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Stolen Gear. 2024

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 

Man, it sucks. I cried for a minute today when someone stole my Daiwa SOL and St.Croix premier.

Obviously, I assume checking craiglist and eBay for it would work, but is there anything else I can do? I assume insurance does nothing, or little to for stolen equipment. I know that sports equipment is covered in our insurance for stuff like fire's, and natural disasters and such, but it was taken while I left it to go to the bathroom. It wasn't in a car, so I doubt I have any coverage.

I cant believe someone would take it while I was 100 ft away.

Also, if anyone has any replacement SOLs they'd be willing to part with, please check my WTB post in the Flea Market. I really want another.

So is there anything I can do? Im assuming i'm just S out of Luck

fishing user avatarClint C. reply : 

Man, I'm so sorry to hear that. Yeah I think the best thing you can do is keep an eye on ebay etc. Maybe check any nearby pawn shops?

fishing user avatardale.m reply : 

Dang man I hate to hear that happend to you. I'd keep checking craigslist to see if it pops up. If you find it, send them an email like you are interested in buying it so you can get his address and such....then notify the authorities. I'd also check a few popular local fishing holes around and see if anybody is using your rig. I hope you find your gear and the person who stole it! Best of luck!

fishing user avatarGoTakeANap reply : 

Did someone take it out of your boat?

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 

You're pretty much SOL. Finding it on craigslist, ebay or a pawn shop is one thing. Proving it is yours is another, unless you have some sort of identifying markings on it.

Your first thing to do is make a police report and make sure you give the officer a full description of the stolen gear. Include any scratches, dings or markings. Anything that will allow you to identify it as yours. Your local pawn shop would be the best place to look in hopes of catching the perp because you have to have identification to sell something there.

Your homeowners insurance will more than likely cover the loss but your deductible is too high to even bother.

I think you're going to have to chalk this loss up to a hard lesson learned. Never leave your stuff alone.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 
  On 8/13/2012 at 12:54 PM, Bassn Blvd said:

You're pretty much SOL. Finding it on craigslist, ebay or a pawn shop is one thing. Proving it is yours is another, unless you have some sort of identifying markings on it.

Your first thing to do is make a police report and make sure you give the officer a full description of the stolen gear. Include any scratches, dings or markings. Anything that will allow you to identify it as yours. Your local pawn shop would be the best place to look in hopes of catching the perp because you have to have identification to sell something there.

Your homeowners insurance will more than likely cover the loss but your deductible is too high to even bother.

I think you're going to have to chalk this loss up to a hard lesson learned. Never leave your stuff alone.

If you were the original owner of the premier, see if you can call up st croix so you can get the serial number documented with you being the register. I never tried it but it's a shot of ownership to give to the police.

fishing user avatarAdam Caudle reply : 

So lame. Hope something turns up for you.

fishing user avatarearlbrwstr reply : 

Hope you find your stuff. I couldnt imagine having my gear stolen, id prob cry!

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Bassn covered it perfectly. Your sol is S.O.L., that's sheet out of luck!.

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 
  On 8/13/2012 at 3:25 PM, SirSnookalot said:

Bassn covered it perfectly. Your sol is S.O.L., that's sheet out of luck!.


fishing user avatarfishking247 reply : 

what a shame. you can't go anywhere without having to constantly be looking behind your back. the SOL is a great reel it's a shame they stopped making them. good luck in your search.

fishing user avatarMarkH024 reply : 
  On 8/13/2012 at 8:36 PM, fishking247 said:

what a shame. you can't go anywhere without having to constantly be looking behind your back.

Isn't that the truth.

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 

never leave something you value just laying around in the open to be taken. for all someone else knows is you abandoned it so they took it. hopefully you will have learned your lesson...

fishing user avatarsmr913 reply : 
  On 8/13/2012 at 9:11 PM, Red Earth said:

for all someone else knows is you abandoned it so they took it.

