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Biggest Fish You Ever Hooked 2024

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Years ago I was fishing a 60 to 70 acre lake with live bait. Something hit and started swimming toward the deep end of the lake. After stripping about 1/4 of my spool the line finally broke. I never saw him, but I think it could have been a big cat.

I was wondering if anyone else had an experience like this?

fishing user avatarchristopherjake reply : 

It happened to me before but the pain is too unbearable so I don't talk about it.   :'(

fishing user avatarHuntFishAK reply : 

Yes I have.  I used to fish for sturgeon near the turbins of a local dam.  I decided to check my bait and went to reel in but my weight was snagged on the bottom.  So I walked back trying to pop it free.  When it did, something pulled back.  I tried to loosen the drag but it was to late.  The way I figure it, a stu had sucked up bait and just sat there.  When the weight popped free, it set the hook.  I don't know how big it was but it was strong enough to drag me a little on the gravel.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

I've snagged four monsters that I couldn't even slow down or turn or do anything with, luckly the hooks pulled out before I lost all my line.

fishing user avatarBass_Akwards reply : 

Was bass fishing two summers ago. Threw a 3/4oz Rattle trap out. Before it hit the bottom I thought I felt a tick so I yanked hard. Setting the hook felt like I set it into a heavy immovable log.

I felt it shake and my line started running. The fish half spooled me before it slowed down. I was verbally saying outloud "Oh my God please let me land this fish" I must have said that or something like it ten times while trying to get this fish to shore. I 100% could not controll where it went, or when. It was on for 5 minutes minimum and all I could do was try reeling it in as close to me as i could. Every time I got that fish within 30 feet of shore it woulld just take off again and take 40 yards of line with it. I thought i felt it getting tired and had it to about 20 feet from shore when........... BOING! My rattle trap came flying at my face at 200mph. UNREAL! No lost hooks, no broken line. Nothing. I'm guessing I perhaps snagged a 25 pound carp or something? Either that or I really did have the Colorado bass of a lifetime come off somehow. The way my rattle trap just came flying out of the water, I'm thinking I probably had snagged the fish in the side or something. I'm not sure. I remember being so darn mad though not being able to bring that fish in. I yelled a loud obscenity 5 or 6 times and threw my rod in a bush kinda hard.

I actually made a couple posts on bass resource when it happened and asked people what they thought I hooked. I also posted about if anyone gets as mad as I do when they lose a big fish. Most people said "No." Guess I'm a little hot headed when I lose a monster.

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 

With some experience, you get to understand that you can't tell how big ANY fish is until you can at least clearly see it...  a foul hooked 3lb bass will feel like you have a whale on the end of the line.  I caught a small perch the other day, foul hooked, the whole time i'm saying to myself big, big fish lol.  So I never, ever get upset about any kind of lost fish until I can actually see it.  If you can't see it, that's when the "fisherman's tales" come out, and you lost the HUGE one...  Don't forget, in the fishing world, nobody loses small fish... they only lose really, really big ones lol.

fishing user avatarpotbass reply : 

I was mackerel fishing a few years ago with the family in Scotland. Simply tackle, crap reel and a bunch of hooks and feathers. I was working my feathers in the sea catching loads of mackerel, when all of a sudden something enormous grabbed my line, put a bend in the rod like i've never seen before and went crazy. It broke me off within 10 seconds.

I have no idea what the hell it was, Royal Navy submarine perhaps?

The biggest fish i've ever SEEN, i was fortunate to land. My PB 26lb Atlantic Salmon

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

Just this past Thursday, while fishing for bass with a lipless crank on 10 lb test, I had a hook-up on a BIG fish - it came out of the water twice and my heart about stopped. 35 minutes later I landed this 37.1 pound grass carp. I posted the full story of this fish in the "Other Fish Species" forum. It was a GREAT fish fight !

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 

My first time at Clear Lake a couple years ago, before i really knew much. I had been really getting into bass fishing about 6 months prior to that, so again i didn't know a whole lot.The only thing i used back then was a 4 inch curly tail roboworm. Well,anyway, my cousin and I were in belly boat,fishing the tulles along the state park. We came to this point, and i felt some sluggishness, so i set the hook. My rod was bent and i reeled about 4 times before my line snapped. It was from 6 to 8 pound test (mono) and i have a feeling that thing ran right into the tulles. Had i been like i am today, i would have flipped that switch on the reel so it could pull out line and tried playing it. Ha i remember getting so mad at my cousin and blamed it on him because he was the one who tied the knot. Always gotta find an excuse  ;)

fishing user avatarBass XL reply : 

