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How long is your "day" on the water? 2024

fishing user avatarDiablos reply : 

I know some of us can only fish once a week while some of us fish more but when you officially get out there how long is your day?

I average about 8 hours. Usually 5:30am to 1-2pm.

almost forgot..."till the fish stop biting" is not allowed  ;)

fishing user avatarintheweeds reply : 

Most days average about four hours. I have a 2.5 year old daughter to take care of. If I take her with me than I get maybe 1.5 hrs. It will be great when she gets a little older and we can go ALL DAY!

fishing user avatargrimboy reply : 

Anywhere between 4 to 8 hrs.

fishing user avatarshootermcbob reply : 

usually about 5-6 hours. I too have little ones at home. I take my daughter with me as much as she will go. She is 9, and gets bored in about 10 minutes.  My boy is 4 and I am hoping he gets into it in the next couple years. I have taken him as well, but at this point in his fishing career, he is more of a swimmer than a fisher.  ;D

fishing user avatariceintheveins reply : 

Generally before sunrise till after sunset unless it is the middle of summer or very early in the year and the mornings are too cold.

fishing user avatarstratos 375 reply : 

Being semi-retired, unless it's really blowing or driving rain, I usually fish every day Monday thru Friday from ice out 'till ice up. I haven't fished a Saturday or Sunday in many years.

I don't have to do any marathon trips, so I usually keep it at around 8 hours. The lakes I'm fishing this time of year and the ones closest to the house are electric motor only. That means from the time I launch till the time I rack it, I'm standing the entire time. I don't use a pro pole to lean on, and the only seat in my boat is behind the wheel. So, if I go over 8 hours standing on one foot, I can feel it that night. I think it's an old age thing.

fishing user avatarTaylor Fishin 4 life reply : 

for day time fishing i go from 6 30 to dark and when night fishing i go from 11 to 9 in the morning

fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 

Just before sunrise til noon, or 4pm until dark  8-)

fishing user avatarbackpain... reply : 

If it is an after work trip it is 5-10 (ramp facilities close at ten in the city). If it is a day off trip it is at least 8 hours.

fishing user avatarbassman31783 reply : 

I don't get to fish as much as I used to so now it's unually 5:30 AM - Dark (8:30 or 9:30) with an hour lunch in the middle of course.

fishing user avatarProCrafter reply : 

1/2 hr before sun-up and sometimes back to camp for lunch but mostly take lunch with....and stay out till after dark to get the topwater action....thats when the skeeter bugs get to feedin!!! :P

fishing user avatarJigMe reply : 

Usually I will go every Sunday from 7am-12pm. If I am able to get off work early, then I will go fish for 1-2 hours before dinning.

fishing user avatarOH-bass614 reply : 

i like to be first on the lake but from about 630 to 7 am untill 5 or 6 pm then i go home jump in the pool to chill of and hit the sack after dinner....thats my perfect day  :P

fishing user avatartimothy_spain reply : 

i can do 2 hours -- standing -- in 1 spot as if i was there for 5 minutes.  typical day, 6 hours.  that's even without fish

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 


fishing user avatarRebbasser reply : 

It varies-anywhere from 4-10 hours.

fishing user avatarbass or bass ? reply : 

About 30 hours.

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

From 5 minutes to 6 hours.

I have 11 lakes that I fish in my local area - the farthest two lakes are a 12 minute drive from my house. I'm retired and can visit any of these lakes at any time of day. I might head out for an hour or for 3 hours. I sometimes go out in early morning, then again in the evening. I sometimes make the rounds, hitting 3 or 4 of the lakes in one trip. I also keep a rod in the trunk of my car and when driving by a lake on the way to someplace else, can stop and make a few casts, then be on my way.

It's tough being retired ;)

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

As evidenced by this post (1:04am EST), Lois & I retire late, around 2 AM on average.

As a result, we normally launch at our destination lake between 11 am & noon.

