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how do you keep gnats,or no seeums off you? 2024

fishing user avatarbassmasterb007 reply : 

besides a bee keeper hat :D

fishing user avatarDock Master reply : 

    Bug spray.

fishing user avatarBusy reply : 

I can't actually recommend this because it's bad for your health, but if you enjoy puffing on cigars they are great to keep the bugs off of you.

fishing user avatarbassmasterb007 reply : 

bug spray and cigar and cigerrets do not work here in south florida.

fishing user avatarDock Master reply : 
bug spray and cigar and cigerrets do not work here in south florida.

    Try Listerene then.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Sweet-n-low and water. The Aspartame keeps them away.

fishing user avatarDalton Tam reply : 

lol I'm from louisiana and I can understand where you're coming from... bug spray helps but never 100% effective, and smoking is bad...  The only thing that I know is when your catching alot of fish you don't tend to notice them as much.  Citronella candles and burning citronella oil both work well but idk about putting them in your boat... have you tried a thermocell??? they work really well around here for mosquitos and knats when i'm squirrel hunting and deer hunting.  I've never tried it while fishing but i imagine it would work.  Look up thermocell on google and you'll see what I'm talkin about.  They sale them at any walmart and most sporting good stores.  Try it it may work. ;)

fishing user avatarbassmasterb007 reply : 

ive never tried sweetnlow or thermasil.ill give it a go!gnats are so bad here its not even funny! thanks guys

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I'm not trying to hijack the thread but BassFishinMagician looks like Joe Satriani. ;) I assume that's you in your avatar. Check out the similarity.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
ive never tried sweetnlow or thermasil.ill give it a go!gnats are so bad here its not even funny! thanks guys

I was joking.

fishing user avatarcrw reply : 

Noseeums that hang around hardwoods while you are Deer Hunting are immune everything, cover your entire body.  They eat DEET as a meal.  For gnats, the type from Macon Ga. down, Bounce dryer things seem to work.  Diluted Skin So Soft works for some people, it clogs my pores and just makes me hot.  Bug spray on my ears and under the bill of my cap works for me.  If the bugs are too bad, fire up the big motor and go somewhere else.  Odd, when I am catching bass, the bugs do not bother me.  Except for Black Flies, I swell up in a hurry when bit by them.

fishing user avatarbassmasterb007 reply : 

tin you had me! hook line and sinker my dumb@zz would of hose down with sweetnlow ;D

fishing user avatarDock Master reply : 
ive never tried sweetnlow or thermasil.ill give it a go!gnats are so bad here its not even funny! thanks guys

I was joking.

    I'm glad you told him.  That dude would have been torn up with bug bites.

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 


fishing user avatarNewAngler reply : 

Sweet n low really does work!

Haha. Tell us how it goes!

fishing user avatarretiredbosn reply : 

Skin-so-soft works pretty well.  When I lived in NC we always had it nearby.  Pipe and cigar smoke work well too, even in Florida, but you have to exhale it on your skin and not just into the air.

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 

Here in certain parts of New Jersey, especially coastal areas, we have greenhead flies that will take chunks out of you. Bug spray to them is just salad dressing.

fishing user avatarendless reply : 

thats like that in va too misquitos are real bad this year they ate off my bug spray the more i wear the more they liked it. but on the real i never tried but people i no swear by dryer sheets what brand not sure but the say rub it on then carry it inyour pockets. like i said never tried but my friend always used it when we do masonry work in wooded areas

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

Gnats: nothing you can do except netting - Have been chased off the lake by hydrilla gnats.

No-See-Ums: Deep woods off or Cutters

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Get a picture of Bud Selig and put it on the other side of the boat. Flies like nothing better than poop nad he is full of it ;D

fishing user avatarseyone reply : 
Here in certain parts of New Jersey, especially coastal areas, we have greenhead flies that will take chunks out of you. Bug spray to them is just salad dressing.

lol so true, those Jersey greenheads are the worst.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

It has been a much worse than normal year for the no seeums. I'm on the beach almost every morning before sunrise. Not all are effected, much of the attraction has to do with your own pheromones attracting them. Many days no one is bothered by them except me...., I have real sweet blood.

