike.

I could see Ike, Reese, or Swindle signing such a deal, but I don't think you would ever see KVD sign a deal like that.

Assuming, of course, that the Elite Series continues to get good coverage on ESPN.

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

Even at $600k, that is chump change compared to what other "athletes" make.   Until major players like Nike see the benefits to the industry that is.

Can you imagine a pair of Nike "Skeet Reese" edition bass boat shoes?   :)

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

lol I would be willing to bet that Skeet's Nike Air Bass Shoes

would be black and yellow.

JT Bagwell

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
Even at $600k, that is chump change compared to what other "athletes" make. :)

That's because they are "athlete's",...a very important job position in our country.  My sister is a teacher, That job is only worth 35k.  

fishing user avatarBassChaser57 reply : 

We all know it is not how much the anglers get, it is how much revenue they can generate for the sponsor that matters. How about a 30 second spot on the superbowl? There has to be the hope of a payback for the companies or it won't happen. It just boils down to spending money to make money.

For me it seems to be--spend money to go fishing. 8-)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
Even at $600k, that is chump change compared to what other "athletes" make. Until major players like Nike see the benefits to the industry that is.

Can you imagine a pair of Nike "Skeet Reese" edition bass boat shoes? :)

It is very unlikely that fishing pros will ever be money makers. Revenues are driven by television, spectator friendly sports. With the exception of a very small "cult" following, bass fishing on tv is never going to be "big."

I think it is unfortunate that so many young anglers aspire to be professional fishermen. With the exception of just a hand full of people, this is a dead end career path. Potential earnings are VERY limited. Persuing a career at the professional level is better suited as a sideline or second career. I suspect the "average" earnings for the top 100 pros (after expenses) is negative, but that would almost definitely be the case if the sample were the top 200. Financial success is limited to a very select group.

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 


If you go to Jay Kumar's site, there is a listing of how much

each angler won this past season. These figures look decent

right off the bat, but this doesn't account for the $60,000 in

entry fees, hotels, gas, trucks, boats, food, etc.

I used to get asked a lot, why I didn't try to fish the tours. My

response was always that I already make more money than

85% - 90% of the tour Pros.

I for one like to have a secure income and leave the fishing

industry as my 2nd income.

JT Bagwell

fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 

On top of their salary, they also get all tournament fees paid, free gas, truck, boat electronics, tackle, clothes, etc, etc, etc. Don't forget that they have numerous sponsors, and are getting paid by more than one company. Also, on top of all that pay, they get all of their winnings too... Also, any profits for making appearances, their personal brands of tackle, fishing shows, etc.

Keep in mind also that only the cream of the crop are making this kind of money. Most of the other pros are just making enough money to keep fishing. While the least paid sports athelete is breaking the bank...

I agree that it is not nearly the pay of other prime sports, but they aren't hurting either... My friend is an FLW pro, and even the he doesn't always make the cut, he still makes enough money to support his family and have a nice lifestyle. He also just finished 10th on Okeechobee which helps a bit too...

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

Very few are getting free boats, trucks, gas, etc.

As stated previously, most are just making enough

to keep fishing.

JT Bagwell

fishing user avatarBD reply : 

I heard (and this could be WAY off) but that they spend in a season about $55k.

If you're not placing even in 10th, and sponsors are not beating down your door, yep I can see negative balances in your finances.

I wanted when I was younger to fish professionally, but it's too hard $ wise.

Now ironically I am after only big fish, so the run and gun/beat the bank/ won't work.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Ish Monoroe hasn't been one of the top money guys for years until this last season, yet he can afford to buy some top dollar land in Texas and build another home.   (Vacation home at that).

        I don't think those numbers are even close to what they really do make.    Theres alot more money being made than reported to us.     Just how many of those guys show their true earnings?     Kind of like Marcia Rubin on here talking about what sponsor do and don't do, yet actual numbers are never mentioned, so just how factual can BassMaster Magazine be?

Its taboo to discuss deals, why would BASS be any different?    


fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

Ish has always made good money on the West Coast and he

does a lot of promotional work.

There are some West Coast guys that have over $1,000,000 in

winnings and have never fished the two major tours.

