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Is fishing relaxing (semantics debate)? 2024

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

The other day I emerged from between the houses of a subdivision in my town after fishing a pond therein.  I stopped in to say hello to a friend who lives there and she observed that I must really like to fish to which I agreed.  She said, yes, fishing is very relaxing.  I didn't correct her but for me if it's relaxing, it's when I'm not doing it right.  I've clearly seen more intense fishermen/women than me but when I fish, I do it with the purpose of catching and while it's (usually) enjoyable, it's rarely "relaxing."  I know it's largely a question of semantics but do any of y'all feel the same way?

fishing user avatarJ-B reply : 

I can fully understand the way you see it.  For me, if I spend a day at the water (whether I catch anything or not) I go home in a much more relaxed mood.  It is one of the few places I can be me, think like me and do what I want to do.  I feel like the everyday stress of life is temporarily removed from my shoulders.   For me it is a fun thing to do.  I think that if something is fun for a person to do, even if it is hard labor, it is generally relaxing to that person in many ways.

So yes, I would have to say it is relaxing for me.  

fishing user avatarMarc David reply : 

Compared to working and such, yeah it's relaxing. But to me, bass fishing isn't really relaxing. After an entire day of it, I am worn out both mentally and physically.

Mentally- I'm trying to figure out what bait to choose, depth, pattern, where to cast next, etc. It all seems simple, but when put together, it's basically one big puzzle.

Physically- Standing for hours and hours that day, casting, working the bait, fighting a bunch of fish (only on those good days) all add up to make me fall asleep when I get home. Especially after that hot sun has drained all my energy throughout the day. It may seem relaxing, but when you go back and look at it all, your worn out at the end of the day. ;)

(I'm not complaining either. For some reason I keep going back out there every chance I get, it's my addiction/hobby :D)

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

My thoughts are about the same as M and M's..I found that throwing a 2 oz swimbait is No easy chore, my back was killin me this

However, I love being on the water, as draining as it is sometimes, I obviously keep going back for more... ;D

fishing user avatarEddie Munster reply : 

It's relaxing for me most every day cept when I have 'one of those days' where most every perfect cast results in a snag, wind keeps blowing me around the anchor rope, etc..... It's days like those that I wished I would have stayed in bed or done something else.

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

Fishing is really tiring sometimes and not relaxing at all, but it is fun indeed. After 8 hours out on the water and the hours spent in the car, I am exhausted by the end of the day. Fishing is only relaxing when I fish with live bait when I go with my dad. We find a good looking spot, put a worm on the hook and enjoy the day on the lake with some drinks and snacks. I guess it depends, there are days when nothing goes right as well and some days, everything seems to go your way.

fishing user avatarreo reply : 

For me, yes, it is relaxing. In a leave your troubles and stress from the daily grind behind kind of way. It can be challenging, both mentally and physically but to me it is relaxing. Kinda in a way that others find a phisical workout is relaxing.

fishing user avatarBranuss04 reply : 

For me it depends on the situation.

Any sort of Trout fishing = YES

Bass fishing.. well that's a different story.  I REALLY have been enjoying trips by myself this year.  I don't' have to worry about back boating, I can cast where I want, go where I want, do what I want.  I don't have to worry about the other people catching fish or not  (I feel bad when I take people out and they don't catch anything).  It's very relaxing for me.  

For some reason though, my trips haven't been that relaxing with some buddies of mine.  It seems like the trips become high strung and there is lots of tension.  We become so focused on catching fish it is overwhelming.  This year I'm more focused on enjoying myself due to the poor fishing for me.

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 
Is fishing relaxing

Inasmuch as fishing diverts my mind, time and attention from the things that bring me stress, then yes.  

fishing user avatarJig Thrower reply : 

not for me one bit its more work than fun, most people think i am crazy

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

I think drifting along the bank with a night crawler on a bobber type of fishing is indeed relaxing! The bass fishing we do in FL is anything but! It is a mental and physical game while on the hunt for a hawg!

fishing user avatarbasswitch reply : 

I find even the act of casting to be relaxing. I can fish for hours, not catch anything and I still will lose total track of time. Don't get me wrong, catching is much better but I find peace just in the art of the chase.

