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Playing hookie 2024

fishing user avatarJermination reply : 

I'm planning to get sick one day here over the next few weeks(march 13th to be exact), lets hear some of the best excuses you've given to get out on the water

fishing user avatarKletust reply : 

I'm going fishing... see you tomorrow...

fishing user avatarDerek1 reply : 

I work for myself so I take it pretty easy on me. If I come in a little late or leave a little early to go fishing. 

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


I am retired now and don't need an excuse, but when I was shoveling coal,

I still had vacation days. I see NO EXCUSE for faking a day when most people

have weeks of vacation.  


Crop Over Festival Rihanna GIF

fishing user avatarJermination reply : 
  On 2/26/2020 at 3:37 AM, roadwarrior said:


I am retired now and don't need an excuse, but when I was shoveling coal,

I still had vacation days. I see NO EXCUSE for faking a day when most people

have weeks of vacation.  


Crop Over Festival Rihanna GIF

ugh you guys are making me feel bad. I'm a recruiter and this was on my mind after a guy gave me some wild elaborate excuse as to why he couldn't go to the interview 

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 

My boss would drive across a bridge and see me fishing I'm sure 

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

If I called in sick to go fishing there would be 2 days worth of work waiting for me when I got back.

fishing user avatarHewhospeaksmuchbull reply : 

I just tell'em I'm going to the V.A.


Usually they reply with, hope to see you again!

fishing user avatarSpankey reply : 

I give no excuses. I follow their rules of making a call prior to my shift start (most time from on the water or in route to it). They can surmise what they want. I’ve broke my stones my whole life working. Hope to retire in a few years. 



fishing user avatarJunger reply : 

If the weather is perfect and I'm not too busy at work, I just tell my boss I'm taking PTO. My boss and peers know I get my work done, so I've never had an issue.

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 2/26/2020 at 6:42 AM, Junger said:

If the weather is perfect and I'm not too busy at work, I just tell my boss I'm taking PTO. My boss and peers know I get my work done, so I've never had an issue.

My boss knows I get my work done but he still likes to chit chat until at least 4 haha

fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 
  On 2/26/2020 at 3:20 AM, Jermination said:

I'm planning to get sick one day here over the next few weeks(march 13th to be exact), lets hear some of the best excuses you've given to get out on the water

corona virus ????



you’re welcome

fishing user avatarFordsnFishin reply : 

We don't recieve vacation time. But if I can make money im usually there.


If we're on a long job, and it's that perfect day usually I just tell the boss that the work will still be here tomorrow! 

fishing user avatargimruis reply : 

Vacation day

fishing user avatarYakalong reply : 

I have an eye problem (as in I can't see coming to work today) 

fishing user avatarN Florida Mike reply : 

I wracked my brain and cant remember ever doing it. Seems like I would have though...

I do occasionally fish WHILE working because I’m not on the clock and get paid commission. I still feel a little strange doing that sometimes, and park discreetly so nobody calls in on me ...????

fishing user avatarLogan S reply : 

I generally request off well in advance for fishing trips I know I'm taking ahead of time...But everyone once in a while there's a perfect day and a chance to hit the water has been too good to pass up.  I've never felt like I needed to lie outright though, "I need to take an unexpected PTO day," has always seemed to go over just fine.  


Assuming your absence doesn't cause some kind of disruption...Nobody is going to care unless you actually tell them that you're going fishing or you forget sun protection and come in the next day with major raccoon-eyes.  

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 2/26/2020 at 10:20 AM, N Florida Mike said:

I wracked my brain and cant remember ever doing it. Seems like I would have though...

I do occasionally fish WHILE working because I’m not on the clock and get paid commission. I still feel a little strange doing that sometimes, and park discreetly so nobody calls in on me ...????

Yeah I’ve done the half hour casting on lunch break plenty of times, it just feels dirty . Caught some fish though! 

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I need a mental health day sometimes with my work. We don't have exactly have them, but I figure it's better for me to burn a sick day than go to work when I know I need a minute away from it.

fishing user avatarGreenPig reply : 

On the job we accrued sick days and that's what I used when I just had to go to the lake. Read the company policy and it's basically just a personal day. They call them sick days because a certain percentage of manly men like to say they never get sick so they wind up not using them. I got paid 10 hours to fish, 8 days a year.????

fishing user avatarwalleyecrazy reply : 

No need to give an excuse. The only thing they need to know is that you are not coming in. Outside of that what you are doing has no bearing on their business. I have guys that work for me that will call and give me these crazy stories even though I never ask why they aren't coming in. I have flat out told them all that all they need to do is tell me they are taking a sick day and leave it at that. It's not my business to dig into why.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Owning my own company gives me the time to hit the water during weekdays when I have the lakes and rivers all to myself.