JT Bagwell

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Not to be arguementitive, but are they just getting by, or are they doing pretty well? Two statements, two different meanings. Which is it?

There are lots of pros who have been on tour for 10 years, 15 yrs, and 20+, and they haven't stopped due to lack of funds over the years when bass fishing was truly in its lean years.

I think some could walk away right now and not have to ever work another day.

By the way, on another site, it shows winnings in 2006, over 60 anglers are listed to have made over 100K for 2006. That is winnings, and has nothing to do with sponsorship monies, or percentage of product sold, or seminars.   27 of them are BASS.


fishing user avatarLane reply : 

RW and JT have hit the nail on the head! This industry is SMALL and limited. In fact it

gets smaller every year! My husband has been in the sportfishing industry for 25 years,

16 of those years with his own company. We are starting to diversify outside the industry.

Anglers that fish regional or local trails, stand a MUCH better chance of financing their

passion or addiction to tournament angling. MANY anglers go broke trying to keep up

with travel expenses, entry fees, gas, etc!

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I am kind of on the LBH groove.I really don't give a thought into what these guys, who have worked hard make, not my concern! I do however wonder why movie stars and athletes and STARS in general make so much as compared to First Responders,Cops,Teachers,Soldiers Things seem a wee bit out of wack :-[

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

On the skirts of the subject, a driver asked me this morning why UPS doesn't sponsor a pro trail angler, they have Dale Jarred in Nascar so why Nnot BASS?  I told him that the $$ they put in Nascar pretty much covers , demographically, a huge portion of the target group in Bass fishing. (that's an assumption on my part)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey LBH I have a spot on my 12 foot battered and mishandled aluminum boat for a UPS decal  ::)

fishing user avatarGorgebassman reply : 

Maybe I need to go reread that article but it is my understanding that the money those guys were getting was from sponsorship money only and provided they get in the money for there tournament fishing that could end up makeing them a nice chunk of change beyond what was printed in the magazine.

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 
Even at $600k, that is chump change compared to what other "athletes" make. :)

That's because they are "athlete's",...a very important job position in our country. My sister is a teacher, That job is only worth 35k.

sickening,isn't it?it's because most americans support those athletes.if nobody watched it or spent money on it it wouldn't be that's called poor priorties.

fishing user avatarboondocks reply : 
I am kind of on the LBH groove.I really don't give a thought into what these guys, who have worked hard make, not my concern! I do however wonder why movie stars and athletes and STARS in general make so much as compared to First Responders,Cops,Teachers,Soldiers Things seem a wee bit out of wack :-[

Go to a movie theater on a Friday night and stand in line for an hour and you'll see why they are making so much. $7.50  just to see a movie. Lunacy. :o

fishing user avatarsquid reply : 
RW and JT have hit the nail on the head! This industry is SMALL and limited. In fact it

gets smaller every year! My husband has been in the sportfishing industry for 25 years,

16 of those years with his own company. We are starting to diversify outside the industry.

Anglers that fish regional or local trails, stand a MUCH better chance of financing their

passion or addiction to tournament angling. MANY anglers go broke trying to keep up

with travel expenses, entry fees, gas, etc!




fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

Go to a movie theater on a Friday night and stand in line for an hour and you'll see why they are making so much. $7.50  just to see a movie. Lunacy. :o

Where do you live? You can't get into a matinee where I live for $7.50, more like $9.00. Go figure......

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I understand that only a small percentage really make the big bucks,but I'd certainly tale that chump change of a half a mil a year to go fishing !

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

I think it is unfortunate that so many young anglers aspire to be professional fishermen....... Financial success is limited to a very select group.


Youngsters want to be pro anglers for the same reason that they want to be rock stars. It seems glamourous and fun all the time. I studied music in college and made a record in 1979. Made money as a musician till arthritis took my hands. When you get to the level of making a living in music or pro fishing, it will become some of the hardest work there is. Constantly traveling, being away from family and your whole world is affected by your next perfromance. If you have such a passion that you are willing to sleep in your car, work 16 hours a day, eat peanut butter (no jelly) at every meal and utterly depend on the kindness of strangers, you might have a shot at getting by. That's the reality of most musicians and pro fishermen. JMHE


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

It does seemed skewed, that an EMS tech can save your life for 35K a year and Paris Hilton does absolutely nothing and has earned close to 100 million.

but who said life is fair?

