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Sentenced 2024

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply :
fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Hopefully this is "justice served"... 


Sad story...

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

Wow, that's a sad story. I'm glad justice was done.


Edit: Darren's reply was added while I was posting mine :)

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

That sentence is not justice. 25 years for robbing his boat & shooting him in the face is a sad commentary on our justice system.

fishing user avatarSki213 reply : 

Hopefully he will actually have to serve every day of it. A completely senseless crime.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Eye for an eye.



fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Once again, it highlights the fact that we are sitting ducks at the ramp and on the water.

How many of us actually carry a sidearm?

Very few as we are peace loving guys and gals who love to fish and do not think we are in danger at any time.

We have to rethink the sidearm philosophy.

This is a senseless crime, as stated above.

One life lost and another destroyed by serving time.

Sad state of affairs.

fishing user avatarBassguytom reply : 

Just a really sad story all around. Sam's comment really makes me think. I never feel as if I'm in danger but you never really know.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

I'm always armed at the ramp and other places also. Wife as well. Too many crazies.

fishing user avatar68camaro reply : 

25 years for point blank shooting a guy in the face and  killing him is an insult and not justice served. Sounds like lazy prosecutor not going for longer or life.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

stupid, senseless, all the words that won't bring the guy back....

and not to deter you from carrying when legal, but it is 100% illegal to carry on an army corps of engineers ramp....

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

Most ramps here in NC allow it. Especially if you still hold NC law enforcement certification. :-)

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

In any other case just my humble opinion:

"It is better to be tried by 12 than to be carried by 6."

fishing user avatarSki213 reply : 
  On 12/2/2015 at 9:14 AM, Sam said:

Once again, it highlights the fact that we are sitting ducks at the ramp and on the water.

How many of us actually carry a sidearm?

Very few as we are peace loving guys and gals who love to fish and do not think we are in danger at any time.

We have to rethink the sidearm philosophy.

This is a senseless crime, as stated above.

One life lost and another destroyed by serving time.

Sad state of affairs.

I totally agree. If you're going to carry know the rules of your jurisdiction and please understand safety and practices. It's a right and also a huge responsibility.

fishing user avatarLooking for the big one reply : 

Takahiro Omori has the right idea, getting a concealed handgun license. 

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

The unfortunate thing is by the time he gets out this guy will have no future ahead of him. So what's he going to do? Statistics show he'll be right back out there committing crimes until he ends up back in prison. If there's no doubt that a person murdered another person in cold blood the only options a jury should have is needle or chair. 

fishing user avatarstkbassn reply : 
  On 12/2/2015 at 9:56 AM, Ski213 said:

I totally agree. If you're going to carry know the rules of your jurisdiction and please understand safety and practices. It's a right and also a huge responsibility.


 To add to this. I think one should be allowed to own and possess a firearm once proven they are capable of handling one which means they can shoot accurately, know the law backwards and forwards, always have their license on them, psych evaluations are clean , know the weapon inside and out, etc. It's not a toy or an accessory folks. One shouldn't buy a purple gun because it's cute and matches their purse...  The problem with "rights" is it gives license to any common idiot that wants one because it's their "right". " If you can have one so can I " is the sad mentality and a sad commentary on our society today. I won't go on because anything more would be considered political here. Agree or disagree, this is my opinion. 

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
  On 12/2/2015 at 3:46 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

The unfortunate thing is by the time he gets out this guy will have no future ahead of him. So what's he going to do? Statistics show he'll be right back out there committing crimes until he ends up back in prison. If there's no doubt that a person murdered another person in cold blood the only options a jury should have is needle or chair. 


I agree.  There are times when people have been convicted on circumstantial evidence or evidence that wasn't solid, as exemplified by how many people have been eventually freed from unjust sentences by the Innocence Project.  More than 300 have been exonerated after conviction by DNA analysis resulting from this organizaion's efforts.  (This is a sad commentary on our justice system as well.)  However, when the evidence is absolute, there is no doubt who the killer is, and the murder was intentional, that person should never see the light of day again.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

While I understand the desire to carry a sidearm for protection, keep in mind that you are probably more likely to be killed driving to the lake than you are by some deranged killer at the ramp. 


