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How often...... 2024

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : you encounter a Game Warden, Conservation Officer or whatever they happen to be called in your neck of the woods ?

It's been over twenty years since I've been asked for my license here in New Jersey. Last year in the Poconos in Pa. they were on the lake a lot during the week I was there. I have the $90 summons to prove it. I had a non resident license. The boat I was using, which came with the rental house, was not registered. I would have been fine had I used the oars for propulsion. The minute I mounted a trolling motor, a registration was required. It was noted as such in the last page of the house rules. Obviously I didn't read the rules :P

Anyway, maybe it's because I fish the little out of the way places and not the state areas that I don't see them. Also, the ratio of wardens to the area they have to cover is huge here. Or maybe it's that they see me but I don't see them (binoculars ?)

Other than the summons, that's been about it for me. He wasn't a d*ck about it either. Very professional.

How about you ?

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

In 28 years of fishing, I have only encountered one game warden and that was over 25 years ago.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

On average, less than once a year. In fact, I think I've been carded the last couple times by Sheriffs, rather than Wardens.



fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

Twice in 40 years. Most recently about 15 years ago! The "nanny" state I live in spreads law enforcement to it's extremes. Their solution is to put the law abiding citizens in jail and free the criminals. Then, tax us to the hilt. I'm looking at moving to Texas myself!

fishing user avatarMaxximus Redneckus reply : 

I think the DNR has more pencils pushers nowdays then actual GUNG HO out to get ya wardens KINDA SAD i wish there were more ,I fish a area on the patuxent river right out from there headquarters and only got checked once in 2 yrs

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 
I think the DNR has more pencils pushers nowdays then actual GUNG HO out to get ya wardens KINDA SAD i wish there were more ,I fish a area on the patuxent river right out from there headquarters and only got checked once in 2 yrs

Yeah, it is sad. I just got back from a local spot. There were a total of 8 other fishermen there during the course of my stay. I did not see a visible license on ANY of them >:( Kinda makes me wonder.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Once a year...Usually in mid-summer.I just show him my license and he says "Thank you,good day,sir".I won't see them again till next year... :-/

fishing user avatarSDoolittle reply : 

Maybe five or six times in my life.

fishing user avatarTruflShufl reply : 

Never. None of my family/close friends have ever been carded either.  :(

Maybe a sign I need to get out and fish more!  :D

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

When a certain DNR guy whose name rhymes with MORAN, every time I went fishing in the last 3 years, a couple of times twice in the same day. He would stand on the shore and bellow COME TO THE SOUND OF MY VOICE

Havent yet to meet his replacement

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Depends on the lake around here.

Rayburn   Once every 3-5 years

Toledo      Never

Conroe      Every year or two

Nacogdoches   Nearly every trip. City owns the rights and patrol it like city streets. GW and local cops are always out there.

fishing user avatarmrlitetackle reply : 

only once, in about 16 yrs.......

fishing user avatarbasswitch reply : 

Not at all last year, twice so far this year.

fishing user avatarFEVER Erie - St Clair reply : 

Twice in over 45 years.  Once while on the water in the U.S. and once while in Canadian water.

But, as an afterthought, several times in Indian Reservation waters by Indian Wardens where a permit was required to fish in those areas (Lake St. Clair and Florida).

fishing user avatarswilly78 reply : 

once or twice a year, the DNR guys out by my neck of the woods seem to have a pretty good memory.  They seem to card me once at the begining of the year, and then ignore me, or just ask whats biting.  Good bunch of guys and gals patrolling western dupage.

fishing user avatarwisturkeyhunter reply : 

Between hunting and fishing usually 3 or 4 times a year sometimes more.

fishing user avatarSmeagol_hates_taters reply : 

Been out 4 times so far this year, been carded twice here in the finger lake region of NY

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 

3 times this year.

I mostly see the game and Fish biologists out and about on the lake, asking what luck we had, size, condition and where. ( These guys are also good for tips as to where the bass are hitting good).

We have a Game Warden at the ramps every tournament, but usually busting on the airboaters for violations.

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

Over 20yrs of fishing and no encounters with one! Heck, i don't even know how ones uniform looks!!! I NEVER see them anywhere, big lakes nor small ones!

fishing user avatarcrw reply : 

Deer hunting and fishing in Southwest Georgia, I have seen Game Wardens in the woods and on the water, but never been ask for to show anything.  At Deer Camp, the Game Warden ask he could put his bees in and near our camp site.  We gave him our names and he said to give our wives his phone number to call during deer season if a emergency came up.   2 years later,  one did, and he came to our camp site to get one of the husbands.  Yes, he came to eat super and share stories/lies a few times for 3-4 years.