When ARod signed that huge contract with the Yankees I heard all this talk about how no baseball player could be worth that kind of money.  Well, obviously George Steinbrenner does, because he's paying it.

I can't imagine bass pro's making the kind of money the start athletes in the big money sports make.

I mean guys, let's face it, where on your list of favorite spectator sports would you put bass fishing?

For me it would be somewhere below womens beach volleyball and somewhere above mens beach volleyball.

fishing user avatarboondocks reply : 

Go to a movie theater on a Friday night and stand in line for an hour and you'll see why they are making so much. $7.50 just to see a movie. Lunacy. :o

Where do you live? You can't get into a matinee where I live for $7.50, more like $9.00. Go figure......

Well I must admit its been awile since I'v been to a movie. By the way I live in North Dakota. We are a little behind the times up here if you know what I mean. The other day I passed a covered wagon on the highway. :)

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
On the skirts of the subject, a driver asked me this morning why UPS doesn't sponsor a pro trail angler, they have Dale Jarred in Nascar so why Nnot BASS?  I told him that the $$ they put in Nascar pretty much covers , demographically, a huge portion of the target group in Bass fishing. (that's an assumption on my part)

You would be correct. And with Nascar drawing on average a 4-5 in the ratings each week, all it takes is for DJ's car to be on the screen a few times in each race and Nascar has reached far more people than they could in one year of sponsoring a BASS pro and yes, I'm sure the demographics are pretty close between Nascar fans and BASS fishing fans.

BTW, I don't care much for Nascar.

fishing user avatarBassBeat101 reply : 

Just like in fishing, the reason why superstar athletes/Hollywood types make so much money is because of the revenue that they produce.  Jim Carey gets paid a $20 million a film - is he overpaid?  I don't think so.  When a movie of his comes out, people flock to the theaters and pay good money too see him - providing for tens of thousands of theater employees worldwide.  David Beckham is being paid a ridiculous amount - L.A. is hoping that fans return that money tenfold.  

Nevertheless, I'm going to school to be a History teacher, so I'm hoping to afford a nice jon boat.  Sigh.


fishing user avatarboondocks reply : 
Just like in fishing, the reason why superstar athletes/Hollywood types make so much money is because of the revenue that they produce. Jim Carey gets paid a $20 million a film - is he overpaid? I don't think so. When a movie of his comes out, people flock to the theaters and pay good money too see him - providing for tens of thousands of theater employees worldwide. David Beckham is being paid a ridiculous amount - L.A. is hoping that fans return that money tenfold.

I agree thats why this country we live in is the greatest in the world. ;)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

We live in the greatest country in the world because of 2 documents THE  DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE AND THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUION Documents of freedom for the ages.  ;)

fishing user avatarNBR reply : 

What Road Warrior says re being a bassfishing pro is correct but then for most all of professional sports fall in the same catergory. Consider all of the atheletes who start playing one sport or another and the small percent that really make the pros. It is miniscule.

Issiah Thomas spoke to the Detroit high schools several years ago with a message that you better get an education because your chances of making it in professional sports was slim. I can't remember the year but I recall his statistic that no more than 5,000 athletes made a living from prosports without supplemental jobs elsewhere.

I further agree that fishing is not well suited to TV. For myself seeing a larger % of the time looking at one, two or three people standing behind a podium of sorts  telling you what is happening. Seeing little of the actual fishing; then watching a weigh in that to me is akin to a WWF promo causes my eyes to snap shut. Hopefully to wake up to see who might be the top 3 or 4 finishers.

fishing user avatarearthworm77 reply : 

That's because they are "athlete's",...a very important job position in our country. My sister is a teacher, That job is only worth 35k.

LBH, I was a police officer in a tactical unit in NYC I worked for every penny of my pay. All year the city would praise us for the thankless job we did, but come contract time they would lock it up and delay us for years. I've been retired for about a year and a half and they still owe me and the working officers a contract. It is a shame we as a society have placed the importance in entertainers over the people who do the really necessary jobs. Instead those people live paycheck to paycheck scraping by and doing without. When the towers came down the little people were there everyday picking it up. Any time you had a celebrity or athlete come down, it was a visit aimed at starting a media circus.