I was fishing the lake I fish all the time ( a private lake ), with a few of my dad's friends. Actually it was kind of like my first "guided trip", so I was already excited to begin with. I threw my RC 1.5 up by a pontoon boat and just like that the fight was on. Taking my boat all across the lake, and after a solid 15 minutes of fighting, it surfaced right by the boat. It was a 40+ pound catfish that I had snagged right on the dorsal fin. As soon as we dipped the net down, it took one last blast down into the depths, wrapped me around some treetops and...gone. One heck of a fight though!

fishing user avatarjamarkwe reply : 
It happened to me before but the pain is too unbearable so I don't talk about it. :'(


fishing user avatarDave P reply : 

We were fishing on the White River (in Indiana) one evening and I hooked something that started swimming upstream. By the time we got the anchor up and started the motor it broke the 40 pound braid that I had on that setup like it was thread. I'm thinkin' big flathead  :o

fishing user avatarsenkoking reply : 
It happened to me before but the pain is too unbearable so I don't talk about it. :'(


x3 :(

fishing user avatarpromax200 reply : 

When I was stationed in Key West, my buddy Wes had a dock right on the water in a little horseshoe-shaped cove with an island in the center. For 2 years or so, fishing at night out there, every time I would hook up with something that destroyed a lot of my gear. We're talking broken rods, stripped drag discs on spooled-out reels, that kinda stuff. Finally, I decided to get serious and put a 9/0 Penn Senator on a 120 pound-class trolling rod and go at it using keeper-size gray snapper as bait. My last night fishing there, about 1:30 AM, I hooked up. The truck that took the bait ran for a while, then proceeded to separate itself from the 200-pound braid restraining it. 20 minutes later or so, close enough to the dock to see in my lantern light, swam 9-10 feet of shark, most likely Bull Shark, being that it hung out 20-25 yards from the dock. Talk about being shook up!!

fishing user avatarbass or bass ? reply : 

2 years ago, while bass fishing, I caught a 25 pound flathead cat. Took about 15-20 minutes to boat it. Caught on a Quantum Mantra reel, Quantum Express IM7 medium action rod, and 12 pound test Trilene XL.

fishing user avatarRed Bear reply : 

dock fishing one night with my brother in law on smith mtn lake. the back of the boat faces the water and we were sitting on the back seats of the boat. i was using a zebco 33 with 8lb line, an 1/8oz bass casting sinker and a gold #2 abeerdeen hook with night crawler. felt a bite and set the hook, told my brother in law "this is it, this is it" should of told him "run up to the house and get the net". there i was just getting back into fishing of any kind like 5 years ago with a monster on my line and cranking away on the reel. the fish offered little resistance as it swam towards me when i was reeling. as i got it closer it started coming up to the surface and was rolling over in the water and i saw the huge belly of a flathead catfish that had to go 40 lbs or more if i was forced to guess. all of a sudden it shot under the boat and bent my little zebco 33 rod like a letter U. i had stopped reeling and pulled it back out using the rod, it came up to the surface again and SNAP, my line broke at the sinker. had i told my brother in law to get the net it probably wouldnt have been in time, but from now on when i dock fish at night i make sure to have the net down there

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

Biggest thing I've ever hooked was an estimated 1100 pound Atlantic Blue Marlin about 20 miles out in the Gulfstream.  It ate a dead trolled Bonita.  It jumped a few times, looked at the boat, and said SEE YA!  I watched this thing totally destroy my old Penn Senator stand up combo.  Spooled it and never looked back.  I had the drag hammered down all the way and there was no stopping the fish.  We couldn't even keep up with it with the boat.  I've still got that rod and reel retired in the garage.  I'll never forget how big that fish was.  The eyes were the size of dinner plates.

Largest fish I've actually landed was an estimated 850 pound Blue off of Three Sisters Rocks in North Bimini.

fishing user avatarstealthcaster reply : 

Biggest fish I've landed (If you don't count a monster sting ray) is an 18 lb king mackerel on a live menhaden just 5-10 miles or so short of the gulf stream off NC.

Biggest bass landed was about 7.5 pounds.  I casted a live minnow from a bridge toward a 2 pounder I had seen.  Then this monster came out of nowhere haha

I have hooked into large unknown fish countless times.  I also used to work on a charter fishing boat that ran trips offshore for bottom fishing, and witnessed many instances where individuals hooked up with large unknown fish that ended up breaking them off.  In most cases I think that it was a big grouper offshore or a very large sting ray inshore (or an occasional shark).

