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How long do you go fishing? 2024

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

When i first started i used to fish all day to 6:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. but i now only fish for about 8 hours on bad day and all day on a good day.

fishing user avatarel_jewapo reply : 

If I go in the morning I usually fish from day light to about 12 or 1. If I go after work I usually get on the water about 5:30 and fish till dark. All this is subject to change depending on how well the fish are biting. Or on a big lake, sometimes I'll fish all day.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

As long as the boss (my wife) will let me get away with. Keep her happy and live to fish another day.

fishing user avatarRebbasser reply : 

I really don't have a set amount of time.  Like several others, first light to 1 or 2, 5:30 to dark-it just depends.

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

First light to about  11:00 - noon.  Then I need to get off...too many boaters (skiers, jet skis) :(

Then I will usually come home and do a few chores, then take my afternoon nap.  Then I will ususally take the little lady out for dinner or bbq myself.  Usually, Sat. evenings we either do a movie or watch a movie at home.  (Or I get on this forum while the wife watches right now.  She is watching some gymnastic stuff....BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

First, I fish on weekdays so the boat and jet ski traffic is very low.

Second, I like to start out at sunrise and fish all day, finding a shady spot or a bridge for lunch.

Third, I go in around 3 or 4 in the afternoon unless they start biteing again.

My bass club fishes on Saturday or Sundays and we start around 6:30 AM and fish to 4 PM.

I am going night fishing with a buddy who is also a guide and a pro next month so it will be interesting to fish at night.

fishing user avatarhipster_dufus reply : 

first lite till it gets too hot, noon or so,then u have to go home and nap,.i also try to fish weekdays, i work weekends, every weekend,arghhhh!

fishing user avatarpaiged79 reply : 

I usually fish for 4-6 hours starting at first light.  I would like to fish more but I am usually in my inflatable boat so I get a little cramped after a while.

fishing user avatarECP1989 reply : 

I usually get out there at 6:30 which isn't very early and go in whenever my Grandpa gets to hot which is at about 12:00. I'll be 16 pretty soon so then I'll be able to take the boat out by myself for as long as I want.

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

In weather like this,I'll generally fish 4 AM-8 Am.Sometimes,I'll it the lake at 6 PM and fish until after dark.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I'm the same as RR.

4a-8 or 9    then back out by 5ish till 10-11

Sat and sun and any day I can get off in between (which has been alot lately!)

fishing user avatarShad_Master reply : 

I stop by the "test pond" almost every morning to 1/2 hour to 45 minutes on my way to work.  Then I spend my lunch "hour" at one of the local lakes nearby.  In the evening it's back to the "test" pond around 8:15 until 9:30 or 9:45 (depending on how bad the skeeters are).  On week-ends, if we have a tournament I will fish for 5 - 8 hours depending on the kind of tournament.  If we don't have a tournament, I have all the honey-do's to get done, but try to work in a short stop on the way to run errands.  What do you guys that have it bad do? ;D

fishing user avatarMichael H reply : 

as long as  i can

fishing user avatarbassackwards reply : 

I fish all day if I can.

fishing user avatarfishnguy reply : 

i fish from about 6:00- 9:00 in the morning and in the evenings from about 5:30 till dark.

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

I fish until I run out of gas or my batteries are dead. Time frame don't matter.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

From safe light till noon then I have to get back to the shop. I only fish week days because of the heavy ski and wave runner traffic on week ends.

fishing user avatarPhishn_Phool reply : 

It is really different now than it was BF(before Florida)  Now I have my boat exactly 8 step from my back door so all I do is lower the lift and trolling motor and I am fishing.  This time of the year I do not fish on the weekends unless I am on them real good.  I often in the winter go out 3 or 4 times a day.  I do have 1 saying tho.."Fish at least 5 times a week, and no doctor will you seek"

                               CPR ;D

PS Thit is a Phishn Phool original LOL


fishing user avatarHillbilly_Hooker reply : 

My morning hours are usually taken by work, home, etc.  I usually hit the local lake around 5-6pm in the evening and stay until dark or an hour after dark.

fishing user avatarHillbilly_Hooker reply : 

Phishn Phool,  

It is really different now than it was BF(before Florida)  Now I have my boat exactly 8 step from my back door so all I do is lower the lift and trolling motor and I am fishing.  

I wanna come to your house  ;D

fishing user avatarMikey reply : 

My brother and I always  show up around 2:30 pm and fish until the "Golden Hour" when dusk hits thats are most productive time and the prettiest !

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

ANY WHERE FROM 2 - 12 HOURS. The situation dictates how long I'm on the water.

fishing user avatarjagdbdg reply : 

Weekends from 6 to 1, 5 to 8

Weekdays  530 to 8

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 

On a day trip 5am till I'm done which there is no set time. On a night trip 7pm till 7am the next day when fishing is good if it's not then anywhere from 7pm till 2am to 5am.


The Pa Angler

fishing user avatarCujo reply : 

during the week i fish from 6am til noon.  then i fish on sundays and that can be anytime.  it depends on what time the lady wants to get up  :-/

fishing user avatarutser reply : 

sundown till action dies down. or fishin buddy gotta go.

fishing user avatarBASSMAN1301599783 reply : 
As long as the boss (my wife) will let me get away with. Keep her happy and live to fish another day.

LOL. Copy that.

fishing user avatarNick reply : 

One rule of thumb that I use: fish for a minimum of twice as long as the drive takes anywhere in America.  If lake is 2 hours away, I'll fish for at least 4 hours.

Lake Champlain is two days drive, so I fish at least 4 days.

fishing user avatarmaster_baiter reply : 

i useally don't get out in the day time cause my wife likes me to be home with our kids being they are 4 and 2 so when i get out its useally after work 10P.M. till around 1-2 in the morning i get out in day light about once a month. like today woot hehe

fishing user avatarMadhouse27 reply : 

Put me down for the 6:00 am to about 2:30 pm shift on the weekends. After work I usually get there at 6:00 and go until dark. To be honest there's something I really like about the after work fishing. Usually something good happens as the light starts to fade.

fishing user avatarFishnfishmore reply : 

typically 4-5 hours in early am or late pm(stopping only when cant see anymore) and thats about 3x a week and still does not seem like enough.  Sometimes 12+ hours heh

fishing user avatarbass master reply : 

As much as possible. Usually 3 hours a day

fishing user avatarbassaddict62 reply : 

I generally fish during lunch and after work during the week, so I am used to fishing in one hour increments. On the weekends, I'll fish half a day or so, weather depending.

fishing user avatarAxis reply : 

as long as possible, longer if they are biting good!

fishing user avatarbassackwards reply : 

on the bank?   well, hard to fish on the banks when its illegal...  ???  

where I can fish on bank, as long as I can.  4-5 hours maybe.   depending on what access I have to somewhere.

now on a boat?  thats quite a treat for me, so I stay on the boat as long as I possibly can!  2 days straight?  SURE....


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