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Going Nocturnal 2024

fishing user avatarBuzzHudson19c reply : 

 I want solitude when I fish. I don't want to see another human being at all. Now I understand this is a tall order on some bodies of water and I purposely avoid them already. Generally I avoid water with boat launches, aside from rivers (I'm in a kayak). Now that I have a daughter and another child on the way I usually only get one day a week to fish, Sunday. It has become increasingly hard to avoid people as I can't fish mid week.


Basically I'm thinking of going strictly to night fishing. Instead of starting at 4am, start around midnight and fish until the sun comes up. That way when others start to hit the water I am wrapping up. Anyone make a similar switch?






fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

I haven't made a switch per se but i do enjoy night fishing.  I don't go out at midnight though.  I like to launch right as it is getting dark and fish till I feel like leaving.  Hard part around here is there are limited places that allow fishing past an hour after sunset other than bigger lakes and the rivers, neither of which i like going out at at night.  I am also a kayak guy too. 

fishing user avatarBuzzHudson19c reply : 
  On 7/30/2018 at 11:08 AM, flyfisher said:

I haven't made a switch per se but i do enjoy night fishing.  I don't go out at midnight though.  I like to launch right as it is getting dark and fish till I feel like leaving.  Hard part around here is there are limited places that allow fishing past an hour after sunset other than bigger lakes and the rivers, neither of which i like going out at at night.  I am also a kayak guy too. 

That's an option too. Put the kid to bed and head out just after sundown.


What do you use for a headlamp? Red light?

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

i am somewhat of a headlamp addict so right now i have a black diamond one i am using that has a red light.  I will say though that if you let your eyes adjust you will be shocked at just how well you can see.  It all goes to **** though as soon as you turn on any type of light.  

And your schedule is about what i would do...get the kids ready for bed and head out.  I usually end up staying till around 3-4am, then the obligatory stop for food on the way home and able to get a few hours of sleep before everyone wakes up lol.

I have left early though on nights where the bats are driving me nuts and make sure you have some sort of bug repellent.  I have heard good things about thermacells but haven't gotten one yet. 

fishing user avatarBrew City Bass reply : 

I work third shift, so naturally I am a night owl. 

I fish Monday - Wednesday during the day, but come Thursday I become a creature of the night. I've put in hundreds of days night fishing in the past years and it's easily my favorite time to fish. Give it a shot and see how you like it. Here is some things I figured out night fishing and they might be helpful to you.

Quite a few things are different at night. Safety becomes an increased concern, as it should be. I am always on the look out for drunk boaters. Usually it's residents of the lakes I fish that go party at a neighbors then boat home drunk as hell. Most forget to turn their lights on and go plowing across the lake breaking the no-wake rules. It doesn't happened often, but it's something I am always on the look out for. I have an extremely bright headlamp with a strobe feature to alert boats of where I am because sometimes the anchor light looks like a dock light. 

Casting. You may think you're accurate, but nothing ever has proved me more wrong than fishing at night. I lost a lot of lures when I first started and I still lose a few a year. After a while your eyes get adjusted to the dark and it's easier, but depth perception is still really whack. I find myself pitchin and flippin baits a lot more than I would during the day. It's easy to rocket a jig up to the shoreline during the day, at night not so much. The bass are lot less spooked at night so I can get close enough to just pitch most of the time. I caught my PB best bass two nights ago pitching a spinner at docks. 

Bugs get nasty at night, like extremely bad. Especially if there is no wind or very little. I use high deet bug spray and wear long sleeve shirts / pants. It may be hot, but I won't get eaten alive. Having more lights on than necessary attracts many more bugs. Having a red light on your headlamp helps. I always use redlight unless I need to navigate. Then I turn on the beam or break out the flashlight. 

And last but not least, obviously less people or no people are going to be around. If crap hits the fan, you're pretty much on your own. I always have my cellphone charged 100% and bring a flair gun / air horn in case I need to attempt to signal for help. I always tell a family member where I'm launching and when I expect to be back. I also carry a gun because I feel extremely vulnerable at the ramp when it's pitch black and 3am. I don't fish in any ghetto area's, but it's good peace of mind.