The largest fish I've ever SEEN is a probably a 35 ft basking shark that swam right under the boat.

fishing user avatarbassman31783 reply : 

In 2001 I went deep sea fishing in the Gulf of Mexico with my friend & his family & some of their family friends. The boat ended up having 15 people or so on it which was a ton of fun but much too crowded if you ask me. The captain took us to a spot about 40-45 miles off the coast & we started fishing. So far that day we had caught a few sharks (biggest of the day was about 150#, some kingfish, some red snapper, & an amber jack. One guy on the boat hooked a huge hammerhead & fought him for about an hour & a half before losing it. Well about 30min after that I felt a bite & set the hook which sent the reel to screaming. The captain immediately yelled out for me to tighten the drag which I promptly tightened down all the way which didn't make a bit of difference. Whatever it was stripped the line all the way down to the spool then the rod tip broke which broke the line. Nearly yanked the rod right out of my hand. The captain just looked at us & said "now THAT was a big fish".

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Well, I believe the biggest "Largemouth" I ever hooked was my 18.4 lb PB.... and I landed it.

I did hook and lose, a monster once, which I'm pretty sure I know how big it was, because two different acquaintances did end up landing that one, and it went 17.3 lbs, and 18.1 lbs. So, yes, that was a monster too.... but not quite as big as my PB (guess I picked the right one to land ;) LOL)

Now, as for Sturgeon, I've landed a {chart weight} 312 lb'er. 100 inches in length, and 46" girth.

Then, a week later, I hooked one that drug my boat around for 30 minutes, then just came unbuttoned :( I never had any control of that fish. It might have been bigger than the 312 lb'er... or, it might have been smaller, but foul hooked. Either way, I'll never know.

I do believe we have 500 to 800 lb'ers swimming within 15 minutes of my house though.



fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Caught many good sized Marlin,and other species  on charters, but that isn't fishing.  The Captain or mate rigs the line, rod is in the rod holder and you wait while trolling, you supply the muscle and mate boats the for sure.

I consider my largest catches where I'm in control of the action, private boats and beach fishing.

I fish pretty light ( only spinning) 2 150# lemon sharks back to back, took 3 hours. Jacks in the 30-35#range my favorite, and Tarpon over 100# from the beach, love sight casting.   

fishing user avatarJoe Boss reply : 

While out fishing for Fluke one day I hooked a doormat sized Skate. What a fight that beast put up.

fishing user avatartimothy_spain reply : 

I will never know because it come off before I can get it on the shore.  Seeing it from above, it was BIG largemouth bass.  Still can't get over it.

fishing user avatarbasser223 reply : 

The biggest fish I ever caught was a 8 pound largemouth bass it was amazing

fishing user avatarChazfromVA reply : 

biggest ever caught would probably be 165 pound Tarpon in St. Augustine , Fl. I was on the rocks and fought that thing for 30 mins running up and down the shore. Talk about a fight

fishing user avatariceintheveins reply : 

Biggest largemouth I've hooked was about 8 pounds, biggest smallmouth about 5.5.

fishing user avatariceintheveins reply : 

Biggest fish I've hooked is probably either a Channel Cat, Northern Pike, or Lake Trout in the upper 30s (pounds).

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 


fishing user avatarDan: reply :  striper4.jpg
fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Must have been a b!tch to hook that out of the ice machine.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

it sure was. luckily it was unlocked.  ;D

fishing user avatarbmadd reply : 

Tin's girlfriend

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 
Tin's girlfriend

Oh theres gotta be a story behind this one...

fishing user avatarbmadd reply : 
Tin's girlfriend

Oh theres gotta be a story behind this one...

Actually, no. Not really.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

80 000 lb. coal truck

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
80 000 lb. coal truck

80,001 lb. coal truck for me...

ABC, easy as Jennie123.

fishing user avatarbmadd reply : 


fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 

Ha hears the release of my 8 pounder

fishing user avatarbadger_bassin reply : 

I was fishing the Wisconsin river with my father-in-law for catfish one night,  I heard my bells on the rod jingling,  I set the hook hard and fought this for 20 min.  after numerous runs and jumps I got it to shore and it was a 4 1/2 ft sturgeon.  No more than 15min later I landed another one that was 5ft long.  Then later on that night my father-in-law landed a 50 lb flathead cat. 

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Teenager fishing the Mississippi Sound I pulled in a 40 pound redfish.

Old guy.