I don't like work, so anything remotely like work is avoided to the best of my ability. When things like fishing become work, please shoot me.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

I think it is a matter of semantics, and just what constitutes "relaxing".

For me, fishing is relaxing, though not in the same sense as lolling in a hammock with a lemonade.

Though it's physical, particularly when you paddle or row, it's challenging, mentally, in the end, the only pressure on you to perform is that which you put on yourself.  You can do it your way, at your pace, with no one to answer to.

Your job, bonus, or raise is not at stake by how you do fishing.  You don't have a superior evaluating your performance.  

Fishing is a voluntary activity.  Some play golf, some are gym rats, others go hiking, mountain climbing, etc.

Strenuous activity can be relaxing.  It's not a contradiction.  It's a paradox.

It's relaxing in the sense that I can be physically exhausted, but I am mentally, emotionally, and spiritually refreshed.

fishing user avatarskillet reply : 

 Not only no but H l NO! It's like I stuck fork into a 220 wall outlet (without letting it show) !!!


fishing user avatardmac14 reply : 

Being on the water is relaxing, nature is relaxing, fishing with a worm and a bobber for bluegill is relaxing. Bass fishing is more work, but I think certain work can be mentally relaxing. Like when you tie on a new bait after not catching anything for awhile and it gets bit a few times. I find that relaxing because after stressing on not catching anything you finally get something and you feel as if you are accomplished.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Depends on how serious i take it that day.

For the most part it's relaxing for me.

If i start getting stress about not being able to find the bass,I just go after bluegills with a bobber.That's my simple solution.

fishing user avatarBig Tom reply : 

Bass Fishing: No

Live bait fishing: Sure

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

All fishing is relaxing for me and the best thing I did was give up my 34 footer before I moved to Florida.

I walk the ICW or the beach most mornings watching the sun come up, no pressure, no stress and sometimes no fish. I do this daily and never get tired of it, the exercise isn't bad either.

In the afternoon I do a little bass fishing for a couple of hours and still no pressure, if there was I wouldn't do it.  I'm there for the enjoyment, size and numbers are unimportant to me.

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 

yeah I always go home more relaxed

fishing user avatarbass wrangler569 reply : 
Not only no but H l NO! It's like I stuck fork into a 220 wall outlet (without letting it show) !!!


X2 I love everything about it but bass fishing isn't relaxing. If I want to relax I'll play my guitar.

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

Fishing is only "relaxing" for me when I can't coax the fish into biting and I've resigned myself to just chilling out for awhile. Then when I start back up again, it isn't relaxing anymore. Of course this isn't to say it isn't fun. My girlfriend says I'm the most patient person she knows when I'm fishing. Ask me to free up tangled Christmas tree lights, however, and that's a different story entirely.

Sometimes I could kick myself for overlooking a beautiful sunset or failing to appreciate the lightning bugs blinking in a meadow. But if I think a hungry bass is waiting in a pocket of cattails or lilly pads, I'll forget nearly everything else. It becomes an obsession for me.

fishing user avatarsmdono reply : 

I'm relaxed all the time even when I'm busy and don't let anything bother me is just another relaxing thing for me

fishing user avatarbassmedic46 reply : 

I find it relaxing to be out there. If i catch something thats good but if I don't its still a good day.

fishing user avatarBillO reply : 

Bass fishing for me is work. Total concentration is what it's all about for me. I cannot even sleep the night before. But, hey I love it...

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

If what you mean by "relaxing" is, physiologically, a lowering of your blood pressure and a reduction of your heart rate, and psychologically, a reduction of stress and worries, then bass fishing is not relaxing for me. I think the physical part is evident, but I should explain the mental part. There are good types of stress and bad types. Bad types would be: personal finances, relationships, work-related worries, etc. I think good types of stress are: worrying about catching a big fish, worrying about a bass coming unbuttoned, worrying about casting accuracy, etc.