Go out and have some fun! You won't regret it.

fishing user avatarBass_Fishing_Socal reply : 

My buddy and I did this two weeks in a row, from 1:00 - 7:30 AM on 14' jon boat. It was pretty fun and we both caught pretty nice bass. We just use reg head light but we didn't use it unless we have too. We have navigator light(red-green) on but turn of stern light unless we see other boat nearby. We also have spotlight for navigation and retrieve our lure from shoreline.

Out target mostly shallow rocky area with weed pad. We did not bring a ton of tackle just basic bottoms contact weighted Texas rig/Jig with big chunky creature bait. Also we have top water tie on for early morning bite with is more active than night.

Last night I got most of my fish on 3/16oz brass and glass Texas rigs with Missile bait D'stroyer, My friend got his on 1/8oz Texas rig Pit boss plus 2 blow up on live target frog.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I haven't fished at night as much since my boys were born but I intend to go back to it when they are both old enough to always be sleeping through the night even night. I love night fishing, the solitude being on of the big reasons. The fish I catch at night are ones that just don't bite during the day. The sulk offshore or suspend and shut off completely, then transform into a different animal at night, looking to kill anything that comes close enough. One of the lakes I used to night fish a lot has a reputation of being tough. The guys that fish it often during the day wouldn't believe the pictures I was taking were on the same lake they were struggling to get a bite or two in a day of fishing. 


I stick with a head lamp for tying knots and unhooking fish, you can probably just carry a high power flashlight for navigation. It's crazy how turned around you can get even on familiar water at night. Bugs are usually only bad for about an hour around dark here, then just stray biters throughout the night. I hate spray so I will wear long sun pants and shirts if possible, sometimes still have to spray my feet and ankles though. It gets surprisingly chilly with the sun being down, I always keep a hoodie with me and end up using it more often than not. Keep gear simple, you don't need a ton of rods or baits at night. 

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Bass fishing at night?


42 yrs of night fishing from April through October


I use to head out a couple hours before dark & stay out until after daylight. With the aches & pains of old age those marathon days are over.


Other than an occasional night tournament not many people night fish. 


I have a light that attaches to the bill of my cap for tying lures & unhooking fish, a q-beam for running.


I fish the same structure with the same lures I do in the daytime.

fishing user avatarMobasser reply : 

I don't night fish as for as long as I used too, but still go several times a season. I only take 2 rods and downsize my tackle too.It is a great experience. And, can produce some great fishing. I like Texas rigged baits mostly- big worms are always good.

fishing user avatarTOXIC reply : 

Although night fishing is a very productive technique, I rarely do it because I have a 21 foot boat and all of the waters I fish are heavily used public waters.  I do occasionally night fish when I am in Wisconsin but the parade of pontoons out on their nightly booze cruises is very annoying.  For those that do kayak, make sure you are withing USCG guidelines.  My brother in law is a big night fisherman and for Christmas one year I bought him a full set of nav lights for his yak. 


  • A sailing vessel, or one under oars, of less than 7 meters in length shall if practical exhibit red and green sidelights, and a stern light visible from at least one mile away. However if she does not, she can have ready at hand an electric torch or lighted lantern showing a white light which shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision.


fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 



fishing user avatarBuzzHudson19c reply : 

Thanks for the advice guys. I think I am going to make the switch and try it out this weekend. Usually when we night fish its for channel cats from shore with a 12 pack and chairs. This will be only the second time out at night with the kayak so I will be on very familiar water at first.


When I told my wife she just said "Bugs are going to eat you alive." ????

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
  On 7/31/2018 at 10:05 AM, BuzzHudson19c said:

This will be only the second time out at night with the kayak so I will be on very familiar water at first.


Familiar or Unfamiliar?


Ya wanna start out on a body of water ya really know!


fishing user avatarRalph Nicholas Vito reply : 

Any suggestions on gear for someone that wants to night fish? like SPECIFIC brands for the gear and such lol

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
  On 7/31/2018 at 10:29 AM, Ralph Nicholas Vito said:

Any suggestions on gear for someone that wants to night fish? like SPECIFIC brands for the gear and such lol


There's nothing different than fishing in the daylight other than a cap light & q-beam.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

I had no idea so many of you guys fish at night.