I certainly do not feel bad for any of the athletes or celebrities. They make more in a few months than most make in a lifetime.

fishing user avatarMoBassFishN reply : 
That's because they are "athlete's",...a very important job position in our country. My sister is a teacher, That job is only worth 35k.

I agree with those that believe athletes are not worth what they are being paid. I also believe our protectors, first responders, and teachers are worth much more! The problem lies with the ones that pay them. Police, firemen, and teachers are either paid through our tax dollars. Someone is monitoring what is being paid out. The multimillion dollar athletes are paid by a group that  knows it has a huge market base and enough those of customers will pay their asking price to get into a stadium or theater. It is basically, a closed venue to all except those who pay to enter. If we were taxed enough to pay police and emergency crews decent wages, Joe taxpayer would have a fit. Yet that ignorant son of a gun will pay $100 to sit in the nose bleed section to watch a football game or pay $30 to watch a fight on TV.

Sorry, sore subject guys, didn't mean to rant.

The problem for fishermen making big bucks like in golf and Nascar or even the ball sports is because these athletes perform in an open arena. There is no way that someone can charge the big bucks for someone to be a spectator. All they have to do is pay the required launch fee and show up at the public lake where the tournament is being held. BASS fishing will always be a lower tier sport becuase of this.

fishing user avatardink reply : 

I'm sure everyone here agrees that teachers, firemen, police, military etc. are far more important than the highly paid athletes, actors/actresses, other entertainers. Although, if one TRULY believes that the latter are grossly overpaid, then there is something quite simple they can do about it. Do NOT watch TV at all. Do NOT follow any sports at all. NEVER go to the movies again. NEVER buy another CD. If someone follows these suggestions, the celebreties among us will soon be earning a "fair" wage. It is easy to displace blame for this when one doesn't realize they are part of the force that keeps it going. So instead of jumping on a bandwagon and "hurumphing" about this and that, one should actually do something about it. My apologies for the harshness.... I just have a problem with people thinking that they are always the victim.

BTW, athletes are FREE to earn what they can command.

fishing user avatarbassmasta7 reply : 

The number of people that make a living on fishing is low but so is the number of people that pursue it compared to other sports. I mean most kids wants to be a professional baseball or football player when they grow up but how many spend their whole life saying that all they want to be is a professional angler, not many. Here, it might seem like there are a lot of people that want to become with professional anglers but that is just because this is a fishing forum. At school, I dont know a single kid that wants to be a professional angler when he grows up but i know a ton that would like to be a professional athlete or movie star or singer. I think the percentage of people that make a living fishing compared to those that try would be about the same as athletes from other sports. As for the atheletes wages, i think it just depends on the demand. The MLS will soon see that there is no demand for Beckam in the US so they will be overpaying greatly. As for the future of fishing, i think it will always remain a cult following. I think this following could grow greatly but it will never be a baseball, football, or basketball. Thats fine. More fish for me. I think the sport is kind of like poker. It has a cult following and some watch it on tv and play it while others dont watch it on tv but love to play it. Like poker, i think fishing could have a boom in popularity but it all depends on how it is marketed. As harsh as it was, i agree with what dink said.

fishing user avatarllPa1nll reply : 
Even at $600k, that is chump change compared to what other "athletes" make.     :)

That's because they are "athlete's",...a very important job position in our country.  My sister is a teacher, That job is only worth 35k.  

Ohh I so agree with this...

fishing user avatarga_hawghauler reply : 
I am kind of on the LBH groove.I really don't give a thought into what these guys, who have worked hard make, not my concern! I do however wonder why movie stars and athletes and STARS in general make so much as compared to First Responders,Cops,Teachers,Soldiers Things seem a wee bit out of wack :-[

I agree 150% I am currently and firefighter/Emt here in GA. I am not really complaining about the money becuase i love my job but I think of what some of these people make and it is ridiculous in my opinion. I was talking to a friend of mine who is deputy sheriff  who recently got stuck accidently with a needle from a drug addict now he is waiting on test result because the guy had hepatitis. My point is if my friend gets hepatitis from this is his live worth the 30 k the job pays. Just some food for thought.


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