I typically research the statistics before I make such a statement, but something like this happens so rarely I am finding nothing on it in my cursory search so far.  I just have a gut feeling that driving on the roads results in more deaths per the number of drivers than deaths per number of anglers at boat ramps. 

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 12/3/2015 at 12:06 AM, senile1 said:

While I understand the desire to carry a sidearm for protection, keep in mind that you are probably more likely to be killed driving to the lake than you are by some deranged killer at the ramp. 


I typically research the statistics before I make such a statement, but something like this happens so rarely I am finding nothing on it in my cursory search so far.  I just have a gut feeling that driving on the roads results in more deaths per the number of drivers than deaths per number of anglers at boat ramps. 


Agreed ~


But life is short & precious ~ peace of mind helps me enjoy it.



fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

Fight crime, shoot back !!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 12/2/2015 at 9:56 AM, 5 Dollar Fishing Game said:

In any other case just my humble opinion:

"It is better to be tried by 12 than to be carried by 6."

Yes. The firearm this SOB was carrying was 100% illegal too and the fisherman is dead forever.

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 12/3/2015 at 12:06 AM, senile1 said:

While I understand the desire to carry a sidearm for protection, keep in mind that you are probably more likely to be killed driving to the lake than you are by some deranged killer at the ramp. 


I typically research the statistics before I make such a statement, but something like this happens so rarely I am finding nothing on it in my cursory search so far.  I just have a gut feeling that driving on the roads results in more deaths per the number of drivers than deaths per number of anglers at boat ramps. 

But driving to the lake is necessary to fishing. It only takes once. We're always hearing about someone successfully defending their life with a firearm these days. I have been walked up on before by someone who gave me the feeling I was being sized up. But I was left alone, probably because I looked poor at the time.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 
  On 12/3/2015 at 12:06 AM, senile1 said:

While I understand the desire to carry a sidearm for protection, keep in mind that you are probably more likely to be killed driving to the lake than you are by some deranged killer at the ramp.

I typically research the statistics before I make such a statement, but something like this happens so rarely I am finding nothing on it in my cursory search so far. I just have a gut feeling that driving on the roads results in more deaths per the number of drivers than deaths per number of anglers at boat ramps.

There is no question that driving to the lake or a bad diet or many other things that most of us do on a regular basis is statistically more dangerous than time spent at the boat ramp. I ALWAYS carry when trailering my boat based on personal experience. I often fish at night, many times with my wife, and have had a couple of incidents that have convinced me that my responsibility to protect myself and those for whom I am responsible requires I do so.

I take carrying a deadly weapon very seriously. My responsibility to be aware of my situation and avoid conflict is much greater when carrying. I also understand that for some an armed population is a frightening thing, and as mentioned above there are some who don't quite get that liberty and responsibility are fundamentally linked. The only thing that frightens me more than having to use deadly force is not having deadly force available to prevent its use on me or others.

fishing user avatarC0lt reply : 

Considering that all convicts of second degree murder are eligible for parole, Im guessing this guy will be out in 11-14 years max. Johnson could have lived another 40 years. Thats what brown should be doing, minimum. 


prayers go out to the family. 

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

The interesting part to me is that I'm not seeing a lot else about the murder/sentence anywhere other than fishing websites. I'll bet if the situation was reversed and the fisherman shot the robber, the media would have been ALL over it.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 
  On 12/3/2015 at 2:06 AM, K_Mac said:

There is no question that driving to the lake or a bad diet or many other things that most of us do on a regular basis is statistically more dangerous than time spent at the boat ramp. I ALWAYS carry when trailering my boat based on personal experience. I often fish at night, many times with my wife, and have had a couple of incidents that have convinced me that my responsibility to protect myself and those for whom I am responsible requires I do so.