Growing up in south Louisiana we once did and then we stopped fishing at night.


Seems some of the most vicious predators hunt in the dark and for some reason I really don't want to meet them.


I remember seeing those illuminated eyes of gators, snakes and other critters in the water and along the bank before I stopped fishing at night and I now have a problem venturing out after dark.


I equate fishing at night with my company's location in Viet Nam. The Cong let us go to and from our communications site on top of the mountain by day and we let them have the mountain by night. We got along fine, other than for us having some bombing missions now and then.


You all have a fun time and I will enjoy reading your posts of your night fishing adventures.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
  On 7/31/2018 at 6:18 PM, Sam said:

Seems some of the most vicious predators hunt in the dark and for some reason I really don't want to meet them




There aint nothing in the dark that aint there in the light!


Being in the outdoors at night aint for everyone, I've seen some very experienced outdoorsmen freakout at night. 


Sorry @Sam I know to you it aint funny!

fishing user avatarSam reply : 
  On 7/31/2018 at 7:02 PM, Catt said:




There aint nothing in the dark that aint there in the light!


Being in the outdoors at night aint for everyone, I've seen some very experienced outdoorsmen freakout at night. 


Sorry @Sam I know to you it aint funny!

If it happens to others, like my best friends in south Louisiana while gigging frogs, it is funny.

If it happens to me it is a disaster of immense proportions.


My friend, Ronnie, freaked out when a water moccasin fell in the skiff one night. He grabbed the shotgun and was ready to shoot it when my other friend stopped him. Ronnie would have sunk the skiff had he pulled the trigger. Louie the Animal took one of the oars and flipped the snake into the water.


Looking back on it we have a good laugh. But Ronnie will no longer go out gigging frogs or pulling crawfish traps in the dark. And Louie will not take him when Louie hits the bayous. And I ain't going, either.

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

I have done this a few times in the summer in south Florida to avoid the heat.  Most of the time I get chased in by skeeters, they will eat you alive on a hot humid night.  Use big black colored baits they put out the best silhouette against the sky.  Big black worms, black buzz baits, big black zara spooks, Big black chatterbaits, and the whopper popper.


As for predators coming out to play at night. I fish a 20 sq. Mile swamp west of palm beach Florida.  During the day you might see 10 gators while fishing.  At night you will see hundreds of big gators that emerge from under the thick vegetation that is everywhere.  Truly amazing! Now we also have pythons up to 17ft. Swimming in the swamp with no fear of anything.

fishing user avatarportiabrat reply : 

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to avoid reeling lures all the way up into your guides?

fishing user avatarFishingmickey reply : 

I haven't fished at night recently. But since I haven't seen it mentioned yet. My fishing partner and I used to fish regularly at night couple of times a week. We had a black light set up with suction cups. Attached to the outside of the boat. Using either Stren clear blue fluorescent or Berkeley Xl also in clear blue fluorescent works outstanding for line watching. The black light makes your line glow and you can see it jump very easily when you get bit,



fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Bring extra batteries.  There's nothing worse than your headlamp going out while you're digging out a backlash.

fishing user avatarCrankFate reply : 

I’ll climb rocks, walk through bees and poison ivy no problem, all day. But once I have crunchy beetles and soft moths flying down the back of my shirt, I’m going home. They are immune to OFF.

fishing user avatarBuzzHudson19c reply : 
  On 7/31/2018 at 7:02 PM, Catt said:

Being in the outdoors at night aint for everyone, I've seen some very experienced outdoorsmen freakout at night. 

This is totally true. I always find it funny seeing a grown man tip toe into the woods in the dark on our way to a hunting spot. Like if he walks at a regular pace the boogie man is gonna get him.

  On 7/31/2018 at 6:18 PM, Sam said:

I remember seeing those illuminated eyes of gators, snakes and other critters in the water and along the bank before I stopped fishing at night and I now have a problem venturing out after dark.