So no, bass fishing is not relaxing because I'm sure most people's heart rates go up along with their blood pressure, and most of the time bass fishing is stressful (although it's the good kind of stress).

If what you mean by "relaxing" is getting away from it all and enjoying yourself, then bass fishing is absolutely relaxing.

fishing user avatarWalz reply : 
If what you mean by "relaxing" is getting away from it all and enjoying yourself, then bass fishing is absolutely relaxing.

I agree. While it is not the same type of relaxing as say lounging on the beach, or sitting around a campfire I find myself significantly less stressed after a day of fishing. I may be physically and/or mentally drained, but when that is the result of something I enjoy doing I feel more 'relaxed' as a result.

So I guess that is to say that while I may not find the physical act of fishing to be relaxing, the overall experience can be.

fishing user avatarfishinfewl reply : 

Only when I'm catching fish.   :D

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 

I find fishing to be very relaxing.  gets me away from everything else, and even if i'm very focused and working hard at what i'm doing, i still find it to be nice and peaceful.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

I'm anti Semantic.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

When fishing becomes stressful I will gracefully bow out because the fun will have gone out of it.

fishing user avatarNitro 882 reply : 

I find fishing very relaxing. Tournament fishing----not so much.

fishing user avatarKYntucky Warmouth reply : 

I find it to be both relaxing and extremely frustrating in the same.  Although, I don't find anything relaxing about cranking all day.

fishing user avatarSammyLee reply : 

Yes, very relaxing. This afternoon I was float tube fishing in my local 14 acre lake. I had caught two nice ones and the sun was just about gone and the sky was glowing red. The water was flat and still as glass.

I threw a chigger claw up to the bank, bounced it twice and felt a strong bite followed by a spirited fight from a beautiful healthy largemouth. It was exciting, satisfying and yes, relaxing.

She had a nice clean hookset in the upper lip and the 1/16 oz. jig head hook came out easily. When I set her back in the water she swam away seeming hardly upset. Nice fish. Nice day.

Edit to add, these fish were caught on the new to me, braided line on that ML St. Croix rod with the Shimano spinning reel.  I think the braid has improved my hooksets.  I have had two or three wind knots which I was able to clear.

fishing user avatarbelak00 reply : 

yes, I find it relaxing. But to each his own I guess. Last night I took my 9 year old and my 3 year old down to the river. We got skunked but fun was still had by all. It sure beat chasing them around the yard, or actually doing work around the house.

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

Fishing is not relaxing at all, I come home exhausted everytime. But it is still enjoyable and fun

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Bass fishing is not at all relaxing for me. No matter if I get 3 hours to fish or 10 hours, I'm trying my hardest to get 5 good bites and get them in the boat. When I can get on some fish pretty quick, the trip becomes more relaxing but it never gets to the point of being an all out relax-fest.

When in a tournament, once I have a limit I feel a calmness come over me for a few minutes. Then it quickly goes away and it's time to upgrade my catch because the clock is ticking.

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 

Hell no.  Sitting on the edge of your seat or standing on one foot all day long with every muscle in your body wound up like an 8 day clock is FUN not relaxing.  Relaxing is getting home, putting everything away and having a cold beverage and reliving a GOOD day.

fishing user avatarFEVER Erie - St Clair reply : 

Yes, but only recently.

After fishing tournaments for over 20 years competitively it was always work!  Even practice fishing for the tournaments was work.  To win is almost always concentration, preparation and presentation - at all times.  Only now, in the last couple years, am I forcing myself to slow down and make bass fishing less work and more relaxing.  Still, I occasionally find myself switching into "tournament mode" - which, like I said, soon becomes focused much more and eventually becomes WORK!  It's very hard sometimes to just turn it off.  But, I'm working on it!


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