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Bit by something other than a fish? 2024

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

What all have you guys gotten bit by when fishing besides fish?

My list includes

Countless bullfrogs on poppers and frogs

River Otter on a super fluke

Great Blue Heron tried to steal one of my 8" 2X4's

Kingfisher on a popper

Garter snakes on senkos

and more than once i have had this happen to me, but this is the only time i have got video of it

fishing user avatarslomoe reply : 

I think just a snapping turtle when I was younger, But it was HUGE. It snapped my hook in half.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

A cat.

We were fishing a night tourney and all my big fish were right up against this retaining wall. So every now and then you would land on the retaining wall with the Midnight Special. Well, on one cast, my bait took off up the people's yard when I landed on the retaining wall. I never even saw the cat, just pounced on the spinnerbait and took off. All I could do was cut the cut line. :-/

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 


So dissapointed. Was working the spook around sunrise....SPLASH!!!

"Holy crap, get the camera ready! It's a giant!"

Remember the sound effect from the "Price is Right" when someone lost?

fishing user avatarHoover reply : 

Mosquitoes.  ;D  ;D  ;D

fishing user avatarsecretlakes reply : 

a seagull flew into a spinnerbait i had just cast out in mid air and became antangled up in it. it was like flying a kite with a fishing rod. i pulled him in to untangle him but all the other gulls started to come to his aid by attacking me and my girlfriend. i had to just cut the line for fear of my own life!! there were like fifty something seagulls swooping at us.

fishing user avatarRyan_Johnson reply : 

When I was down in TN last summer, we were fishing below the Douglas Dam at night.  I was casting a rattletrap and never heard it hit the water.  I started really in and felt something, so I set the hook hard!!  A great blue heron came crashing out of the sky like a plane going down!  It hit the water and started making all kinds of noise.  The hook came off and when I reeled it in, there was a huge clump of feathers on it.  Only then did I realize what had happened.  

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

Bull frogs



countless turtles(they have a thing for t-rigged worms)

Funny this post came up.

Just yesterday me and one of my pals were flipping some cattails.Threw a perfect flip, and no sooner my rage craw sunk, my drag started screamin.DUDE! It must be a huge catfish.It aint no bass!Is it a huge bowfin?!!

 When the jon boat started dragging at about the same speed as my trolling motor on high,I figured it had to be a gator.Not one of those little 3-4 footers I play with all the time.This one was around 10 foot.

  After fighting with it for around 20 mins and having my boat dragged about 100 yards.It slowly surfaced.Once I saw it 5 feet from me I freaked and screamed "cut the line"!

That was a hell of a fun time! Wish I could of got that moment on camera :-/

fishing user avatarDean reply : 

Agkistrodon piscivorus . He wasn't to nice to me!

fishing user avatarslomoe reply : 
a seagull

I forgot, I caught one of these too. It got clotheslined while swooping for a chunk of squid that fell of the dock while my buddy was cutting bait. Got it untangled though.

fishing user avatarFish Man reply : 

ah lets see.....a snappin turtle, a surfer while surf fishing, well almost got the hook set before we realized  ;Dand then there was that time i got the back of my head with a crankbait  ;D

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Last year, my tourney partner hooked a snapping turtle on a Crigged worm.  Very entertaining watching him try and get the hook out.

The only time something like this happened to me, I was fly fishing back in the day.  I was casting dry flies and it was getting toward sunset, so the hatch was going off great.  I pulled my back cast and let it fly forward. Fly line landed in the water, but the tippet was magically hovering in mid air....

I look at the end of the line and what do I see?  A freaking bat.  I hate bats.  That quick little sucker swooped down and picked my fly out of mid air.  Little fella really impressed me that night.

A quick backward snap of the rod and the guy next to me got up close and personal with Mr. Bat.  After a few choice words were spoken, the bat somehow came free.

I found it entertaining, the guy with me did not. LOL

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

Coon.....Zoom Swamp Crawler

Snapping Turtles.....You name it

Rabbit.....Zara Spook

Beaver.....Devil's Horse  (hardest fight I've ever had in my life)

My Dog.....Megabass Pop Max

*All these were on accident except for the countless snapping turtles.

fishing user avatarSenkoBasser reply : 
I think just a snapping turtle when I was younger, But it was HUGE. It snapped my hook in half.

Ha Ha! Last year I hooked a huge snapping turtle right by the lip. I thought it was a log at first until he surfaced and started hissing at me. As I was reaching for his shell the my hook also snapped in half. He must have weighed a good 35 - 40 lbs.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 


My cousin.