Only thing we have up here are annoyances. Beavers and bats.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

OK back to the original topic!


@A-Jay what y'all do when the air temperature & humidity is just right to form few on everything at night?



fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

I really like to fish summer nights but our local SoCal public lakes closed an hour before sundown limiting night fishing from my boat to a few night tournaments. Northern and Central Cal have several lakes open to night fishing, traveling anywhere from 200 to 500 miles one way to night fish isn't an option unless staying over night.

My rule with night fishing from a boat is let someone know where you are going and if posible don't fish alone. At night other boats can't see you well even with running lights on. A kayak is a sitting target for a power boat to run over and I wouldn't go out on public water at night in a kayak alone.


fishing user avatarNHBull reply : 

If I go at night, it is usually clear with a good moon. A couple years ago, I came close to running over a swimmer at 11:30 PM.  I knew the jerk and he was swimming at the entrance of a channel. We had words, and since then anything above headway speed makes me nervous 

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 8/1/2018 at 11:41 PM, Catt said:

OK back to the original topic!


@A-Jay what y'all do when the air temperature & humidity is just right to form few on everything at night?



If you mean 'Dew' - It's the one aspect of night ops that I'm not a fan of Catt.

With the way the nights cool off here (often as much as 20 degrees plus) the Wetness is a part of life.

And EVERYTHING gets wet - including me.  I dress for it,(otherwise my butts wet all night) I keep as little out as possible, and it's one of the main reasons I don't take pics/video at night - They Always came out looking like something done by Jacques Cousteau - Wet & Wild.   (camera lenses are a mess)


 @Catt What do you do ? 




fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

I have fished for bass at night for over 20 years now,especially in the summer time.

Good lures to use at night are the following;





hollow belly frogs



various types of soft plastics.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
  On 8/2/2018 at 1:06 AM, A-Jay said:

If you mean 'Dew' - It's the one aspect of night ops that I'm not a fan of Catt


Love autocorrect ????


I have a lite weight wind suit that's not 100% water proof but it's breathable.


I always pack a full size bath towel tucked under the front deck & 2 hand towels like golfers use.


Getting wet is a big part of night fishing & a deal breaker for many!



fishing user avatarBuzzHudson19c reply : 
  On 8/2/2018 at 12:17 AM, WRB said:

A kayak is a sitting target for a power boat to run over and I wouldn't go out on public water at night in a kayak alone.

Most of the lakes I fish only have resident power boats. There are no launches. Basically toss the kayak over the guard rail. The big lakes around here I avoid like the plague. But I agree, if I were to go out on them I would not be alone.

fishing user avatardiversity210 reply : 
  On 7/31/2018 at 7:02 PM, Catt said:




There aint nothing in the dark that aint there in the light!


Being in the outdoors at night aint for everyone, I've seen some very experienced outdoorsmen freakout at night. 


Sorry @Sam I know to you it aint funny!

Being in the outdoors at night is definitely not for everyone.  I have watched grown men freak out at night.  I have a cousin that went night fishing with me once.  The gnats buzzing around him, bats flying around catching insects, and on the water where you cant see anything was just to much for him to handle.  I had to take him back in so he could go home.  I on the other hand spent the rest of that night bank fishing.  I wont fish off a boat at night by myself.  I love fishing at night in the quiet, the glow from my propane lantern, bull frogs croaking and the crickets chirping.  Dont get to night fish very often anymore though.


If you are going to take someone outdoors at night.  Ask them if they have ever been outdoors at night before hand.  If they haven't.  Your night fishing trip may end up being a very short one.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Although I wasn't referring to things that go bump in the night, that is part of night fishing.


What I'm referring to is guys with 50+ yrs navigating certain waterways got totally turned around at night.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

Reading al this makes me thing i might go out night fishing tomorrow night now if the rain holds out :) I just wish there were more places around here that allowed it.  Most of the electric only lakes are one hour after sunset type of deals.  I am wanting to do a river float but that is hard to get someone to do with me.  

fishing user avatarGReb reply : 

It’s all fun and games till you meet the Rougarou


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