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What's Your PB?! 2024

fishing user avatarCoRy reply : 

I figured this topic has already been posted but i didn't really feel like going through 117 pages to find it.  I just wanted to know what is your pb? what did you catch it on?  what time of year was it? released or kept?  just let us know your story.  now, for people who have websites, can you post a link please? Thanks for the time.

My story:

There is a little pond about 1.5-2 acres max that is a drainage of the main lake.  It was early this year, not sure of the month/time ect. but i had on a little 4" clear/black flaked senko-wanna-be wacky rigged fishing from shore in about 4-5' of water off a tube.  I wasn't gettin many good bites throwing parallel from shore, i had only caught a 4lber in 2-3 hours of fishing, so i just tossed it out in the middle and slowly worked it back.  i got it about 15-20' in front of me and my line twitched so i let er rip....swung on and missed but i felt it had some weight to it, but didn't feel the hook so i ran slowly back to my tackle bag and riged up a 7" black/blue trick worm and tossed into the same spot and my line started swimming away so i let it rip for the second time and HOLY COW!!  my drag was smokin!  i started freakin out because fish don't get very big around here and my PB then was 5lbs or so, estimated, and i knew this was a little bigger.  I finally wore her down and pulled her in and  :o what a toad!!  i figured her about 6lbs which made her my new PB!!  

about a month later fishin in the same pond, on the same tube i was throwin a little booyah pond magic black/red spinnerbait slow rollin it and i thought i had got myself on a snag, until the snag shook its head!!!  my medium action ugly stik had enough backbone to solidly set the hook, but i wasn't sure about my 10# line.  i set my drag a little loser and hollered at the kids fishin about 50 yds away that i had a good one on!  i worked on not letting the fish get itself into the tube that had water rushing in it because that would pretty much end my line.  :'(  i walked off the pipe as i got her a little closer and saw here  :o not as long as my other "hog" but she was thick!! didn't measure her girth but she was pretty darn fat.  both fish were released.  

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

Hey CoRy,

You can use the seach box at the top of the page to make your searches a little quicker.

Here's one I think you'd find interesting.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Before Fish Chris comes and humbles us all away: LMB 13.86 lbs

PB all species:590 lbs marlin.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

d**n Raul ..... I couldn't even sneak in here before you.

Just a little ol' .... 10 lbs 8 oz.'er


fishing user avatarZel... reply : 

Lost my personal best LM yesterday (prior was 5.4 in a state tournament) . Hooked it on edge of lily pads, jumped and shook about 10 feet from the boat before it took off for the depths of the lily pads well over 7 lbs - easy (big for PA). Drag was set good but it still pulled line off the reel like it was nothing.

Note to self: Do not fish lily pads with 6 ft medium action spinning gear and 10 lb test eejit!

fishing user avatarnorthgabassfisher reply : 

my biggest fish is not a LM but a spotted bass (b/c my home lake dont have very many LM). but I was fishing a dock in the spring time with a spotsticker jig head tipped with a key lime pie finesse worm. and I piched it in to a open slip and I started hopping it back and about the second hop or so my line just zip to the left and I reeled down and set the hook as hard as I could and I finlly got her in and my scales tipped 4.8lbs which isnt a bad size spot.

 then a few days later I went out and I was fishing a spinner bait on a point and the wind was blowing like 20mph and the rain was just pooring down it was just the worst weather posable but anyway I was fishing aginst the wind (dont ask why :-/) but I casted out and of corse I got a back lash and I was picking it out and then when I got it out I felt something heavy on my line so I set the hook and then FISH ON!!!I finlly got her in and my scales said 5.6lbs

fishing user avatarLightninrod reply : 

9 lbs even

It was last August, in the middle of the day at Dodge County Public Fishing Area and she sucked in that Matt's Baby Bass in about 9' of clear, hot water.  Just reeling it back at a steady pace at about the 5' mark.  The single dorsal hook stuck right in the roof of her mouth.  I had my hands full for a few minutes as I had to wear her out, having no partner or net.

Still need to break the double-digit mark.


fishing user avatarHale reply : 

11-6 LM

Small (private) lake under a dock with a 10" tequila sunrise worm. I was 15yo then and pics are buried in the family albums somewhere - CAUGHT AND RELEASED and I spent years going back after it with no luck at all.

fishing user avatarNEBassMan reply : 

wow, i feel terrible...ha ha

my PB so far is 3lbs 8oz

I don't get on bigger lakes very often, only down to my uncles farm pond.  Oh well, one of these days.  I got a lot of fishing days left.


fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

:-[5.5 pounds in 14 months of largemouth bass fishing. I've had some that may have been slightly bigger but no scale to verify. Man...I need to chuck the big baits more.