Released him back into the water.  :)

fishing user avatarMonsterbass12 reply : 

I have lost a couple huge bass

fishing user avatarctbassnut reply : 

My biggest fish i ever landed was a 9.5 foot blue shark that was close to 400 lbs...I lost a 10+ foot Mako that must of went 450 lbs. The biggest fish i ever landed and ate was a 13 ft Tresher shark that was 294lb..The body was 7ft and tail was 6 ft. Man that fish wore me out for 2 hrs.

fishing user avatareloo reply : 

25lb. king salmon in Skagway Alaska.Not huge for a king but we hooked 3 of them at the same time.What a rush!

fishing user avatarAnthonyB reply : 

35 pound carp on 1/2 oz. red eye. snagged him in the tail, guess he was too slow to get out the way. really good fight on my 12 lb. test too

fishing user avatarOsprey39 reply : 
My biggest fish i ever landed was a 9.5 foot blue shark that was close to 400 lbs...I lost a 10+ foot Mako that must of went 450 lbs. The biggest fish i ever landed and ate was a 13 ft Tresher shark that was 294lb..The body was 7ft and tail was 6 ft. Man that fish wore me out for 2 hrs.

I'd have to go with a shark as well.  Back in Florida we used to catch hammerheads, spinner sharks and makos with regularity.  I have no idea how big the biggest one I ever caught was but I'd guess 200+ lbs.

fishing user avatarBrian4618 reply : 

landed/ate/still eating a 180lbs Blue fin tuna on a jigging outfit

fishing user avatarSGT Rico reply : 

2 weeks ago I hooked the biggest bass of my life, I had him almost at my finger tips and then he just spat out the rapala x-rap that was in his mouth. I was about to throw up!!!!!!!! He had to be atleast 12-14 pounds.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

Oh boy here we go...I fish all the smaller places from shore which have natural and man made drop off's(dammed w/roads) for old water power wheels. And other places that aren't fished that heavy most of the time.

Place #1 my overall best is 10lbs. but i haven't landed the bigger one yet. I see it hit my topwater but its like a rock once it goes down in the weeds. From shore i just can't move it up.

Place #2 has the dammed road with the old stones for a water wheel.(long gone) I seen off in a distance in the lillies something big just breaking up the topwater constantly every morning just out of reach. Finally she got with in reach and i casted about 10' to the left. She hit my topnocker but missed it, she turned faster that i thought she could and nailed it. Now i been watching this topwater action that was out of my reach for about a week. I had her in my hand and the topwater action in the lilies was still exploding. While she weighed 6lb 1oz there's still bigger fish in there because i seen them swim by the drop off. I also used the biggest BPS stick o worm but i didn't have a hook in it big enough with me. I seen another pig swallow it but i missed the hook up, the hook i had was too small. I estimate it at

12lbs easy maybe bigger.

At Place #1 For three months every morning I watched the pads there exploding every morning at dawn out of my reach also. Finally after watching it every day and chomping at a chance it came closer but i figured it would spook if i casted too close to it so i casted about 25' to the right and way past it. Again my BPS topnocker was sounding away and this torpedo of a fish wacked my lure like it was on a mission. After giving my line and lure a tour of the channel/pads in the area i landed a 30" pickerel to my surprise.

My point is the big fish are in every little place that i fish in Ct. My gutt feeling is we have bigger bass in every body of water and there not being caught. Its all about when you go, the lure you use, the color you pick(lure), the presentation and how many times you go fishing.

My older brother who took me fishing when i was just 6yo always told me we have to hit it sooner or later if we keep on fishing, sooner or later they will turn on. He was right. Fish as much as you can and practice your presentations and the action will pick up.


BTW; Don't tell everyone that my biggest fish are caught between 4:30am to 9:00am. (bigger fish) Then they go deeper in the cover.

Don't forget its the big gals that keep the population of the bass up in your area's waters so practice catch and release.  Measure it and take pics so you can have it wall mounted.

fishing user avatarBassAssasin2 reply : 

I hooked on a lmb it was huge jumped 3 times and finally broke my line (30# power pro) musta been on atleast 2 mins before it broke off. i was guessing around 10+ pounds.

fishing user avatarGangley reply : 

69.75 lb solid chrome King Salmon in Alaska.  Fought it for 45 minutes, most of which was the fish actually pulling our boat upstream.  Finally landed him and as they are lifting him out of the water with the net, the line snaps.  Luckily the fish was still in the net, but that entire line looked like a frayed rope, it was crazy fun.


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