It is my pleasure to announce that Doug Hannon has agreed to answer your questions right here on! You might notice there's a new forum called "The Professor's Corner". This is where you can post your questions. Each week, he'll answer select questions from everyone here! This isn't a one-shot deal. He's here for the long-haul. Doug loves to teach, so ask away!
Many thanks to Lane and LBH for paving the way towards making this happen.
Let me be the first to welcome Mr. Hannon into our "family". Welcome Aboard!
And please visit his site:
How cool is this?
Welcome aboard Doug!!
Bass beware, the proffesor is here.
Glad to have you grace us with your presence Mr. Hannon. It truely is an honor to have you join us.
Very cool indeed.....welcome to the forum Doug,we're all looking forward to some big bass knowledge.
Bring it on! We're glad to have you.
This is outstanding and just one more reason that I'm a proud member of this forum!
I'm all choked up
What an honor
A true legend of our sport
Merci Beau Coup (Thank You Large) Glenn is really coming of age.
Thank you Doug for joining us here.
I'm sure many questions will flow your way.
Thanks Doug and Glenn
This place just gets better and better!
Thank you Doug!!!!!!
It just keeps getting better. Thanks for joining us Doug. Really looking forward to your expertise. It's a real honor to have you have you here.
Thanks Doug, can't wait to learn from the best!
Welcome Doug.
I have, I mean we all have, had tremendous admiration and respect for you for a very long time. Watching you release all those huge bass on a fishing video as a lad (I think it was the "Formula for Success") and reading some of your work on the necessity to release fish and protect their habitat has really influenced me and the way I approach and think about fishing.
I have considerable respect for you as a scientist, ecologist and fisherman. I can't wait to read your contributions to this community.
Welcome Mr. Hannon. I am looking forward to your post as I have respected your knowledge concerning the art of fishing for many years.
Wow! Great to have you hear Doug. Can't wait to read you contributions to the site. Thanks for joining us here.
Welcome aboard Doug! Can't wait to learn from the BEST!
Just one more reason why this site is head and shoulders above the rest!
Wow Thank you Glenn Its an honor to have you aboard Doug What a Christmas present for the forums
A thanks to Glenn cant begin showing the appreciation but its a start, Mr. Hannon you truely are a legend in the bass fishing world and its an honor to hear your expertise!
Thanks! Looking forward to learning more from someone else!
Thanks Glenn. Welcome aboard professor. It's an honor to have you here.
Welcome Doug. I am stoked that you picked our site to hang one of you hats. Thanks for all you have done for our sport. I am getting my notebook and pencil out as we speek.
Fantastic news. Welcome!
Wow, Welcome Mr. Hannon and thank you for coming aboard. Thank you also to the board organizers and forum moderators, this site just keeps getting better.
Welcome aboard!
If you would ever like to chase smallmouth on the Tennessee River, let me know, I've got a spot reserved for you.
Welcome Doug................thanks Glenn..........This is awsome ;D