My thumb.

My left hand finger.

I usually avoid all other critters.

fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 

Bull frogs get pretty vicious for topwater in shallow coves up near the bank

And by buddy caught a fishizzle in the upper lip when I was 10

Never trusted novices since then (no offense) lol

fishing user avatarbrian_82 reply : 

I hooked myself a nice duck at the park one day...

Wonder if a hunter had shot that one what they would have thought, not quite a banded bird BUT.  ;D

Other than that just the previously mentioned snapping turtles.

fishing user avatarInfidel. reply : 

Just last month I had an Osprey grab my ABT Titan that was running over a foot deep in muddy water.  I didn't think he would be able to see it but he got it!  Also had one going towards my Lunker Punker one day but he stopped about 3ft away from it.

A few years ago when I was in Florida I had a small gator pop up out of nowhere and clamped onto a spittin' image.  He was on the line for about 30 secs or so and then he just let go.  Also caught a big soft shell turtle on a live blue gill.

Had a turn dive and grab my Slug-o one time as well.

Coolest thing though is that I was in the back yard practicing my casting one day when a Falcon dove down out of nowhere and grabbed the hookless spoon I was tossing.

And I can't forget the time I stuck  myself in the back of the head with a rattle trap at Lake Mohave.  That was fun  :)

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 

Countless Turtles

A Pelican


A Bat

A Duck

And my friend got bit on a spook by a beaver. :D

fishing user avatarHooked_On_Bass reply : 
And my friend got bit on a spook by a beaver. :D

Fantastic! ;D

fishing user avatarlittlefisher reply : 
What all have you guys gotten bit by when fishing besides fish?

My list includes

Countless bullfrogs on poppers and frogs

River Otter on a super fluke

Great Blue Heron tried to steal one of my 8" 2X4's

Kingfisher on a popper

Garter snakes on senkos

and more than once i have had this happen to me, but this is the only time i have got video of it

THAT must have been fun to get the hook out of.  

I've hooked birds with line while casting that's about it.  I've hard snappers chase after my Horny Toad a couple times but I've always gotten it away in time.

My little brother took a PopR to the head once.  He didn't find it as funny as me.

fishing user avatarPond Hopper reply : 

Snapping turtles



Red winged black bird


And while fishing up near Lake Vermillion, MN, where we portaged back to a small lake, I had a snow owl come from around the corner and almost got my Pop-R before I jerked it away.  Man was that thing huge coming down, wings spread, talons out :o

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

Pelicans, seagulls, and the occasional gator/croc, not in CT of course  :)

fishing user avatarosbornj2 reply : 

I've had bats hit my line quite a bit while fishing at dusk.  Also, I've caught turtles, too.  Never any otters or beavers, though  ;D

Come to think if it, one time my dog did bite a lure after I retreived it and was preparing to cast !  Poor a huge lip full of trebles!

Fourbizz - you mentioned getting bullfrogs on poppers ??!  Wow!  That's pretty crazy!  Out here in the mountains of VA, we get a lot of newts (kinda like salamanders, 'cept different!), and in the spring when they are "spawning", they'll get all OVER a curly-tail worm fished t-rig or c-rig.  They'll be all wrapped around it, trying to mate !  Ahhh....spring is the season for love !

fishing user avatarfathom reply : 

5' coppermouth on a fat "a"...never let 'em tell you they only swim on TOP of the water.

beavers are obviously dumber than i thought.

but they can sure pull drag!

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 


the otter was pretty cool. i didn't see it eat the bait and when i set the hook it just ripped drag straight perpendicular to me. i thought i had a donkey then the hook pulled out and an otter came upright where my bait was and started pawing at its mouth like you would if a bug flew into it, LOL

Osborn, i have a couple ponds out here that are FULL of giant bull frogs, my pb is 18.5" from nose to toes all extended out. got her on a Bobby's Perfect frog, sight fishing, LOL.

That video of the osprey is my favorite though, she must have hit that bait like ten times before i had my buddy film it.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Oh yeah, one of my good buddies just had an otter steal a priceless bait from him this weekend. It was a prototype of the 3:16 Real Deal, one of only three, probably worth $1,500+. Otter broke him off and he chased it around the lake for an hour before it disappeared.BUMMER!

fishing user avatarPerfect Hook Set reply : 

BTW this thread is about things biting our lines other then fish not other things getting hooked by us...