The same can be said for the Federal Game wardens on Fort Benning.

On the water, the game wardens seem to be more interested in safe boating, not those fishing.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Hunting in the South, very rarely and usually only on opening day. In Colorado my group was checked almost every outing because the Wildlife Officers had prior problems with clubs sharing licenses.

On the Tennessee River the TWRA is very active near the dam where we fish. However, we have gotten to know the officers and they usually just come by to chat. Occasionally, the regulars get a new "boss in training" and we have to go through the whole deal,

but that's fine.

Overall, I would like to see a greater presence.


fishing user avatardaviscw reply : 

In NC you don't need a license to hunt on your own land; you just need a big game report card. As far as fishing, I usually only fish farm ponds and the river I live on. I've never been checked by a game warden.

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 

Funny but I just was stopped this past weekend, in the middle of a frenzy of good size bass. I couldn't find my whistle but they let me slide with a warning. That was the first time in over 6 years I have been stopped.

fishing user avatarkayakbill reply : 

Twice in the 28 years I've needed a license.I also wish they would check everybody more often.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

It's a lake issue where I fish. Lakes that have planted trout seem to  have wardens checking for fishing license.


fishing user avatarSammyLee reply : 

Maybe three times in 40 years.  I travel a good bit and always buy short term out of state licneses.  Not too expensive but not free for sure.

I was in Arkansas a month or so ago and met up with the wardens at the rental dock.  I was almost wanting them to ask me for it but NO, just how ya doing?  I guess I look like I buy the darn things.

Like RoadWarrior, I too wish they would check more, especially those who seem to be drinking more than fishing.  Game and fish need more money and that's one way to do it.

I used to deer hunt with no success.  I often joked, "Can I just send you the forty dollars and stay at home this year?"  Once I bought the dang license I felt obligated to at least take a walk in the woods with a gun.

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

never for fishing and probably 10 times duck hunting.

fishing user avatarchief71 reply : 

I have never been stopped by the FIsh & Boat Officers. But I also work with them every day as a 911 supervisor.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Never checked at my favorite pond, but it's surrounded by private property.

Fished several times at ponds in Fall River, and saw the Environmental Police all but a couple of times.

Spoke with them on those occasions but they never checked my license. In fairness, it is pinned onto my hat in a license holder, in plain view.

Years ago, by law, you had to have the license "prominently displayed" while fishing. When you bought the license, you got the holder. Most pinned it to their hat.

Now you don't have to have it prominently displayed. If you want the holder, it costs a buck. Mine stays on my hat, which I only wear while fishing. Have a duplicate in my wallet, just in case.

I keep the "non-resident" licenses in this type of holder.  Put the license for the state in which I'm fishing to the front of the holder.  Slip it over my head, with the holder at my back.  


fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 

I've seen a game warden twice, once in canada, and once this year at opening trout day. That's it. But the guy on opening day scared the nuts out of us, snuck up on us and kind came out between the bushes, full fatigues, gun, bullet vest, the works. I wasn't sure if we were gonna make it out of there that day lol

I mainly fish on private lakes where I live, never seen any patrols or anything.  Never asked for my license either.  We have private security there, so every now and then a security guard will ask if i live there, other than that no one has asked anything.

fishing user avatarring fry reply : 

Twice in 40 years, by the same warden, on the same lake, on consecutive days and I was in the same boat both days. ::)

fishing user avatarBusy reply : 

Just about every week.  I live about 8 minutes from the lake I generally fish :P.

Outside of on that lake, I've only ever been stopped once hunting.  I always buy my licenses, the money partly goes back to keeping these sports around and healthy!

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

All the time.  I have a few on speed dial.  I'm on a 1st name basis with several of them.  Most are good guys, if you're a good guy, too.  

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

I've had my fishing license checked twice in my life.  It didn't hurt that I hunted/fished with the game warden and his family for 15 years.

I don't mind being checked, what I mind is the attitude some wardens exhibit when interaction with the public.  We have a couple in this area that would be better off being in animal control.  I don't understand becoming a game warden/CPO if you don't hunt and/or fish.

fishing user avatarJ-B reply : 

Only once in 35 years.  It was on a public lake that rented boats in Alabama.  I have never even seen an officer anywhere else I have fished.  Just the local police department checking if people lived in the subdivision that had the private lake they were fishing in.  LOL, many of them know me by name at the one I fish.


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