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How Would You Handle the Situation? 2024

fishing user avatarShimmer reply : 

Well first of all the area I'm fishing is a privately ran Bass Club. It is the backwaters of the Illinois River so it dosen't hold overly large fish. (3+ Lbs is quite outstanding) Anyways, It's a large lagoon type area that has a narrow passage into some more contained river backwater. There isn't a whole lot of cover, except the logs that float towards the banks and a few sunken trees.

I was flippin' and pitchin' jigs around the edge when an obnoxious fellow greets me by telling me to get the hell out of "his" area. We were on seperate sides so I just laughed and went about my buisness. He happened to be flippin' and pitchin as well, but everytime I would cast he would yell SNAG! I caught two or three small 1.5 lb'ers while he caught none. He became rather hostile telling me I was stealing his fish etc etc.

What took the cake, was for what little cover we have to fish, this guy got his jig hung up (Ironic, right?). He curses and hops in the water as he begins to tell me how he is going to "fix" the area. He starts pulling out all the logs and trees which were sunk by the board members then chucks a small chunk of wood in the area im fishing >_>. I tried to contact a board member but I've never seen this guy before and not to mention he pulled out probably 7-8 logs and some other man made cover around.

Thoughts? I was pretty upset over the entire matter obviously. I must say it was pretty amazing to see a 40-50 year old man acting like a 7 year old boy.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

I'd do everything I could to get him removed from the club, if he's actually a club member in the first place. If he's not a member, call the game warden the next time you see him. Maybe a trespassing ticket is in order for this guy.

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

I'd Call Triton Mike!!! and have him kick his ***

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 
I'd Call Triton Mike!!! and have him kick his B'***

Or kick his Bass yourself................................................ :-X

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

I'd have taken his boat numbers down and reported him to the Illinois DNR.  Not sure the exact laws in the state but similar laws for hunters and fishermen elsewhere to protect them from the antics of the PETA folks may apply since he was attempting to interfere with your abilities to legally take game or fish.  

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 
I'd have taken his boat numbers down and reported him to the Illinois DNR. Not sure the exact laws in the state but similar laws for hunters and fishermen elsewhere to protect them from the antics of the PETA folks may apply since he was attempting to interfere with your abilities to legally take game or fish.

Carts right on. Some years ago I had a waterski boat actually come so close to me it cut my lure off with its prop. I took down the number and called the DNR. A few days later I got a call saying they had contacted the person but he didn't recall. Not sure if anything resulted but I felt a little better anyway.

fishing user avatarSammyLee reply : 

I've learned how to handle this kind of stuff from a great rock climber and my nephew, a tank commander in the first Iraq war. Speak calmly about the ISSUE and not the person. Take the legal or civil action that you can.

Continue to speak calmly and politely about the issue. "My goodness, dude, you're really making a mess of the fishing around here. What is your goal?" Him, "#$%^^&, @!#$%, etc." You, "Well, sorry you feel that way but removing that structure is hurting the fishing in my opinion." Him, "@#$%@#$%,@#@#$%" You, "Sir, I have a right to my opinion and a free speech right to say it." etc. "Sir, what is your name? My name is Bill Smith, I'd like for those who need to know about your actions to have your name. I already have your boat numbers." All spoken like you were talking to your best friends granddad.

Now, he may actually take this to a physical level. That's a crime. But it is very, very unlikely he will pull out a gun and shoot you. If he becomes physical in any way, you must leave. I know, everybody wants to kick bass but it is not practical. Years of concealed carry has changed my way of dealing with stuff like this.

fishing user avatarEastMarkME reply : 

9 mm. >:(

Just kiddin... 8-)

What a wackjob. Good luck.


fishing user avatarBassDeaton01 reply : 

I would stoop down to his level and start throwing rocks at him until he left.  ;D nah that would probably start a fight or get you shot. I would do what the other guys said and get his boat numbers or name or something and report his butt.

fishing user avatarbassfisherjk reply : 

I agree with Cart also,report him.

fishing user avatarShimmer reply : 

Thanks for your opinions everybody. I've got an idea which boat and vehicle was his, and if he did put in at the boat launch that will be a major fine. I'll be going back down there Friday to the council meeting to report the issue and see if something can be done.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 
I've learned how to handle this kind of stuff from a great rock climber and my nephew, a tank commander in the first Iraq war. Speak calmly about the ISSUE and not the person. Take the legal or civil action that you can.