Snapping turtles - which usually after fussing around unhook there self


A huge Swan

A Geese which start flying away while hooked

A cat (without hooks) teased it with a spook

Various snakes

Last year I was fishing a very small pond less then half an acre

Long story short

My friend lost the biggest pickerel I have ever seen in person

I toss on a wiggle wart and eventually get it almost to shore when it snaps my line

I cast my other line out right away

5 cast later I see these huge waves following my senko


Bam My senko gets hit and I drag in a very mean ugly HEAVY snapper

Sadly I know someone who had a small dog which thought a jitter bug on the garage shelf was edible and sadly enough the dog couldn't up its mouth since it was hooked with about 4 of 6 hooks

fishing user avatardman reply : 

a cat....Only remember a part of it,  i was about a small farm pond i dont know how the cat got a hold of my rapala ebel type lure,  maybe a bad cast onto the opposite shore or something.  next thing i knew the cat was haulin and squeelin through the grass burning the line off my reel. everyone just started screaming to cut the line so i did.  The memory stops right there, no idea whatever happened to that cat.

fishing user avatarBallpark Frank reply : 

Turtles when I am catfishing, catfish aren't the only things that like cut bait. Snakes on topwaters, cottonmouths around here are easier to catch than bass sometimes. I have had to cut off several spooks and walkers because of those beasts.

fishing user avatarLakeAnnaBasser reply : 

My dad caught an owl one time when we were at this pond. :o Luckily it wasnt hooked it only got caught in the line. The line was also wrapped around a tree branch. I managed to cast a crankbait and hook the line to bring it closer to shore. The owl just kind of froze and we let it free with know harm.

fishing user avatarSV1000 reply : 

When I was twelve I wound up hard to cast a Pico Perch into a howling south wind on Lake Amistad, I let 'er rip and saw my Papa's hat go flying out in front of me about 15 yards. I turned around and saw one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my Papa sitting in the back of the 14' Lonestar with every Brylcreem lathered gray hair pointing at the sky at a 45 degree angle.  

fishing user avatarSCBASS reply : 

When I was about 11, I hooked sea lion while fishing off a pier.   That same day I made a cast and somehow wrapped my line around a seagulls wing.  I reeled it up and the guy next to me untangled it.  It just happened that a news reporter for the local paper was walking by and took photos of the whole incident.  When my mom came home from work the next day and showed me newspaper article I was so excited.  

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Turtles while cat fishing and my left hand between my third and fourth finger while bass fishing.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
BTW this thread is about things biting our lines other then fish not other things getting hooked by us...

Thanks for the clarification   ::)

A good story is a good story, and I think if it vaguely applies to the topic in this instance.....who really cares?  

fishing user avatarba7ss3in reply : 

5lb Flounder,On a jig and pig, I know but the lake use to be part of the river here and it was damed years ago and the flounder was trapped. NC Sportsman Magazine did an article on another guy catching flounder and I have talked to other people on the lake that have caught them, big ones.

fishing user avatarAKFerzy7 reply : 

hmm lets see. last summer i caught a water moccasin on a spro frog. he made a v line behind the bait and i really couldnt see him untill he gets right behind the frog and comes up about 2 feet off the water and slammed down on the bait and began thrashing it around. needless to say he got that frog for free.

when i was young and just learning to cast a baitcaster in the back yard i had wrapped a jig around a tree branch and broken it off. a few months later my dad came inside and got me to come look at this owl in the backyard during the middle of the day. he was huge and everytime id get close it would try to fly away but couldnt. thats when i realized he had my jig snagged in his foot and the line wrapped around the branch would let him go. he wasnt very happy but we ended up getting the jig out.

last fall i was throwing a crank bait on the james river bumping bottom the whole way in when i snagged a big flounder. he was wayyyy far from where they usually are on the james but with the drought the whole river was nearly all salt water.

last but not least a couple of years ago we were flounder fishing on the chesapeake bay in my dads buddies boat. we were getting ready to change spots and had already started moving with the outboard as i was reeling in when suddenly the rod almost was jerked out of my hands. i fought and fought and fought for 25 mins till i reeled up a close to 5 foot loggerhead turtle. had him right next to the boat so i could remove my rig and save most of my line untill he surfaced and caught another breath of air and he was gone again. i ended up cutting the line that sucker would never wear down.

fishing user avatarEastTexasBassin reply : 

I had a nutria take my bait once.   You'd be surprised how much of a fight you'd get from a 12 pound aquatic rat.  He eventually broke my line.


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