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Oh Boy.. I'm In Trouble. 2024

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 

That's right guys. The Bait Monkey has struck again. But this time I was slick..or so I thought. Durring the "25 days of Christmas sale" at TW I got a little carried away...I spent 587.78 and put it on my credit card. I never use it and I always have packages sent to my what's the big deal...right? Wrong because bait monkey got me again a few days before christmas, this time for 320.08.

Well here's where it gets good. The wife took her lunch break at the house today and checked the mail...yup. She waited till I got home and blasted me...and she is starting to recover...until the bill for the 320 comes in the mail. Lmao!!

Then she asks if I bought her another thing from TW..and I was like...ugh... I showed her the 7'7 Cumara punch rod (99 bucks...what a steal). She didn't buy it. So... I guess I'll get some fishing done this weekend while I'm in the doghouse.

Dang ill bait monkey..

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 

I think I'm going to call Capitol one and ask them to send the next bill (320) to my

fishing user avatarBassnChris reply : 

I will remain 'mum' on that subject.


But rest in the knowledge, you had it extremely mild compared to my 'outbreak' of the holiday bait monkey.

fishing user avatarAluma-Bass reply : 

tell me bout it...its hard sneaking a 7ft rod tube in the house with TW logos all over it....

fishing user avatartnriverluver reply : 

I am so glad my wife almost never gets home from work and the Gym until after 7PM.  Plenty of time usually for the UPS man to deliver and me to stash my latest purchases. :eyebrows:

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 

Not so mild... She's ticked because not only did I not tell her, but I spent at least that much back in September on what i called a "re-stock". Lol. And 75 dollars in October taking the boat for its yearly doctors visit. Ready for prespawn at least then ill be too busy fishing to shop.

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

When it comes to my lost battles with the bait monkey, I live by the motto; It's much easier to ask for forgivness than i is to ask for permission.  Time spent in the dog house increases tenfold when permission is denied and that monkey tricks you into buying something anyway.  Another tactic I use is to sell an item for more than I paid for it and use that money to buy my new toy.  Of course, 'selling'  can mean any number of different things in my vocabulary. ;)

fishing user avatarBigbarge50 reply : 

just remember that a coach bag costs a ton too..... so when she does not understand why we need a new reel that looks like all others, we can remind them that we might not understand why a bag is hundreds of dollars more than then something that looks exactly the same......


Then again..... maybe just show up with flowers and keep quiet haha

fishing user avatarHooligan reply : 

My wife and I have an understanding and agreement.  When I start making less than I spend on it, in total, it curbs.  If I don't at least break even on an annual basis, it's been a bad year.

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

A successful marriage is a two way street.  If you share the same income, there should be no secrets from each other when it comes to spending the family's money.  On the other hand, if having ensured that the needs of the family are taken care of, there is no reason why you or she shouldn't exercise a little discretionary spending.  But, never keep it a secret from your spouse.  I never ask for permission to buy something, but I always tell her what I bought, and how much I spent.  That formula seems to work for my bride and me.  We've been married for forty-three years.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I am always funding my new stuff with sales of my old stuff. That helps a little, for one it keeps the accumulation of "stuff" that I don't use down, and if it's out of sight with her, it's out of mind. And, much like a little kid with an allowance, I keep a little of my paycheck every week off to the side and buy stuff with that, so what if I have to save for a two or three weeks for a new rod, reel, or longer for more expensive stuff.That way there are no bills to worry about paying, the kids are clothed and fed, and I don't have to take money out of our joint savings to buy toys. I am not big on buying "wants" on credit and prefer to keep the cards clean and paid down incase the washing machine, or what not craps the bed at the worst time. When I am not doing things that way, it's just little stuff here and there, like a couple crankbait, or bags of plastics, etc.. when we are at the mall and I run into Dicks, Gander Mtn, or Wal mart. She allows me to fish pretty much when ever I want, so the least I can do is not bankrupt us in the process.

fishing user avatarTuckahoe Joe reply : 

My girlfriends thing is that as long as the bills are paid, she doesn't care what I spend on fishing stuff.  I still try not to go overboard though.  I usually just buy a lure or 2 here and there.  I dropped 150 bucks at BPS today though and now Im pretty well set for spring.  Shouldn't have to buy anything else for a while.  Sorry to hear your in the doghouse.

fishing user avatarShewillbemine reply : 

LOL I didn't spend that much recently but I know what you mean. I've made it a point to come home extra early these past few weeks to ensure I get the Tackle Warehouse box first. 