What????? That is the stupidest justification for stealing I have ever heard. I have had things stolen in the past and even had the joy of busting one of them trying to sell the copper they took at the scrap yard. While he is sitting in prison I can't help but feel guilty because he must of thought it was abandoned copper.

Sorry to hear about that BC. There are some miserable people in the world.

fishing user avatarMarkH024 reply : 
  On 8/13/2012 at 9:11 PM, Red Earth said:

never leave something you value just laying around in the open to be taken. for all someone else knows is you abandoned it so they took it. hopefully you will have learned your lesson...

Does someone just "abandon" gear of that value? I highly doubt it. Why would someone abandon their fishing gear period, that would be a first for me hearing that. Whether your car/boat is broken into or something is swiped off the deck of your boat or your pier...stealing is stealing. If it's not yours don't touch it. Its not like he left his gear in the middle of a forest or in the junkyard.

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 

Well, nature called hard and strong, so I left it leaning on the tree within eye sight of the bathroom. I'll be sure to make a report and check out the Pawn Shops.

fishing user avatarhooah212002 reply : 
  On 8/13/2012 at 11:08 AM, BASSclary said:

I assume insurance does nothing, or little to for stolen equipment.

Not true in all cases. I had golf clubs stolen out of my parents garage shortly after they moved in and insurance cut a check for $1000. I'm sure it depends on your policy, but it's worth a shot. Especially if it's quality gear. They didn't even ask for receipts, just a police report (I think) and a list of items along with their value.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Even if you found it at a pawn shop, the pawn dealers aren't going to give it back. At best they may have some sympathy and accept what they paid for it.

fishing user avatarBass Slayer 72 reply : 

That sucks bro, I bet next time you take your gear with you behind the tree.....=:(

fishing user avatarMT2 reply : 
  On 8/13/2012 at 10:58 PM, SirSnookalot said:

Even if you found it at a pawn shop, the pawn dealers aren't going to give it back. At best they may have some sympathy and accept what they paid for it.

Im sure they'd give it back against facing receiving stolen property charges. Years ago there was a booming pawn shop here, after getting busted for having sold stolen firearms, they almost lost the shop. Go into it today its not much more than a thrift store and they dont have any firearms. Had several other pawn shops that are no longer in operation for moving stolen product.

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 
  On 8/14/2012 at 12:51 AM, MT2 said:

Im sure they'd give it back against facing receiving stolen property charges. Years ago there was a booming pawn shop here, after getting busted for having sold stolen firearms, they almost lost the shop. Go into it today its not much more than a thrift store and they dont have any firearms. Had several other pawn shops that are no longer in operation for moving stolen product.

Knowingly receiving stolen property is a crime. Receiving stolen property that you could not have known was stolen is not a crime.

Example- Me selling you a new Sol and St.Croix for $20 when the average cost is around $400. The buyer in this example should question the seller as to why it's so enexpensive. The buyer had best walk away without a very good eplanation.

The pawn has one of two options. BassClary can pay the pawn shop the amount that they paid for the gear. OR the pawn shop can return the gear to BassClary without charge and then the Pawn shop also becomes a victim. This is why the seller HAS to provide valid identification when selling/pawning something to a pawn shop.

fishing user avatarhatrix reply : 

I had someone steal my stuff out of the garage a few years back. I lost pretty much everything and have been recovering ever since.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

Sorry to hear BC. Growing up in Chicago has taught me to never leave anything anywhere ever. Doors and windows always locked on the car, even if I'm running into a 7-11 just for a second. I keep the doors locked on the house even when I'm home and I now live in the suburbs. I hate to admit this but I keep a constant eye on my gear at the dock, before and after, tournaments, in a club I've been a member of for many years. It's habit, and probably a good one.