But since we normally fish till after sunset, we spend an average of 8 hrs on the water per outing.


fishing user avatarBig Bait Fishing reply : 

mine vary , most of the time it's around 8 hours , sometimes it'e just a couple ( i go to a local little lake/pond that is very good in the summer and i go after work , 5:00 pm , and stay until 7-9 pm) hours . then again i have gone to this one lake also near me and get there around 8-9 am then fish till 2-3 am the next morning !!!  :D

fishing user avatarrat-l-trapper reply : 

Usually between 7 and 9 hours, usually about 8. Sometimes less if the weather gets to bad or I have something to do. sometimes I'll fish a little longer in the middle of summer if I'm catching a lot of fish.

fishing user avatarGale1980 reply : 

typically 8-10 hours here. sometimes less if time is an issue. in the summer i fish before work quite a bit and it cuts it down to about 2.5-3 hours. then i usually take the boat to work and hit the water as soon as i get off again.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

It's at least an hour and half tow to any of the lakes so I try to get in an allday thing.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

8-10 hours with a couple hours rest in between unless I'm with Jack (fishfordollars) then he tries to wear the dang bottom off that Skeeter!

fishing user avatarSMfisher reply : 

  the river is just 12 minutes away and i'm also retired, I'll fish from 10 am untill around 2 pm go home eat, rest go back fish from 5pm untill 7 pm go home wait untill dark fish from dark untill 2 am i do this 2 days in a row then i take a day off and only fish the morning trip but i might stay untill 3 pm then i might or might not fish at night that day. my wife will fish a lot with me but she won't go as much.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Typically 8 to 12 hours, depending on how early I get on the water.... because no matter what time I get on the water, I almost always stay on until dark.

BTW Diablos (and others who do this), you need to quit going so early, but stay until dark. Why ? Because the crowds go early... but also wimp out, and leave early.

A lot of guys get on the water at 6 am, but leave by 1 pm. If I get on the water at 10 am, I only have to share the lake for the first 3 hours, of my 9 hour day.

Call me selfish, but I find nothing more enjoyable than Mon-Fri, fishing from 10 am until dark.... with an absolute bare minimum of the crowds to deal with.

Remember, if you fish like everyone else fishes, you will only catch what everyone else catches. You have to step out of the box, to make extraordinary catches (on a regular basis).



fishing user avatarbigfruits reply : 

if im doing a day trip, 6hrs is usually enough for me. kayak/canoe camping would be a sun up to sun down deal.

fishing user avatarBigEbass reply : 

I only get to go once every two weeks or so, sometimes more, sometimes less, and I will go from dawn to dusk - except for winter when its colder - I dont get out really before 9 am when its cold.  In the deepest of summer when it may be the very hottest, I may occasionally fish 1/2 of a day - but most of the time I go all day to saver that time that I get on the water.

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

There is no typical day for me. Much of my schedule is determined by what the kids have going on.  If I can sneak away for an hour, great.

If I bring a kid along we usually float around for between 4 and 6 hours, depending on if we're catching. The best days are when they're begging to stay longer.


fishing user avatarLuke at Gouldsboro reply : 

Sun up to sun down, Maybe taking a break for lunch or dinner

fishing user avatarbasser223 reply : 

I live on a lake so bass fishing is varried all day was longest and 1 hour of shore fishing was the shortest

fishing user avatarwannabeangler reply : 

3 or 4 times a week I spend 2-3 hours at sunrise before heading to the office + 1 sunrise to late afternoon (8-10 hours) per week.

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

Depends on time of year and if i am free all day. Usually 10-12 hours though.

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 

My fishing outings vary from just a few casts, to all day depending on weather, conditions, and what else I have going on.  Sometimes i'll sneak in "1 or 2" casts on the way to the store, sometimes i'll hit the lake 3 or 4 times for an hour each, it's all different.

fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 

I usually go from sunrise to sunset.  If I am fly fishing streams in the Winter, that may only be 9 hours.  If I am fishing for Bass in the Spring and Summer, I would usually fish from 12 to 14 hours.  I try and maximize my time out when I get to go.

fishing user avatarbrittlab reply : 

I'd say an average trip of mine would be about 5 hours. longer trips in the boat and shorter ones while wading or fishing from the float tube.

fishing user avatarBrianSnat reply : 

Most of my fishing is done in evenings, after dinner, so about 2-4 hours.

Now that I have a boat that I can trailer I'll probably do some full day trips now and then.

fishing user avatarPopeye reply : 

From daybreak to when the wind gets so bad I can't keep my pontube in one spot which is usually around 12:00 - 13:00 or so. The lake I normally fish only allows an individual to be on the water after sunrise BUT there are usually several tubes out a little before that (including me IF I get there early enough:o)


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