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 
  On 1/4/2013 at 11:32 AM, tnriverluver said:
I am so glad my wife almost never gets home from work and the Gyn until after 7PM.  Plenty of time usually for the UPS man to deliver and me to stash my latest purchases. :eyebrows:

Does she go to the gyn often? :laugh5:

Sorry I had to.

Didn't spend but $250 with the bait monkey this year. The boat monkey has been knocking on my door tempting me...

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

She doesn't ask what I spend my money on, I don't ask what she spends her money on. As long as I have the money for the bills I pay and she has the money for the bills she pays that's all we're really worried about. 

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

With the new payroll tax increase I will be cutting back on my tackle purchases this year.

I think lots of guys and gals will be cutting back on their tackle purchases this year after they receive their first 2013 paycheck and note less income.

The only thing left on my bucket list is a G. Loomis 822 drop shot rod which I may or may not get for my birthday. Otherwise, it is cut back the fishing tackle purchases and use what I have.

Happy New Year!!!!

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

I am retired, and when I tell my wife I'm buying an expensive rod or reel, she says, go ahead, you've worked hard, you deserve it. God bless that woman.


fishing user avatarBassnChris reply : 
  On 1/4/2013 at 1:51 PM, slonezp said:
Didn't spend but $250 with the bait monkey this year. The boat monkey has been knocking on my door tempting me...


That explains why the little guy looks puzzled when I tell him, "but you just told me to buy the new reel?" , after he tells me to buy the new fishfinder! They're twins! And all this time I thought it was the same monkey. Huh.

Holy Cow!

fishing user avatarjhoffman reply : 

Mine would be LIVID if that much tackle showed up at one time. I keep my boat at my parents house because I dont have anywhere to charge my batteries at home. I have my stuff delivered there but its never to the tune of $1000. YOOOOOOOOOW


I hope you have the money to pay that off soon or you probably paid in reality at least $1200 so any savings will be toast.

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 

Thanks guys, wife just paid the first bill online. I am careful to always pay off full amounts if I can

fishing user avatarB@ssCrzy reply : 

I don't keep any secrets from my wife and she does not keep any from me.  We talk about what to spend our money on and what not to.  With that being said she is more than willing to help me feed my fishing habit.  Happened to get a new Shimano Compre and Powell Diesel this past month with the TW sale that was too much to resist.  The best part is that I can share my love of fishing with her b/c I am not trying to hide anything.  There are times when we decide not to buy any fishing stuff, but for the most part she is very gracious in that department.  She is a great partner and friend. 

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

My fiancee is pretty cool about stuff.  We take the approach of if we can pay our bills that we are each responsible for and keep food on the table then we are good.


Luckily she doesn't spend much but when she does all i can do is encourage her to do it because she doesn't like to spend money on herself.  She gets her hair done every month or two which runs over $100 and doesn't last as long as a new piece of gear so i figure we are good :)


I also let her claim our son on the tax return since we are not married yet and the dependent care expenses so she gets a little extra and i get the peace of mind knowing i didn't tick her off in the process.  The one thing i do ask for is the 1k match work gives her for the dependent care FSA since i pay for the day care and i feel like i deserve the free money part lol

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 
  On 1/4/2013 at 9:18 PM, BassnChris said:

That explains why the little guy looks puzzled when I tell him, "but you just told me to buy the new reel?" , after he tells me to buy the new fishfinder! They're twins! And all this time I thought it was the same monkey. Huh.

Holy Cow!

Last year was side imaging, the year before was iPilot, this year a new rig possibly?

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 

Hahaha. Video was great. First,of all to clear some stuff up. The wife and I don't liemor keep secrets withers. I normally but what I want and tell her later. She knew that I bought stuff from TW but I didn't tell her that I put it on my credit card and I wasn't ever clear on Exactly how much I spent. ..I know I know.. It's on me.