I take carrying a deadly weapon very seriously. My responsibility to be aware of my situation and avoid conflict is much greater when carrying. I also understand that for some an armed population is a frightening thing, and as mentioned above there are some who don't quite get that liberty and responsibility are fundamentally linked. The only thing that frightens me more than having to use deadly force is not having deadly force available to prevent its use on me or others.


all very, very, very well said....

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

Thanks buzzed. This is a topic I have given a lot of thought, and the practice of which I have spent a lot of time, energy and money to get right. I continue to work to make sure I am as we prepared as possible, while hopefully I am never tested.

fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 
  On 12/2/2015 at 9:27 AM, 5 Dollar Fishing Game said:

I'm always armed at the ramp and other places also. Wife as well. Too many crazies.

Same here

fishing user avatartander reply : 

It's a shame that you can't go fishing or any activity or just going some where, that you have that threat of someone shooting you. This happen just a few miles from my house. If someone tries messing with me they will have to answer to "The Judge" and he is not in a court room.

fishing user avatarchadmack282 reply : 

I have bullets &/or a rope!!

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 

Really sad to hear. I hope the murder serves every minute of his sentence. Make sure to be situationaly aware at all times. I once heard that prayer is the best way to meet the lord, but trespassing is faster.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
  On 12/3/2015 at 1:00 AM, A-Jay said:

Agreed ~


But life is short & precious ~ peace of mind helps me enjoy it.




the reel ess stated:




There is no question that driving to the lake or a bad diet or many other things that most of us do on a regular basis is statistically more dangerous than time spent at the boat ramp. I ALWAYS carry when trailering my boat based on personal experience. I often fish at night, many times with my wife, and have had a couple of incidents that have convinced me that my responsibility to protect myself and those for whom I am responsible requires I do so. 

I take carrying a deadly weapon very seriously. My responsibility to be aware of my situation and avoid conflict is much greater when carrying. I also understand that for some an armed population is a frightening thing, and as mentioned above there are some who don't quite get that liberty and responsibility are fundamentally linked. The only thing that frightens me more than having to use deadly force is not having deadly force available to prevent its use on me or others. 


K_Mac stated:




But driving to the lake is necessary to fishing. It only takes once. We're always hearing about someone successfully defending their life with a firearm these days. I have been walked up on before by someone who gave me the feeling I was being sized up. But I was left alone, probably because I looked poor at the time.



As my first sentence indicated, I understand the desire to carry a weapon.  I did not say that one should not carry a weapon if he or she chooses.  Relax, but be alert.  Avoid what you think could turn out to be a situation of conflict. Carry if you choose.  The point is that too much fear can lead to incorrect, and sometimes deadly decisions.  I think K_Mac stated it very well in his last paragraph.  

fishing user avatarKarsonclowers reply : 
  On 12/2/2015 at 8:16 AM, Dwight Hottle said:

That sentence is not justice. 25 years for robbing his boat & shooting him in the face is a sad commentary on our justice system.


fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

Glad he was sentenced but I struggle to see how the DEATH of an innocent person equals 25 years.  He will be roughly my age when he is released from prison and still have plenty of life to live once he is free.  His victim clearly doesn't have that same luxury.


So sad ... 

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 12/4/2015 at 3:19 AM, senile1 said:

the reel ess stated:


K_Mac stated:



As my first sentence indicated, I understand the desire to carry a weapon.  I did not say that one should not carry a weapon if he or she chooses.  Relax, but be alert.  Avoid what you think could turn out to be a situation of conflict. Carry if you choose.  The point is that too much fear can lead to incorrect, and sometimes deadly decisions.  I think K_Mac stated it very well in his last paragraph.  


I with ya ~ and I'm of the belief that "Fear" often comes from being unprepared.


Preparation equals successful performance.  Especially in this case.


 Clearly, we are talking about  The Worst case scenario here -  but in the unlikely event that anything like this were to occur, I plan to be the one

without the extra hole(s).



fishing user avatarJtrout reply : 

Take him out back and and shoot his face off!

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 
  On 12/4/2015 at 6:21 AM, Jtrout said:

Take him out back and and shoot his face off!

To put it bluntly !!!!



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