Continue to speak calmly and politely about the issue. "My goodness, dude, you're really making a mess of the fishing around here. What is your goal?" Him, "#$%^^&, @!#$%, etc." You, "Well, sorry you feel that way but removing that structure is hurting the fishing in my opinion." Him, "@#$%@#$%,@#@#$%" You, "Sir, I have a right to my opinion and a free speech right to say it." etc. "Sir, what is your name? My name is Bill Smith, I'd like for those who need to know about your actions to have your name. I already have your boat numbers." All spoken like you were talking to your best friends granddad.

Now, he may actually take this to a physical level. That's a crime. But it is very, very unlikely he will pull out a gun and shoot you. If he becomes physical in any way, you must leave. I know, everybody wants to kick bass but it is not practical. Years of concealed carry has changed my way of dealing with stuff like this.

In a case like that (adult vs child), logic rules. This isn't easily conjured up on the spot for most people I think. Certainly isn't for me. It's something you actually have to practice. My wife has a long history of conflict resolution (as a social worker, policy analyst, turned elementary school teacher). SammyLee's tact is right on. Best way to diffuse such an aggressive situation long term.

fishing user avatarslider head reply : 

You will never forget what happened that day just as I have never forgotten mine. Your first instinct is probably to handle the situation. The best thing to do is stay it to the police or DGIF and let them handle it. You never know when now if someone has a gun or something. There are a ton of total nut jobs out there!

Never get into a argument with a idiot.....they drag you down to their level and beat you with their superior idiot skills.

fishing user avatarmoloch16 reply : 

Find somewhere else to fish and forget about it.  Life's too short to worry about this nut job.

fishing user avatartutle reply : 

To the original poster:  I can't blame you for being upset.If I was fishing a bit of cover and someone pulled up within casting distance of me on the other side of the cover and started  fishing it ,I would let them know what I thought about it quick. I would never do that to anybody. I f I am headed for a point or stretch of bank or any particular structure and someone is already there I will go some place else.Never would I pull up and think we could share it. If some one is fishing a point I intend to travel around I will swing as wide away as possible instead of blowing right by them. If someone is working rising schools in open water I will also swing as far away as possible to avoid putting the fish down for them.  I have had people do this to me where they just cruised right through the school when they could have very easily have kept a reasonable distance and then look  confused when I gave them the traditional salute for such inconsiderate behavior.  It comes down to mutual respect ,common courtesy , and common sense .

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
Find somewhere else to fish and forget about it. Life's too short to worry about this nut job.

No way.  Then the nut jobs of the world learn nothing, and this behavior becomes acceptable.  This guy needs to be disciplined.

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

I'd still call triton mike

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
I'd still call triton mike

From what I hear, I doubt that dude would be messing with you!


fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 
Find somewhere else to fish and forget about it. Life's too short to worry about this nut job.

No way. Then the nut jobs of the world learn nothing, and this behavior becomes acceptable. This guy needs to be disciplined.

Agreed..same as letting a young child do things they shouldn't, you correct the behavior promptly.

fishing user avatarShimmer reply : 

Having three going on four years of Mixed Martial Arts training I could have badly disciplined him myself, but violence in that reguard isn't worth it. Keeping calm was the best thing I could have done because like many others said this guy easily could have been packing a gun or a utility knife.

On a side note, I contacted the chairman of the board today and apparently there was another complaint similar to mine. The chairman has a description and is going to be looking towards a resolution  :)

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

If Triton Mike didn't get it resolved then its time to call ***  and if that doesn't work you calmly  idle over and ask the gentleman what you did to offend him. If he gives you a smartass answer  calmly turn your boat around lift your jack plate as high as you can -trim the motor  up and stomp it. Rooster tail that belligerent jurk right off the boat- Some people just need that to happen so that cant go around thinking  they are allowed  to bully others.

fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 

It's a shame but these type invade every sport or activity. Most states have a law on the books to deal with sportsman harassment by the antis. I don't see why they would not apply to other sportsmen as well. ID the guy as best you can thru boat registration etc and make sure the club and DNR are notified.

fishing user avatarBig Tom reply : 
Having three going on four years of Mixed Martial Arts training I could have badly disciplined him myself, but violence in that reguard isn't worth it. Keeping calm was the best thing I could have done because like many others said this guy easily could have been packing a gun or a utility knife.