So...I'm taking her shopping tonight.

fishing user avatarJmrichardson2011 reply : 

I have decided to save money by building my own tackle this year and being sure to use up what I have (except for Watermelon Red Flake Trick Sticks - always running out of those). The only thing the bait monkey will probably get me for this year is a new baitcasting rod and real for cranking.

fishing user avatarwademaster1 reply : 

I buy what I want. I work like she does, we buy what we want. If it doesn't cramp your wallets I don't see the big deal. Can't take it all with ya.

fishing user avatarJohn Y reply : 

When Your wife loves to fish as much as you do its not hard to get carried away and no need to explain to anyone ! Lol

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

The boat monkey handles them little boats like jon boats and kayaks.  The boat ape is the one who makes you buy a bass boat, lol.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
  On 1/4/2013 at 9:18 PM, BassnChris said:

That explains why the little guy looks puzzled when I tell him, "but you just told me to buy the new reel?" , after he tells me to buy the new fishfinder! They're twins! And all this time I thought it was the same monkey. Huh.

Holy Cow!


Remember Gary Hart?  He looked like he might have had the dem nomination for their presidential candidate, until....................he told reporters to "catch me if you can".  And they did, with Donna Rice onboard a yacht.  The name of the yacht?  What else, Monkey Business.


One way or another them darn monkeys will throw a monkey wrench into your plans.

fishing user avatarbasseditor reply : 

I have more stuff in my garage than most tackle shops. I really need to sell some! I bought 20 new reels in the last 90 days. That's on top of the 10 I got last year on Black Friday. Total of 16 Revos and Lew's this week alone. If you see some new Lew's for sale, you'll know why. I don't know what I was thinking. Doh!

fishing user avatarFrog Turds reply : 

maybe you got a minor obsessive compulsive disorder going on there basseditor?  :eyebrows:

fishing user avatarbasseditor reply : 
  On 1/5/2013 at 9:14 AM, Frog Turds said:
maybe you got a minor obsessive compulsive disorder going on there basseditor?  :eyebrows:

Nothing minor about it! LOL

Like the day I bought a new Phoenix 721 and just brought it home and my wife didn't know. I don't know how she put up with me for the last 35 years.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
  On 1/5/2013 at 9:14 AM, Frog Turds said:
maybe you got a minor obsessive compulsive disorder going on there basseditor?  :eyebrows:


Not necessarily.  Maybe he's just tough on the gear.  Or, the bait/gear monkey has him by the short hairs.

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 1/5/2013 at 9:31 AM, basseditor said:
Nothing minor about it! LOL

Like the day I bought a new Phoenix 721 and just brought it home and my wife didn't know. I don't know how she put up with me for the last 35 years.

I just looked at your profile. I guess you can tell her it's work related and get away with it



fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

I have been saving (hiding $ from the wife) for a couple of months now. Getting ready to make a run to BPS to pick me up another Chronarch50E. She caught me the other night switching some reels and rods around to prepare for the new setup. She knows I traded a few rods on here recently for a diffferent one, so I just told her I was making some adjustments with the new rod. She then saw I had one rod alone and asked what I was going to do with it. She might be on to me.

fishing user avatarBasswhippa reply : 
  On 1/4/2013 at 12:47 PM, Long Mike said:
A successful marriage is a two way street.  If you share the same income, there should be no secrets from each other when it comes to spending the family's money.  On the other hand, if having ensured that the needs of the family are taken care of, there is no reason why you or she shouldn't exercise a little discretionary spending.  But, never keep it a secret from your spouse.  I never ask for permission to buy something, but I always tell her what I bought, and how much I spent.  That formula seems to work for my bride and me.  We've been married for forty-three years.



Teal, in your first post you quote "LMAO" at your wife who is recovering until she sees the next "bait monkey" purchase.  If I didn't know better, I would think that you are actually enjoying watching her suffer.


I quoted the above as it is really solid advice.   Women need security.  Financial problems are the number 1 cause of divorce.   Divorces are very expensive and can cut into our very expensive hobby.  


I have no idea of your finance.  For all I know,  you may be a multi millionare and your wife is overly obsessed.  That said, the above quoted advice is good for all of us.


Good luck!

fishing user avatarkadas reply : 
  On 1/4/2013 at 12:47 PM, Long Mike said:
A successful marriage is a two way street.  If you share the same income, there should be no secrets from each other when it comes to spending the family's money.  On the other hand, if having ensured that the needs of the family are taken care of, there is no reason why you or she shouldn't exercise a little discretionary spending.  But, never keep it a secret from your spouse.  I never ask for permission to buy something, but I always tell her what I bought, and how much I spent.  That formula seems to work for my bride and me.  We've been married for forty-three years.