I have tried everything, with zero results and insect spray seems to attract them rather than repelling them. I now wear long pants and long t shirt or wind breaker with a scarf around my face....I still get bit, but not as bad.

I have a friend that swears buy this line of clothing.|1211385058736=buzz%20off%20clothing&cm_mmc=Google-_-Buzz%20Off-_-Buzz%20Off%20Variations-_-buzz%20off%20insect%20shield&gclid=CNWZ8p_V6JsCFQY9xwodzlRh7w

fishing user avatarbassmasterb007 reply : 

dryer sheets? ill try that also.thanks everyone :)

fishing user avatardrmnbig reply : 

I also recommend dryer sheets.  I used to do a lot of catfishing at night and we would put a drier sheet inside our hats and it would keep them away from your face.  

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 

I carry Bounce dryer sheets in my boat.  When the bugs come out so do the sheets and get in my shirt pocket.

fishing user avatarBassDeaton01 reply : 

Go the store and by some Skin So Soft. I believe it is made by Avon. I went to boot camp at Parris Island and the sand fleas there are horrible. All of our drill instructors used skin so soft and never scratched at a single sand gnat. The recruits on the other hand had to use Off and we were scratching ALL DAY LONG!! I still use skin so soft to this day. It works way better than any bug spray out there. TRUST ME!

fishing user avatarslider head reply : 

I have a hat that has been in my boat for years. It was just an old backup hat to cover my bald head. It has a perfectly blended smell of gas and oil. I figured this out after the hat I was wearing blew off my head one evening. Gnats cannot stand that hat! When they are bad.....I get my gas and oil hat. Of course in a couple hours I will have a headache from it.....but I will be gnat free. :)

fishing user avatarslider head reply : 
Get a picture of Bud Selig and put it on the other side of the boat. Flies like nothing better than poop nad he is full of it ;D

I 2nd this!

fishing user avatarShimmer reply : 

Yep, Skin so Soft by Avon works wonders. You may smell like a french, ya know..but it does the trick!

fishing user avatarendless reply : 
dryer sheets? ill try that also.thanks everyone :)

give it a try. drmnbig jigman words stand better than mine cause they do use it. i might even try it after mentioning it and giving skin so soft a shot too!

fishing user avatarcrw reply : 
Go the store and by some Skin So Soft. I believe it is made by Avon. I went to boot camp at Parris Island and the sand fleas there are horrible. All of our drill instructors used skin so soft and never scratched at a single sand gnat. The recruits on the other hand had to use Off and we were scratching ALL DAY LONG!! I still use skin so soft to this day. It works way better than any bug spray out there. TRUST ME!

Must be new or newer Corps. In the mid 60's, at Parris Island, a recruit just had to endure the sand fleas, if you were caught swating them, there was a high price to pay.  I was in Platoon 208, formed January 28, 1965.  I retired from the Marine Corps in September 1988.

fishing user avatar90x reply : 

bug spray has always attracted the fish to me

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 

My fanny burps work pretty well as a repellent :'(.

fishing user avatarbigtimfish reply : 

I have some spray called 10 hour repellent. It is 98% deet. It keeps everything away.

fishing user avatarbigtimfish reply : 
My fanny burps work pretty well as a repellent :'(.

;D Fanny Burps!!!!! Now that's funny.

fishing user avatarLynx reply : 

If your planning on being in one spot for awhile a Glade Lemon candle works well, if not they sell cans of bug spray, like "Off."

Good Lucks To You In Catching The "Big Kahuna."

fishing user avatargordonusnret reply : 

I use a spray bottle,loaded with diluted ,skin so soft,it seems to work on the black flies also.


fishing user avatartnbassfisher reply : 

Bug spray normally seems to work for me.