On a side note, I contacted the chairman of the board today and apparently there was another complaint similar to mine. The chairman has a description and is going to be looking towards a resolution :)

Good deal.  Hopefully, something is done that will calm this dude down at least.

fishing user avatarmoloch16 reply : 
Find somewhere else to fish and forget about it. Life's too short to worry about this nut job.

No way. Then the nut jobs of the world learn nothing, and this behavior becomes acceptable. This guy needs to be disciplined.

Sure he does, but that's how you get yourself killed.  Avoid these people they aren't worth the risk.

fishing user avatarTucson reply : 

"They drag you down to their level and beat you with their superior idiot skills."

Superior Idiot Skills - I've gotta remember that.    

Best thing to do in this situation is just start laughing at him.  I don't think anything would upset him more than that.  Then you can amuse yourself by counting the veins popping out of his neck.

fishing user avatarSfritr reply : 

If you do eventually get his boat numbers etc. I would still contact the DNR and report him.  If he was removing brush piles he could be destroying habitat and that is another steep fine.  

Nail his @#%.  but do it legally.  Better to have the association discipline him AND the DNR.  

good Luck.

fishing user avataravid reply : 

These days, where having every day be peaceful and pleasant is what matters most............

I would have moved and found bass somewhere else.

I had to re-read this a couple of times and say to myself "Is that really you?...Is that really true??

The answer is yes and yes.

go figure.

fishing user avatarShimmer reply : 

I haven't heard any word on the situation since I turned it in, but I also haven't seen the fella' back. I did however notice that what pulled out was replaced to somewhat where it used to be.

fishing user avatarBig Mike in Fl reply : 

what I woulda done probably isn't the right thing, but I probably woulda put my spook upside his head,then when he was trying to dig the trebles out i woulda yelled SNAG! and laughed uncontrollably...I don't get intimidated by whether or not someone mightcome back at me, I'm big enough to handle it, and The likelihood of a weapon being involved is minimal.

all that said, you went about it all the right way, if you do see him again, immediately call your game warden or local police. problem solved

fishing user avatarCanalStalkin reply : 
what I woulda done probably isn't the right thing, but I probably woulda put my spook upside his head,then when he was trying to dig the trebles out i woulda yelled SNAG! and laughed uncontrollably...I don't get intimidated by whether or not someone mightcome back at me, I'm big enough to handle it, and The likelihood of a weapon being involved is minimal.

all that said, you went about it all the right way, if you do see him again, immediately call your game warden or local police. problem solved

made my day.

fishing user avatarBig Mike in Fl reply : 

yea, I can be a real Bass-hole

fishing user avatarlooking4structure reply : 
what I woulda done probably isn't the right thing, but I probably woulda put my spook upside his head,then when he was trying to dig the trebles out i woulda yelled SNAG! and laughed uncontrollably...I don't get intimidated by whether or not someone mightcome back at me, I'm big enough to handle it, and The likelihood of a weapon being involved is minimal.

all that said, you went about it all the right way, if you do see him again, immediately call your game warden or local police. problem solved

That was funny stuff

fishing user avatartimothy_spain reply : 

"Never get into a argument with a idiot.....they drag you down to their level and beat you with their superior idiot skills."

LOL ... so true!

fishing user avatariceintheveins reply : 

Harassing an angler is illegal in most all states. Call the game and fish.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I think I would have whipped out the movie camera.  

fishing user avatarDanny1991 reply : 

When he started throwing wood in the area I was fishing he would have had a 3/4oz red eye shad coming at his head...... FAST!!!!!!! >:( ;D

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

A members only fishery that only holds 3 pound fish?  ::) ;D

fishing user avatarValkyrieRider reply : 

Hehe, I know hindsights 20/20 but I'm pretty sure, I'd have just heckled him and egged him on. It's funny to watch idiots get mad. I doubt I'd have done anything physical but it sure would be funny to watch :) ;D


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