Lost about a 7 to 9 pound largemouth in the winter.  

fishing user avatarbass ackwards reply : 

mine was a 8#er at one point that day i told my friend that i should be rewarded for quiting cigs and ahour or so later BAM.  ive since started smokin again and my fishing has gone to crap. karma baby karma. live right ya'll

fishing user avatarFALCON reply : 



fishing user avatarnboucher reply : 

Been LMB fishing for just about a year. PB was a couple of weeks ago, 6lb, 7oz, pictured in my avatar. Caught in about 3 feet of water in a 40-acre pond at 11:30 a.m. as clouds were turning to sunshine. Caught on a green pumpkin horny toad worked across the top of a wide expanse of lily pads, nearing the edge toward deeper water. Wonderful action, though I caught a 4lb, 4oz bass on the same pond last week that put up a better fight. . .  ;)

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

My PB came from 'Husser's' pond in Amite, LA in May 1982. I charmed the old man who cared for the pond for a year to let me fish this pond. I had a new Ambassadeur 5500C with the thumb bar cast (this was a new innovation at the time). A friend from work & I went to fish the pond after work on a Friday. I made 6 or 8 casts with my fancy (at the time) reel and it would not retrieve, it was broken. I was ticked, and had no backup gear. My friend had already hooked and landed 2 3+ pounders with a plastic worm. I asked him if he had another rod I could borrow. He said "there might be one in the back of my pickup". I found a 'Zebco 202' reel with a rod that belonged to one of his kids. The worst rig I have ever fished with. I tied on a 1/2 oz "Arkie Jig" with an "uncle josh" black widow eel and casted it up to a bluff bank and when it hit the water the line took off. I set the hook three times and he kept on pulling. After he stripped most of the line from the little spincaster I wrapped the line around my hand and walked backwards up the bank and screamed for my buddy's help. He waded into the water and untangled the fish from the bush he wrapped himself around. At a little over 6 1/2 pounds and still my PB after 24 years, this is a pleasant memory. Thanks for letting me tell my story. I will release every freshwater bass I will ever catch, but this one is mounted on my wall and I smile :) every time I see it.


fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 

   My P/B is 8 lb Wish I had a pic.

I was out in this little cut in the delta where the water treatment plant discharges its water.

It was mid May around noon-1 o,clock i was fishing a 4" watermelon sinko when I seen this 14" bass about 15 feet out in abot 6 feet of water i cast out about 4 feet in front of her and watched as she chaest it. But at the last moment she darted left. I coulent see my bait any more when my line started going right i'm thinking she came back so i reel down to give her my best Bill Dance hook set

BAM i set the hook but my rod tip just stayed where it started and drag was peeling off my reel.

I'm like I don't understand then the water at the end of my line just exploded. I had to play her for about 10 min

I had no net and was 8 feet up in a near verticale bank. I managed to get her around to a spot I could lip her. i let her go after a few min of just looking at her. just couldent beleve how big it looked or how lucky I was..  8lb on my fatfull delire...


    Now the bigest bass I'v ever seen was at the same spot 2 years ago it was holding in the curent of the discharge pipe 2 feet down. I swaer it was 15-20 lb if it was a OZ All i had was a cheape 6' spin cast

rod, 10lb test line and purple zipper worm. I fished for it for 10 or 15 min but I know that if I hooked it there was no way I'd of gottin it to the bank.      


fishing user avatarWishICouldFish reply : 

Okay...what does PB stand for?

fishing user avatarDane reply : 

PB stands for personal best, Britt.

my mistake boy is 6lbs 7oz, which is a dink compared to some of your fish, but my state's record is only 11-9 or something close to that.

My pb that i am most proud of is a 29" walleye caught during a fly-in fishing trip in ontario

fishing user avatarCoRy reply : 
Hey CoRy,

You can use the seach box at the top of the page to make your searches a little quicker.

Here's one I think you'd find interesting.

thanks a lot.  