However, I take my IPhone with me and I can continue to conduct business as if I was in the office.


To date, no one has picked up on it but I have some friends who call and the first thing they ask is if I am on the water fishing.

fishing user avatarThe Bassman reply : 

A carpenter once told me it's not how long or how hard you work but what you get done that matters. I've gotten a lot of fishing done over the years. 

fishing user avatarmoguy1973 reply : 

Can't say in the 23 years of professional work I've done that I've ever called in sick so I could go fishing.  In the first 15 years of that my vacation and sick days were all in the same so it didn't matter if I planned to take a vacation day or use them for days I was actually sick.  In my current job of almost 8 years I get sick days that add to my retirement pension time and I'd rather have that money in my pocket when that time comes.  It's easy enough to get a day off with this job plus I get 13 holidays a year paid so there's really no reason to take one off to play hooky so I can fish.

fishing user avatarTeam9nine reply : 
  On 2/26/2020 at 3:37 AM, roadwarrior said:


I am retired now and don't need an excuse, but when I was shoveling coal,

I still had vacation days. I see NO EXCUSE for faking a day when most people

have weeks of vacation.  

Ditto - never called in sick to go fishing at present job (21 yrs). Used plenty of PTO in that time to schedule a fishing day though ???? ...usually about half my allowed time

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I don't have to fake a day off.  I have PTO.  That's it, no sick time.  PTO is a benefit I earned by showing up to work.  I took an unplanned PTO to go fishing with @wnybassman several years ago.  Wasn't my first or my last.  Got a PB that day.



fishing user avatarSpankey reply : 
  On 2/26/2020 at 12:26 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

I need a mental health day sometimes with my work. We don't have exactly have them, but I figure it's better for me to burn a sick day than go to work when I know I need a minute away from it.

Very well put. Those sort of unplanned fish day are Mental Relief Days. Healthy for you. More than likely the day to day issues you left there the prior day will be waiting an unaddressed the following day when you return. 

If your job required You to do a scheduled kidney transplant that day I would hope you would reconsider.  

fishing user avatarLog Catcher reply : 

I never took a sick day to go fishing. I had to take a vacation day or a PTO day for that. Over the years several people were fired when they got caught misusing there sick time. I couldn't afford to take that chance.

fishing user avatarTizi reply : 

I have definitely played hookie before - think mental health day.  As I have grown older, I have gain benefits, including vacation time.  I use that when I have a last minute fishing trip I want to attend.  I like to give at least 24 hours notice, but that doesn't always happen.  In addition, I can leave early and make up the time during the week.  Comp time.

fishing user avatarMN Fisher reply : 
  On 2/26/2020 at 11:16 PM, Log Catcher said:

I never took a sick day to go fishing. I had to take a vacation day or a PTO day for that. Over the years several people were fired when they got caught misusing there sick time. I couldn't afford to take that chance.

Last job I had before I retired - we had 2 weeks a year of wasn't separated into Vacation, Sick or 'General'. Since I rarely get sick, I used it all for a day or two off here and there since the wife and I never took away-vacations.

fishing user avatarLog Catcher reply : 
  On 2/27/2020 at 12:00 AM, MN Fisher said:

Last job I had before I retired - we had 2 weeks a year of wasn't separated into Vacation, Sick or 'General'. Since I rarely get sick, I used it all for a day or two off here and there since the wife and I never took away-vacations.

Our time was broken down. We got 12 vacation days, 3 PTO days, and 3 emergency days for funerals. We got paid when we had jury duty but you had to bring in a form signed by an official at the court house to prove you were there to get paid. When we got a lot of snow some would call in saying they were taking a sick day. That got stopped when they were told to bring in a signed note from the doctor. I always had a 4WD truck so I didn't have to worry about it.

fishing user avatarNYWayfarer reply : 

I have 4 weeks PTO a year and 7 sick days. I can take a day off whenever I want if I give 24 hours notice and there is coverage.


I am a manager so I like to lead by example so you won’t see me playing hookie.

fishing user avatarDitchPanda reply : 

I get about 15 to 17 days of pto a year depending on what holidays I work...and I'm fortunate to have a very cool boss so I've also never called in sick to go fishing but I have used some lets say last minute "emergency" PTO days for quick long as nobody else on my crew is out im usually good even on just a day or two notice

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

Call it what you will (OCD or the need for an orderly life) but seldom do I take a spur of the moment sick day.  I will, however, take a "floating holiday" (get it?  a FLOATING holiday???).  Semantics, you know.

fishing user avatarr3825 reply : 

I'm 100% commission so if my phone is on me I'm working,  could be visiting customers,  could be from the home office or the floating office.  If it's a weekend trip and I need coverage then I use my vacation or personal days.


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