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 

I get Deer Flies that swarm me and bite me all to hell. Those suckers draw blood. And you dont feel em on you till it's too late.

I use Deep Woods Sportsman. The deet I guess, makes your skin feel really warm but it's better than getting destroyed by deer flies.

fishing user avataradclem reply : 

Don't laugh but this stuff is absolutely the best.  Works for everything.

Avon Skin So Soft Bug Spray, works AWESOME!!!!

Later, :)

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

I use the Deep Woods stuff. It has some deet in it. Apparently Deet is pretty much the only thing that keeps ticks away and those are the only things I really worry about.

I've heard Deet will eat through fly line.

fishing user avatarBassDeaton01 reply : 
Go the store and by some Skin So Soft. I believe it is made by Avon. I went to boot camp at Parris Island and the sand fleas there are horrible. All of our drill instructors used skin so soft and never scratched at a single sand gnat. The recruits on the other hand had to use Off and we were scratching ALL DAY LONG!! I still use skin so soft to this day. It works way better than any bug spray out there. TRUST ME!

Must be new or newer Corps. In the mid 60's, at Parris Island, a recruit just had to endure the sand fleas, if you were caught swating them, there was a high price to pay. I was in Platoon 208, formed January 28, 1965. I retired from the Marine Corps in September 1988.

We never got to use skin so soft. And our spray downs with off were a joke. We got thrashed for scratching as well. It is definitely a new Corps but we are still Marines and we are still taking the fight to the enemy the way Marines should.

fishing user avatarLittle Luey reply : 
ive never tried sweetnlow or thermasil.ill give it a go!gnats are so bad here its not even funny! thanks guys

I was joking.

you had me going too! I was wondering if you mix the two , them put it on your face and arms, LOL ;D

fishing user avatarbassmasterb007 reply : 

hey guys the dryer sheets worked! :) now can anybody make me a t-shirt and shorts out of them. ;D thank you guy for the help!

fishing user avatarBigJohnny reply : 

I use the OFF Sportsman and I still get bit up. I'm going to buy a thermacell and see how it works

fishing user avatarsilvercliff_46 reply : 

I can't believe none of you youngsters know the answer to this problem..., Well, I'll tell ya.

1. Invite your women to go fishing with you the next day.

2. When she is getting ready, tell her you hear that a friend and his wife were also supposed to be fishing, and you might meet up at the boat landing.

3. When she is doing her hair tell her how pretty she looks and smells, but your worried that the wind and fish smell might spoil it. She will put on a second can of spray, and dosing of perfume.

4. When you get to your fishing spot put her WAY in the back of the boat. The bugs will be attracted to the smell of the perfume, and the hair spray will get them stuck. Oh yeah tell her something must have happened to your friends.

(GEEZ! you got to teach kids everything) ::)

fishing user avatardr.crow reply : 

A couple of thoughts - first, it is really important to keep those biting insects away.  A buddy of mine went and played golf in Canada two weeks ago, got bit by some black fly, got a major skin infection, which then got into his blood stream, and spent a week in ICU!  Being from Louisiana, I've used bug spray, but generally never worried about it too much - I might start paying more attention.

Second point - fishing the marsh in South Louisiana with a guide - where there are lots of bugs and gnats (biting ones) - he uses skin so soft.  So I would say that is a strong vote for it.

fishing user avatarRob G. reply : 

Absorbine Jr.  Can be had pretty cheap at Walgreens etc...  Just have to reapply every couple hours.  It is a God Send.

fishing user avatarvatech reply : 

Anyone use the OFF Clip on Insect Repellent fan? I know some campers that like it.

fishing user avatarcoryjames reply : 
I'm not trying to hijack the thread but BassFishinMagician looks like Joe Satriani. ;) I assume that's you in your avatar. Check out the similarity.

what about this guy??,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,its me ;D


fishing user avatarBoogey Man reply : 

I use these, you can stick them on the bill of your cap or on your clothes, they work. My wife found them in the camping section at Wal-Mart.


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