Good Luck

fishing user avatardeep reply : 

That sucks BC; I hope you get them back.

fishing user avatarBroke bass fisherman reply : 

That sucks man. Had my tackle box and 7 rods and reels stolen overnight while camping when I was twelve so I understand your pain. Hopefully you'll be able to find it.

fishing user avatarClackerBuzz reply : 
  On 8/13/2012 at 10:52 PM, hooah212002 said:

Not true in all cases. I had golf clubs stolen out of my parents garage shortly after they moved in and insurance cut a check for $1000. I'm sure it depends on your policy, but it's worth a shot. Especially if it's quality gear. They didn't even ask for receipts, just a police report (I think) and a list of items along with their value.


you have to say it was stolen from ur house property ie not at the lake. I know kids in college who had laptops, electronics, gaming systems etc stolen out of their dorm. their parents said it happened at home/garage/on their property etc and their policy covered them.

I don't own a home so i buy renters insurance from my auto company for the same reason. its $65 a year for $10K of coverage and I get a multi policy discount of $65 so its free.

Edited by ClackerBuzz
fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 8/13/2012 at 10:43 PM, BASSclary said:

Well, nature called hard and strong, so I left it leaning on the tree within eye sight of the bathroom. I'll be sure to make a report and check out the Pawn Shops.

why didnt you just take it in with you?
fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

Like slonezp mentioned above, I have lived in big cities most of my life (Miami and Los Angeles areas for over 50 years combined) and you lock you doors and don't leave your stuff laying around. Now that I live in the sticks, in a mostly trustworthy environment, I still keep my big-city ways. One of the ponds that I fish in my community has a public restroom nearby. I usually have two rods, and carry them through one set of doors, then into the bathroom with me. People look at me funny, but that's what ya gotta do....

Too bad about your gear - lesson learned the hard way.

ALSO, I want to go on record in case I mention the combo in a future thread that it is a coincidence that I also have a Sol / St. Croix Premier (7'ml) combo that I owned prior to BC's loss......and I haven't been to any pawn shops in Virginia recently !

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 
  On 8/13/2012 at 9:17 PM, smr913 said:

What????? That is the stupidest justification for stealing I have ever heard. I have had things stolen in the past and even had the joy of busting one of them trying to sell the copper they took at the scrap yard. While he is sitting in prison I can't help but feel guilty because he must of thought it was abandoned copper.

Sorry to hear about that BC. There are some miserable people in the world.

Im not trying to justify anything, but its a possibility. People leave lakes all the time and forget they left behind a rod and reel or their tackle box, and dont realize it till sometime later. It wasnt purposely abandoned, but it was abandoned. The point is he shouldnt be leaving things of value laying around in the open, even if only for a few minutes. Recently i had my floating old school metal minnow bucket stolen off my uncles dock at Smith Mtn Lake over night, i got it for $5 at a yardsale. I left it tied up to a rope on the dock when i wasnt using it, it wasnt a big deal that it got stolen really. but you know what i didnt leave on the dock overnight? my tackle bag and 6 rods and reels.

  On 8/13/2012 at 9:22 PM, MarkH024 said:

Does someone just "abandon" gear of that value? I highly doubt it. Why would someone abandon their fishing gear period, that would be a first for me hearing that. Whether your car/boat is broken into or something is swiped off the deck of your boat or your pier...stealing is stealing. If it's not yours don't touch it. Its not like he left his gear in the middle of a forest or in the junkyard.

Sometimes you can abandon something simply by leaving it behind, whether purposely or accidentally. either way, Clary knows he didnt abandon it, but another person doesnt know that. Clary learned a lesson the hard way...

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
you have to say it was stolen from ur house property ie not at the lake.

Uhh, can you say insurance fraud?

fishing user avatarshootermcbob reply : 
  On 8/14/2012 at 10:59 PM, J Francho said:

Uhh, can you say insurance fraud?


fishing user avatarjeffo21 reply : 

I have engraved all my stuff and taken pics of it so i know how to id it if it should get stolen. I hate to hear the stole ur gear cant stand a thief.

fishing user avatarMarkH024 reply : 
  On 8/14/2012 at 10:50 PM, Red Earth said:

Sometimes you can abandon something simply by leaving it behind, whether purposely or accidentally. either way, Clary knows he didnt abandon it, but another person doesnt know that. Clary learned a lesson the hard way...