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

my PB is a 5.3lber cought off a buzzbait. (pictured at left)

i know it aint huge, but enad58 said, my state record is 10lbs.

fishing user avatartipptruck1 reply : 

Mine is a 5lb smallie. Well maybe just short of 5 lbs but not by munch. I was pitching swim baits under a tree and hooked in to it. Then the fish thought it would be cool to go swiming under a tree. Well he wraped him self around a branch out of the water when he jumped. He was hanging about 6 inches above the water. So I had to go for a swim.

fishing user avatarstroz reply : 

My PB is only a 6 lber caught this year at a small pound down the road from house. Caught on a black with blue flake senko from shore. Before that was a couple 5's 1 caught on rattle trap other caught on a Big O. Still hunting the real big boys. ;)


fishing user avatarFatBoy reply : 

Well, I have to chime in to make y'all feel good.  My PB is the fish in my avatar.  I didn't have a scale but it was 17.5" which according to the fish calculator puts it at about 2-8.  I know some of you would consider that not much more than a dink.  But I was in heaven.  I've only been fishing for bass since early this summer.  So my goals aren't that high  :D

I caught it on a 3" chartreuse Storm swim shad.  It was a bluebird day, about 85*.  I was fishing from the bank at Rend Lake in southern Illinois; supposed to be a pretty good fishery.  She was hanging out in the shade from the tree you can see part of just to the left of my head.  She put up a pretty good fight but it only took less than a minute to land her.  Still, for this newbie, she pulled pretty hard.  I can't imagine what it feels like to have a 5+ lbr on your line.  

This day was the first time I had gone fishing with my dad since I was a little kid (that's him sitting on the bank in the funny hat).  He's fished on and off for probably 70+ years (he's 82 yo), but he's pretty much a worm and bobber guy.  He was looking through my tacklebox the night before and saw all the 7" plastic worms, senkos, 4/0 EWG hooks, jigs, etc.  He thought I was insane.  He picked up one of the 4/0 hooks and made some crack about whether I thought I was fishing for sharks or something.  When I lipped that fish he changed his tune, though.  He was pretty impressed and (I think) proud.  

I think that was the only fish I caught that day, but it's still my best day and best memory yet.  

fishing user avatarPond Hopper reply : 

Caught a 7 lb 14 oz Iowa bass about 3 years ago.  Caught it all by myself fishing a farm pond and was amazed I just sat there for 5 minutes.  Im hoping to top that this year since I havent caught anything over 6 lbs all year.

fishing user avatarrocknfish9001 reply : 

5-11. On a buzzbait in the middle of the day, in the middle of july. It was the best day of fishing in my life so far. I caught 7 bass in about 45 min. in one spot on a buzzbait, but i called it quits after i caught this one. I have only broke 5 once since then.

fishing user avatarjtbassman reply : 

18.5 lbs.

Slow rolling a spinnerbait through submerged trees in El Salto in February. ;)

Naw, 9.1 sightfishing in Lake Joccase, South Carolina.

Fish Chris almost s##t his pants though ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarfishingJ reply : 

My PB was caught last weekend at my cottage around 8:30am.  It was a 4 pounder smallie caught on a YUM powerbait worm. My PB LM is 3.15 pounds.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

My PB is 9.2 caught back in '95.  Our state record is 10.6,...thought I had it.

The lake it came from has taken a downturn in the last decade but has been making a strong comeback in the last 3 yrs.  If things stay on track as far as growth rates, pressure, etc, I hope to give that record a run in another 3-5 yrs.

The fish are back in the high 6 to low 7lb range again and growing steadily.

For all specie--1011 lbs-Giant Bluefin-Cape Cod bay.

fishing user avatarHula Popper reply : 

My biggest largemouth is 7.1 lbs. Biggest anything is a ten pound channel catfish. I've also caught a two pound bluegill.

fishing user avatarSBM-RL reply : 

8 lb even yamamoto kreature in MA on a average size lake around 8 pm about a week and a half ago

fishing user avatarj-bass reply : 

my pb


on wheat, grape jelly

j/k I think it was around an 8lber (had a scale, but it was piece of junk) on a firetiger Rattlin Rapala

fishing user avatarben23 reply : 

350 pound 8.5 foot Sand Tiger shark caught right off the beach surf fishing. We caught one that was 8 feet the night before.

ANd for bass its 7.3 poundss and i cuaght a bunch of other nice ones that day to round out a 24 pound 5 fish sack

fishing user avatarFatBoy reply : 
8 lb even yamamoto kreature in MA on a average size lake around 8 pm about a week and a half ago

Dude!  An 8 lb yamamoto kreature bait!?!?  I know GYCB's plastics are heavier than most, but that is a monster.  