Same here Long Mike--no secrets on our purchases---found out a lot of years ago that trying to keep a secret on buying something was more hurtful to her than the spending of the money so we both buy things and there are no secrets--works well for us anyway and we have been married 42 years :respect-059:

fishing user avatarbasseditor reply : 
  On 1/5/2013 at 6:23 PM, hootiebenji said:
I just looked at your profile. I guess you can tell her it's work related and get away with it



True. It helps. But I pay all the bills, which aren't many anymore, and get what I want. She spends her income from her part-time job how she wants (mostly on grand kids) so we're happy.

My children make good incomes and they are always giving me gift cards or buying me new stuff too.

I pay for the boat, and they can use it anytime they want.

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 1/5/2013 at 10:49 PM, basseditor said:
True. It helps. But I pay all the bills, which aren't many anymore, and get what I want. She spends her income from her part-time job how she wants (mostly on grand kids) so we're happy.

My children make good incomes and they are always giving me gift cards or buying me new stuff too.

I pay for the boat, and they can use it anytime they want.


You truly are a Blessed man....



fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 

Me and my fiancee' have separate checking accounts, and that's the way it will stay. She luckily never says a word when I spend money.

fishing user avatarprjavelin reply : 

Ive just finished working the highest paying week of my year. Its NYE that makes it amazingly good at my waiter job. My wife is ticked because I want to use all the money and then some into buying my first boat(which is not a lot anyways around 1600). Shes also kinda mad that I want to store the boat in the garage that none of us are using right now because we let the cars sit outside.  



the packages of baits arrive at my in-laws so she always knows first. she always starts talking about how I have enough. Last time I changed the tune and told her all the bait I dont have enough or very little of: jigs, chatterbaits, jerkbaits and like always spinnerbaits. lol she responded saying they all look the same and they all should catch fish because the problem is not the arrow, its the archer. so in other words she told me I suck at fishing. And she may be right.  


anyways When she gets kinda mad about anything I clean the house for her and I cook her a nice meal and she forgets about everything. 

Also, im not the bad guy here,  she has like 1000 pair of shoes and she buys more and more every time she gets a chance. Its me being puzzled about it thinking, what does she need more shoes for? she only has 2 feet

fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 

I always discuss purchases with my wife. I tell her I want it and I usually get the things I want.  The only exceptions when things are a little tight, I might have to wait a few paydays. She has never said no nor will she ever say no.  I never put anything on credit because I might, just like ww2farmer stated, need the space for a fridge or other appliance. 


I have learned the hard way on stashing money in a previous marriage.  It wasn't pleasant when the wife found it.  I don't know if it started a decline in the marriage but I know it didn't help!  :laugh5:


I will be going to the Classic Expo in Tulsa and my beautiful wife is allowing a $500 dollar budget for that! :respect-059:

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has this problem. I really already knew that but at least reading some of these makes me feel better about it. Let me add I do not own a CC so I don't have the luxury of paying just a bit at a time.
$650 in the past week

1-10 ordered $60 worth of tungsten
1-9 ordered a rod and reel.
1-8 ordered a rod.
1-7 ordered soft plastics and shaky head jigs
1-5 some flouro from walmart
1-3 ordered rod and reel

fishing user avatarBigmikerc reply : 

My comment to her was, "Don't tell me how to spend my money unless you want me to tell you what to do with yours".  Then when she tells me you don't need anything else or I can't have it then I buy what I want and extra just in case I lose the first one.  

fishing user avatarAluma-Bass reply :

fishing user avatarthehooligan reply : 

haha, i love that commercial.

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 

Update - since getting a short shopping trip and getting her Abu Silver Max and Abu Cardinal Reel sent off to a close friend for a custom air brush paint job, ( white and pink ) life is good. She is anxious to get her reels back tomarrow so she can catch a fish with me this weekend.

I've been with my with since we were in high school 13 years...she was upset that I didn't tell her the amount and that I spent that much money on " an emergency credit card ". Without. Buying her anything. Wifee is a big time bass fisher lady in her own right.

So for now I have learned my lesson.

fishing user avatarrangerboy reply : 

well atleast the smile on your face after that first lunker of the year is priceless.

fishing user avatarCutnshoot reply : 

Better do some night fishin so the couch monster dont get ya!


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