If it's accidental, it's not is forgetting or misplacing it. When you abandon something you are doing it by intention. Someone was greedy and the poor guy had his stuff swiped just to take a whiz. Perhaps if we lived in a less greedy/self centered world things like this wouldn't happen but we're humans and that's what people do. It's sad.

You're right, he did learn the hard way and I feel for him, but some people are pouring salt in the wound it seems. I don't think he was posting to be lectured. That's all I'm going to say.

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 
  On 8/14/2012 at 7:56 PM, LgMouthGambler said:

why didnt you just take it in with you?

It's a very small bathroom, to take my tackle and rod in there then there wouldnt be room for me to have a seat. Porta-pooper sized really.

fishing user avatarmod479 reply : 

I hate reading these kinds of threads. Hope you find your gear...lesson learned I hope.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

If the rod and reel were taken by a local they will keep the items for future use or sell them to a friend, not on ebay or a pawn shop.

We are too trusting of others in the fishing world and I think that 99.9% of bass guys would not touch your equipment.

However, if any non fishermen are in the area they may want to take your gear as it is easy pickings.

May I suggest posting a reward sign where the items were taken with the understanding that no questions will be asked and you will pay $100 for the safe return of the stolen items?

This may produce some results as opposed to going to ebay or pawn shops.

Good luck.

fishing user avatarpiscicidal reply : 

Sorry to hear it, Clary. I've had some expensive fishing/golf equipment disappear over the sucks.

Hang in there.

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 
  On 8/14/2012 at 11:23 PM, MarkH024 said:

If it's accidental, it's not is forgetting or misplacing it. When you abandon something you are doing it by intention. Someone was greedy and the poor guy had his stuff swiped just to take a whiz. Perhaps if we lived in a less greedy/self centered world things like this wouldn't happen but we're humans and that's what people do. It's sad.

You're right, he did learn the hard way and I feel for him, but some people are pouring salt in the wound it seems. I don't think he was posting to be lectured. That's all I'm going to say.

youre missing my point. Clary knows he didnt abandon it, we know that too. but the person picking it up and taking it doesnt know that...

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
the person picking it up and taking it doesnt know that...

Yeah, right....that's a s.....t.....r.....e.....t....c....h. :hahaha-024:

fishing user avatarsmr913 reply : 
  On 8/15/2012 at 3:34 AM, Red Earth said:

youre missing my point. Clary knows he didnt abandon it, we know that too. but the person picking it up and taking it doesnt know that...

Remind me not to to leave anything alone around you.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I've had all my gear stolen on one occasion and a small pond hopper type boat stolen on another, it's a terrible feeling. Both times I was pretty young and had paid for all my gear and the boat by saving every penny I could scrape up doing chores and odd jobs for people, I just felt deflated both times because I'd work so hard for it and someone else just took it like it was nothing. There isn't much you can do to get it back besides hoping and doing what the other guys mentioned, never got any of my stuff back but hopefully you'll have better luck that I did. Hang in there man.

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 
  On 8/14/2012 at 2:46 PM, ClackerBuzz said:


you have to say it was stolen from ur house property ie not at the lake. I know kids in college who had laptops, electronics, gaming systems etc stolen out of their dorm. their parents said it happened at home/garage/on their property etc and their policy covered them.

I don't own a home so i buy renters insurance from my auto company for the same reason. its $65 a year for $10K of coverage and I get a multi policy discount of $65 so its free.

Absolutely false. Property DOES NOT have to be stolen from your houe/garage in order for homeowners to cover it.