Sorry, couldn't resist  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarrocknfish9001 reply : 

LBH, just curious, how can you boat so many HUGE bass in the are you are, i have read of several of yours over 6,7 lbs. I also live in a northern climate (MI) and have yet to break the 6 lb. barrier. I mean, are they out of the same lake that has monster potential, or are you hawg hunting with gigantic baits, or are you just better than all of us?  ;)

fishing user avatarJavelin_Venom reply : 

10 lb. largemouth caught at El Salto Mexico this past June. Caught it on a Bomber Crankbait Fat Free Shad fishing the channel drop off.  Released it alive after taking measurements and pics.


fishing user avatarnboucher reply : 

rocknfish, LBH is a terrific fisherman. I've been out with him a few times, and he's fantastic at picking up the bite right away and setting that hook. His home lake is loaded with nice fish, it's true, and he knows every underwater contour and weedbed in it, but you've got to remember, he spends A LOT of time out there. Some days are slow, but he fishes so much that he makes up for them. He likes to say you've got to earn the fish by being out there, and, man, he's earned them. I'll bet if you spent as much time on the water as he does, you'd be hauling in some big guys, too.  ;)

fishing user avatarAl Wolbach reply : 

11lb 7oz Santee-Cooper on pig and jig

Caught a 3lb 8oz Crappie the same day on a Suspending Rogue

Yet to catch a 5+ Smallmouth..................Al

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

This is bad. 2-7 is the largest LM I have gotten this year. If this keeps up I am going to start charging for dink removal ;D

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

an 11-8 from Santee Cooper is a really great catch..... But a 3-8 crappie ! Whoo Hooo ! That's an absolute monster ! I'm still looking for my 3.0 plus ! :-)



fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Species size has a lot to do with the region. 4 lb crappie are certainly a prize, but not uncommon in many of the reserviors in northern Mississippi, just south of Memphis. The same can be said about 10 lb largemouth, 5 lb smallmouth and 30 lb catfish. World Record possibilities in the lower Midwest and Midsouth include all catfish subspecies, sauger, walley, crappie (black & white), white bass, Kentucky bass, smallmouth, brown and rainbow trout, all subspecies of bream, gar, drum, buffalo and carp.


Largemouth: 12 lbs (estimated weight, 27 1/4"). Public pond.

Smallmouth: Just over 8 lbs. Tennessee River

Kentucky:      4 1/2 lbs Lake Quachita, Arkansas

Striper:       38 lbs. Tennessee River

Blue Catfish: 58 lbs. Mississippi River

Brown trout: 10 lbs. White River, Arkansas

Rainbow trout: 9 lbs. White River, Arkansas

The biggest fish I have ever caught and weighed was a 85 lb. Amberjack in the Gulf of Mexico, but last summer I caught a gar on Bull Shoals fishing a Lucky Craft 128 late at night that was too big to get into the boat!

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 
I think that was the only fish I caught that day, but it's still my best day and best memory yet.  

That's the way with my 3 and 1/2 lb PB.  ;)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

8.5 largemouth bass.  Caught using a Zoom Baby Brush Hog in junebug color t-rig.

private lake

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
LBH, just curious, how can you boat so many HUGE bass in the are you are, i have read of several of yours over 6,7 lbs. I also live in a northern climate (MI) and have yet to break the 6 lb. barrier. I mean, are they out of the same lake that has monster potential, or are you hawg hunting with gigantic baits, or are you just better than all of us? ;)

It 's not the 's the magician. ;)

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

6.9 lb largemouth

This will change soon or my name isn't Bob.  


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

On a guided trip near Orlando FL I caught a Florida LMB the guide estimated at a little over 14 pounds. He wasn't impressed, promising I'd beat that, but it didn't happen. It got released and the best caught after that was around 9#. I wish we'd measured it, weighed it on a scale which was in the boat. That trip messed me up towards having hope of ever beating it without going to California. It isn't likely in Arkansas without going to Mallard or Monticello Lake. I'm not in that big a trophy hunting mood since that Florida trip seemed to satisfy that. Here my PB remains 8 1/2# (not certain about exact weight)caught in the 60s. It remained mounted until it fell apart, and there have been quite a number at or slightly above 8# since. One over 9# got caught here last spring, so we still have some that size. One came in at 11# during a tournament a couple years ago. Before the LMBV hit it wasn't a big deal to catch an 8# bass. They are building back up.