As far as the person thinking it was forgotten/abandoned? Quite possible. I puled out of my neighborhood and their was a family taking graduation pics by the lake. I returned an hour later and everyone was gone. The only thing there was a tripod, the same one I saw the dad use to take the pics. I took the tripod and turned in tothe homeowners assoc and it was returned to the owner.

fishing user avatarshootermcbob reply : 

All in all, just a lousy deal for BC. I do hope you get your items back. It is possible.

6-7 years ago while hunting on public lands, I somehow left my hunting bow lying on the ground...Hoyt ultratec...pse competition pro arrows, trophy taker fall-away arrow rest, trophy ridge hunting sight...bow and items mounted on were an easy 1100.00 bucks.

Short story, I got the rig back in about a week. One of my co-workers found out who found my bow and got it back for me. It is Possible.

fishing user avatarClackerBuzz reply : 
  On 8/14/2012 at 10:59 PM, J Francho said:

Uhh, can you say insurance fraud?

true. what does that make is the definition of this?

an uninsured driver killed a girl that was progressive customer. progressive defended the killer in court to avoid paying out on her policy.


true ie "Absolutely false. Property DOES NOT have to be stolen from your houe/garage in order for homeowners to cover it."

Edited by ClackerBuzz
fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 
Absolutely false. Property DOES NOT have to be stolen from your houe/garage in order for homeowners to cover it.

Any HO policy I have owned covers personal property from where ever it's stolen, there is no need to mis lead an insurance co. There are 2 problems in filing a claim, in many cases the deductible is higher than the value of the actual loss, secondly HO insurers have been known to cancel after a claim or 2.

Renters insurance is bit different, covers the contents of the unit and personal property, the apt complex or condo assoc has insurance to cover outside damage.

Slightly off topic but good info to know, HO insurance may not cover damage due to floods, and damage from a named storm will result in a higher your policy.

fishing user avatarrb56 reply : 

sorry to hear about this. i've been lucky and gone off and left my rods and reels lying in the bed of my truck, plus my trolling motor battery. i know better since someone came in my drive way and stole the storage box (big as a tool box) from my truck and now i do take my stuff out. even in my driveway stuff isn't safe. i remember when we use to dock out boat, the only thing we got out was our stringer. we'd leave stuff in the boat in plain view and the next morning it'd all be there. imo there's nothing lower than some sorry sob that thinks he can put his hands on my belongings and walk away with them. good luck although i'd say your chances are slim.

fishing user avatarzachb34 reply :

decent deal to replace your reel i just got a reel stolen too

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 
  On 8/15/2012 at 3:39 AM, J Francho said:

Yeah, right....that's a s.....t.....r.....e.....t....c....h. :hahaha-024:

its not a stretch by any means. youre just failing to look at it from all possible angles.

  On 8/15/2012 at 5:37 AM, smr913 said:

Remind me not to to leave anything alone around you.

I'll have to remind myself not to associate with someone like you. Im not a thief and dont appreciate being alluded to as one. You seem the type to jump to conclusions about something with nothing to base said conclusions on, good luck maintaining friendships that way...

  On 8/15/2012 at 6:18 AM, Bassn Blvd said:

Absolutely false. Property DOES NOT have to be stolen from your houe/garage in order for homeowners to cover it.

As far as the person thinking it was forgotten/abandoned? Quite possible. I puled out of my neighborhood and their was a family taking graduation pics by the lake. I returned an hour later and everyone was gone. The only thing there was a tripod, the same one I saw the dad use to take the pics. I took the tripod and turned in tothe homeowners assoc and it was returned to the owner.

finally, atleast someone is able to think objectively about it...

fishing user avatarbocabasser reply : 
  On 8/14/2012 at 7:56 PM, LgMouthGambler said:

why didnt you just take it in with you?

exactly what i was thinking. i have several times brought my surfboard into the can while dropping a duece. a thief is an opportunist who will take advantage of every situation.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

LOL, he went in to take a leak. I doubt it took an hour. Someone was watching, knew what was up, took the gear, and bolted. Some of your theories are amazing.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

And scene....


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