fishing user avatarMinuteman reply : 

I caught a 7Lb 8oz 23 years ago on a nightcrawler from the bank in a private pond. That started me into mainly Bass fishing and I really can't remember the last time I used live bait. I finally came close to topping that this year with a 7Lb 1oz on a crankbait which I consider my PB "legal" tourney rules type Bass. I'm certainly more proud of that one, since I was targeting bass specifically at the time. Strange but, I have never caught a 5 or 6 lb bass and maybe one 4 lber besides them 2 7lbers. My son has a few 4 and 5lbers that he caught while fishing with me.

fishing user avatarBassKing813 reply : 

3lb 9oz. T-rigged Zoom Trickworm black. Summer. Late morning.

fishing user avatarjtbassman reply : 

 Species size has a lot to do with the region. 4 lb crappie are certainly a prize, but not uncommon in many of the reserviors in northern Mississippi, just south of Memphis. The same can be said about 10 lb largemouth, 5 lb smallmouth and 30 lb catfish. World Record possibilities in the lower Midwest and Midsouth  include all catfish subspecies, sauger, walley, crappie (black & white), white bass, Kentucky bass, smallmouth, brown and rainbow trout, all subspecies of bream, gar, drum, buffalo and carp.


Largemouth: 12 lbs (estimated weight, 27 1/4"). Public pond.

Smallmouth:  Just over 8 lbs. Tennessee River

Kentucky:      4 1/2 lbs Lake Quachita, Arkansas

Striper:          38 lbs. Tennessee River

Blue Catfish:  58 lbs. Mississippi River

Brown trout:  10 lbs.  White River, Arkansas

Rainbow trout: 9 lbs.  White River, Arkansas

The biggest fish I have ever caught and weighed was a 85 lb. Amberjack in the Gulf of Mexico, but last summer I caught a gar on Bull Shoals fishing a Lucky Craft 128 late at night that was too big to get into the boat!


You truly are an accomplished fisherman.

Bet you've had to do a lot of traveling to get those records though. :)

Maybe one day I can post something like that. :)

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
LBH, just curious, how can you boat so many HUGE bass in the are you are, i have read of several of yours over 6,7 lbs. I also live in a northern climate (MI) and have yet to break the 6 lb. barrier. I mean, are they out of the same lake that has monster potential, or are you hawg hunting with gigantic baits, or are you just better than all of us? ;)

Well, for starters, I'm not better than anyone and if I were, I would constantly remind myelf that there are scores of guys that could quickly humble me.

With that said,

Yes, the water I fish 80% of the time has been a hog producer over the years but has had a setback in the last decade. In the last few years, it has been steadily producing larger and larger fish again. It is semi-private and many of the few people that fish it practice catch and release

I have been learning this lake and it's inhabitants behaviors for 20+ yrs

I met my buddy Eric and he got me in the direction of getting away from bank beating and showing me just how productive deeper water can be.

He introduced me to the jig which revealed lots of good info as to where the bigger fish are and when. Then I started reading about why they were there and fishing was a whole new ball game now.

It's a learning process and the best way to learn anything is to spend as much time as possible totally submersed in it.

I dedicate an extremely large amount of my spare time to fishing and when I'm working, I'm planning my next fishing attack.

Time on water is key. Look at alot of the big producers on the site and many of them you'll notice are out there an avg of 5 days a week. That's alot of hours learning. Add the fact that many of these folks have been doing it for 20,30 and 40 yrs.......

And lastly and MOST IMPORTANTLY, the number 1 way to real success is not to obsess on the size or numbers in the pictures,...concentrate on the size of the grin. Observe and enjoy all around you,..not just the fish on the end of the line. This allows for a mindset that will keep the passion alive for years and years to come which brings us back to "time on water"

Keep it simple.

fishing user avatarBLUESKY reply : 

7-15 caught in May on a worm tricked out with an U/J crawfrog, Round Lake in Lake County, Northeastern Il..

fishing user avatarBean Counter reply : 

Fishing on a private lake I caught one my buddy & I estimated at 10lbs (no scale or camera on board that day) on a spinner bait with a twin tail grub trailer. About an hour later I caught one we estimated at 8 lbs on a wacky rigged senko. By far my best day ever!


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